PAGE 2 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. AUGUST 2ft. INI tu i y i n i m u i i m i n L w • » Community • Calendar J,l i 11.1 • J•• ,ft Hlillll r • 1< MR. AND MRS. MARK PATTERSON LIVING IN CHAMPAIGN -- Following a honeymoon in the Florida Keys, newly married Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson are making their home in Champaign, 111. The bride is the former Sandra Jean Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith, 3601W. Clover, McHenry. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Coles, 1306 Francis avenue, McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Patterson, Jr. The newlyweds were united in marriage July 18, at a 2:30 p.m. ceremony performed by the Reverend James G. Gaynor, at The Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry. A reception for 250 guests was held at the Johnsburg Community club. The bride graduated from Marian Central Catholic high school in 1979 and is employed at a bank in Champaign. The bridegroom graduated from McHenry high school in 1979 and is currently a student at the University of Illinois in the school of Architecture. AUGUST 29 First annual dance-Post 188, Polish Legion of American Veterans--8:30 p.m.--Spoinia park, Flanders & Ringwood roads. . Girl Scouts registration- Hopi Neighborhood (formerly Valley View)- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Second annual Street Bash-sponsor, Lakeland Park Property Owners associations-Community house, 5 p.m.-1717 N. Sunset avenue. AUGUST 31 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- - board meeting, l p.m- Mc^enry Public Library- members welcome. U.M.W. Mission Team meeting, 9:30 a.m.--First United Methodist church parlor. SEPTEMBER 1 Koinonia Study group-10 a.m. to noon-First United Methodist church parlor. Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor- Hostess, Lyda Radisch. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-meeting, 12 p.m.--home of Marge La Croix. SEPTEMBER 2 McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon, 11:30 a.m.- Village Squire-closed meeting-election of officers, 1 p.m-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-please attend. SEPTEMBER 3 McHenry Senior Citizens- Driver's Refresher course- a.m. Set Date For ^cS"y^!ty Hall~10 John Hiller Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center b e g i n n i n g a t 1 1 : 4 5 a m . Reservations must be made by l 30 p.m the day before at rI : .i : >r '.he >'<•!•: of Aug. • .. .m J i Sej 1 -» follows: Aug. 31 'n"' .irw sandwK potato salapicklr leitu< - and tomato salad, melor, chunks, COOK11 milk Sept. 1: Pork cutlet with gravy, baked potato. [>eas, chunky applecauoe, white bread, spicc ~ake milk. Sept. Beef slrogonoff w ith nooo'<r"; broccoli, fruit salad, roll, icilo cubes, mi.i Sept. Tuna casserole buttered carrots, cole slaw, wheat bread. pe;«' h cobbler, milk Sept. 4: Beef liver with onions and ^ravy, whipped potatoes, harvard beets, tossed salad, rye bread, vanilla pudding, milk A Third Party We have three parties in Washington -- Republi can, Democrat and the cocktail. The latter seems to have more followers. -Commonwealth, Miss. Family Reunion A gathering of all the Hiller families will take place at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Sept 7, at Petersen park, McHenry. Each family is requested to supply their own food and refreshments. '7;>.mes and fun for everyone • : all ages will be provided. It is hoped that this outing ceh " a good response arui ihose planning to attend are Tged to mark the date on eir calendars. Court No. 777 Enjoys Picnic The junior members of St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters sponsored a family picnic recenty at Petersen park. Games were played and many of the park's facilities were utilized. Many of the ladies from the adult court enjoyed a potluck picnic and played cards. The junior directors in charge were Kathy Klotz and Pat Comstock. Womens Aglow -luncheon, 10:30 a.m.-John Evans, Crystal Lake. SEPTEMBER 8 Town and , Country Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paui s episcopal church-off Green street, McHenry. SEPTEMBER 9 Kishwaukee Life Member club-Telephone Pioneers of America -monthly meeting- T.C.Spirits, Crystal Lake- happy hour 11:30 a.m.