PAOHO Heard 'round the universe Two or more CM play. Without reading the story. one pUyer asks the others) to write the requested words, in order, on a separate •*»* <* paper. For a good tough, plug in the answers and read the story back. The adjective spaceship was being pulled closer and closer to adjective "Fire your _(s)! More noun i" noun a person in the room as suddenly as it came, the noun .shrieked. Then, noun 'ed' verb away, v MOON SCAN 1. Galaxy 2 Nebula 3. MHky Way 4. Van Allen belt 5 Asteroid 6. Star 7 Light year 8 Black hole 9. Hydrogen - 10 Helium 11 Space-time 12 Continuum Astronomers recently dis covered what appears to be a 'void* in the universe, located about a billon light years away. In an area measuring about three mMon light years across, where scientists ex pected to And about 2,000 galaxies, they found none.