PAGE 2 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1981 o±t[y <£ocLaf\Discuss And Circle Groups Many Coming Events MR. AND MRS. JOHN MCINERNEY MARRIED IN CHARLESTON ~ The Northside Baptist church, Charleston, III., was the setting for the July 25 wedding ceremony of newly married Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnerney. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Werden of Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. James Mclnerney of Mcllenry are the parents of the bridegroom. A reception was held at St. Charles Catholic church Reception hall and another one was hosted by the groom's parents at their home on Aug. 15, for 75 guests. The couple both graduated from Eastern Illinois university, Charleston. He received a degree in Special Education and she majored in Health. The new Mrs. Mclnerney is employed by Flowerwood in Crystal Lake and her husband is a Special Education teacher at Crystal Lake South high school. They are residing in McHenry. Country Church Bazaar VlcHer.ry resident and member of the Ridgefield-Crystal Lake P. o.sbj terian church. Kay Hutchings, is part of a group j»ieparin^ C hristmas ornaments. These and many other items wll be sold at the I ountry Church Bazaar in Ridgefield Oct. 24. Members of the Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian church are diligently working on projects tor their Country Church Bazaar. Oct. '.2-4. M is tn b»> held at 'he church fellowship hall in Ridgefield from ° a m 'o r>;> m. that one day only There w ill be a variety of items available to choose from. A large assortment of Christmas ornaments and decorations have been completed Autumn decorations are aiso in the offtng There w ill be a booth featuring itvrns made by children and adults for children to purchase. Plans also call for a food booth, with many things ready to tuck into the freezer for the holidays. Several members have been canning homemade goodies from their gardens this summer. A special attraction will be numerous counted cross stitch items handmade by church members The community is cor dially invited to attpnd and child care will be provided for mothers, enabling them to browse at their leisure Grandparents Are Getting What They Deserve! A It's theii own spc cial day, Sunday, September 13 (• Share your love and special wishes for your grandparents with a thoughtful Hallmark card and gift. Uiniiininmnu » « 1 Community \ Calendar I p." house-sponsor, Beach Gals. Friendship club-potluck dinner and meeting, 5:30 SEPTEMBER 11 Spaghetti Dinner, 4:30- 7:30 p.m.-sponsor, Lutheran Church Women-Nativity church, Wonder Lake- Tickets at door. SEPTEMBER 12 Flea Market Craft Fair and Bake Sale-9 a.m. to 5 m.-McCu!lom Lake Beach ch Gai -potlui ig, 5: p.m.-Fellowship hall, First United Methoaist church- program, Vivian and Bill Richards. Town and County Newcomers club-road rally, 3 p.m.-American Legion, 2505 Ringwood road-details, call Marguerite Newman. SEPTEMBER 14 M c H e n r y A m e r i c a n Legion Post 491-meeting, 8 p.m.--attendance prize- must be present to win. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.-East campus. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -Mass, 11 a.m.-followed by light lunch and meeting. Jayceettes Orientation meeting, 7:30 p.m.-804 N. Front street, McHenry. McHenry Garden club- Flower Show trip--leave Roller Rink, 10 a.m. Friends of the Handicapped-meeting 7 p.m.-Mr. C's restaurant, McHenry-all handicapped p e o p l e w e l c o m e - - reservations call the restaurant. SEPTEMBER 15 Whispering Oaks Garden club-The Art of Ceramics-1 p.m. W.O.T.M Meeting, 8 p.m - -McHenry Moose Lodge - 2816 W. Route 120. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Past Masters night. SEPTEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Silver Tea, 1 p.m. Lotus Country Women's club-card party and luncheon~ll:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove-public invited SEPTEMBER 17 United Methodist Women- General meeting, noon- F e l l o w s h i p h a l l - F i r s t United Methodist church- membership meeting, book review. Regular monthly meeting, 7 : 3 0 p . m . - C a t h o l i c Daughters-K. of C. hall. Feingold P A T H. - meeting 7 p.m.-home of L a r a i n e K u b i a k - - 5 U 1 2 G r e e n b r i e r d r i v e - - F o x R i d g e , M c H e n r y - - f o r information call 344-1224. SEPTEMBER 21 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to park in St Charles-Boat ride on Fox River T.H.E.O.S -dinner, 5:30 p.m.