Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1981, p. 2

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PAGE 2 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4.1981 & y Cancel Meeting Of Wonder Lake Senior Citizens Club n MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL MILLER DOOR COUNTY HONEYMOON - Upon their return from a honeymoon in scenic Ellison Bay, Door County, Wis., newly married Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller took up residence at 2550 Yeager road. West Lafayette. Ind. The former Mary Sue Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Schneider. 12450 Stephen place, Elm Grove, Wis. and Michael D. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, 3510 W. Broad street, McHenry, were united in marriage June 27, at St. Mary's Catholic church. Elm Grove, Wis. Following the 12:30 p.m. ceremony officiated by the Reverends Russell Stommell and Daniel Schroeder, a reception was held for 275 guests at the Milwaukee AthJetic rluK The nev Mr;;. Millcr received a Bachelor of Science 7' ,csu*& ironi Marquette university in 1»T9 : id empii >«•>. as a registered nurse. Her husband, a graduate of the same university in 1979, is presently enrol1 1 in the Doctor «tc Graduate program ' f Clinic. ' I' •'•«» Piii duei.i > in We.-' ...'.r • Ind. Celebrates Birthday Burbank. Calif residents, Hibbard olsen a^d Peggy Oeffling <»lsen.' both for nu rly of McHenry, have informed "he F'!ainde;i'er < th- '• • •1 d t ' 're* Wal. V survive ' : h . o was boi ^ • • i.. !•' 22, 1881 In honor of the <H*casi<"v family a iends ere<! . Champagne toast , :id sang "Happv 'iirthc - Wearing a Mac ami dress .">dor*»r>d with a sage err?' ~;.nk car­ nation? fbe fragile. Mue- eyed w^man greeted 1 er visitors with a gentle I shake She received greeti'.gs from formvt President Jimmy Carter on her 99t l hirthd v and recently was congratulated b> President Ronald Keagan According her ;:rand •'i'lgh'"'" 'ti eret »>:' Mi s. Iter lot vity is at M^ Mter 'o he cood spirits. rrr ion and a little bit ( ! bem^ ornery ". Editor's Quote Book KoM fas t ihen to this sound and wholesome ru le of l i f t , indulge ine body on! , <-• f a r as i s needful for health. --Seneca he ici'irnt j ifiree aay= About Your Wedding Write-Up.. In order to serve W Henry orea bfi!< tiit • '!-i idealer moils wedding forms tc cr'f , -c-- L'fnnni.-tunced in the paper and can ,• • rWir.!' " do'" We ask that t/iose coi.,^'ieled ioi before the wee i'ng. The story containing all the information given on the foirn will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out-of-state weddinqs, where an additional week is allowed. Forms received the second wee" after the wedding will be prin­ ted with the- omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed ony WTV: I -ter rr ill be included with the wedding information if : i ,ey r .ompcy the 7*or- ct 'hi. prescribed df jdline. If your engagement u touM.ei.-ier.: :u*» ret been published, or if the date of 'he wedding was nol known ul itiol time, please call our office ond request that a morriage form be s«>nt. Space problems experienred by a non-daily newspaper, and a desire to print up-to-date r.e.vs, make this policy necessary. I Community « 1 % « » « : Calendar I : : SEPTEMBER 8 Town and Country Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church-off Green street, McHenry. Whispering Oaks Garden club- Board meeting, 1 p.m. SEPTEMBER 9 Kishwaukee Life Member club- Telephone Pioneers of America-monthly meeting- T.C.Spirits, Crystal Lake- happy hour 11:30 a.m.-lunch 12:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 10 McHenry Woman's club- Fall luncheon, 12 p m.- Crescent Bay Landing- program, Reflexology, a Healing Art. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. -First United Methodist church parlor. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Genealogical society- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-1309 N. Court street -- speaker, Natalie Wolf Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters- Membership Unit meeting, 9:30a m.-St. Paul's church- 3706 W. St. Paul. McHenry SEPTEMBER 11 Spaghetti Dinner, 4:30- 7:30 p m -sponsor, Lutheran Church Women-Nativity church, Wonder Lake- Tickets at door SEPTEMBER 12 --- Flea Market Craft Fair and Bake Sale-9 a m to 5 p.m.- McCullom Lake Beach house sponsor. Beach Gals. Friendship club-potluck dinner a» ' meeting, 5:30 - I . v vp hall. First United Methodist church- prograir., Vivian and Bill Richards. Town and County Newcomers club-road rally, 3 p.m.-American Legion, 2505 Ringwood road-details, call Marguerite Newman.1 SEPTEMBER 14 M c H e n r y A m e r i c a n Legion Post 491-meeting, 8 p.it1 ittendan-<. prize- musi ,.>e present to win. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.--East campus Whispering P. ks Woman's club Board l eting, 9:30 a.m St. Patrick's Ladies Guild -Mass, 11 a.m.