Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1981, p. 31

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SUNDAY. AUGUST 90 (Movie-(Adventure)* "Run to the High Country" 1974 Erik Lereen. Saga of a young boy'a heroic efforta to preaerve and protect mountain wildlife. (2 hra.) 0 Twilight Zone CD ® Movie -(Comedy) ***to "Tovarlch" 1037 Claudette Colbert, Charlea Boyer. A royal couple fleea Russia without a Kopek, but carrying 40-billion francs for the Czar; they would rather starve then apend it. (2 hra.) 99) 8) Waahington Week In Review > ] O Once Upon A Claaalc 'Dominic: The Hunter'Nick awakens to find Beaver riding off toaninncalledtheEight Bella, run by a ainister smuggler. (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) • Real Eetate Action Une 09 Camp Wllderneaa (9)®Movie-(Comedy-Mystery) ** V» "Whlatllng In Brooklyn" 1043 Red Skelton, Ann Ruther­ ford. A radio amateur crimin- ologist finds himself in hot water with the police, a murderer and the Brooklyn Dodgera. (2 hra.) QD ® Yugoslav-American JJ.. ® Chemplonahlp WreatHng 0 Supercroaa Competition From Detroit Part 4. SNew York Report Herald Of Truth 12:30 0 Movie -(Adventure) *•* "Untamed" 10SSTyronePower, Suaan Hayward. A wagon train flghta and dies for the esteblleh- ment of the Dutch free state in the nineteenth-century Boer trek through thedangerouaZulu country. (2 hrs.) • Milwaukee Journal Military Awirdi O Movie -(Adventure) *** "BornFree" 1066 BillTrevera, Virginia McKenna. The touching tele of Elsa, the lion cub, raised in captivity who must learn to f endf or heraelf in the jungle wildsof Kenya. Her re-training is supervised by a gamewarden and his wife, when they find out she is getting too big to remain a pet. (2 hrs.) 0 One Step Beyond ® ® Trevelogue O Wall Street Week With Louie Rukeyeer Bullish on Bonds' 0 Financial Inquiry 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** to "The Bluee Brothers" 1080 John Beluahi, Dan Aykroyd. Jeke end Elwood emberk on a muaical miaaion from Qod with the help of rhythm end blues greats Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and Ceb Calloway. (Rated R) (2 hrs., 30 mine.) 0 Big 10 NCAA Football Preview 0 SB Dr. Norman Vincent Peale 0 Duaty'a Treehouae 0 Qreeteet Sporta Legend* 'Phil Eapoaito' 0 It la Written 12:36 0 Baeebell Atlanta Braves vs Montreal Expoa 1:00 0 Law And You 0 Super Memories Of The Superbowle 0 Movie -(Myetery) *** "Adventuree Of Sherlock Holmee" 1030 Baail Rethbone, Nigel Bruce. Holmea stops the attempt to steal IHterai of England. (106 mina.) ®® Vic Braden'a Tennle For The Future 'Singlea Strategy I' Coech Braden ahowa you that no amount of atrategy can overcome a lack of good fundamentele. Soaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) Mark Rueaell Comedy Speclel Politicel satirist Mark Ruaaell ia preaented live from the Mitch Miller. 0 Gourmet 0® JlmBi 03$ Ernee 03$ Want< atage of the Katharine Cornell Theater on the campua of the State Univeraity of New York at Buffalo. 0 Bill Dance Outdoor* 0 NHRA 17th Annual Spring Sunday At St. Edwards Town Hall Telecast Show My People D. Jamee Kennedy Matt And Jenny'Harry Teaadele Ridea Again' Part I. 0 Baeeball Cincinnati Rada va New York Meta 0 On The Square 1:30 0 Idea Shop 33 0 Victory Garden 0 The SO's: Moments To Remember Arthur Godfrey hosts thla star-studded eelute to the romantic aide of the poatwar Fiftiea. Featured performera include Rosemary Clooney, Frankie Laine, Guy Mitchell and Mitch Miller. Jim Bakker Erneet Angiey Hour Wanted: Dead Or Alive Tournament Of Champions Final 0 Adventuree In Rainbow Country 'The Hermit' 2:00 000 SporteWorld Boxing coverage of 'Tomorrow'a Champions': eight round heavyweight bout between Chria McDonald and Lou Beneon; alao, an eight round featherweight bout between Bernard Taylor and Nico Perez. (60 mina.) Focue On Flret Movie -(Drama) *•* "Valley Of Declelon" 1045 Greer Garaon, Gregory Peck. A maid in a wealthy coal family's home fella in love with the eldeat son. (2 hra., 30 mina.) (&)0 Great Parformancea 'Moliere' Part V. Ariane Mnouch- kine'a epic tracea the life end timea of fhe greet French playwright. (60 mina.) 0 Movie -(Muelcal-Comedy) ** "PotO'Gold" 1041 Jamea Stewart, PeuletteGoddard. Agirl, whoae father hetea danoe bands, landa a f amoua band leader on hia radio quiz ahow. (2 hra.) 0Movla-(Comedy)**to "Being There" 1070 Peter Sellera, Shirley MacLaine. A childlike man chancea to meet important, powerful people who Interpret hia bewildered ailence aa brilliance. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.. 