Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1981, p. 41

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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 IJoe Franklin Show Btftny Hid Show Qroon Acree Nawa Health Flald I Charlie Roaa Show )0 Nawa SportaCantar f t Amartean Styla WBBM Editorial Movla -(Horror) •• "Handa Of Tha Rlppar" 1971 Eric Portar, Angharad Raaa. Slataly entertaining pariod horror ahow has man, early believer in Freud, vainly attempting to help young daughter of Jack the Ripper. (106mina:) m Nawa 1:88 V Ironalde 2:00 0 Today In Chicago 0 Nlghtbeat 0® Nlta Owl (Contlnuaa) 0 Movie -(Comedy) ••• "King OfHaarta" 1967 AlanBatea, Pierre Braaaeur. A Scotaman walka into a French town in W.W.I that haa been abandoned by everyone, except thoae in the inaane asylum. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) O Collage Football (Raplay) Pittaburgh va Rutgera ®> Thla Weak In Tha NBA (R) 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** "Doctor InLova" 1962 Michael Craig, Virginia Maakell. A young doctor can't avoid romantic attach- menta (1 19 mina.) 0 Big Valley 2:10 (9 At Large 2:12 0 Leave It To The Woman 2:30 0 Meditation 0 Voyage To Tha Bottom.Of Tha Saa 0 ESPN'a SporteForum (R) 2:42 0 Reflectlona 2:55 0 Rooklea 3:00 0 Collage Football Baylor va Arkanaaa (R) B Luc v Show 3:25 0 Movla -(Drama) *** "Good Morning, Mlaa Dove," 1955 Jennifer Jonea, Robert Stack. A spinster schoolteacher reflecta on herromant icpaat while laid uoin the hoapitai. (2 hra.) 0 My Three Sona 0 Mlaalon Impoaalbla 0 Editorial-Chapel CD ® Nlte Owl (Contlnuaa) 0Movla-(Drama)** "FromHaH To Victory" 1979 George Peppard, George Hamilton. Four frienda from four different countrieamuatleavePariain 1939 and fight for their homelanda in II. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) Prayar fva-Day'a End Nawa Mlka Douglaa Collage Football Baplay) Georgia va Florida I Morning Stretch 5:00 0 Joa Franklin Show 6:25 0 Meditation ((Wednesday)) NOV. 11,1981 3:30 3:40 3:66 4:00 • IIU 11 EVENING fnay Miller 0 Happy Daya Again Animal World MacNall-Lahrar Report Picture Of Haalth Hepburn And Tracy Documentary atudy of the relationahip between Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, including clipa of their filma Ber. Entertainment Tonight All In The Family Roaa Da Lejoa (Continues PAOf S3 DYNASTY Steven Carrington (Al Corley) fails to cheer the injured Claudia (Pamela Bellwood) in Episode 15 of "Dynasty" on ABC-TV WED­ NESDAY. NOVEMBER 11 The lusty prime-time soap opera also stars John Forsythe as Blake Carrington, Linda Evans as Krystle Carrington, Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon and Joan Collins as Blake's vengeful first wife. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. TV COMPULOG StftVICka. INC i I 8S i Daytime) I Sha Na Na Guest: Charo. r>rtaCenter Dave Braaaa Reporta Special Delivery 'Grandpa You Aaked For It Hoat: Rich Little. Mexican buaineaamen who are Sunday cowboya; muaical cabineta; playing with 14 giant #»ra; a blind photographer. Soidarman 6:05 0 Carol Burnett And Frienda Gueata: Dick Van Dyke, Tony RandalL 6:tt> 0000 Family Feud 0 YouAakedlt 000® M.A.S.H. 0 NBA Baaketball Bulla va Philadelphia 3 0 MacNall-Lahrar Report Wild Wild World Of Animaia PM Magazine You Aaked For It Florida Outdoora I Muppet Show 10 Muppet Show Gueat: Tereaa Brewer. 