(AMCC MIC MOVING SALE, Saturday October Snt, 1981, 9:00 am 4:00 en. Davenport 0 ft. Loaf-Neutral Green; Kit- chan table, formica and 0 chairs; Humidifier; Womens dresses; Bissell Rug Cleaner; Occassional chair and miscellaneous items. Cash only. 2214 N. Orchard Beach Hoid, McHenry. 9-30-10-2c GARAGE SALE, 1713 North McHenry. October T4 3rd, 0:00 am til?, Baby stroller; Children clothes; Playpfes^isc. 9-30-10-2C . \ -- MOVING SALE, Everything must go. Furniture; Ap pliances; Miscellaneous household items. All week 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, 1720 Rogers, Lakeland Park. 9- 30-10-2C GARAGE SALE, Friday October 2nd It .Saturday October 3rd, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 1213 Hayden Drive, Sunnyside (Emberwood Subdivision). 9-30-10-2c GARAGE SALE, October 2nd, 3rd It 4th, Air con ditioner; Baby chest; Gym , Set; Sofa bed; Moog syn thesizer; Misc. 3315 Golf View Road, McHenry. 9-30- l0-2c GARAGE SALE, Multi- Family. nothing; Kitchen items; Toys; Books; Cleaning Products; Much more. Friday k Saturday, Oam to 4pm. No early birds please. 3400 South Dean Street, Woodstock. 9-30-10-2C GARAGE SALE, 2010 N. Stilling Blvd., October 2nd k 3rd, 0:00 am to 5:00 pm. Antique Victor adding machine with stand; 2 piece parlor set; Lady's blouses; Girls clothes Slse 14; Men jackets; Drapes; Books; sldis k shoes; Lawnmower; Chrome table; Mirror; Misc. 9-30-10-2C HUGE GARAGE SALE, Tools; Furniture; Dishes; Standard oil globe; Standard oil bottles and rack;, Old Chilton repair manuals and misc. Rte. 120 k Rte. 12, Volo. October 2nd, 3rd k 4th, 9:00 am to0:00pm. 9-30-10- 2c GARAGE SALE, October 2nd, 3rd k 4th. 9:fo am to 5:00 pm. Misc. items; 1022 West Oakleaf Drive, Sun nyside Estates. McHenry. No Early Birds. 9-30-10-2C 8 FAMILIES GARAGE SALE, Thursday Only. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Cooney Heights, 4204 South. Large selection. 940 HHP U> ANTED PARIS COUNTER NAN We have an immediate opening for iom«on« with auto part* > experience, and also to help writ* customer service. Excellent working conditions. BASER MUCK 9^ S. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, II. 311-587-2555 - AMBITIOUS PERSON, who want to earn but who can only work part time. Op portunity for good extra income, in you own business. Assistance given. Call for appointment between 5-7pm. 815-344-1108. v 9-2tfc SALES Position available, man or woman, experienced in sales and construction business. To sell remodeling, homes and all types of construction. Send resume to: A.N. MAT BML9CRS *7HN.tH. II RkfctMMl, N. 44071 AHrtmb Tifkr TOP HELP REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS NEEDED In our busy Crystal Ldke and McHenry offices. Byraotl Call Gary at IIMI549M 4/JTW nr wmki RJL'S - NKHT SHIFT •Pediatrics ^Emergency •Tolomotry *OB McHenry Hosptial is a 136 bed hospital and trauma center. We offer a comprehensive benefit program including: •New salary rate»10% shift differential *5% bonus for night shift 'Dental and medical insurance •Con- tinting education 'Tuition refund. For further information contact our personnel department. •15-315-3535 MCH McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, II. 60050 Avon -- lEXTKflrS * VACATION BEGINS NOW Sell Avon and start saving. $15.00 investment, over 18 call Nncy McClire COUNSELOR/ THERAPIST Part Time Will train in SlbHAVIOK MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES. For weight control. Master* degree in Psychology or Coun seling. Crystal Lake-McHenry area. Call 8154594400 9/30-10/2 WANTED FRY MAN FOR DOUGHNUTS RIVERSIDE BAKERY Mchenry 815-3850044 9/30TF 10/1TFG EXPERIENCED DAKER WANTED Nights OnkiillMits In McHenry 815-344-5232 9/30-10/3 COILERS coiling Minimum 4 years experiences Qn lor< n^dchines {W-Ti5( W-1! 