~followed by light lunch and meeting. In observance of the Labor day holiday Sept. 7, the regular meeting of the Wonder Lake Senior Citizens club has been canceled. At the last meeting' of the group, president Jo Roti led the pledge to the flag and it was followed by a minute of silent prayer for Ann Carlson, a former member who passed away. Secretary Lucile Schrader read the rpinutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report was given by Cecille Morrill, in the absence of treasurer Sally Matt, who is recovering. from an operation. During the meeting, some . of the members enjoyed buying fresh vegetables at the farmers' market. The highlight of the picnic held recently at Petersen park was dancing to the music of Mario Pizzoferrato and games which were enjoyed by the members. Even the weatherman cooperated. The club gave chairman Burt Annis and his committee a vote of gratitude. Ed Gallagher reported on trips to the race track, and will give full details of the Octoberfest in Milwaukee Sunday, Sept. 27, at the Sept. 21 meeting. Also, on Oct. 22, a trip is planned to Hickory Hills, to hear the Ink Spots. Blood pressures will be taken at the Sept. 21 meeting, from 11 a.m. to 12:90 p.m. Fifty-five senior citizens had blood pressures taken on Aug. 17. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned refreshments served, and members spent the rest of the afternoon playing favorite card games. Feature Corn Husk Dolls i _ "j M At Women's Club Luncheon Corn husk dolls will be featured at a demonstration presented by Ruth Wedaking for the "0 You Beautiful Doll" luncheon, sponsored by the McHenry County Christian Women's club. A special attraction will be handmade doll centerpieces made by Shirley Shedd of Crystal Lake. Thej^will be available for purchase. Music will be provided by Karen Von Lanken of Cary. She is a district voice contest winner and participated in the Northern Chicago Sectional Regional as a mezzo soprano. Wynn Cole of Wheaton, 111. will be the inspirational speaker. A graduate of Wheaton college, her topic will be, "Whose Woman Are You?" All interested ladies are invited to attend this lun- nheon from noon tlntil two o'clock, Sept. 9, at the John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake. Reservations are essential and may be made by calling Ruth, 653-9408 or Lorraine, 385-5475. A free nursery is provided with a reservation. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. SEPTEMBER 24-26 All church Rummage sale- First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street- Fellowship hall-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. SEPTEMBER 27 ' All church picnic-First .8 United Methodist church- Petersen park, 2 p.m - p o t l u c k d i n n e r , 5 p . m . - closing, Vesper service. Polish Legion of American Veterans-Liberty Post 188 and chapter-Joint in stallation of new officers - S p o j n i a p a r k , 2 p . m . - Flanders road-food and music. SEPTEMBER 28 . McHenry Senior Citizens Fall Dinner; 6 p.m -E^st campus cafeteria. '< MARRIAGE LICENSES Weyland-Voigt Plan Delayed Wedding Trip f 71 COME TO A S FREE SaUARE lift Nit NO* SQUARE HANCERS THIS IS f f r YD"' Gbii Try it ()« iinglfej f „ iVeictmie SAT Stl T 12th AT 6 P.M Thr McCuKom Lake Spacli Hon » W. 0:rV *> , t Lake Sub. ' rn- ore~ • . ivfc SEPTEMBER 15 Whispering Oaks Gar^n club The Art of Ceramics-1 p.m. V SEPTEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Silver Tea, 1 p.m. Lotus Country Women's club-card party and lun­ cheon- 11:30 a m to 1 p.m.-- St Peter's hall. Spring Grove-public invited SEPTEMBER 17 United Methodist Women- General meeting, noon- F e l l o w s h i p h a l l - F i r s t United Methodist church- membership meeting, book review i : SEPTEMBER 21 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to park in St. Charles Boat ride on Fox River T.H E O S -dinner, 5:30 pin. -Circle R.-2214 W. route 120 -then, fun- fellowship at First United Methodist church. SEPTEMBER 24 Girl Scouts Hopi Neigh­ borhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.~ Marriage license ap­ plications were recently v made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: ,}. Kevin R. Gerstung and j'JTammy D. Adenau, both Spring Grove; Michael J. Weber and Mary B. Dinelli, both Wonder Lake; Henry H. Sugden III, Wonder Lake, and Mary E. Burke, Woodstock. William A. Brun, Car- pentersville, and Nancy A. Harper, MoHenry ; Andre J. Ryland and Meredith D. Danforth, both Richmond; Jeffrey R Perley and Julie A Whitt, both McHenry. Louis Z. Prezec, Skokie, and Susan R. Krizanovic, McHenry; James F. Moore, Island Lake, and JoAnn I. Koe, Cary, Bruce R Crum, Wonder Lake, and Janice Broughton, Bensenville. John R. Crawford and Jill L Baker, both Wonder Lake; Donald C. Busch, Chicago, and Deborah L. E i c h h o r n , M c H e n r y ; Charles L. Campo and Christine A. Thomas, both Wonder Lake. * * * * The bad luck that you grumble about is probably the direct result of your own