Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1981, p. 41

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> And Wlee MONDAY, SEPT. 28 Calhoun, Colleen Miller. Qang of outlaw* halp a man and hla daughter fight off Apaches. (119 8 BtaVaHey *15 P " 2:20 ( 2:30 • SporteCenter 2:40 8 Movie •(Drama) ** H "Tha Big Clrcua" 1050 Victor Mature, Rhonda Fleming. A circus owner, forced to borrow money, ia puahed by a rival and a bank, but the ahow ia aaved by a T.V. appearance. (2 hrs.) 2:46 • tea Hunt 3:00 B College FootbaN Miami vaTexaa (R) B Lucy Show 3:05 • Love American Style 3:20 B Rookies 3:30 B Movie -(Comedy) * H "Cosst To Coast" 1051 Dyan Cannon, Rbbert Blake. A wealthy California woman plana to divorce 'her paychiatriat huaband; he countera by scheming with a fellow doct or tohave her declared insane. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) B My Three Sona 3:45 J ZanjOrey Theatre 4:00 Ntte Owl (Cpnttnuee) • Prayer • Newe-Oey'e End 4:04 fNM 4:16 B Mike Douglaa 4:20 £ EdltorUhChapet 4:30 • Momlng Stretch 4:30 B Rat Patrol 4:40 B Meditation 5:00 • Joe Franklin Show 5:30 B Movie -(Drama) ** '.'Leave Yeeterday Behind" 1978 JohnRitter, CarrieFisher. A young college athlete is rendered paraphlegic In a sporting accident, and ia unable to cope with the grim reality. He meets a lovely apunky girl and iwth her help.heisabletofacohissituation • and begin todeel with it. (2 hrs.) ((tueeday)) SEPT. 20,1951 EVENING l&@ Happy Days Again !• Frtenda Of Man MacNoH Lohror Report Picture Of Health HBO Sneak Preview: October Jerry Stiller end Anne Meara highlight the upcoming movies, sports and apecials on Hi October. Entertainment Tonight All In The FemHy Roea Da Lefoe (Continues FromDaytlme) ShaNaNa S SportaCenter (8 Pattema For Living B What Will They Think Of Next? • You Aaked Fortt B Tom And Jerry 6:05 • Baseball (Continues From Daytime) Atlanta Bra ves vs Los " FemHy Feud lYpuAskedForlt K»® M.A.8.H. Baaeball Chicago Cubs vs tt&urgh Pirates IB MacNeM Lehrer Report i WHd W|M World Of Animate PMMagexine Real Eatate Action Line ^For The Pennant Muppet Show Inf ormaclon 26 Science Fiction Theatre Accent On Living The Tomorrow People Entertainment Tonight QNNOan'a latend 6 M 8 WBBMEdHoriei 7.-00 Preeentatlon 'High Noon, Part Two: The Return Of Will Kane' 1961 Stare: Lee Mejore, David Carradlne, Pernell Roberta. Drama tic continuation of the 1961 claeeicfiim 'High Noon.'Will and Amy Kane, who have b«Mt a ranch on the frontier, return to HedteyviMe for the Wret time eince the gunfight and find It in the grip of the bounty-hunting Marahal J.D. Ward (2hra.) V 988 Protect Peacock 'The Big Stuffed Dog'A otuffed five foot tall Snoopy dog, aeemingly with a mind of Ha own, bringa happineaa to those who find it after it becomee separated inedvertent- ly from its original owner. 8tara: Noah Beery, Mildred Dunnock. (ReoaatJK) mina.) BBS Happy Days Chachi, who will do anything to ateer Joanie away from meeting hie family, ia ahoeked when Foniie invitea the Cunninghama |o a apaghetti dinner at the humble Areola apartment. (Repeat) 88 PM Magazine ® B Milwaukee Profttee B Coamoa 'The Shoree of the Coamic Ocean' In thie premiere epiaode. Dr. Carl Sagan takea viewera on a spectacular, almuiated, ecientificelly- accurate Journey halfway from the edge of the known univerae to the earth aboard a epaceehip of the imagination. Dr. Sagan also previewa topics to be covered in coming eplaodea (Cloeed- ; U.8.A.) (60 mina.) Captioned; B Modioli BMouIq (Comady)***"Middle Age Crazy" 19B0 Ann-Margret, Brace Dem. A Texaa developer ie driven into a mid-life crtela by hia eucceeaful Job and hie tuaty wife. (Rated R) (91 mine.) B Movie-(Drama)** "A Little Night Muelc" 1B7B Elizabeth Taylor, Leeiey-Anne Down. Vienna, 1906, providea the beckdrop for four interwoven contemporary love etoriee. The uneatiafied are eatiafied the deeperete are deeperate no lodger, and each getehtetrue love. " £2 hra., 30 mina.) 1 Omni ' Al Ro|o Vivo I Movie-(Comedy)** "Why Shoot The Teacher?" BudCort, Samenthe Eggar. (Paid Subacrip- tion Teievieion) City man takea a teaching Job in the northern duatbowl. Life on the prairie ie fer from eeey, but he ie determined to win over the ekeptical local farmere end their uneduceted iildren. (106 mine.) I NFL Game Of The Week IB rtilrapo I Special Delivery 'We Are All ft*Movle-(Adventure) • tt "Tropic Zone" 1953 Ronald Reagan, Rhonda Fleming. One man triea to eave a banana plantation from being taken over by crooke. (2 hra.) 7:30 Laverne And Shirley Hilarious warfare erupte when Laverne and 8hirley'e former no-noneenee drill inetructor goee AWOL with e broken heert and winds up at the girle' epartment. (Repeat) (Clqeed-Cepeioned; U.S.A.) 8 ® Richard Simmons Show ® B Pratee The Dog For ami, „ Sr. I Movie -(Comedy) *H "JanleOete Married" 1946Joan Leelie, Robert Hutton. A bright eyed girl helpe her eoldier- huaband readjuet to clviiian Hfe. (2 hra.) Aprondlondo A Amer ESPN's SportaForum TueadavfdNlon 7:69 8B Neweoene 6.