13) required. Must be able to set up and operate average to difficult jobs. , Excellent benefits and starting salary. For fur ther information contact , Personnel Department COLLECT at 815-397-2111 or write Rockfford Spring Co. 1900 Harrison Ave. P.O. 5266 Rockford, II. 61125 10/1 9/30-10/2 SALES HELP WANTED We need several women or men with successful sales background'Kf'tepresertt- company setliny vpre arrangement cemetery plans. Company trcininq salary plus assistance on lecd' Col 115-339-1320 and 312-639-3883 SUES Turn your spare time into cash. Earn $5.00 plus per hour, while you learnt Incentive program. Choose your own hours. Car needed. Call 815-653-9807 10/2 MANUFACTURING ENGINEER We are a long-established leader in the field of ther mocouple wire, assemblies and related temperature control products for industry. We need a hands-on Manufacturing Engineer with good'electrical knowledge, and can offer a competitive salary1 and excellent fringe benefit package. Your duties will be to evaluate equipment requirements, im prove our methods to produce a better product and reduce manufacturing costs, design jigs and fixtures and generally t lend your expertise to the production department. Send your resume (with salary requirements, please) to the Vice President of Employee Relations at: 815-678-2211 Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt 173, Just Wast of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois Aa Equal Opportunity Employer V ^Gordon -\ Tempereture Meesi Pneum a Tempereture Meeeurement _____ Equal opportunity employer M/F 9/30-10/2 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (2nd Shift) Must have production machine trouble shooting and repairing experience. Job of fers a challenge, variety, job security, and opportunities for advancement. Excellent salary and benefits package. Apply in person or call 815-385-7000 B»»«l P»«Ti CoMiKI 1600 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry, III. 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M F SUBSTITUTE , TEACHERS NEEDED h Contact: Ron Erdmann, Supt. RICHMOND BURTON COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Richmond, II 815-678-4525 9/30-10/2 EXTRA $$ Be in business for yourself with no investment. Work as little as 20 hours per week, in and around your neigh borhood. If you have access to a car and are self motivated, your earning potential is unlimited. Will train you. Call Mr. Allen Collect 12 Nopti-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 312-852-1810 QUALITY CONTROL CHEMIST 3RD SHIFT / B. S. Chemistry require^!. A working knowledge of G. C.<y*r*'C. and I. R. instruments is necessary. Some knowledge of Polymer Chemistry and 1-3 years Industrial Laboratory experience is preferred, but not necessary. We will consider recent graduates in Chemistry. Candidate selected will perform routine and non- routine testing on plpstic molding compounds and raw materials. We offer excellent starting rate, periodic reviews, full benefit package, plus sick/per sonal leave, steady employment. Please Call Deane Woelffer at 815-653-2411 for interview, between 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday MORTON CHEMICAL 5005 Barnard Mill Rood Ring wood, II. 60072 (5 miles North of McHenry oM Rte. 31) An equal opportunity affirmative action employer M/F MED TECH Part Time - 3 