PAOf 14 WEDNESDAY, NOV. II 7:00 •••OMr.M*mnZic ueea Merlin'a ancient alchemy notea on a chemiatry quiz at achool, and thereby laopardtxaa thaeecret ol Max'a identity. ••9 Raai People Bikini-clad priza fighters; a viait with Canadian hookey play ara who ara aieo priests; e proflleof65yeerold dlaco aingar Baulah Karaha w; and a South Dakota sculptor who la blaating a mountain away in a tribute-to tha graat Sioux Chlaf Crazy Horaa. (60 mina.) 901 Qreateet Amarlcan Her© A dying accantric biilionaira who poaaaaaaa aatoniahlng knowladga about tha aacrata ol Ralph'a auupar auit aata Hinkley and Maxwall on an axploaiva chaaa through Laa Vegee to halt tha deetruction of hia only #Himate will. (AO mina.) Movie-(Waetera) Kldd" 1972 Clint Eaatwood. Robart Duvall. A man ia hirad to hunt down Maxican-Amaricana by Klend baron. (2hre.) PMMagazlna Survival 'Sacrata ol tha Alrican Baobab' Alrica'a graat baobab, tha traa callad 'a carrot plan tad upaida down,' iatha aubject ol thia axtraordinary portrait lilmad in Kanya, and narratad by Oraon Wallas. (60 mina.) 0 Papar Chaaa 'Kingaliald'a Daughtar' Suaan Fiald ia a woman who bacomaa romantically involved with Hart and than dropa tha atunning nawa that aha ia tha dreaded Proleaaor Kingaliald'a daughter. B Jimmy Houston Outdoor* 0 Remember Whan: Tha Birda AndThaBaaaThiaaxciuaivaHBO aariaa continuaa with an examination ol the hiatory ol moraltiy, Irom tha rigora ol Puritan ethica to the relaxed attitudea ol t{ _ Kldawortd Bowling Game AIRoJo Vhro lMovle-(Comedy)*** "Tha World'a Oraataat Athlete" 1972 Jan-Michael Vincent, Nancy Walker. A diacouraged coach decidea to take otf on an Alrican aalari and linda auper athlete, Nanu, aprinting through thejungle. (Paid Subacription Televiaion) I mina.) BIPN'e SporteTalk Chicago Llvewlre 'Food Obeaaiona' Crista In Tha Horn Of Africa i star Tr#k 7.-06 fll Movie -(Drama) ••• "Coogan'a Bluff" 1968 Clint Eaatwood, Lee J. Cobb. An Arizona deputy sheriff appliea hia rough-and-ready tactica ol the Irontier when he arrivea in New York City to lind and extradite an eacaped murderer. (2 hra.) 7:30 • ••O WKRP In Cin cinnati Johnny oomea into quite a bit ol money and good buddy Venua bacomaa hia inveatment •lor. I® Richard Sknmona Show i Video Highlights M o v i e - ( C o m e d y ) * * "H.O.T.S." A aaxy atunning blonde la rejected by the popular 'Pi' aorority on campua ao aha atarta her own aorority called the H.O.T.S. (Rated R) (2 hra.) • 9 Movie -(Adventure) *** "Broken Arrow" 1980 Jamea Stewart, Jell Chandler. The atory 01 how one man'* courage helped to bring peace between the Apachea and tha Arizona eettler'a ifljhf_1870'e. (2 hra.) > A Amar swac one } (JJ) NtlfM I The Facta Of Ufa Blair haa aoma growing up to do whan aha laarna that her glamoroua mother's impending surgery Isn't for co emetic reaaona, but rather a biopsy for breaat cancer. • •• Tha FaM Ouy A bewil dered Colt Hnda hlmaell locked inaide a Jail call and enmeahed in deadly International intrigue after Howie takaa on a' almple' caae for them, loaea the euepect and they both fly to Honolulu to recover the man end Big Jacfc's$50,000bond. (PI. I of a two-part eplaode; 60 8ai Movie "The Deer Hunter' Part 1.1978 Robert DeNiro, Meryl Slraap. Deplete the terrible effeote the Vietnam War haa on three American aoldiera, and the repercuaaiona at home on their friende and lamiliea. (116 mina.) ® • World 'Return to Polend' Marian Marzyneki, a Poliah Jew, returnetohlahomelandtorecount the etory of hia aurvlval during the Nazi occupation, andtoiookatthe altuation In Poland today. (60 mina.) 0 Survival'Secrete of the African Baobab' Alrica'a great baobab, the tree called 'a carrot planted upaida down,' ia the aubiect ol thia extraordinary portrait filmed in Kenya, and narrated by Oraon We)tea. (60 mine.) (9 TeleFrance-U.8.A. Cordon Bleu Cooking: Lepln AuxHerbea' (Rabbit with Herbe). 2) Tele- Storiea, Tele-Seriea: 'Entre Toutea Lea Femmoa' Part I. (Among All Women). 3) Tele- France Cine-Club: 'Un Condamne a Mort S'Eat Echappe' (A Man Escaped: • MovM I). I Movie-(Drama) **H "Hard core" 1979 George C. Soott, Pater Boyle. A lather aearchaa for hie runaway daughtar. It'a an Intanee, ehocklng look at the grim underworld of the pornography buetnaee. (Rated R) (106 mine.) 9) W Movla -(Drama) ••• "Green Bereta" 1B8B, John Wayne, David Janaaen. The apecial Army taek force fighte the enemy in Vietnem. (2 hra.. 46 mina,) 08 LaHoraFamMiar • NHL Hockey (Joined In Progreee) New York Rangere va Philadelphia Flyers 19 Collage Football Eaetern Conference Final (R) S 0 Blackwood Brothere 9 A.R.T.S. The Creative Drive with Melba Moore 1) Marigold a in Auguat. 