-lunch 12:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 10 McHenry Woman's club- Fall luncheon, 12 p.m.- Crescent Bay Landing- Brogram, Reflexology, a [eailing Art. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. SEPTEMBER 12 Flea Market Craft Fai and Bake Sale~9 a.m. t -sponsor, Beach Gals, naship cli meeting, m.-Fellowship hall, First Friendship club-potluck dinner ana meeting, 5:30 Hard work still repre sents the main essential of success in life. p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach house-: di em.-fellowship nited Methodist church- program, Vivian and Bill Richards. Town and County Newcomers club-road rally, 3 p.m.-American Legion, 2505 Ringwood raod-details, call Marguerite Newman. SEPTEMBER 14 McHenry American (poooosos»oooccooooecocooooaoeooooooooooooooocoooooooc< I v_ 7/̂ (Formerly Raymond*s Restaurant) Proudly Announces Their First FAMILY FISH FRY You've Tried The Rest, Tried The Best, NOW GIVE THE TEST TO FAMILY STYLE FISH FRY POTATO PANCAKE COLE SLAW AND APPLESAUCE $09 5 Watch,For Our Upcoming Breakfast Specials! 3312 Chapel Hill Rood 385-1475 Mon.-Thurs. 6 AM -11 PM Friday-Sunday, 24 Hours Newcomers Club Feature$ Women In Business Program The next monthly meeting and the first evening meeting of the Town "and Country Newcomers €lub will be Tuesday, Sept. 8, ?:30 p.m., at St. Paul's Episcopal church (off Green street) in McHenry. A representative from a local retail shop'yill present the pros and cons of women in small businesses as the program for "the evening. At the last regular meeting, a brief business session was held prior to a lovely potluck salad jtjun- cheon, at the home of Mrs. 'Judy Aleckson of McHenry. President Claudia Dalton and membership 90- chairperson Bar Hajek greeted members and gttests. Paula Ekstrom reported on the very successful "Cutest Baby" photo con test. She acknowledged the Cooperation of the local businesses participating in the activity. 1 Marguerite Newman, Social chairman, reminded those present about the Road Rally to be held Saturday, gept. 12, beginning at 3 p.m. The rally will last ap proximately two hours, Starting at the American Legion parking lot, 2505 N. Ringwood road, and end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ekstrom. Each couple will be asked to bring their own hot dogs or brats, and their own drink and utensils. Cider and donuts will be provided by the club. It is necessary to sign up in advance and anyone requesting more details or information can phone Mrs. Newman. In the area of publicity, Juanita Koziol Will be editing the September newsletter, which should be arriving in the mail Soon..', Those wishing to contribute in formation should contact Ms. Koziol ' as soon as possible. Auxiliary Announces New Lecture Luncheon Series The lecture luncheon series sponsored by the McHenry hospital auxiliary has announced its programs for the 1981-82 season as follows: Oct. 1, Barn of Barrington, Barrington; Lee Toman, astrologer, lecturer and columnist, presenting "Watch Your Lucky Stars", is amusing and informative about the fascinating world of astrology. One can learn about himself, family and friends when he is aware of the horoscope sign deter mined from the time of birth. Nov. 5, Old Courthouse Inn, Woodstock; "Wed nesday Afternoon Evening Society" involves six girls combining their singing and dancing talents to present an afternoon of delightful en tertainment. Feb. 4, Crescent Bay Landing, McHenry; Julie Coburn, a dramatic book reviewer and monologist will present "The Comedy and the Drama of Being a Woman" with excerpts from Erma Bombeck's "At Wit's End" and M. Holmes, "I've got to Talk to Someone". Mar. 4, John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake; "The Sun shine Girls" will present scenes from The Odd Couple, The Sunshine Boys, and The Good Doctor; three hilarious comedies that come alive as these two talented actresses present their own zany adaptations of parts originally written for men. Apr. 1, The Greenhouse of Palatine; Jeff Little will present "Musical Memories from Broadway", a show which