to 11 Weekends Recent experience in all routine laboratory prodedures preferred. Laboiatory serves 130 bed hospital, trauma center, and out patients. Excellent benefits Contact Personnel Depc: >rnent ' McHenry Laboratory Service S.C. 1110-X North treen St. McHenry, III. 815-385-8355 9/30-10/2 10/IG T EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 1st & 2nd Shifts Base pay plus incentive, good benefits. Apply At PERSONNEL PROTECTION 3911 Dayton Street McHenry 9/30-10/2 RETAIL SALES MANAGER Male or female. Must be 25 or over. Must have previous experience as manager or assistant manager of retail sales „ establishment. Call either 815-338-2440 or 815-338-7768 before 2:00 PM Monday-Friday, or Sunday. FOft SAU P>U«E l? - PLAINOEA1KR f RlliAV, CHTOBKR 2, 1981 * m SAU BRAND NEW custom built 6 ft. picnic table, 166.00. 815- 7160312. Mt-lMc HOSPITAL BED, Side rail*, make offer. 815-6634542. 0- 30-10-9C MUST SELL 1900 Kawasaki KD60, $300.00.487-4002. *30- 104c TWO P186-75R14 Snow tiree and rims. Used S montha, 1126.00 or beat offer. Pita AftC Spirit Call 815-344- MN- MMMe LOWERY C-A Pine piano, haa 76 year tranaferable warranty, $1,800. • Call evening* 816-386-7306. 9-23- 10-2c FIREWOOD FOR SALE, seasoned oak and birch delivered $56.00 face cord. Get your wood now before cold weather and enow come. 815-385-6120. 9-23-10-2C KITTY CAT Snowmobile, $175 firm. New tracks, works like new. Call anytime 815 385-2177. 10-2-10-9C WOOD Frame, full sleeper sofa. 816-344-1866. light blue, Best offer 9-30-10-2C BOLENS TRACTOR, speed, tri blade, 7hp Briggs and Stratton engine, $350 or beet 815-344-5254. 9-30-10-2C 30" GR RANGE, double oven, $85.00; 2 sofas $75.00; Black k white console TV 6 ̂ $35.00.815-4450-3979. 9-30-10- 2c DUNE BUGGY, V.W. engine, fiber glass body, needs minor repair $1,500 or trade. 312-639-54S0. 9-30-10-2C NEW k USED R.R. TIES. Quality bulk grass seed, Fertilizers, Cedar Rail Fencing and much more. Woodstock Farm k Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47. 815-3384200. < 9-2tfc EXTRA LARGE Upright 7 SHEEP FOR SALE. 5 Suffolk, 2 Coriedales. Best offer. 815-678-4366. 9-30-10-2C DRY OAK FIREWOOD for sale, delivered. 815-943-6990. ' 9-23-10-2C INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water tener for $3.00 a month fc the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 9-2tfc frapzer- ft' ninp-nonc table ̂HEARING AID BAT- TERIES for sale, 50 percent ~ Wednesday^ .m 815-385-1932. 10-2 BEAUTIFUL SILK Floral Arrangements, brought to you with a Home Party by Flowers 'R' Us. Additional bonus for October and November parties. Call Sharon 815-385-4991 for details. io-2-iooc to 5pm. 3937 W. Main Street, McHenry. 9-2tfc WASHERS, DRY REFRIGERATORS Recondit ioned guaranteed. 815-728-0560 2tfc IY|BRS, Vnd MOTOROLA 19" color portable TV, works well, $125 or best offer. 815-728- #MIDLAND C.B., 23 channel, 0001. 10* BRAND NEW, 9X12 Horizon le carpet. Ranch mink list price is $140, will sell for $75. firm. 815-385- lO-MO-Oc ANTIQUE furaitupe. 9 piece, carved oak dining room set $2,500. Call between 10:30am-2pm. 815453-2731. 10-2-10-9c LAWN MOWER 1 year old; Remington typewriter; Westinghouse dehumidifier, walnut table; space heater; couch. 815-385-1873. 10-2 10X20 TRUCK Tires on wheels, $150 each. 815-385- 1406. 10-2-10-9c HELP WANTED OPENING FOR 2 Ambitious People. Turn your spare time hours into full time dollars. Call Sandy for more information 815-344-1522. 9- 30-10-2C WANTED PERSONS Wanting Part Time Hours, at full time pay. You make your own hours. Send phone ^number and addrees to: 4421 "Prairie, McHenrjTll. 