SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 9 Racing From Btknonl Park 5:08 H> Championship NBC Now* Nows 9 Hogan't Heroee QO Brady Bunch 35)9 Vic Rradon'a Tannls For, Tha Futura 'Playing Doublas' Vic ehowa tha kay points of stratagy and movamant that make doublas a raal advantura and a lot of laughs. (Closad-Captionod; UjS.A.) • Suparstar Proflla • That Good Ola NaehvtNe Music • Rer I Ramambar Whan: Paga Ona Host Dick Ca vatt unfolds tha atory of tha Amarican fraa prass, Ita printarsandpublishars. headlines and by-linas, scandals and acoops. O » Portrait Of A Legend ICO Dance Fever 9 0 Outdoor Sportaman • Sport aCenter 0 Special Delvery Reggie Jackson's World Of Sporte III 9 WHd Kingdom 'Macaquea Of Japan' EVENING 6:00 Josh • Off1 Blind Love,*The Story Of I The Record 93$ Come HearTheMualc Play From 'The Sound of Mueic' to 'Cabaret,' from 'Brigadoon' to 'Cameiot,' the great songs of Broedwey are aung by Julie Andrews, Robert Goulet and Joel Grey in a dazzling and apectacular hour of high-atepping muaic, laugh a and entertainment. Jy Griffith Show I Love Lucy Travelogue > Old Houee iHeeHawGueata: EdBruce, Gail Daviea, Wendy Holcombe. (Repeat; 60 mins.) • Lawrence Welk Show • Ireland's Eyea • Movie -{Drama)* "Touched By Love" 1980 Diane Lene. Deborah Raff in. Nursing trainee ia determined to drew e young cerebral palay victim out of her ehell deapite protests Irom her head nurae. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) • 9 Beat Of Sullivan (9)9 Solid Gold Hoat: Dionne Werwick. Gold record winners perform their hit songs. V® Polka Party 98S Rejoice 9 Pabet College Scoreboard • Apple Poilehera 6:06 0 Championship Wree- tilng Continuea 6:90 9 Muppat Show Quest: Marty Feldman. 0 Muppat Show NCAA FOOTBALL Exciting collegiate football ac tion returns to ABC-TV on SATUR DAY. SEPTEMBER 12 when Stanford University visits the cam pus of the Purdue Boilermakers in West Lafayette, Indiana. ABC's cameras will provide you with all the bone-crunching gridiron action. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. TV COIWWM MSVtCSS, INC. S In Search Of 9 Hollywood Squares 0 Carol Burnett And Friende ®B® Dance Fever Sneak Previews 'Films About Familiea' Co-hoata Roger Ebert and Gene Slakel teke a look at filma about familiea • with acenea from 'Ordinary People,' 'The Great Santini' and 'Kramer va. Kramer.' 9 Countdown To The Show down: Leonard-Hearna HBO Sports looks at the 'fight of the century' aa hoata Barry Tompkins and Larry Merchant preview the world welterweight championahip bout between WBC titleholder Sugar Ray Leonerd and WBA- chsmpion T ommy Hearna. t® Yugoslav Koto CFL Football Hamilton Tiger-Ceta va Montraei Alouettes • 39 Faith That Sings 9 Th# Tomorrow People 0 Agronaky And Company 0 Solid Gold Hoat: Dionne Warwick. Gold record winnera perform their hit songs. 7:00 99 Enoa Enos, Turk and Lt. Broggitakeonthewortd'amoat unacrupuloua Jewel thief in a priceless gem of a caae. (Repeat; 8minaJ 9 9 Barbara MandreH And The Mandrell Slatara The Mandrell sisters are Joined by Roy Rogers snd Dale E vana for an hour of fun and muaic. (Repeat; 60 OPEN 7 am TO DARK EVERY DAY WE ALSO HAVE • TROUT, NORTHERN, CHANNEL CATS AND PERCH ALL IN SEPARATE PONDS * CAMP GROUNDS AND PICNIC TABLES FOR FAMILY FUN CALL 344-3470 RTE 120 IN McHENRY mmi* J 1240ROBERT Cueva and the ROBERT rescue team work deaperately to aave the hoet of a morning traffic ahow when the peraonality auff era a heart attack duringahelicopterflight.