activity. Vi ANDRE'S STEAK HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPT. CHICAGO CUBS VS. MONTREAL EXPOS at Wrigley Field in Chicago *9 Ciiu!!» Zr ! FOR RESERVATIONS 815-478- S t i l l Available f For More Info Call: 385-8032 or 653-9324 Reg. Square Dancers $1 Donation Per Person )lS' ' ' - v v A delayed honeymoon is in the future plans of recently married Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Voigt. The bride is the former Cyntheea Marie Weylapd, daughter of Russer'£nd Francene Weyland, 1117 W. Northeast Shore drive, McHenry. Donald and Neva Voigt, 824 N. Plymouth lane, McHenry are the parents of the groom Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry, decorated with white gladioli, was the setting for the Aug. 28,6:30 p.m. private ceremony performed by the Reverend Roger Schneider, with appropriate organ background music. The bride wore an ivory silk crepe gown, fashioned with a wide, Victorian style, lace stand-up collar. The lace trimmed peplum bodice featured a deep V-shaped inset of silk marquisette, edged with French chantilly lace. The long sleeves echoed the marquisette and lace treatment, ending in a wide ruffled lace cuff. She carried a bouquet of white roses, carnations, starburst chrysanthemums and breath Attending her sist«£?*s maid of honor was Antoinette ; Weyland of McHenry. She was attired in a mauve gown of silk chiffon, oatterned to .give an illusi-n effect of stripes. The bodice was styled with a V-neck,and elbow length sleeves. She carried a bouquet of pink roses, white carnations, starburst chrysanthemums and baby's breath. The duties of best man were handled by James Pratt of Spring Grove, 111. The mother of the bride chose a navy chiffon, street length dress, highlighted with side draping, a U- shaped neckline and short cap sleeves. A cranberry silk crepe, street length dress with a sweetheart neckline, accented by a bolero cape was the choice of the groom's mother. Following the -nuptial ceremony, a supper preceded by hors d'oeuvres and champagne, was served at the home of the bride to 20 members of the immediate family of the bridal couple. On Saturday, the groom's grandparents hested a reception 4for 175 relatives and friends at their home, 4605 Crystal Lake road, McHenry. Out of town guests from the groom's family included his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zillmer of Columbus, Wis.; grand­ mother, Mrs. Esther Voigt of Sun Prairie, Wis.; an uncle, Robert Voigt and children of Sun Prairie; and a cousin, Barbara Herdrich with her daughter, of Hinesville, Ga. Out of town guests from the bride's family included her godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Miceli of Chicago; an aunt, Mrs. Delores Riggs of Melrose Park, Ill.~;-an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root of Warrenvftlle, 111.; and another uncle, Sam Molinaro and his wife of Lyons, 111. The new Mrs. Voigt, a 1977 graduate of McHenry Community high school, received an associate degree from McHenry County college in 1979 and is em­ ployed as an accountant at Brake Parts, McHenry. Her husband graduated from the same high school in 1974 and is a blacksmith at Scott Forge, Spring Grove. The bride was honored at one shower, hosted by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Glad Weyland and her mother's friend, Mrs. Claire Rosing, at the Rosing home on Maple . • JUcHenry, and a second shower hosted by three aunts, Flo Root, Dolly Riggs and Rita Weyland, at the Root home in Warren- ville. All Invited For Spaghetti Everyone is invited to come to the seco^ gnnual Spaghetti Dinner by the Lutheran' Women of Nativity Lutheran church. Friday, Sept: 11 is the date, with serving times from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The dinner will be held in the Fellowship h^lf of Nativity at 3506 E. Wonder Lake road, in Wonder Lake. Tickets are available from LCW members, or tan be purchased at the door. A Country Store which includes bakery items will also be featured. From The Desk Of Illinois State Council On Nutrition y< bv Virginia Hill FRESHMAN 4* ^. School days are here! For those of you embarking on new horizons - college lite- I've outlined a few tips t? prevent gaining those "forty pounds" so often associated with freshmen. As I recently graduated, most suggestions are based on personal ex­ perience. "No one gains weight by walking on campus. The pounds don't just jump on the scale either. They ac­ cumulate gradually. Although one pound a week is barely noticeable, by May that's 36 pounds. As is often said, prevention is the best medicine. Believe me, not gaining beats taking it off! College life is different from the lifestyles most freshmen have been ac­ customed to. There are ice cream shops, delicatessens, snack bars, restaurants, hamburger joints', ethnic shops, dorms, taverns and grocery stores everywhere to tempt you. As a fresh­ man, or anyone concerned about weight, a