-00 BBB Tuesdey I Tueeday MgM At The Movie* 'The Sophietlcated Qente' 1961 Stare: Bamie Casey, Dnhail U/utLa Bm«|| PiOO^tT nOOIll, nOWy Vjn8v« nRI8 black inMwhowm fn#mto#f§ of an athietio-eooiat club la their teenage yeara respond with enlhueiaem to an invitation to return to their old neighborhood for a celebration honoring their ooech, who taught them import ant leeeona in Hfe. (R. I of e three-pert orajantatton; 2 hrt.) BBB Throe'* Company A ceee of mietaken identity lande Jaok an impreasive chef* position and makea him the unwitting target of e bellying bookie, a cuckolded huebend, a vengeful vegeteble cook end the local police. (Repeet) (Cloeed- Caotjoned; U.S.A.) i« Movie -(Comedy)*** "Art Of Love" 1966 Jamee Qfrner, Dick Van Dyke. American ertietin Perie, en apparent feilure, piana to return home, when hia friend deoldee Me 'death' would arouee intereet in hie paintinga. (116 • Coemoe 'The Shoree of the Coemlc Ocean' In thl* premiere epiaode, Dr. Carl Sagen takea viewera on e apectacular, eimuleted, ecientifically- eccurate journey halfway from the edge of the known univerae to the earth aboard a apeceehip of the imegination. Dr. 8agan aleo previewa topic* to be covered in coming episode*. (Closed Captioned; U.8.A.) (60 mine.) B Odyesey 'The Ancient Msriners' From glsss fragments, clay jare, and the water-logged remeineofeunkeaehips, archeologiste reconstruct the development of shipbuilding end the lives of sncient seef erera. (50 «*.) TeleFrance-U.S.A.TV Seriee: 'Mollere-PourRlreet Pour Pleurer'Pert IV, TheTertaffe Affair 2) TV Drema: 'Milady' 3) Vivian I Movie -(Drama) ••• "Three Women" 1977 Sieey Specek, Shelley Duvall. Focuses on three women who cerry on mother-daughter relationehipe. (Rated PQ) (K HR8.( 8 £9 300 MHNonee B College FootbeH (Joined In Progreee) South Ceroiina vs Qeorgie B College FootbeH Ohio Stete vs Stanford (R) 88 Image Identity B A.R.T.S. Their World. Our World a contrast of Eaetem and Weatern contraate. l)The Sorcerer's Apprentice. French Netionel Orcheatra conducted by PAGE I* Lorin Maazel. 2) Great Paintinga: Gauguin'a 'Day of the God' 3) Spirit of Aaie: Vietnem. 4) Cleee Oldenburg. A profile of one of the leeder* of the pop art movement. 6)QreetPelntinge:EIGreco. 'View nlTotado' B Laverne And Shirley And ComftiAv 1:068Movie-i-(Adventure) **H "Pair Wind To Java" 1962 Fred MaoMerray. Vere Releton. A ekipper aearchea for atolen treasurer (2hrs.) 5:30 V8B Hsrt To Hart The harla find themaelvea in a dangeroua and deadly adventure when they Inveetlgate the myeterioue death of a ctoee friend et a glamoroua health epe. (Repeet; 90 mine.) (Cloeed- CepMoned; U.8.A.) B On Location: The Pee Wee Herman Show Paul Reubena ie the oreator and atar of thie aetiricel 1950'* kiddie ehow taped at L. A.'e Roxy; aleo etarring membera of the Groundlings, sn jfnproyisstlonel comedy troupe. 8 8 Love Song To The Odd Coupto 8:45 8®Not The 9 O'Clock 9MDcTI>lilOatUnlt4Theemall. antl-terroriet etrike force ol a federal aecurity egency drewe the miealon of freeing e high level U. S. government official and hia femily from thp clutches of levsntine revolutionaries. (60 mins.) 99) 8 Odyssey 'The Ancient Merinere' From glaee fragment e, clay Jare, and the weter-logged r e m a i n a o f a u n k e n e h i p e , archeologiete reconstruct the development of ehipbuilding end the Nvee of ancient eeef erere. (60 ri.) John Cellewey Intervlewe 'Mike Wallace' talke about hia famHy background, hia early radio yeera and hie difficulty in winning ecoeptence ae a journaliat. (60 minej 88 IrteChacon BEngHahChennei'FlfthEetete: Getting Lended' 2) 'Performance: Macteiah'e Wild Horeee' 88 American Catholic 8 Pereuedera B MjA-tH. 9:16 8 m Movie -(Comedy) * * H " A m e r l c e n S u c c e e e Compeny" 1979 Bianca Jagger, Jeff Bridgea. (Paid Subecription Teievieion) Men gete ceught up with a aplit personality - one pert of him ie the eon in tew of e bueineee magnate, theotherisestreetpunk who roba Ded's' vsult. confusion reigns when he triee to petch it ell up by kidnepping himeeif. (90 8 Newe Rece For The Pennant I M o v i e - ( C o m e d y ) * * H mmi 1: an Ifwki WHTDtTtMCT m KFROSTEI REPAIR mmrnm sow *thrmo$tats t noses •srstnsFus» •water pumps «CAS TAIK REPAJRS 385-0783 IttHUfcOl ; Mdaqr

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