PAGE 14 -PL/ AINOEALER - WEDNESDAY, ALGLST 26,1961 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 21, 1941) David R. Joslyn, well known and successful at torney at Woodstock, has announced his candidacy for the office of Justice of the Supreme court to represent the Sixth district, which comprises twelve counties in the northern part of Illinois including McHenry, Boone, Winnebago, Stephenson, Jo Daviess, Carroll, Whiteside, Ogle, Lee, DeKalb, Kane and Kendall counties. The McHenry Community high school will beckon the students back to the halls of learning on Sept. 2, for the opening of the fall term. School will be in session all day. The McHenry Plaindealer has learned from Dr. John E. Ducey at Richmond that sleeping sickness among horses has broken out in McHenry county and other parts of Northern Illinois. Eddie Peabody, the world famous banjoist who resides in the Country Club addition, will go to Hollywood, Calif., where he will be under contract for the next few weeks for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. The movie company has hired Mr. Peabody to teach Mickey Rooney, the movie star, to play ,the banjo. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 22, 1956) New McHenry high school faculty members include Rita Wolbert, math and Algebra; Samuel Weisskoff, Chemistry and Physical Science and Jane Purdum, H o m e E c o n o m i c s . Preparations are being made for caring for the educational needs of a CQihicg l Z°Unh DR. JACK R. CHULENGARIAN Medicine SSurgery of the Foot & Ankle Serving The Foot Health Needs Of Your Family, Offers A Free Foot Examination & Consultation (upon prior request only) * General Care • Out-Patient Foot Surgery • Sports Medicine • Children's Foot Problems * Foot & Ankle Injuries Offices Located In Grayslake, Zion and The Waukegan/Gurnee Area * Grayslake * Waukegan 106 Center St. 3834 Keith Ave. • Zion 2606 Elisha Call (312) 223-6066 For An Appointment m- Medical/Surgical Insurance Accepted For FREE Foot Health Information Call "Foot Facts On Tape" At (312) 223-2700 steadily increasing number of students in McHenry. The new junior high school will not be ready for occupancy for the fall term. Every effort is being made to prepare five rooms for use. During the past several months, much vandalism has occurred in connection with rural mail boxes in the county. Theft of mail from rural boxes and willful or malicious damage to them are violations of the federal postal laws, as well as of state and local laws. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 27, 1971) Marshall Browdy has been employed by the board of education of High School District 156 to take over the duties of the assistant principalship of the McHenry West campus high school for the coming year. The collection of 1970 taxes in McHenry county reached the level of $19,680,042, approximately 72.4 percent of the total charged against the county's taxpayers. Following a lengthy discussion in executive session, the board of Con solidated School District 15 agreed that it would be necessary to operate within the interpretation of federal guidelines as they pertain to the wage freeze. It was agreed that immediate action needed to be taken and the first payroll will be made on a "conservative basis." McCullom Lake Dawn Miller 385-4901 y MCC Building Project New Arrival In Village We have a new village resident, and his name is Allen Frank. He is the fifth child born to Roger and Laverne Loewe on Park View. Allen was born Aug. 14 at 6:26 p.m. and weighs 8 lbs. and 3 oz. and is 20 inches long. Eagerly awaiting his homecoming are brothers Patrick, Scott, Wade and sister Kathy. We wish the Loewe family much hap piness with their new arrival. FLEA MARKET The Beach Gals flea market, craft fair and bake sale is fast approaching. This big event will be taking place Saturday, Sept. 12 from 9a.m. through 5 p.m. at the beach house. There is still some table space available so table rental is available to people outside of the village. If you have some crafty friends or know of anyone interested in renting space, please call Chris (385-2057) Check our auto insurance rates last. If you're a safe driver, it's safe to say Country Companies can save you money on insur ance. And you can quote us. Simply call us and we'll quote you our rates. If you're like 9 out of 10 of our safe drivers, ours will be the last rates you'll need to check. KEITH! McHENRY, ILLINOIS Ml. 344-2772 MNFMTM WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS PH. 336-314 Your Country Companies Agents. LMIN MILLER RICHMOND. ILLINOIS PH. *73-4491 Insurance and Investment Services Bill Talidis invites you... more furs to see, to touch, to choose from In our fantastic AUGUST FUR SALE! Wear a Talidis creation"'ll be delighted! io% to . J 50% r- r ̂ ̂ the mink barn" Rich, luxurious furt of oil kinds...the finest that money con buy...including superb minks from our own mink ronch. Selection unlimited, much, much lower than today's market prices, f EE. SHOP, IflVEII Pre-Wlnter REDUCTIONS Restyling-Remodeling-Storage FRANKLINVILLE ROAD, UNION ILL. 1/8 mile north of Route 176 between Routes 23 and 47 815-923-4193 or 923 2161 TUES.-SflT. 9-5,30; SUN. 12-5:30: CLOSED mONDRY Route 1* Marengo or Laurie (344-3864. Your entry fee will provide the table space for your items, city-wide advertisement and a pleasant day for all. Don't forget, Beach Gals proceeds go to the children of the village. GET WELL WISHES Get well wishes are being sent to Jimmer Wyman on his recent accident. He has been hospitalized at St. Anthony's hospital in Rock- ford in the burn unit. We're wishing Jimmer a speedy and full recovery. CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is expressed to Pat Anderson and her children, Heather and Kevin, on the recent death of her husband, Gil. The Andersons have been residents of the village for the past five years on Fountain lane. We want Pat and her family to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers through these troubled days ahead. BIRTHDAYS Birthday wishes go this week to Bill Wyman sharing the day with Darrell Suchor celebrating his eleventh on August 26; Ricky Wolf on August 28; Jennifer Grutz- macher on August 29; Dave Scarbrough, Beth White and Michael Turner turning nine on August 30; Paul Shippard and Harry Johnson on August 31 and Brian Gates celebrating his sixth on September 1. We wish you all many happy days now and always. COMMUNITY CALENDAR August 31. Monday, first day back to school Hurray for