Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1981, p. 42

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PAGE JO TUESDAY. SEPT. W "8katetown U.S.A." 1979 Scott Baio, Ron Palillo. A street skater comes to a roller disco to win a championship contest, but is threatened by a local gang leader. (Rated PQ) (90 mins.) 90 Independent News Sw Livingstones 9:58 Barney MHter SKtiisra M.A.S.H. VMeowest Dick Cavett Show i Movie •(Comedy)*** "Seems like Old Times" 1981 Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn. Neil Simon comedy about a bumbling man who ie forced into robbing a bank and seeks help from his f . (Rated (PQ) (102 mins.) Entertainment Tonight Saturday Night Inforraecion 26 700 Club B*nny mil ALun •MPnnjr run snow Movie -(Adventure) "Dirty Mary, Craty Larry" 1974 Peter Fonda, Susan George. Two stock-car racers extort S160,000 from supermarket in order to buy firat-class racing car, and then r a c e t h r o u g h a s e r i e s o f escapades in rural California. (2 hrs.) 10:08 B All In The Family 10:30 0 CBS Late Movie Alice: 'Pay The S60' Alice confidently accepts a Job at a rough and tumble club and la outraged when aha Is arreated and charged with aoliclting. (Repeat) McCloud: 'Encounter With Arlea' Attar the wife of a wealthy aatrologar la kidnapped, aha is threatened with death unleas McCloud can reach ^^time. (Repeat) The Tonight Show Quest N iynfc+1 b*« Ml * First in Quality * First in Selection * First in Savings * First in Service First in Home Entertainment Including Zenith TV's Sony Radio's Complete Home Entertainment Centers 440CW. Rte. 120 McHenry Rte. 47 ft Country Club Rd. Woodstock HIGH NOON, |ARI TWO i Lee Majors and Katherine Cannon Star in "High Noon, Part Two: The Return of Will Kane." The motion picture-for-television, which picks up where the classic 1951 film "High Noon" left off, will be broadcast as a special movie presentation, TUES­ DAY. SEPTEMBER 29. Majors stars as Will Kane, the role originated by Gary Cooper in the original "High Noon," and Cannon por­ trays his wife, Amy, the role played by Grace Kelly in the earlier film. The story begins approximately one year after the climactic gunfight in the town of Hadleyville between Marshal Will Kane and the Frank Miller gang that concluded ™High Noon.'1 Will and Amy Kane make their first visit to Hadleyville . since the gunfight and find it in the grip of the bounty hunting Mar­ shal J.D. Ward. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. TV COMPULOR SERVICES. INC Hoat: Joan Rivera. Quoata: Erma Bom beck, James Coco (60 f i.) Entertainment Tonight ABC News NightMne IbyTedKoppel. AN In The Family f HIM Show U.S. Chronicle N 'Emotional Reacue'U.S. Chronicle reports on tha techniques, philoaophy and mark<itlq0 behind the human vement. r« jWtMoU .. „... -(Adventure) *• " Greet American vyiklerneee" 1B77 With earty explorers as our guides, we travel the continent obaarving Grizzliea, buffalo. Eaatern woodlanda, Florida Everglades, deaorta, and the Arctic. (2 hrs.) 0 SSjLa Colorlna 10:38 0Movle-<Horror)** "Night Walker" 19S4 Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Taylor. A wealthy widow whoae blind huaband died in an exploaion, is plagued by a recurring dream.. (106minsJ 10:48 0 <0 Movlo -(Drama) •• "Newafront" 1879 Using actual newsreel footage to recreate the feeling of a strife-torn era, thia bittersweet drama details the lives of people in the Austrailian newsreel business. (Paid Subscription Televielon) (2 hrs.) 11:00 0 The Tonight Show Guest Host: Joan Rivers. Guests. Erma Bombeck, James Coco. (60 f a.) Jeffersons Fantaay Island An expert on World War I unexpectedly finds himself fighting for his life in a deadly aerial dogfight with the infamoua Red Baron. (Repeat; }0 iu W*d WHd Weat • Movlo -(Drama-Advanture) •*% "Strategic Air Command" 1968 Jamea Stewart, June Ally eon. Ball p|ay*r who'a recalled to duty becomes jmmander of SAQ plane. (2hra., ' -?a.) • • [ Comedy Claaafea I Maaterplaf a Theatre 'Ducheaa of Duke 8treet: Leaaon in Mannara' When aA impover- iahed chauffeur auddenly inherits 90,000pounds from his mistress, her diainherited nephew tries to turn the young man into a proper gentleman.