60050, for'more information. 9-30- 10-2C v <; EARN UNLIMITED CASH part time telephone sale. Flexible hours. Call 815-385- 8153. 9-30-10-9C WANTED, someone in my home, Monday through Friday, 8-5,2 girls 5 & 2. 815- 344-3818. 9-30-10-2C TURN NEEDLECRAfrT into $$. Creative Circle is looking for help in your area. 815-459-6751. 10-2-10-9C AUTO SALES Sales or* up. We have an im mediate opening for an ex perience salesman. Closed on Sundays and Friday Evening. Excellent pay plan. MBERBUICK 91 S. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, II 312W2SS5 10/2-10/9 WANTED Construction estimator, general contracting background in In dustrial, Commercial, housing required. Submit resume in con fidence with salary requiremen ts to * » • A. N. MAY BUILDERS 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, II. 60071 815-678-2861 telephone type, $30., 815-678-4993. 10 watts, 10-2-10-9c NORDICA (lady Elite) ski boot, size 7 $50.00; Bar- crafter 4 pair ski rack $30.00 Kraco 60 watt 5 band equalizer $75.00; Artie Cat pants, extra large $20 00, and jacket, medium $20.00 excellent condition and offer on all. 815 385-8299 2-10-9C CANNON 200mm, 1.4 lens; Cannon 100mm 2.8 lens, both for $160.00. Will sell separate. 815-568-5689. 10-2 t 10- WATKINS, McNESS, RAWLEIGH and Mr. Groom Products, at the Biggest Little Store, 428 Virginia Street, Crystal Lake. 815-455- 1660. 9-23-10-2C RAINBOW VACUUM C L E A N E R w i t h attachments. Take over payments or pay off balance. 312-722-6412. 9-23-10-9C 25" MOTOROLA Quasar color TV. Drexel cabinet, excellent condition $185.00. Call after 6pm. 815-385-1097. 9-30-1C MISCELLANEOUS SALE: Apartment size Maytag washer and dryer $200.00; Wooden high chair $35.00; Metal high chair $10.00; Yellow wicker table lamp $10.00; Pine cone wreaths $25.00; Blue tricycle $12.00; Boys size 5 pants, 20 pair $20.00; Toddler dresses size 3 & 4 $2.00 each; Bouncing Horse $20.00; Portacrib $20.00.815-385-5181. 9-30-10- 2c HIGffiUSE BED $40.00; Air itioner $40.00; Portable __Jover washing machine $75.00; Stereo $40.00. Call after 4pm, 815-728-1193. 9-30- 10-9C BABY EQUIPMENT, 40x40 play pen; Back pack and baby carrier. Brand new condition, reasonable. 815- 344-2642. 9-30-10-2C ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR with 4 ft. belly mounted Woods mower $1100.00; Case LA Tractor, excellent condition $600.00, or best offers 815-338-6664. 9- 30-10-2c FORD TRACTOR 9 N, needs motor work $950.00; Heavy duty grader, back blade, attaches to 3 point hitch $200.00; Post hole digger for tractor with 3 point hitch $250.00; Disc, harrow $75.00; 2'x5' lawn roller, tractor pull type $125.00.312-526-7331. 9- 1^2c NME VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS Twin Mattress $39.95 Full Mattress $49.95 i Bunk Beds $139.00 Queen Size Sets $139.00 I^UH Size Sleeper $219.95 815-455-4550 A K C G E R M A N SHEPHERD, Male, 1 year 9 months, all shots, Obedience trained $175.00; Riding Mower tractor $90.00; Snow blower 15" $50.00; Sears Free Spirit mans 27" 10 speed bike $75.00; Above items negotiable. Call after 2pm 815-344-2815. 9-30-10-2C FULL OR PART TIME op portunity for individuals, wanting extra income. Send name and phone number to; Occupant, 5610 Telegraph Street, Wonder Lake, II. 60097. 9-11-9-30C WANTED CHOIR Director. Faith Presbyterian Church in McHenry. Salary negotiable. Phone 815-385- 5388 or 815-385-8460. 