PAOiM THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 raid the villas* and get his woman back. (105 mina.) • SportaCenter 0 AM In Tit* Family 9 Racing Prom Yonkera lllooa'cis Lata Mo via THE JEFFERSONS: Florence Gats Lucky* Qaorga must maka a ---p-sS-BJai sdmlaalaa whew fro dlaeovara ha naada Floranca far mora than ha could avar expect. (Repeat)'MADIGAN:ParkAvenue Beat' Madlgan'a old friand and ex-partner la down on hia luck and roaorta to taking a job as a paid kHter. (Repeat) 9 Chartle'a Angola Kidnappers ara altar Sammy Davia Jr., so Sabrina.KellyandKrisarehiredto fact him. (Repeat; 70 mina.) tt Wild Wild Waat S Comody Claaatca Murder Moat Engllah: The MnoTaMora 0 Odd Couple • Lae Vegas Sports view ® 0 CBS Lata Movie THE JEFFERSONS: The Last Leaf Whan a superstitious Louise gets • 'algn' that her marriage la doomed, Qoorgeisforcedtomake a decision that could change the raatoftheirlivea. (Repeat) 'MADIQAN: The Naplea Beat' A deported Italian gangater decidea to reveal his crime aecreta to American authorities and Madigan travela to Rome to bring him back to teatify. fpaat) NFL Una By Una (R) Movie-(Adventure) •• "Viking Queen" 1067 Don Murray, Carlta. A beautiful tribal ruler in ancient Britain seeks to overthrow the Roman occupation torcea. (2 hra.) • Movlo -(Drama) ** H "Stranger In my Arme" 1SS0 June Allyson, Jeff Chandler. A woman falls in love with the Army buddy of her late husband. (2 ) 11:30 0 Carol Burnett And Frtarga S • Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Questa: Rosemary Rogera, Nancy Friday. • Adam 12 • Movlo -(Weetern) *•• % "Nombre" 1B67 Paul Newman. FradricMarch. A white man raised by the Indiana, is forced to defend a atagacoach, full of people he loathea against outlaws. (2 hra., a.) I ABC Nawa Nightlina Anchored by Ted Koppel. • Inside The NFL 0 CFL Football: From The 55 YprdUne(R) 0S Jim Befcker 12 KM V Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Guests Rosemary Rogera, Nancy Friday. 0Movie-(Drema)**% "Murder One" 1868 Robert Conrad.Diane Baker. This story is based on an aotual caae of a woman believed to have caused three deaths through insulin shock. (110 0 John Callaway Interviews: Nov. Theodore Hesburgh Part til Charlle'a Angela Sabrina. Kelly and Kria infiltrate a phony UFO olub auapected of doing away with wealthy members after taking their money. (R*paat; 70 mint.) 9 Chartle'a Angela Kidnappers ara after Sammy Davis Jr., so 8abrtna, Kelly andKriaarehiredto reet him. (Repeat; 70 mina.) All Night At The Movioa 'Riders of the Weat' Jack Perrina. 2) 'Borrowed Momenta' Jack THE HUSTLER OF MUSCLE BEACH Richard Hatch (center) is a sharp big-city promoter who sees s way to promote body builder Tim Kimber (left) into a world-class champion--thereby promoting a whopping profit for himself via Kay Lftrtz's money--in "The Hustler of •Muscle Beach," airing on "The ABC Friday Night Movie," FRI DAY, SEPTEMBER 4. A hustling young dreamer who leaves the New York winter behind, Hatch heads west to beaches and bikinis. He gets his once-in-a-lifetime shot at success in the glamorous world of body building but finds his^-scheme complicated by the love of a beautiful woman. The 1980 made-for-TV movie £ also stars Jeannette Nolan. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV COMPULOC SERVICES INC Mulhali. 3) Breed of tha Weat' Wally Walea. 