4M*' tts*.. Sli^JJfvsBECrt* FALL FIX-UP SPECIALS AT «E®ke 'JL to i ,«SOl Save 24% Johnson Acrylic Kit 4.37 Reg. 5.76 Kit preaoften ear past* wax to give your car a ahina like now. Merfcet Clr McHenry, IL Super Saver Gumout Fuel Mix Rtg. 1.67 Frees atleky valvaa, Improvaa com- proaskm. Helps remove carbon deposit that cauaaa engine run on. 97* Save 35% Grease Gun W/Cartridges 4.87 Reg. 7.54 One hand trigger action operation The lubramatk heavy duty greeee gun is ueeful around the home end ferm. Save 36% Jack Stand 2.76 (tog. 4.37 Lightweight construction, positive positioning, complete balance with non-slip lock key with chain. Super Saver Aluminum Storm Door 43.87 Reg. 51.87 Look ahead to fall with a Croft storm door to help eliminate drafta and en hance the beauty of your home. Not available in Morris, Princeton, Havana or Sunnyland. %o# Corning Nulati &J*ens-Cornin9 Pber f! All Paneling In Stock Not availably in Morris, Princeton, He vena or Sunnyland. Save 10% on our entire stock of Georgia-Pacific paneling. Super Saver Owens=Corning Fiberglas Insulation R-19 - 6" x 15" x 39*2" - 48.96 Sq. Ft. 10.87 "2*57 R-11 -- 3%" x 15" x 70'6" -- 88.12 Sq. Ft. 11.54 "3*54 R-11 - 3%" x 23" x 70'6" -135.12 Sq. Ft. 1 7.76 iE& Save on Owene-Coming insulation and save on this winter's heating bills -- A double savings at Hornaby. Not aveileble In Morris, Princeton, Havana or Sunny- land . ̂ OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 10 to 6 ;• Route 47 Woodstock, IL Rt. 34 ft 47 Yorkville, IL 110 WsvSrly Morris, ||i 459 Kennedy Dr. Bradley, IL Rt. 116 A 66 Pontiec, IL U.S. 6 A Rt. 26 Princeton, IL Route 136 Haven e, IL Sunnylend Plaza Washington, IL 940 West Fremont Gelesburg, IL