9-30-10- 9c PART TIME CLERICAL Positions available now. Will eventually turn into ful l time. No experience necessary. Typing and filing. Hours: Monday thru Friday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm, $3.50 starting pay. Apply in person only between 8am & 3pm. Chroma Corp. 3900 Dayton Street. (Tonyon Industrial Park) McHenry. 10-2 ,FRLL SHLE BURNING BUSH (Scarlet Red Leaf in Fall) 4forS10.00 RCORN RIDGE NURSERY 1522 S. Darrell Rd., McHenry (Volo) (Rte. 120 East to Darrell Rd., then South 1 '/> miles to Nursery) We grow 8 propagate all the plants we tell LEVI STRAUSS " Salesman Sample Sale. Men's And Women's Ski Jackets, Outerwear And Sportswear, Size Medium. Saturday, October 3, 9-6 6311 Ojibwa, In McHenry (Wood Creek Sub. just off Draper Road) WAREHOUSE SALE 1980 Medallion Wood Cabinets Up To 60% OFF 6 Semi-trailer loads to choose from Laminated counter tops, and cultured marble tops at special prices Bring in thi* ad for extra savings RAonday through Friday 840 AJU:30 PM Saturday MO AJ*. - 240 PH. a Ms m and TOP FORM CO., INC. 7616 Haacock Drive Woaler Lake, II. I15-72M203 30-)0/J 10/IG 30-10-2C / HUNTING DEER JACKET size 44, pants 34 waist, 30 legs, knit cuffs, red and black, all wool Chippewa plus accessories, no wear $40.00; Bow hunter sui t sames sizes as above, Forester's Green, regular pant leg, all wool, by Filson. no wear $40.00; Hunting bows, a pair 52" long, 47 lb. recurve, Kodiak Magnum Fged Bear, sever ysed $30.0Q each. Phone 815-653-4694. $ 30-10-2c SWAP! Piano, value $1,700 for clean used car. 312-639- 8977. 9-30-10-9C MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? 14 Channel Tapco PA Board, excellent condition $525.00 ; 2 Steamer speaker cabinet̂ 4- 12's in each build-in fUglu case, excellent condition $550.00 a pair. 815-344-5926. 9-30-10-2C INTERNATIONAL CUB CADET Tractor with mower and snowplow; Furnace blower; Combination table saw, Drill press; Wood Lathe; 815-344-2897. 9-30-10- 2c HOT POINT, 1 year old cheat freezer, 17^ cubic f t . $275.00; Rollaway bed $30.00; Van passenger seat $30.00.815-943-4189. 9-30-10- 2c SEASONED MIXED FIREWOOD 815-385-7144 cajjL 9-90-iW? after 9^6 pm. 6 PIECE PIT COUCH dark brown, excellent condition $625.00.815-385-7441. 9-30-10 2c FORD STEP BUMPER 73-78 Pickup $40.00; Maytag electric dryer, white $50 00; Amana 9,000 BTU air con ditioner $35.00 815-344 4248 930-10-2 CONCORD GRAPE?, .20 cents a pound 4202 N. Spring i Grove Road, McHenry. Call ' 815-385-5421. 9-30-10-2C OFF ROAD ACCESSORIES lights, transfer case, skid plate, custom head light covers, push and brush guard and Bell helmets, must sell. 497-3561. 9-30-10-2C FIREWOOD FACE CORD, delivered and stacked, $53.00. Call after 4pm or weekends 815-344-0450. 9-30- 10-2c MASSEY-HARRIS 22 horse Kower farm tractor, all ydraulic, double plow and disc/Included. Very good condition, $1,000.00 . 312-358- 5945 or 312-438-8317 . 9-30-10- 2C \ MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE. Wicker changing table $20.00; Youth bed $10.00; 4 oak kitchen chairs; Misc. furniture; Lamps 815-344-1384 . 9-30-10- 2c SEASONED FIREWOOD 815-338-8615 or 815-338-3565 af ter fepm^ 9-25-10-23c SET Of GOLF CLUBS; Ping Pong \ table; Wicker furniture 815-653-4811 9-25- 10 2 SNOW TIRES, A78-13; $45.00 pair ; A78-13 s tudded, mounted on Vega rims $60.00 or best. 815-675-2516. 9-30-10- 2c U U)ANT£D TO BUV I AM BUYING, Scrap Gold, Gold Coins, Scrap silver, Silver coins U.S. or Foreign, Platinum. Scrap or coins. Baseball cards. 815 344 4010. 9-2tfc Buying Antique furniture, China, Glassware, lamps, Railroad items, etc. 815-678- 4141. 8-5-10-2C WANTED TO BUY CORN. Can pick for you 30 rows. Call Hill view Farm 815-678- 4225 if no answer call 815-678- 2861. 10-2tff •~L. i