0 ® informaclon 26 0 ® Science Fiction Theatre 05$ Metro view 0 The Tomorrow People 'The Heart of Sogguth'Partll.'TheDevH inDiaguiae' 0 Entertainment Tonight Hoata: Tom Hallick, Marjorie Wallace, Ron Hendren. Actreaa Margot Kidder talka about her auperatar atatua and how it haa affected her life. 0 GlIHgan'e laiand 6:35 0 Sanford And Son 6£5 0 WBBM Editorial 0 WLS Editorial 7:00 000® Mr.Merlin 000Real People A reunion of the 1945 crew of the U.S.S. Lexington, a profile of guarda at the tomb of the unknown aoldier, and a look at a group of Navajo Indiana whodeviaeda aecretcode during World War II that waa never jjjojjn^Omina.) Oreataat American Hero A dying billionaire, who poaaeaaea astonishing know­ ledge about Ralph'a auper-auit. aeta Hinkley and Maxwell on a chaae through Laa Vegaa. (60 PM Magazine Mark Ruaaell Comedy Special In a live Veteran'a Day apecial from the atage of the Katharine Cornell Theater at the State Univeraity of New York, Mark Ruaaell pokea fun at the political eatabliahment with hia unique blend of zany aong-filled satire. 0 Paper Chaae 'Sorcerer'a Apprentice'Ju at ice Allen Reynolda' failure to anewer Logan'a queation of why he haa never hired a female law clerk in 30 yeara on the bench providea a 'cauae celebre' for a women'a group on campua and reaulta in an organized boycott of Kingafield'a class. (60 mina.) 0 Jimmy Houeton Outdoora 0 Movie-(Comedy)** "In God WeTruet" 1980 Marty Feldman, Louiae Laaaer. Amonkia appointed to go out into the outaide world to find money for the monaatery'a mortgage. (Rated ?7 mina.) Kidawortd Bowling Game AIRoioVhro I Movie -(Adventure) ** "Big Red One" 1980 Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. (Paid Subacrlption Televiaion) A man tuma four raw recruita Into tough aoldiera during WW II. (2 hra.) 0 ESPN's SporteTalk 0 ® Channel 38 Fail Telethon 0 Uvewlre 'Money and riagera' NHL Hockey New York lalandera va Toronto Maple Leafa 0 Star 7:05 0 Movla -(Myetery) **** "Murde r On The Orient ar Trek Wolf in the Fold' Expreea" 1974 Ingrid Bergman. John Glelgud. Elegant all atar production of Agatha Chriatle'e whodunit aet In the 1930a. (2 hra ., 55 mine.) 7:30 0000 WKRP In Cin­ cinnati The ataff undrgoea an identity criaia when Mr. Carlaon and Jennifer take over Herb'a job during hia hoapitalization, and Johnny changee hia name to avoid having hia bonea broken. (30 I Movla -(Waatarn) •••• "The Searchera" 1966 John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter. A man begina a long eearch for hia niece, kidnapped by the Indiana. (2 hra., 26 mina.) 0 Video Highlighta 0 Mo via-(Drama)** "FromHaH To Victory" 1979 George Peppard, George Hamilton. Four frienda from four different countrlea muet leave Peria in 1939 and fight for their homelanda In r. (RatedPG) (2 hra.) 0 Movie -(Adventure-Drama) *** H "Thomae Crown Affair" 1988 Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway. Multi-millionaire executea a daring daylight robbery of a bank and geta away with two million dollara in caah. (2 hra.) 0 Am ciidiendo A Amar 8:00000® Nuree When one of the nuraea at Grant Memorial ia accuaed of giving a patient the wrong medication. Mary riaka her career by trying to clear the DISCOVER CiGOftqctown « u FURNITURE &• Of McHenry BEDDING Wi'n Expanding I Remedeling Oar McHenry Ltcitlfl We're The HomeOf Nationally Advertised Brandt At Savings Up To 47%l Rts. 121131 Hdtanr (Nnt Ti Fin StaW 3S5-1800

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