encompasses the best of Broadway through dramatic presentation by an accomplished singer and actor. Membeship in the Lecture Luncheon series is open to anyone as it is not necessary to belong to the auxiliary to join. There is a membership fee which is payable in advance and covers all five programs. Members pay for the lunches separately. A member is allowed one guest per season and that guest may only attend one program that year. For more information, those interested may contact Mrs. Ramon (Jill) Olszewski, Grove avenue; or, Mrs. Daniel L. (Joyce) Adams, Lincol^ road, both in Mcflep^y. Memberships close Sept. 15. Legion Post 491-meeting, 8 p.m.-attendance prize- must be present to win. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.--East campus. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. ) SEPTEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Silver Tea, 1 p.m. Lotus country Women's club-card party and luncheon-ll:30 a.m. to 1 A»:rSLflet*r'sJ Grove^public invite SEPTEMBER 17 United Methodist Women- General meeting, noon - Fellowship hall--First United Methodist church- membership meeting, book review. SEPTEMBER 21 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to park in St. Charles-Boat ride on Fox River. T.H.E.O.S.-dinner, 5:30 p.m.-Circle R.--2214 W route 120-then, fun- fellowship at First United Methodist church. SEPTEMBER 24-26 All church Rummage sale- -First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street- Fellowship hall-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. SEPTEMBER 27 All church picnic-First United Methodist church - Petersen park, 2 p.m.- potluck dinner, 5 p.m.-- clo6ing, Vesper service. SEPTEMBER 28 McHenry Senior Citizens- Fall Dinner, 6 p.m.-East campus cafeteria. Grant-Rosing Schedule Door County Honeymoon A tour through scenic Door county was in the honeymoon plans of recently married Elizabeth Grant and Rich Rosing. They will live at 625 Illinois street, Murphysboro, 111., upon their return. Vine street. Park Ridee. 111. and the groom, son of Claire and Dick Rosing, 3702 W. Maple, McHenry, recited their wedding vows Aug 15. Father Clarence Langdon officiated at the 11 a.m. ceremony in St. Mary's Episcopal church, Park Ridge, 111. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Susan Grant of Lafayette, Ind. Bridesmaids were Mary C. White of Prescott, Ariz and Patti Duggan of Seattle, Wash. Nicole Wirch of McHenry was the flower girl. Handling the duties of bestmar. was Gary Schae'er of Waykegan, 111. GroomSmen were Fred iTiiinfir rrf ^rrml T n'-t and Wash. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the groom's parents. The bride and groom both graduated from Southern I l l i n o i s u n i v e r s i t y , Carbondale and are presently graduate students at the same university; she in Community Development and he in Rehabilitation Counseling. About Your Wedding Write-Up.. In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer mails wedding forms *c 3II whose engagements have been announced in the paper qno carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days before the wedding. The stpry containing all the inforirtafl^ijfOen ̂ n the form wilt appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Forms received the second week after the wedding will be prin ted with the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information if they accompany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage farm he sent. Space problems experienced by a non-daily newspaper, and a desire to print up-to-date news, make this policy necessary. MAR RAY DANCE & GYMNASTIC STUDIO Fall Registration AUGUST 27-29 Thurs., Fri., And Sat. 12:00-5:00 Call Our Studio To Register 385-6077 .(£• COMBINATION CLASSES Tap, Acrobatic, Ballet, or Jazz Special Pre-School Classes For Tiny Tots Adult Tap and Jazz GYMNASTIC CLASSES *Balancing Beam, Vaulting Uneven Parallels, Floor Exercise Specio^ Tiny Tots Classes (Boys and Girls) beginning, Intermediate - & Advanced Classes tf CLASSES START 4 SE SEPT. 8TH Mar Ray Dance & Gymnastic Studio 3923 V a in St., McHenry, lllinoi:. ' LAWRENCE PALMER AND TERESA KUNA ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mr*. J. Raymond Kuna of 3312 N. Chapel Hill road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter Teresa Louise to Lawrence Joseph Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Palmer, 2013 W. Indian Ridge drive, McHenry. The bride-to-be is a 1981 graduate of Johnsburg high school. The future bridegroom graduated from Marian Central high school in I860. A Fall 1982 wedding is planned. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Newlyweds Will Reside In San Biego, Calif. : After a five-day wedding trip by automobile to California, newly married Mr. and Mrs. Brent William Dack will be residing at 1432 15th street, San Diego, Calif. The bride is the former Kimberly Sue Reese, daughter of Tom and Sue Reese, 1107 Oakleaf drive, McHenry. Frank and Frances Dack, 1219 Circle drive, McHenry, are the parents of the groom. The couple exchanged solemn promises of marriage before Pastor Tom Lowery Aug. 22, at a 3 p.m. ceremony conducted at the First United Methodist church, McHenry, in a setting of white Fuji chrysanthemums and blue :ial music' "Wedding Song" and "Wedding Prayer" per formed by soloist Julie Cassell, accompanied by Lynn Sobczak on the organ. The bride wore a floor length white chiffon knit gown, lavishly bordered with Schiffli lace. The cameo illusion yoke was fashioned of English netting, surrounded by a bodice capelet trimmed in Schiffli lace and embellished with pearls and sequins. The A- iine skirt, flowing into a cathedral length train was encircled with Schiffli lace. The long mantilla style cathedral veil was encrusted with pearls and sequins, edged in Schiffli lace, echoing the treatment of the gown. She Carried a cascade of white roses, baby's breath and variegatea pittosporum. The honor attendant was Terilee Armon of McHenry. Bridesmaids were Debbie Reese and Sundae Morrison, both of McHenry; and Gail Dack of Waukegan. Attendants were attired in floor length ice blue lacy knit gowns, with a blouson bodice, draped cowl back and full, circular, pleated skirt. They carried nosegays of white roses, elegance and daisy pomps, enhanced with blue ribbon streamers matching the gowns. A crown of baby's breath adorned their hair. The flower girl was Christie Reese of McHenry. She wore a street length white dress of dotted swiss featuring a high neck trimmed in lace and three- quarter length sleeves." the skirt was highlighted with three tiers of ruffes, trimmed in lace, and a wide, white satin sash completed the look. She carried a white basket of flowers similar to those of the attendants. The best man was Roger Markin of Ohio. Groomsmen were Larry Dack, Tom Reese and Jeff Popovich, all of McHenry. Charles Lea of St. Louis, Mo., was the ring bearer. The mother of the bride wore a plum color, polyester knit, street length dress with a scoop neckline, spaghetti straps, accented with a jacket of plum and blue chiffon. Following the nuptials, a r gwests was h e l a ' " t i & a d a t m i ' s i p Ingleside The new Mrs Dack graduated from Johnsburg high school in 1980 and studied Emergency Medical Tech. training at McHenry County college. She is presently a nursing assistant and plans to become an R.N. and paramedic. Her husband is a 1978 graduate of McHenry Community high school and is currently an E-4 Aviation S t r u c t u r a l H y d r a u l i c Mechanic in the U.S. Navy. Seniors Plan Two Bus Trips The McHenry Senior Citizens are arranging two bus luncheon trips to matinee plays. The first will be on Tuesday, Oct. 27, to see "Camelot" at the Fireside in Wisconsin. The second play will be Thursday, Nov. 5, to see "Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?" at the Forum in Summit. Tfaero will be a sign up time at the regular meeting Sept. 14. The well-dressed busi ness woman will find suits in s o l i d c o l o r s , t w e e d s a n d small plaids. Colors will be in medium shades of blue, gray as well as dark maroon, brown and navy. Now For Fall Enrollment FANTASY FARM CHILD CARE •LOWEST RATES •STATE LICENSED QUALIFIED TEACHERS •HOT LUNCHES •INDOOR & OUTDOOR PLAY AREAS ALSO AVAILABLE BEFORE AND AFTER SHCOOL CARE FOR CHILDREN UP TO 10 YEARS. Call 385-2499 Ages 2*6 Hears: 6:45 to S:30 PM < I* A ( i i