PAOC 7 SHOP WEEK NIGHTS TO •! WH>Pw "as big as a house"! Up to the otHc In selections, Down to the basement In price) JJJB . iilllliF'"" •••••iiiBHfBMiliMiliiiMiMililiMiiiMriiiiiliiiiif DIXIE CLASSIC CARITON DELUXE MODERN CONTEMPORARY S PC SET-SOFA, CHAIR. LOVE SEAT Superb design ft craftsmanship in beautiful ft durable Herculon. BAXTER SOPHISTICATED CON TEMPORARY 3 PC SST-SOFA. CHAW, LOVE SEAT Outstanding design ft craftsman ship in quilted nylon floral pattern DIXIE CUSTOM COLONIAL 3 PC SET SOFA, CHAW, OTTOMAN Finest craftsmanship ft design. Scenic country in autumn colors in Antron nylon with double padded arms and high bock SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $5491 YOU SAVE $2001 SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $6991 YOU SAVE $1001 SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $6491 YOU SAVE $1501 PC SET-SOFA ft CHAW s Subtle multi-hue Herculon fabric. Excellent design ft construction. CRAFT CHAW COUNTRY COLONIAL DELUXE 3 PC SET- SOFA, CHAW, LOVE SEAT (Floor Sample) Earth tone plaid in Herculon. DOHE DELUXE TRADITIONAL 3 PC SET-SOFA ft CHAW Beautiful Herculon in brown ft beige with white. Sturdy con struction. SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $3991 YOU SAVE $1001 SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $749! YOU SAVE $1S0I SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $299! YOUR SAVE $501 Aii major Dufylifisss d«!!vs:sd Free, Othfr delivery service for small ffaa ------• * V SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 Poets. Great Writer# "Henry Thoreau'. 8:30 • Morecambe And Wise 9 Movie -(Drama) "Badge 373" 1973 Robert Duvall, Verna Bloom. A tough cop. ainglehen- - dedly tackles the syndicate in NewYork. (2 hra.) I Way Ot Deliverance ) Movie -(Suspense) ** "Hunter" 1971 Frit* Weaver, John Vernon. (Paid Subscription Television) An enemy brainwash scheme is uncovered when a government agent survives a f i-track crash. (106 mins.) 9 Herald Ot Truth tUner's Korner 9:00 • NFL Pre-Season Foot ball (Joined In Progress) Houston Oilers vs Dallas Cowboys VS Fantasy Island Mr. Roarke permits an exchange ot fantasies between an underpaid but brilliant Wall street analyst, who wanta to be wealthy, and a rich client who wants to live modestly; and a physician whowantatorestorehis standing in the medical world by proving he can bring back the dead, is stunned when his first subject turns out to be his ^ughter. (Repeet; 60 mins.) ® ® E x c h a n g e 'Unity in Inequality' This documentary presents a comparison ot the working snd living conditions among Isctory workers In various countries of the European community. 8 9 Mtea National Teenager PMtant 1 Trinity Hour C.A.R.T. Auto Racing 'California 600' European Style Qualifying (R) iH Blackwood Brothers • Agronsky And Company V Solid Gold Host: Oionne Wsrwick. Gold record winners * perform their hit songs. 9:06 • TBS Weekend News 9-3P ® R#v W.V. Grant 9 ® Time Ot Dettverance 0 Nine On New Jersey 10:00 •••OaO News S Baseball Chicago Cubs vs Los Angeles Dodgers IP O Honeymooners ® 9 To The Manor Born 0 Agronsky And Company • Movie-(Comedy) **H "The Bluas Brothers" IBBO John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. Jake and Elwood embark on a musical miaaion from God with the help of rhythm and bluea greata Ray Charlea, Aretha Franklin and Cab Calloway. (Rated R) (2 hrs., 16 minsj 0 39 Independent News (9) • Movie -(Horror) •• "Horrors Of TheBlackMueeum" 1969 Michsel Gough, June Cunninghsm. A writer uses his hypnotized helper to commit a series of murders. (2 hrs.) 0 0 Day Of Dlacovary 9 <9 What A Fellowship • Benny Hill Show 0 Movie-(Drama) "That 'Cold Day In the Park" 1B69 Sandy Dennis, Michael Burns. A repressed spinster slaves for a young man ahe picked up in the park, but he doean't return her interest. (2 hra.) , 10:06 fl| Tush I 10:18 O ® Movie -(Drama) •• "The Family" 1073 Charles Bronson, Telly SevalaY (Psid Subscription Television) A lone executioner geteasyndioateoffer he dares not refuse. (106 mins.) 10:30OOO Saturday Night Live Host: George Cartin Guests: Janis Ian, Billy Preston. (Repeat; 90 mins.) StfS I Myateryl 'Sergeant Cribb: Swiag, Swing Together' Elfride College in 1889 demands the highest standards of behavior from ite young iadiea. When Harriet Shawbreaksthoserulesto take a midnight dip in the Thames, She bee omasa wit nesstomurder (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) • Kup's Show OMovle-(Drama)*** "Brother hood" 1968 Kirk Douglaa, Alex Cord. The story of the involvement of a family in the Mafia aa two brothers disagree and both go their separate ways, leading one aflee to SicHy. (2 hrs.) I That Good Ote Nashville Muelc Sfeklo. w HO\ I Movto -<Hofror) •H "ItUvee Again" 1978 Frederic Forreet, Kathleen Lloyd. The murderous Infant from 'it's Alive' paeees Its curse to three more babies in this terrifying sequel, it Lives Agein' opene aa the originel baby's father triee to warn expectant parents that their children will be marked for deetruction. (Rated R) Slmlna.) • Blue Jean Network Preeente: Teddy Pendorgrees 19 Rev. David Paul Racing From Yonkere Raceway 10:46 9 Movie -(Drama) **H "Cisco Pike" 1971 Gene Hackman, Karen Black. Ex- reoording atar, released from Jail for dealing in drugs, returns to Ms girlfriend and promiees to turn overanew leaf. Acrookedcop has other ideaa. and demands the rock etar dispose of 100 kilos of marijuana over the weekend and give him $10,000. (112 mine.) 11:00 •••©) News SO Comedy Classics Ozarks Country Jubilee _ _ Better Living With Johnnie Cotemon • NFL Arm WreetNng Part 4. S» Amigos Championship WreotHng 11:06 0 Mastere Water Ski Tournament Invitationsl water aki competition, taped at Callaway Gardena in Pine Mountain. Georgia; hoatedby Bob Neal and Liz Allen Shetter. 11:30 9 Common Ground • Movie -(Hletorlcal) ** H "Aasaselnatlon Of Troteky" 1972 Richsrd Burton, Alsin Delon The story of the lest dsys of the Rueeien Revolution. (116 mins.) 9 9 Movie -(Adventure) *** "Cowboy" 1968 Jsck Lemmon. Glenn Ford. A hotel clerk and a cattleman each leern valuable leeaona about life when they become pertnera on a rugged cattle drive to Mexico. (110 minsl 0 <32 Kenny Everett Video Mow EB David Sueekind Show • Pop Goes The Country 9 9 Stratford Revival Hour 9 CFL Footbell Montreal Alouettes vs Hamilton Tiger-Cata fit34 Club PTL (Spanlah) 12:00 O Roadshow Host John Candy takea viewers on a crosa-country tour to obaerve ainger Tom Watta, 'Father' Guido Sarducci, Hollywood manager Sandy Gallin, plua viaita to a cadlllac graveyard, the world's largest Helloween perty, s fraternity house in Louisiana and e women'a sensuality workehop in New York. (Repeat; 90 mins.) . # Second City TV