-Circle R -2214 W R o u t e 1 2 0 - t h e n , f u n - fellowship at First United Methodist church. SEPTEMBER 22 McHenry Chapter O.E.S.- stated meeting, 8 p.m. McHenry Garden club- lunch, 11:30 am at M c H e n r y C o u n t r y c l u b - meeting 1 p.m. at McHenry Public Library. SEPTEMBER 24 G i r l S c o u t s - - H o p i Neighborhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church McHenry Lioness club- second annual chili dinner s' to 9 p.m.-McHenry Moose Lodge 691. SEPTEMBER 24-26 All church Rummage sale- At recent meetings of the U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee) and the Marcia Mary Ball Circle, those in attendance were reminded of the "Fall Bazaar Work Day" Monday, Sept. 14, at 10 a.m., in the church parlor. Workers are requested to bring ideas, samples, scissors, needles and thread, glue and whatever else that might be needed. Time is getting short and in order to nave a successful bazaar, help and cooperation of all the ladies of the church is very important. In addition to handmade items, the bazaar will feature a bake sale and country store. Therefore, baked goods ' will be appreciated, as well as items for the country store, including homemade jellies, jams, preserves, pickles, candies, etc. The annual Fall "All Church" Rummage sale was discussed and everyone was urged to donate items for the sale and also volunteer to work. The event is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 24, from 8 a.m. to8p.m.; Friday, Sept. 25,from8a.m. to6 p.m.; and Saturday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m. to noon. Rummage can be brought to the church starting Sept. 13 and stored in classroom 1- B, lower level. For pickups on large pieces, one may call the church office. It was announced that the general meeting of the U.M.W. Mission Team (Executivecommittee) to be held Thursday, Sept. 17, has been designated as "Membershipltfeeting" and will begin witj^ a potluck luncheon at noon in the Fellowship hail, with the Ruth Circle as hostesses. The program is promised to be very interesting as the Reverend Herbert Duenow will review the book, "Mornings on Horseback". Each member is asked to bring guests. The Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting was well attended and included three guests who received a warm welcome. After enjoying delicious refreshments served* by hostess Lyda Radisch, meditations were given by Gertrude Anderson. The next circle meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 6, at noon, in the church parlor. Members are to bring a sandwich and dessert and beverage will be provided by the hostess, Esther Sims. Newcomers and guests are always welcome. At the U.M.W. Mission Team meeting, mention was made of the Northern Illinois Conference annual meeting, in Downers Grove, 111., Sept. 26, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also, the Elgin District meeting will take place at theCary U.M.W. church Oct. 29, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Announcements were made of the Music Seminar Oct. 3, at the. Palatine church, sponsored by" the North Central district and the Evangelism Seminar at North Central college, Naperville, Saturday, Oct. 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The next U.M.W. Mission Team meeting will be Monday, Oct. 5, at 9:30 a.m., in the church parlor. T.H.E.O.S. Members Enjoy Picnic Despite Poor Weather Although it was cool and very windy, 26 people recently attended the annual catered T.H.E.O.S. picnic at Petersen park. Quite a few came early in the afternoon and enjoyed visiting together and getting better acquainted Newcomers welcomed include Mrs. Lena Blake. Mrs. Lorraine Bishop. Mrs. Helen Gust and Mrs. Dolores Johnson. After enjoying the delicious catered dinner, the group was entertained by Marie Thomas and ner accordion and had a good time singing some of the old goodies so familiar to most A very interesting discussion regarding future activities will be continued at the next meeting, when definite plans can be made The next get-together of the group will be Monday, Sept 21, meeting at 5:30 p.m. for dinner at the Circle R restaurant (formerly A & W> 2214 W Route 120. and then going to the First Un ited Methodist church, 3717 W Main street, for an evening of fun and fellowship. T.H.E.O.S. (To Help Each Other Smile) is