(Cloaed-Ceptioned; UJJ.A.) (60 mine.) 0 Murder Most Engllah 'Tha Unpleaaantness at the BeMona Club' odd Coup I# 8 Mldweet Video Showceee 0 Movie-(Drama) ** "Leave Yeatorday Behind" 1978 John Rittor, Carrie Fiahar. A young college athlete ia rendered paraphlegicinaaportijig accident, and ia unable to cope with tha grim reality. He meeta a lovoly apunky girl and iwth har help, he iaabletofacehia situation -and begin to deal with It. (2 hrs.) (9>0 CBS Lata Movlo Alice: 'A Piece Of The Rock'Alice dleeovera Iter late huaband left a aizable inaurance policy, but ahe ia baffled to team that ahe waa not the beneficiary. (Repeat) McCloud: 'The Day New York Turned Blue' A union executive ia targeted for aseaseination by the ayndlcatai becauae ho knowa too muoh about tha union'a mob connections. (Repeat) 0 CoMaga Football Miami va SporteCantor Itadng From Yonkers Racowav 11:30 S V Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coast Guest: EddieRabbitt. (90 mins.) 0 Bob Newhart Show Newatalk IB ABC Nawa Nightline Anchored toy Ted Koppel. 0 NFL Game Of The Week (R) (0 JlmBakkor 0 Mo vie-(Western)** H "Saga Of Hemp Brown" 1988 Rory Calhoun, Beverly Garland. An Army Lieutenant, framed for payroll robbery and dismissed from sarvice, must find tha reel culprit. (90 mins.) 11:48 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "The Pilot" 1980 Cliff Robertson. Diana Baker. Frustrated by problem* in both his marriage and career. 8 senior sirline pilot takes to drinfcaadfindsthat he stands to lose a (MM deal. (Rated PG) (94 12f00 0 Tomorrow Coaet- To-Coast Quest: Eddie Rabbitt. (90 mins.) 0'Movlo-(Adventure) * "Chockored Flag Or Craah" 1977 Joe Don Baker. Larry Hagman. An off the road racer guns for S 100,000 top-prize f ^v^ated PG) (106 mins.) il NHeOwl Dick Cavett Show Fantaay Island Tattoo turns the tablea when he decides to purchase his own fantaay of being loved and worshipped by many beautiful women. (Repeat; 70 r. Fantaay laland An expert on World War I unexpectedly flnda himaelf fighting for his life in s deadly aerial dogfight with the infamoua Red Bsron (Repeat; 70 mins.) 0 All Night At Tha Movlaa Riders of Red Gap' Robert Livingetone. 2) 'Misbehaving Huabands' Harry Langdon. 3) Riders of Black Mountain' Tim McCoy. 4) 'Jewel Thief Monte r. (8 hrs.) College Football Review (R) _ 12:10 0 Movie -(Drama) *ft "Almoat A Gentleman" 1939 Jamea Ellison, Helen Wood. Canlna proves real worth to master who befriended him after being condemned as an outoast. (66 mins.) 12:20 0 Atlanta Bravee BaeebaM Replay Atlafita Bravea va Loa Angela a Dodgers 12:30 0 ABC Captioned News 0 Best Of The NFL t976 Los Angeleft Rama and 1976 Pitta- burghSteetera Highlight# (R) 0 ® Love Special 12t48 0 Neva IjOO 0 WBBM Editorial 0 Entertainment Tonight 0 Movie-(Comedy)* ft "Coaat To Coaat" 1981 Dyan Cannon, RobertBlake.Awealthy California woman plana to divorce her psychiatrist huaband; he counters by scheming with a follow doctortohaveher declared insane. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) 0 Joe Franklin Show 0 Bonny HNI Show 1.-08 0 Movlo -(Myatory) •• "Drive Hard, Drive Feat" 1989 Brian Kelly. Joan Collina. A acheming wife involvea an innocent man in her husband's 1:10 _ 1:16-0 i. (2 hrs., 8 mins.) 0 Green Acres Loave It To The Mghtboat

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