the children. Tuesday and Thursday mornings, exercise class at 10 a.m. at the beach house. All ladies welcome. Baby sitters available. • * • • It's funny how every thing can bob up about the time you try to get away for a few days' vacation. RELIEF PROGRAM This year CARE reac tivated its relief program in Poland, 35 years after initially providing aid there. Poland was one of the first countries CARE helped when the organization was formed following World War II. From 1946 1949 and from 1957-1970, CARE supplied a total of more than $65 million in goods and services to Poland. During the current harvest emergency CARE is distributing food packages to needy elderly people^ children, pregnant women and nursing mothers Many local residents are aware of the construction of the new multi-purpose ad dition under way this summer at McHenry County college. But there is also another building project nearing completion on the MCC campus-construction of an inflated greenhouse adjacent to the College's Applied Science building. Twelve students enrolled in a special course have built the greenhouse along with MCC instructor Dale Rath- jen in a project that began after graduation last May. The students and Rathjen have done all the work for the project including pouring concrete, setting posts in concrete, running water and gas pipes, erecting the aluminum hoops that hold the double poly walls and even building the benches that will hold the plants. On Aug. 24 the students, MCC INFLATED GREENHOUSE Rathjen and MCC main tenance workers covered the aluminum trusses with the two large sheets of plastic that form the walls and roof of the greenhouse. "We had been waiting for the right weather--you couldn't do it when it was the least bit windy," Rathjen explained, adding that they also wanted most of the work completed because the plastic covering makes it much warmer to work in the greenhouse. The students then installed the small fan which blows air between the twt> layers of plastic to provide insulation for the greenhouse and to stabilize the walls. The main part of the greenhouse comes from a kit which was purchased with money donated to the college by an MCC student. The students also built an en- tryway to connect the greenhouse to the existing MCC greenhouse using flat and corregated fiberglass sheets. A system of fans that ventilate the new greenhouse and a heating system for cold winter nights have also been installed. Rathjen said the work will be finished in plenty of time for fall classes. The greenhouse will be used to store plants for the various agriculture and horticulture classes at MCC. Rathjen said that half of those who signed up to help build the greenhouse are enrolled at the college in a greenhouse management program Rathjen teaches. The others were local residents who wanted to learn the greenhouse con struction techniques for their own use, Rathjen said. ROBERT MUSIKflNTOW, Ph.D. psychologist for the Family Service and Community Mental Health Center for McHenry County (Editor's Note: This is another article in the Today's Psychology weekly series of especially written articles for McHenry County readers. The topic this week is "Pain Control." Though pain is usually thought of as a psychological response which now and then we all have to put up with, researchers in recent ex periments have discovered a startling fact. What they have discovered is that the subjective ex perience of pain can be altered and in some cases even completely eliminated through the use of mental processes Furthermore, they have found that these simple* techniques can be taught to many people in a relatively short period of time, so that they can learn how to control pain in their daily lives. NOTICE There are essentially three methods for controlling pain. I will describe each method individually, from the simplest to the most dif ficult. The first method is distraction. When utilizing this approach one simply concentrates intensely on something other than the pain. The object of con centration can be something that is actually in your en vironment or it can be something that you imagine such as a pleasant scene. The more interesting the object or image that you are attending to, the more ef fective this approach will be. Another approach is to imagine that the pain is something else. With your imagination, you could pretend that your p&in is actually a pleasant elec trical feeling or perhaps that it is a feeling of warmth. Work on imagining it to be different things until you find something that works for you. , The third, and for most people the most difficult approach, involves actually developing a numb feeling in the area that is painful. This can be accomplished by imagining that a physician is giving you a shot of novacaine in your hand. Once this is done, imagine that a feeling of numbness is slowly spreading throughout your hand until it is com- peltely numb. Once your hand feels numb, imagine that the feelings of numb ness are moving from your hand into the painful part. When practicing these techniques, one must be cautious. Pain is often the body's message that something is wrong and needs to be attended to. If you have any pain whose origin you are unsure of, you should always consult $ physician before removing the pain. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry Shores, pursuant to House Bill 1048, Public Act 82-102 entitled "An Act To Provide Procedures For Public Notice And Hearing On Tax And Levy Increases" (effec tive July 29, 1981) hereby gives notice of the following: 1. The amount of property taxes exclusive of election costs extended or estimated to be extended on behalf of the Village of McHenry Shores for the year 1980 was *16,814.28. 2. The amount of the proposed levy exclusive of elec tion costs for the year 1981 is *24,857.00. 3. The percentage of increase is approximately 148 per cent. 4. A public hearing concerning the proposed tax levy ordinance and the proposed levy increase will be held at the Lon Reed Civic Center, 3211 W. Beach Drive, McHenry Shores, Illinois, on September 4, 1981, at 6:45 P.M. wddjuuuevj CLERK (Published August 26r 1981) No. 810423 UNTBNtSQflttC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter (Example 2 hours . •otol charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSEMAC cleans the professionals ac ar <i lraction ot the cost 4 SUN NO MINIMUM OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 1:00 P.M. 9:00 A M $10.00 SHOP 4400 W. RTi. 120. McHENRY. IU. 1