a casual, warm and friendly group for widows and widowers, non- denominational, with no age restrictions, meeting the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m for dinner together at some local restaurant, and then going to the church for an evening of fun and companionship. For further particulars, one may contact Mrs. Harry P. (Mae) Stinespring, Jr. or M r s . W m J ( L y d a ) Radisch, both of McHenry. -First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street- Fellowship hall-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. SEPTEMBER 26 25th Anniversary Dinner Dance For McHenry h o S p i t a l -- C r e s c e n t B a y Landing--6:30 Cocktails- Dinner, 7:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 27 All church picnic-First United Methodist church- Petersen park, 2 p.m.- potluck dinner, 5 p.m.-- closing, Vesper service. Polish Legion of American Veterans-Liberty Post 188 a n d c h a p t e r - J o i n t installation of new officers- Spojnia park, 2 p.m.- Flanders road-food and music. SEPTEMBER 28 McHenry Senior Citizens- Fall Dinner, 6 p.m.-East campus cafeteria. Business & Professional Women-Membership meeting-John Evans Inn- cocktails 6:30, dinner 7 p.m. SEPTEMBER 29 W . O . T . M . a n d L O . O . M - joint meeting, 8 p.m.-- McHenry Moose Lodge- 2816 W. Route 120. OCTOBER 12 Friends of the Handicapped-meeting, 7 p.m.-Mr. C's restaurant-all handicapped welcome- reservations call the restaurant. OCTOBER 16 R i n g w o o d c h u r c h Rummage sale-9 a m to 5 p.m. OCTOBER 17 R i n g w o o d c h u r c h Rummage sale~9 a m to noon. Present Program To Assist New Mothers ' ' C o p i n g w i t h Motherhood," a four-session information and discussion program for new mothers, will be sponsored by Memorial hospital for McHenry county in conjunction with the Family Services and Community Mental Health center, beginning Sept. 15. "The purpose of the program will be to provide information and support to women who have recently become mothers for the first time or the sixth time," according to Mary Ganek, R.N., B.S.N., director of education at the hospital. All sessions will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Family Services center. 224 W. Judd street. Woodstock. They will include: Sept. 15, "Physical Changes of the New Mother," Dr. William Larsen and Mary Lou Meyer, R.N., speakers; Sept. 22, "Social Changes for the New Mother."; Sept. 29, "Psychological Impact of Mothering," Dr. Lynn Rew and Algene Nulle, R.N., speakers; Oct. 6, "Coping Skills for the New Mother," Dr. Lynn Rew and Jckie Mansholte, Family Service center, speakers. The first half of each session will be devoted to information given by a variety of professional persons. The second half will be an informal discussion. For further information or registration, contact Mrs. Ganek at Memorial hospital, 527 W. South street; telephone, 338-2500, ext. 304. Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Sept. 14 through Sept. 18 is as follows: Sept. 14: Boiled dinner with potatoes and cabbage, jello salad with fruit, rye bread, butterscotch pudding and milk. Sept. 15: Spaghetti with meat sauce, spinach, tossed green salad, garlic bread, chilled pears and milk. Sept. 16: Sliced beef with gravy, whipped potatoes, buttered carrots, Waldorf salad, white bread, sliced pineapple and milk. Sept. 17: Fish, tater tots, three-bean salad, peach half, roll, gingerbread with topping and milk. Sept. 18: Beef stew with potatoes and carrots, mixed fruit, cole slaw, biscuits, whipped jello and milk. \M4AT A VM&f Semi -Annua 7/' '• J ( / / 4 " / T i i / * ~ ~ ~ -v,". '*£ Barb l JSftopt ) 1238 N. Green St., McHenry, III. 385-6750 ART NEEDLEWORK SALE Now Thru Sep t . 1 3 th Hurry In For All Your Fall And Winter Craft Needs And Save 20% Or More ! Use Our F ree Layaway P lan McHenry Market Place To look terrific and feel great, call Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing. Here's your chance to try the original Aerobic Dancing fitness program. It's fun. It works. Lose inches as you firm up and find new energy as you dance Join Jacki's local class today. CALL NOW 312-729-0106 FALL CLASSES Beginning Sept. 14 Grand Opening of McHenry's "Chance To Dance Place" Friday, Sept 11 7 PM to 9 PM Saturday, Sept 12 12 PM To 4 PM On Mill Street (2 Blks. South of 1200ffThe Crystal Lake Blacktop) PUBIIC WELCOME C 1961 Aerobic Dancing Inc m tc v.'j : - MR. AND MRS. MARTIN VANKANEGAN