strategy must be developed to counteract the food war. The two most important rules to follow when in school are to maintain regular eating habits similar to your pre-college years and to never try to solve your problems with food (it won't work). In addition to these primary rules, here are some tips to aid in your battle against the "Fresh­ men 40" -- from one who's been there. Eat regular meals; don't snack all day. Eat something for break­ fast to prevent the morning munchies. Beware of late night pizza and ice cream runs. They're fun, but habit forming. Don't eat subconsciously. Counteract cravings with popcorn, fruits, or vegetables. Desserts at every meal end up on the hips, especially if you are not accustomed to them. Although Friday tnight drinks relieve tension, the calories aren't free. Don't eat to alleviate study a n d a d j u s t m e n t f r u s t r a t i o n s ; i n s t e a d , exercise, see a movie, or find a friend. If you're going to eat while studying, take a break so that food can provide its psychological value. If you need to reduce, choose foods wisely: a baked potato over fries; plain in­ stead of gravies, butter, and sauces; prefer lean meat to fatty meat; watch seconds. Don't skip meals - you'll eat later anyway and probably eat more. Since you're less active while sitting and studying, you may require fewer calories. Walking to places on campus provides exercise and relaxes the brain. Keep your room well stocked with good food so when your willpower goes (it will!), you won't have heavy calorie food around. Use seasonings to enhance the flavor of dorm food. Don't drown your problems or celebrate with food. If you're one of the many college students who work at an eating place, don't snack all day - eat regular meals Don't worry about eating. The more you worry, the more you'll eat. Don't listen to or be in­ fluenced by friends' eating habits. Their metabolism, build and exercise routines are different than yours. If you're serious about dieting, purchase a good diet book and follow it. The only way to successfully lose weight is to change your eating habits. Adapt your previous eating habits to your college lifestyle. Ignore everyone's com­ ments about your weight change since you've gone to school. They'll only crush your self-esteem. When home for the weekend, don't "pork out". The food may seem better, but it's acutally the familiar atmosphere, not the food, that's so appealing. Remember you will be home again - it's not your last supper. For free brochures and information on nutrition, contact the Illinois State Council on Nutrition, 524 S Second street, Suite 405, Springfield, 111. 62706. Senior Walk-In Canter Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Revervations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Sept. 7 through Sept. 11 is as follows: Sept. 7: LABOR DAY - All sites and offices closed. Sept. 8: Ham slice, scalloped potatoes, acorn squash, pineapple and cottage cheese salad, rye bread, banana cake and milk. Sept, 9: Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, tossed green salad, wheat bread, lemon pud­ ding, milk. ,0: Chicken, potatoes len,'broccoli, lettuce wedge with thousand island dressing, muffin, chilled apricots and milk. Sept. U: Beefaroni, Italian green beans, fruit cocktail, French bread, brownie and milk. • • • e People without responsibility are usually anxious to solve tremen­ dous problems. Clipped Wings Slate Meeting The O'Hare chapter of Clipped Wings will hold its first meeting of the 1981-82 year Thursday, Sept. 10, at the home of Carol James in Algonquin. All former and current ^United Air Lines flight at­ tendants and former Capital Airlines stewardesses are invited to attend. Those interested may call Ms. James at 815-658-6686. Hold Diocesan Mass Sunday September 13 The annual Rockford Diocesan Mass will be held Sunday, Sept. 13, at St. James church, 428 N. Second street, Rockford, 111., with Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill as the main celebrant There will be a Mass at 4 p.m., followed by a social hour and dinner in the school hall. A l l C a t h o l i c w i d o w e d persons and spouses of deceased Catholics are welcome. Transportation by bus will be available. For information, call Donald V. or Sue Gierloff, Maple avenue, or, Marge Nieman, Dennis boulevard, both McHenry. 20% \ CHRISTMAS i DISCOUNT 1 Who Else G ives You A Discount For J Chr is tmas Shopp ing In September? 5 c m. This App l ies To A l l Fami ly Of 5 Ind iv idua l Por t ra i t Photography. £ 5 Cal l Today For An Appo in tment * 385-0093 PHOTOGRAPHY I by NIES | 3 8 1 4 W M a i n S t M ' H e n r y i 5 spurgeon? Semi-Annua l AR i NEEDLEWORK SALE N o w I h r u S e p t 1 3 t h Hur ry in For A l l Your Fu l l And Win te r Cra f t Needs A n d Save 20% Or More ! U s e O u t f i o e L a y a w a y F ^ l a n M c H e n r y M a r k e t P l a c e

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