WEDNESDAY, SEPT. • eetrangedyoungcoupleereonthe fcrlnk of becoming perenta. (BHM; 70 mint.) • All Night At Til* Movlea 'Arizona Bound' Tim McCoy. 2) '"Fingerprint Mystery' Richard Byrd. 3) 'Outlaw Roundup'r " Boyd. 4) 'Doctor's Sao rat* FullerJ6 hrs.) 12*6 • Movla -(Oranii^C* "MoneyeecMe RoitiMMO WflHb llaUn^ ftiiinrani^i f>HiVi i »T if it wf* wiwVo i i/y®n wiVvi^^ii vvDfj about a einger's Ufa ortthe mad. wtthefter-mWntghtbusrtdeetothe naxt tank town the only oertalnty (RatedPQ) (2 hra.) ."ortnai 12:10 • Movla -(Mualcal) *** "Joy Of Living" 19381re*e Dunna, Douglaa Fairbanks, Jr. Mad whirlwind court ship of a carefree globa trottar and a career mindad atata atar with a graafljpg family. (114 mint.) 12JPJr ABC Captioned Newt • ®Roaa Baglay Show 12:3<S ABeota Bravaa BaaabaH Replay Atlanta Bra vaavaHouaton Aatros 1:00 W CharNa Roaa Show • Joa Franklin Show 0 After Benny 1^> flMBraon Aoraa 1:16 ® N 1£P • WBBM Editorial Health Field Maratia Walby, M.D. PAGC23 j NMltbMi f 99 Song Of Pratee I fUng Of Konalngton 1:36 0 Mo via H Adventure) * * to "Secret of the litcae" 1BS4 Charlton Haaton, Robort Young. An axplorar finds a map indicating tha location of a fablad traaaura. (2 hra,. 6 mint.) 1:40 W Nowa 2:00 SMovta -{Science Fiction) • "Spaca Monatar" 1064 Francina York, Jimmy Brown. Four aciantiata aboard a apacaahipara f oread to land on tha ocaan floor of aatranga planot. (90 mina.) 08 Nlte Owl (Continues) • Movia -(Comedy) ••• to "Airpiana" 1661 Robart Hayt, Julia Haggorty. Hilarioua apoof of tirplana disaster flicks; enex-war pilot ia forcad to fly a haavily bookad commorcial plana whan tha craw bacomaa ill. (Ratad PQ) (90 mina.) • Movla -(Waatarn) "to "Savan Waya from Sundown" 1660 Audio Murphy, Barry Sullivan. A Toxas rangar ia aaaigned to bring in a aeaaoned MUer. (119 mine.) • Bta Vallay « 2.-04 m WNdNfe Adventure 2:06 9 Movla -(Advantura) * "Tlma For Every Saaaon" 1672 Truo-Hfa advantura of a man and a boy aa thay axplora tha f ofMddan Alsskan Tundra. (116 mina.) 2:f0 # At Large 2|30 0 Today In Chicago • SoprteCenter 2M | RoflocBona 3:00 • Modttatton • ESPN'a SportaTalk (R) m Nawt-Oay'a End 3:26 9 Rat Patrol 3 JO W EdttortaKChapal W Movlo -(Comedy) •• to "No Oapoait, No Ro turn" 1676 David Nlvan, Darran McQavin. Two lonely kida faka thair own kidnapping and try to collaot a rahaom from thair waalthy grandfather. (Ratad Q) (2 hra.) 3:40 VMovlo -(Drama) ••• "Born Innocont" 1674 Linda Blair, KimHuntar. A 14yaar old girl atrugglaa to adjust aftar baing •ant to a tough Jdvanlla datantlon Kbmajl06mina.) 3:66 Vf M 1 Mlaalon ImpoeelMe ANNIto Show Nlto Owl (Continues) 1 Profeealonal Rodoo From Maaquita, Taxaa (R) 4jMf < • ON • Pro! BEST OF THE WEST d They're the citizens of the rough-and-tumble wild West town of Copper Creek, and they are go ing to settle down on ABC-TV in the new half-hoCir comedy series "Best of the West," which sneak previews THURSDAY, SEPTEM- "Best of the West" is the story of mild-mannered storekeeper Sam Best, who, through a twist of fate, becomes the town marshal. Starring are (left to right, front) Joel Higgins as Sam Best, Meeno PelUce (child) as Daniel Best, Carlene Watkins as Elvira Best and Tom Ewell as the town doctor. (Left to right, top) Leonard Frey as Parker Tillman, Tracey Walter as Frog, and Valri Bromfield as Gjbbs. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME rv COMPULOG SERVICES INC WEDNESDAY, SEPT. t yor Great Movie Cowbolt Modttatton __ _J Movie-(Romance) *? "Something Short Of Paredlea" 1070 Susan Sarandon, David Stalnbarg. Two young Naw Yorkara laarn about lova and axplora thaupaanddownaofaona to one ralationahip. (Rated PQ) (90 mina.) • Nowa ((thuredayj) j SEPT. 10,1661 EVENING M.A.8.H. Andy Griffith Show •B® 39 I Love Lucy S Travelogue MaeNaU-Lohror Report Nappy Daya Again Picture Of Health • AN In The Family ® RoeaDeLe|oe(ContiiHiea From Daytime) • <39 ShaNaNa 8 SportsCenter S IS John Ankerborg Show • What WHI They Think Of Next? S BuHaaye 0 Barney Show 6:06 • Tuehl 6:30 t0® FamNyFeud Mr. Science (S^Ibah in The Family Carol Burnett And Frtenda B MacNeit-Lehrer Report WNd Wild World Of Animate PM Magazine BHiy Qraham Cruaada Plant Groom Inelde The NFL Movlo-(Thriller) •• "Long Weekend" John Hargreavea, Briony Behets A young Aus tralian couple, whoae marriage is failing, apend e weekend in the Auatrailian buah on a deaerted beach. Smell things start to happen at firat, then everything flgoa wrong. (2 hra.) B Newlywed Game ® • Muppet Show Queat: Coco. Informacion 26 Science Fiction Theater I Boat Of Encounter The Tomorrow People Face Tha Mualc fjan'a laland Banford And Son WBBM Editorial • WLS Editorial 7:00 00® Magnum, P.I. Againat the advice of her uncle, former Navy Captain Charlaa Cat hart, Adelaide Malone hirea Magnum to uncover the source of extortion threata. (Repeat; 60 Gamoa People Play Scheduled aegmenta are; e spirit of man' feature on an 62 year old atableboy who waa a jockey until he quit 46 yeara ago, a report on the bartandera invitational competition, the bethtub regatta in Oakland, and a tug of war between the wivea of playera in thia year's World Series. Quests: Burt Becharach, Shecky Greene, Frenco Harris. (Repeat; 60 mina.) 0 Billy Graham Cruaada flMBBeetOfTheWeatSamBest moves his new wife and young aon toa amall Westerntowntoleedthe simple life of a ahopkeeper, but a riotous turn of events makea him the town's new marahall. (Premiere) 0Movie-(Comedy)'*M "Batman" 1666 Adam West, Burt Ward. The Cetwoman, the Joker, thePenguinandtheRiddler join forces to dispose of Bstman Qd Robin. (2 hrs.) PM Magazine Dick Cavett Show Queat: »atery writer Mickey Spillane U.8. Chronicle II 'The Proud and the Frozen' A wry look at why Minneaotana are the way they are: what makea Minneaotana tick? Tha environment la hoatile. the winters sre long and aevere, yet life in thia state is celled the good life. Its people are productive, the economy is generelly good. Has the Minnesots myth become a aelf-fulfilling prophecy? O Anglere Of The World 0 Runaway: Where Are They S50.000 Pyramid Bowling Game Ayudal I Movie -(Comedy) ** to " Jebberwocky" 1977 Max Well. Michael Palin. (Paid Subscription Televieion) A medieval meatheed leaves home to make hia fortune and runs smack intoa monster. (90 mine.) £ NFL Line By Line • Chicago W Uvowlre 'Humor' 0 Movie -(Drama) "Breaking Looao" 1978 Rob Browne. Robert Chepel. Two men falaely accuaed of a murder, attempt to track down the true murderer. (2 hra) O Streets Of San Franciaco 7:06 S Movie -(Comedy) ** "Mutiny on the Bueee" 1672 Reg Verney, Janet Mehoney. SPRING GROVE 8156756666