FLORIDA HONEYMOON - Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanKanegan are making their home in West Dundee, III. after a honeymoon in Florida. The former Wendy Sue Roe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roe of Aurora, III., and Martin Gene Vankanegan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanKanegan were married July 18, during a 1 p.m. ceremony officiated by Father David in Holy Angels church, Aurora. Following the nuptials, a reception was held in the Atrium of Pheasant Run for 150 guests. The newlyweds are. 1980 graduates of Millikin university, Decatur. The groom graduated from McHenry high school, West campus, in 1976. Lloyd-Knox Schedule Honeymoon In Florida Hunching Along True seals cannot turn their hind flippers forward and use them like feet on land. They hunch along like giant caterpil lars, dragging their hind flip pers behind them. National Ge ographic World magazine says. A honeymoon in Florida during the month of December is planned by recently married Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Knox. The bride is the former Debra D. Lloyd, daughter of Jim and Diane Lloyd. 15 Superior street, L'Anse, Mich. The parents of the groom are Mrs. Cynthia Knox, 2411 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, and John Knox. The newlyweds exchanged promises of marriage Sept. 5, at a 5 p.m. ceremony of ficiated by Pastor Richard M. Flaa in the United Lutheran church, L'Anse. The pews were decorated along the aisle and two baskets filled with silk daisies in wine, orchid, pink and white graced the altar. Appropriate musical selections were performed by Veronica Bartsch and Betty Ann Gerts. The bride wore a white, lacy, Victorian style gown featuring a high, standup ruffled collar and sheer, long sleeves, cuffed with lace ruffles. The V-shape bodice was enchanced with a ruffle and sheer lace fashioned with a cameo design. Lace accented the skirt and edged the hemline She wore a headband in her hair, echoing the treatment of her bouquet of silk flowers, comprised primarily of daisies in wine and orchid. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Kathy Bertie of L'Anse. Bridesmaids were Susan Turvnen of L'Anse; Kerry Gerts of Deerfield, 111., and Brenda Mills and Veronica Bartsch, both of Milwaukee, Wis. Attendants were attired in orchid, floor length gowns, bordered in a flower print of wine, white and pink. Matching jackets completed the look. Silk flowers adorned their hair. David Knox of McHenry handled the duties of best man. Groomsmen were David Sabel of Milwaukee; and Joseph Guzzardo, James Johnsgn and Jeff Thompson, all of McHenry. Ushers were the bride's brothers, Scott and Steve Lloyd. The groom wore a white tuxedo and the groomsmen wore wine tuxedos with white shirts trimmed with wine edged ruffles. The mother of the bride chose a cream colored, knee length dress resembling the Victorian style of the bride's gown. A wine colored print, knee length dress, highlighted with a pleated skirt and long sleeves was the choice of the groom's mother. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church hall and the groom's sisters, Kathy, Cindy and Diane assisted serving.. Another reception WiIH*ke place Sept. 19, "in St. Patrick's church hall, McHenry. The new Mrs. Knox graduated from L'Anse Township high school in 1978; attended Patricia Stevens Career and Finishing school, completing a Public Relations course; and is currently employed as a secretary for The Wall Street Journal. Her husband, a 1976 graduate of Marian Central Catholic* high school, Woodstock; is presently attending Milwaukee School of Engineering, studying Architectural Engineering. The newlyweds are residing at 3768 N. 76th street, Apt. No. 7, Milwaukee, Wis. Clipped) Wings Slates Day At The Races The O'Hare Chapter of Clipped Wings will have a "Day At The Races" Saturday, Sept. 19, at 1:30 p.m., at Arlington Park Race Track. A buffet dinner will con clude the day's activities at 7 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan in Barrington. All former or current United Air Lines flight at tendants or former Capital Air Lines stewardesses are invited to attenc}. Tor reservations, one may call Karen McPherson at 8S4- 8492. DIM ISAjLlY FROg •344-37601 ome Watch The Game With Us And Enjoy These Special Prices I Bar Booze 7$* Boer 30 * From Opening Kickoff Until Final Gun Try Our Tombstone Pizza i f I