4) 'Calculated Riak' John Lodge. (6 hra.) B Sporta Probe 9 1881 European Body Building Championahlpe (R) 12:10 9 Movie -(Myatery) ** "Murder On The Bridle Path" 1838 Helen Broderlck, Jamea Qleaaon. Qirl ia murdered in Central Park. An amateur female alauth and an inapector work on the caae together. (85 mina.) 12:18 9 ® Movie -(No Informa tion available) "Big Thumba" (Paid Subscription Television) No Other Information Available. (2 hra.) 12:30 0 ABC Captioned Nawa • The Unexpurgated Benny 3?Movie-(Drama)**to "Soldier Of Orange" 1878 RutgerHauer. Jeroen Krabbe. Britiah Intel ligence Officer aids six young men in their fight against Hitler during World War II. (Rated R) (2 hrs.) 0 Thuraday Night Baaeball (Replay) CincinnatiRedsvs Philadelphia Phillies (Due to blackout regulations, this game may not air in your area. Please check local atation.) • 5i Rose Bagley Show 1:fi0 0 Charlie Roao Show 0 Movie -(Biographical) *** "Alexander The Great" 1886 Richard Burton, Fredric March. The story of Alexander's life aahe conquered the world without a •ingle defeat in battle and atarted the unification of Europe and Aaia. (2 hra, 55 mina.) 0 Joe Franklin Show B After Bonny 1:10 0 Green Acree 1:16 0(31)0 News 1:30 0 WBBM Editorial 0 Health Field £ Marcus Welby.M.D. I SportsCenter (Si) ftalnlc* King Of Kenaington 01 1:36 0 Movie-(Drama)** "That Man Bolt" Fred WilHama. Milo Mayoma. To deliver a cool million doHara, it takea tha higheat flyin\ alickest, meanest dudeyou'llever ace. (2 hrs., lOmins.) I Wildlife Adventure 1:40 • News 1:46 0 Nlghtbeat 1:80 0 Nawa 2:00 0 ESPN'a SportaForum (R) 0Movle-(Drama)** to "Man Afraid" 1867 George Nader, Phyllis Thaxter. A reverend, hia wife and aon areperaecutedby the father of a delinquent boy whom the clergyman killed in a atate of aelfdefenae. (tig mina.) • Bta Valley 2:05 • Reflectiona 2:10 • At Large 2:16 0 Movie -(Crime) ••• "Underworld,U.8.A." 1861 Cliff Robertaon, Dolores Dorn. A man who, as a boy, saw hia father murdered, aetaouttoaidaapecial inveatigator named to clean out t h e a y n d i c a t e a n d c r u a h gangland'a greatest empire. (2 hra.) 2:20 0 Movlo -(Woetern) *• "Little Big Horn" 1861 Lloyd Bridgea .John Ireland. The atory of Cuatar'a laat atand at Little Big Horn. (100 mine.) 2:30 0 Today In Chicago IB Movie-(Comedy)** "Oh, Godl Book II" 1880 George Burna, Suzanne Pleahette. A young girl ia aaked by God tocome up with a slogan to make 'God' a houaehold word. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) S Top Rank Boxing From Staten leland, N.Y. (R) 3:00 0 Meditation 0 Monte Carlo 3:46 0 Movie -(Drama) *** "Takeover" Anne Baxter, Michael Anaara. Publiaher Glenn Howardiasenttotheamalloriental nation of Bhaaa to inveatigate the overthrow of the government headed by a playboy who haa aince disappeared (85 mina.) 3:66 • Ml salon Impossible • Editorial-Chapel Prayor 1 Newe-Oay'a End 4:04 • News 4:16 0 All Nlte Show <1.00 I: 4:30 0 Movie -(Drama) ** "Running" Susan Anapach. Mlcna el Dougla a. A marathon man haa aighta aet on Olympic victory and the chance to prove he'a not a loaer (Rated PG) (2 hra.) V Voyage To The Bottom Of The Boa 6:80 0 Meditation 6:30 0 Nawa ((friday)) SEPT. 4,1881 EVENING 6:00 M.A.B.H. I Andy Griffith Show lios iLofi I Love Lucy )• Travelogue ' MacNeH-Lehrer Report Happy Daya Again Picture Of Health Inalde The NFL I Mo vie-(Drama)** "Running" S u a i n A n a p a c h , M i c h a e l Douglaa. A marathon man haa aighta aet on Olympic victory and the chance to prove he'a not a loaerJRated PG) (2 hra.) AN In Tha Family P Roaa Da Lefos (Continues From Daytime) 99 Boxing SugarRayLeonard va Tommy Hearna I SportaCenter 91 PanaronH _ Panaroma • What WW They Think Of Next? 0 Bulleeye 0 Barney Show 6.-06 0 Carol Burnett And Frtende l:JP 0000 Family Feud } Joker'a Wild 1000 AH In The Family I Carol Burnott And Frtenda 90 MacNeM-Lehrer Report I WNd WHd World Of Animals PM Magazine Banford And Son Baal Money fwlywed Game Hogan'a Heroes Informaclon 26 Zola Levitt i Tha Tomorrow People Face The Muaic ¥yen'a Wand Banford And Son WBBM Editorial WLSEdltortal 7*>D 00 The Incredible Hg* Unknowingly. David Banner is named as a partner in a garment factory that iadaapin debt, and the loan shark wants hia money. (Reoeat:60mins.) IHofLtiQiiiBiMbill Game Houaton Aatroa at Montreal Expoa; or Cincinnati Reda at