2) Qreet Paintings: Picaaeo's 'Guernica' 3) An Engine of Revolution. «Chrtetlan CMMren'a Fund Lavema And Shirley And Company vis» • OddCoupk Love, Sidney Shape Up Odd Couple > WMMovkHAdventure)** "Exit Tha Dragon, Entar Tha Tiger" Bruce Lee, BruoeLl(Pe Id Subscription Televieion)'The Dragon' ia myaterioualy lound dead apd hia protege, 'The Tiger', eweare to evenge the murder. (90 mine.) 94)0 9MO ShannonIt'aa lull echedule lor Shannon ae he triee to cope with Johnny'a adjustment to a new environment a n d c o m e a t o t h e e l d o f h i e father-in-law. (60 mine.) 9190 Ouincy Oulncy end hie vocation traveling compenion. Dr. Janet Cartiele. continue to fight a myeterloua epidemic that haa taken four llvee end atrlcken eeveral more eboerd a luxury crulae ehlp. (Conclusion; 60 •Hi*. I Dynaety The courtroom ie etunned when the verdict la delivered inBleke Cerrington'e trial, Alexia eeeka sweet revenge on Blake when aha moves Into the by Joay Sasao CONFIDENTIAL REPORT: Only a handful of new TV shows are worth sponsoring, say top advertising executives. "The fall-out rate is tremendous," PhMp Burrel, of a major New York adver tising agency told me after reviewing the new shows. "Of the 23 new shows this year, only about five or six will survive." Lynn, of another agency, says it is hard to find even one good show that is sure to survive to next year. "Just about everything has a good chance of failure," Lynn told me. "Any new program on the air is there because something else has failed. It has to be doubly good to make it." Advertising executive Paul Schubnan of Schulman Co. of New York says you cant blame the fickle tastes of the public for the new season's disasters. "The stag gered start of the season and the late-running basebalt season doesn't allow the networks to push their new shows and the viewers to develop their usual fall TV habits," he told me. Also, the networks are quick to gong any of their new shows that don't seem to be catching on. "With overnight ratings, certain shows are taken off much quicker than before," said Burreil, the TV series analyst for Dancer, Fitzgerald and Sample. The lack of originality on the part of the networks also makes for a rather dull new line up the experts say. "The three networks seem to be on a play-it-safe road this year," said Lynn. "Ifs all pretty much middle-of-the-road--less sex more violence and lots of recycled TV stars." TV BACKSTAGE: "M<A*S*H" star Alan Akla charges that most television shows are "junk." In an interview on the public affairs program "NBC Magazine," the four-time Emmy winner com pared television network executives to prostitutes and declared "I don't watch much television--not even the news, because ifs so fuH of junk now. They will talk for a minute and a half about something thafs liable to threaten the existence of the planet and then they'll talk for about seven minutes about somebody who kicks a football around a field. I'm really astonished by it. Somebody ought to be responsible, but what are they doing?" In response to the claim by network officials that they only give the viewers what they want, Alda counters: "Prostitutes give people what they want, but that doesn't excuse what they do." TV CLOSEUP: Is TV going to the dogs? It sure is--in a serious but very funny way as far as Barbara Woodhouse is con cerned. In addition to being in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's top dog trainer, Ms. Woodhouse has become a TV superstar with her new half- hour TV series of ten programs which became the highest rated show in England on BBC- TV. Now, 'Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way," distributed by Lionheart Television, has become a most unlikely and definitely unbelievable TV hit in . ... . the U.S. with 65 stations now Baroara WooOwuse going to the dogs from coast-to-coast! Thafs more amazing than the cat's pajamas... Maris Thomas says her first year of mar riage to PMI Donahue has been the happiest year of her life. "Just as I always dreamed, I can honestly says that I now have it all," Mario told me. "I have my work, which I could not live without, and I have a wonderful, romantic man who shares my deepest concerns and convictions." And she believes their mar riage will last forever. V M