(Repeat;. 60mina.) 9® Compaaaton 9 Wild Kingdom 99 Strawberry Shortcake It all happens in Strawberrylarfd where to charactera combine forcea to aave their land of emilee from the PeculiarPurplePiemanof Porcupine Peak. 99>9 AH Creaturee Great And K. Movie •(Drama) ••• "Of Human Bondage" 1934 Bette Da via, Leslie Howard. The atory of adoctor'astrange infatuation with a vulgar waitreee. (90 mina.) 9 Movie-(Comedy) "Coaat To Coaat" 1981 Dyan Camion. RobertBlake. A wealthy California woman plana to divotceher paychiatriathuaband;he counters by scheming with a fellow doctor tohaveher dec tared insane. (Reted PG) (94 mine) 9 9 Solid Qold Hoat: Dionne Warwick. Gold record winnere perform their hit eonga. (3> 9 Lawrence We* Show II Movie "(Drama) •• "Brubaker" 1980 Robert Redford, Jane Alexander. (Paid 8ubacription Television) A Jail wardengoeaundercovereaoneof the prieonora. (2 hra., 10 mine.) 9® Sound Of Trgmpete 9 Uvewlre 'Humor* 9 NASL Soccer 7:08 9 NaehvlNe Live 7:30 9 BeaebaM Chicago White 8ox ve Minneaota Twine 9 ® First Annual Faehton Awarda 99 Rock Of Agea 99 Dr. JohnWealey White 9 Baeeball Houaton Aatroa va San Franciacp Gianta 8:00 9999 CBS Saturday Mght Movie 'High Midnight' 1981 Stare: Mike Connora. David Birney. Chrietine Belford. When hie wife end child ere killed in e mieteken no-knock drug reid, e construction worker aeta out to aecure Juatice, taking on the lawleee aarcotloa aquad and holding them responeible for their deaths (Repeat; 2 hra.) 9 Can We Forget? 99 Marie Marie Oamond welcomes guest sters Bob Hope. Nell Carter and Jimmy Oamond who will Join her in a aeries of musical and comedy vignettea. (60 mina.) 9 9 9 The Love Boat Gopher'ejobiaonthelinewhenhe and a mild mannered man believe a woman ia from outer apace; Captain Stubing ia a candidate for eeduction by a former girlfriend who la now married to enother captain. (Repeat; 60mina.) (Cloaed-Ceptioned; U.S.A.) <&)9 Robbie 9 TetoFrance-U.S.A. Exploration: Himalayan Tea- tlmony Part I. 'Taking the Time That'a Needed' 2) Le French Cinema: 'Deux Hommea Dana La Ville' Alain Delon, Mimsy Fsrmer. 3) Architecture! Wonders: 'La Picardie Gothique' 9 Movie -(Drama) *••• "Patton" 1970 George C. Scott, Kerl Melden. The etory of WW II General Patton; hiabattleaacroaa North Africa, Sicily, Europe, end with the wer department. (PG) (3 •4. I Movie-(Comedy) •• "Lord Leva A Duck" 1966 Tuesday Weld. Roddy McDowell. A aophiaticated 'older' senior pieys 8vengell to e transferred high echool senior, and ahowa her how tooet what she wsnts. (2hrs.) ® 9 Movie-(Mystery) •• "I'm The Girt He Wants To Kill" 1974 Julia Sommara, Tony Selby. A terrifying chaee occurs when e murderer atalka the only peraon who can identify him end trapa her inan empty building. (90 mine.) 99 Lowell Lundatrom 9 A.R.T.S. America. Where It All Happena with Peter Strauaa. 1) Great Poeta. Great Writera: 'Robert Froat'. 2) Andrew Wyeth. A documentary of the famoua painter. 3) Concerto Barocco. Featuring the New York City Belief muaic by Bach. 4) New World Symphony. Muaic by: Dvorak with EduardCupak. 5) Great Paintings: Whiatler's 'Nocture in Black and Gold'. 8:06 9 Football Saturday On D 9 M i l w a u k e e Symphony: Opening Night 'All B e e t h o v e n ' C a t c h a l l t h e excitement of live coverage of the 1981 aeeeon of the Milwaukee