30 mina.) 9) 0 Movie -(Adventure) ** "Tarzan and the Mermalde" 1048 Johnny Weissmuller, Brenda Joyce. Tarzan meats pearl thievea on the coaat of Africa. (2 hra.) 0® Movie -(Drama) * to "Battle Of The Commandoe" 1071 JackPalance.CurtJurgens. A small band of commandos must deatroy German-built cannon before it can be uaed againat the fee. (2 hra.) 91 Signs For Living Studio See Solid Gold Host: Dionne Warwick. Gold record winners perform their hit songs. 2:30 00O5S WorldSerlesOf Golf Final round coverage with a eelectfieldofprogolferswhohave quelified for this $400,000 event, from the South Courae Firestone Club In Akron. Ohio. (2 re_~ ABC's Sunday After­ noon Baaaball The teema were not ennounced et preaa time. O® National Geographic: Jaequaa Coueteau Couateeu end hia crew of oceanic pioneera are featurefl in thie documentary epecial chronicling the live* of 6 men who lived 328 feef beneeth Hit* Of 1 3:06 0 0 Spa the Mediterreneen See for 30 0® Bountiful Bleeeinge SO Jewleh Voice 0 Uvewire 'Making A Movie' 2:46 0 Lead Off Man 3:00 000 SporteWorld Live coverage of the' Arlington Million,' the world'e richest thoroughbred horee rece, from Arlington Perk, Illinois. Alao. coverage of the World Seriea of Track and Field Golden Mile from Brueeella. Belgium. (00 mina.) 0 BaeebaHChicegoCuba vaLoa Angelea Dodger* (9)0 Masterpiece Thaatre 'Suneet Song: The Unfurrowed Field' Lewia Graaaic Gibbon's Scottiah novel deela with a young girl growing up ae the world movea towards the first global war. 0Movie-(Drama)*** "Gloria" 1080 Gene Rowlende, Buck Henry. A retired gun moll end ex-ehowgirlbecomeethe reluctent guardian of a aeven year old boy who ia being eought by the mobJRated PG) (2 hrs.) AnnolntedWord C.A.R.T. Auto Racing "California 500' From Riveraide. 0 98 Gerald Deretlne Preeente 0Muaic City NawaTop Country Hita Of 1080 Thie Week in Baeeball 9 It's Your Bueineee Larry Jonee Spaclal Delivery 'Reggie Jeckeon'e World Of Sporte II' 3:36 0 Rat Patrol 3:40 0 Kiner'e Komer 4:00 ® 0 Movie -(Mueical) ** "Gang'e All Here" 1043 Alice Feye, Carmen Mirende. A fun-loving young men poeea aa a 'lonely aoldier' and conaequently mustchoose between two women. (90 mina.) 0 Firing Line'Question of Nsmlbis' Gueet: The Rev. PeterT. Kalengula, preaident of Namibia's governing politicel party. Hoat: illiam F. Buckley. Jr. lol Hunt Twilight Zone Progrem Fill World Championehlp Tangle 0® Dr. Jack Van Impe 0 Bonanza 4:06 St Laet Of The Wild 4:30 O AgentOrenge:ASeerch For Anewere 0 That Good Ola Naahvllle Muelc S® Beverly HiUbiMee HBO Sneak Preview: September Jerry Stiller end Anne Meera highlight the upcoming moviea, sports and apeciala on 80 in September. Stoogee Chronicle* 60th Annlvereary PAOtli 0 0 Movie -(Drama) *** "Woman on the Run" 1060 Ann Sothern,*Dennia O'Keefe. A wife trieetofindherhueband(ewitneea to a genglend murder) before the underworld doee. (90 mine.) (9) 0 Space 1000 'Mieeion Of The Dariane' V Of Italian Variety 8how 0 ® At Home With The Bible 0 What Will They Think Of Next? 4:38 0 Chemplonahlp Wreetiina 8j00 000 CBSNewe 0 Human Rlghte A mm 0 Hewitt'* Juat Different Moving etory ebout a boy who learne the true meening of friendahlp and loyalty from hia retarded neighbor. 000 ABCNewe 0® Partridge Femily 0 Chicago Sundey Evening Club Pto gremming mey be interrupted or delayed due to Bdging. Movie-(Adventure)** "Raiee ThaTltanlc" 1080 Jaaon Robarda, Richard Jordan. Two menundertake an aweaome underaee miaaion to claim the precioua contenta of the famoua ahlp'e vault before the Ruaaiena do. (Rated PG) (2 hre.) 0 Movie-(Comedy)** "Oh, Godl Boak II" 1080 George Burne, Suzenne Pleehette. A young girl iaaskedby God tocome up with e elogan to make 'God' a houaehold word. (Reted PG) (2 hre.) 0 Amerlce'e Top 10 0 2® Bob Lewandoweki 0 ® Movie -(Certoon) ** "Journey Beck To Oz" 1072 Voicea of Liza Minnelli, Mickey Rooney.(PaidSubacription Televiaion) Dorothy retuma to Oz to aee all her friends and encounters the wicked witch of the west a aiater. (90 mine.) 0 ® Amezlng Grece Bible Claee 0 Movie -(Drame) ••• "Tom Brown'e School Deye" 1040 CedricHardwicke, Freddie Bartholomew. The atory of life at Rugby, an excluaiveBritiah boarding achool for boys. (2 hra.) 0 M o v i e - ( M y e t e r y ) * * * "Farewell, My Lovely" 1076 Robert Mitchum, Charlotte Remplihg. A private detective, Philip Marlowe, iahiredtohelpthe police. There have been seven uneolved murders and the police need e fall guy. Marlowe triea to aolve the murdera in thia claaaic. Sire.) Movie -(Drema) ••• "Time Limit" 1067 Richerd Widmerk, Richerd Baaehert. The etory of the trlel of an Americen military officer 2020 Vi So. Route 47 ^Woodstock, Illinois 815-338-3550 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 Fri. 9-8; Sat. 8-4 Sunday 8 to Noon • TACKLE • LIVE BAIT • CAMPING •ARCHERY CUSTOM CANVAS WORK

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