Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1981, p. 5

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Ringwood News Doris Low > 653-9262 Katy Christopher 385-8037 Mary Butler Eighty Years 11 An open house will be held at the Ringwood United Methodist church on Sunday, Nov. 22 in honor of Mary Butler who will be celebrating her eightieth birthday. The hours will be from 2 until 5 p.m. Hostessing the happy oc­ casion, vwill N be her daughters, Helen Ruth Stanek and Muriel Benoy, with their families,. They request there be no gifts; they desire only the at­ tendance of her many friends. BIG ONE FORJOEY Joey Daurio, son of Michael and Nancy Daurio, celebrated his first birthday Oct. 28 and it turned out to be an all-day affair. In the morning it was picture- taking time by a professional photographer, followed by breakfast out with mother and brother Mickey. Mickey saw to it that the kitchen was well decorated with balloons (a lot of blowing for a four-year-old) and streamers. Relatives stopped by in the afternoon and evening with gifts and enjoyed birthday cake. Sister, Michelle, was in school but got to share the fun when she got home and gave Joey her gift. BROWNIE TROOP 461 Brownie Troop 461 met in the home of their leader, Nancy Daurio, in Ringwood for an outdoor meeting Oct. 27. The troop includes three grade levels, first, second and third. The first grade girls were each given a bag of popcorn and were then to go out to a spot alone, and try to coax a bird or little animal to come and feed off the popcorn. This was done in a large open area and while the little girls were still within view of their leader, it was still a little unnerving to sit by yourself and try to coax a wild creature to come and . eat. Guess the creatures were as timid as the girls because they didn't'show up. Then there was a scavenger hunt for the first graders. The second graders were blindfolded and had to identify the objects found on the hunt by the first graders. There were some very in­ teresting, things to identify. In turn, the second graders set a trail for the first graders to follow. Everyone returned to the starting point without incident. The third grade girls were working on badges and one of the requirements was to follow a map to find animal homes in the area. The girls did a nice job locating them. Everyone practiced making square knots and all ac­ complished the task. It got dark quickly, so the building of a campfire was of particular interest to the Brownies. Potatoes cooked fast over the coals and each girl got a stick to cook her hot dog. Everyone was tired but very happy with the experience. The girls of this troop had an interesting experience at their last meeting. Earlier they had gone out to an or- I may save you money on auto Insurance." TONY CHUCK FICK LEWANDOWSKI in . 1308 N. Park McHenry 385-2304 Call and compare! We're driving down the cost of Insurance. AMERICAN FAMILY I IM S » J R A IS) c r AUTO MB I * HCAITM UFt American Family Mutual Insurance Co. Madison. Wis chard to pick apples. At the meeting, they all made an apple pie. The leader and some mothers peeled and sliced the apples but the little girls measured the ingredients, rolled out the crusts, assembled the pies and each had a pie to take home for mother to bake in her oven. Sounds like the start of some great little homemakers. There are thirty-three girls in this troop and with the help of nine mothers, the girls ac­ complished their pie making in just an hour. Pretty good for six, seven and eight-year- olds. There are some Brownies and Girl Scouts who are in need of uniforms and if you have a uniform you would like to donate, please call Nancy at 653-9906. CHURCH DINNER With a complete sell-out foe all three servings, a most successful beef dinner was held at the Ringwood church last Saturday evening. We g r e a t l y a p p r e c i a t e everyone's support. BUSY THREE 4-HCLUB The meeting of the Busy Three 4-H club Monday evening was opened with Phillip Wolf and Ann Marie Kee leading the group in th* pledge to the flag and the 4-H pledge. New members joining the club were Kim Powers, Lisa Huebner, Laurie Andresen and Chris Anderson. Jeanine Sek was visiting to observe the club activities. The Awards banquet will be held this Sunday, Nov. 15, at the Ringwood United Methodist church at 7 p.m. Besides awards presented to the members, there will be a karate demonstration given by the Wayne Steinmetz family. New and old business was discussed and reports made. Tom and Nathan DeWitt gave talks on hamsters. At the next meeting, refresh­ ments will be served by the DeWitt and Wolf families. Club reporter, Tina Sch­ midt, has resigned from this office and the duties will be taken over by Terri Stein- V metz. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings go to little Sarah Reining on Nov. 15, and on Nov. 16, we find Pat Parsley, Tracy Hogan and Thomas Hillier adding another candle to their cakes> John Fabef Will celebrate another year Nov. 17, as does Christopher riogan on Nov. i6. Nov. 19 is that special day for Jim Funk, Jr., on Nov. 20, Darlene Lehmkuhl and Nadine McDowell will add another year, and Nov. 21 finds Bob Borchardt doing the same. "Happy Birthday" to all of you wonderful people and we wish you many more. ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to Sally and Christopher Dclby on Nov. 16 and to Greg and Karen Bazilewich on Nov. 20. We wish both couples a very "Happy Anniversary" and many more years of wedded bliss. DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 14 - Women of the Moose Bazaar & Bake sale, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, Moose Lodge. ' Nov. 15 - Church Services, 9:15 a.m., Ringwood church; Junior church, 9:30 a.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 18 - Combined Ad­ ministrative Board meeting, 7 p.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 19 - Choir practice, 7 p.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 20 - Teachers' In- service, no school, John- sburg. Nov. 21 - Men's Breakfast, 7 a.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 21 - Johnsburg PTO Christmas Bazaar. Nov. 22 - Open House for Mary Butler, Ringwood church, 2 until 5 p.m. Nov. 22 - Church services, 9:15 a.m, Ringwood church; Junior church, 9:30 a.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving Eve Services, 7 p.m., Ringwood church. Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving, Be Thankful! Nov. 26 & 27 - No school. GOD BLESS Present Flags To Area Schools Americanism Chairman Sarah Oeffling and President Gerry Kuck of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 recently visited and presented outdoor American flags to schools in McHenry and Johnsburg. Flags were presented to L a n d m a r k , H i l l t o p , Edgebrook and Johnsburg grade schools, Parkland, McHenry and Johnsburg Junior high schools, also McHenry East and West campuses and Johnsburg high school. * • • • Going to church is not a sure cure for your sins, but it will help. PAGE S • PLAINDEALER UFO Talk At College FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of November 20, 1941). The names of 32 young men from McHenry county were released by clerks of Draft Boards one and two. Included from the McHenry area were Richard M. Kelley and Raymond G. Benoy, Ringwood; Felix C. Unti, Earl J. Plasus and Frederick H. Smith of McHenry. Miss Betty Brandenburg, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bran­ denburg, is the proud owner of a blue ribbon since her 3- year-old, long haired Dash- chund was judged best in the female class and also reserve winner for breed. From S.I.H.'s cloumn. "See that path across Green street? Jim Powers hired a blonde in the National and Bob Adams has been buying a dozen eggs - one at a time." TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of November 23, 1971). Following an executive session of the McHenry County college board of trustees, members moved to enter into a one-year option to purchase 66 acres of land WHAT S NEW on Rt. 14, northwest of Crystal Lake, as a site for a permanent junior college. The property owner is Weber Addressing Machine Co. The option price of $12,000 is non-refundable but can be applied on the pur­ chase price of the land. Mike Brown was elected president of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce at the annual general membership and election dinner meeting held at the McHenry County club. Others named to serve with him were George Thompson and Mel Prust, vice- presidents, and Rick Lane, secretary-treasurer. • • • * Some people feel that their neighbors have it pretty easy. • • * • Every minority has the idea that it should rule the nation. The U.S. government knows far more about UFOs (flying saucers) than it has told the public. That's the contention of UFO Researcher Robert Hastings, who will draw together the findings of , numerous researchers in a speech at McHenry County college Wednesday, Nov. 18. Hastings talk will be titled " U F O s - T h e H i d d e n History" and will reveal the contents of thousands of pages of once-secret government documents about UFOs. The documents have been released through the efforts of UFO research groups using the Freedom of Information act. Among the once classified items Hastings will review is a 1947 letter from Air Force General Nathan F. Twining which states UFOs are real, describes their appearance and recommends a secret project to study them fur­ ther. He will also discuss a 1953 CIA report which orders a covert public information program to debunk UFOs and a handwritten memo from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover which he says reveals the U.S. Army has secretly recovered at least one crashed UFO. The program will include a slide and tape presentation and an illustrated lecture. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions. A small ad­ mission to the program will be charged at the door. Hastings is being brought to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1M1 v MCC by the College's Student Life committee and will speak in the College lounge at 7:30 p.m. SMILES He (angrily)--Do you be­ lieve everything every fool tells you? She (sweetly)--Oh, no, darling, but sometimes you do sound so plausible. Where Else? The young lover was obviously reeling out a heavy line trying to impress the beautifiil young girl at his side. "Those warm lips. And those beautiful eyes! Where did you get those eyes?" The girl, unimpressed, "They came with my head." Come and see Ronald McDonald ! See Ronald McDonald, live at 4411 W. Elm on Nov. 15, between the hours of 1:30 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. There's goin^ to he a one-ring circus at your favorite McDonald's® BUZZER-STOPPER Car door warning buzzers can be silenced while work­ ing with the door open with this simple spring clip that when you clip it on keeps the switch button in. At au­ to part stores and Steck Mfg. Co., 1319 W. Stew­ art St., Dayton, Ohio 45408. The McHenry Plaindealer Ml J W«l Elm Street (USPS 33*-1W) IsteMithed I $75 McHenry. Illinois 40050 Phone I15-3M-OI70 £ Published ivory Wadweidey • Friday e» McHenry. Illinois Second Clots Pottage Paid at McHenry, Illinois Ry McHCNRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Sand addraas change* lo McHenry Ptolndeelor. Nil W. Elm St.. McHonry. Illinois *0090 Subscribers ara requested to provido Immediate notice of change o4 address to The McHenry PtolndOoler. 3*12 W. Elm St., McHenry; til. MOM. A deduction of one month from the expiration of o subscription will bo made where a change of address Is provided through the Pest Office deportment WEST BEND where craftsmen still care automatic humidifier restaurant soon. Because Ronald McDonald is going to visit -- in person. Everybody's invited, so bring the* whole gang. And he prepared tor lots of tun. Stop in. Let your kids clown around with America's favorite clown. We do It all for you AQ I McDonald's 4411 W. Elm St. "Isau you unTV" UL We have in stock most Repair Parts Including: •ttSEWO# UWS •FILTER BELTS •WATER TREATMENT •BACTERIA TREATMENT •FILLER FIMELS •WATER WHEELS Lee & Roy Electric 1005 N. Front St. 385-0882 h I McDonald's • i® 4411 W. Elm St. McHenry . Jh Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor r NiwSMPtw 7 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ft ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $13.50 If) McHenry County 1 Year $24.00 Outside McHenry County NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A TAX LEVY IN AN AMOUNT WHICH IS MORE THAN 105% OF THE EXTENSION, EXCLUSIVE OF ELECTION COSTS, FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR. Notice It hereby given that it is the intention of McHenry School District No. 15, Counties of Lake and McHenry, State of Illinois, to adopt a tax levy for the year 1981 which Is more than 105% of the extension, exclusive of election costs, for the year 1980. 1. The aggregate amount of property taxes (extended) by said district for 1980 was $3,327,165. 2. The aggregate amount of the proposed tax levy for 1981, exclusive of election costs, is $3,765,189. 3. The percentage increase Is 13.1%. 4. Public Hearing on the propsed budget and proposed tax levy increase of said district shall be held on Decem­ ber 8, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. at McHenry Community Con­ solidated School District 15, 3926 West Main Street, McHenry, Illinois. . Eileen B. Zurblis Secretary, Board of Education (Published Nov. 13, 1981) No. 810576 DO YOU KNOW ABOUT "MY SPECIAL BANKER"? YOU CAN ENJOY ROUND THE CLOCK CONVENIENCE BANKING EVERYDAY OF THE YEAR! 24 HOURS A DAY! 7 DAYS A WEEK! My Special Banker automatic teller it the convenient way to bank at McHenry State Bank at the touch of a button. It's fast and easy to use for many banking transactions and it's here now. ready when you ore. My Special Banker is open seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day to serve you with saftey and confidence. Even when the bank lobby Is open our automatic teller mtfons faster banking without standing in line. If you have a checking and savings account or a NOW ac­ count with us. stop in today for an application or a personal demonstration from our Customer Service Department. They'll be happy to answer any questions you may huve and ex­ plain the many benefits of "My Special Banker". Automatic Teller Machine ("My Special Banker") is located in South Wail of Carey Building. mm**#,. ? Pictured above: id Backer. Vice President and Cashier displaying My Special Banker" Membership Card. A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FDIC is Him Building: 3510 W. flm St. Carey Building: Richmond Road & Pearl Street Weber Building: Crystal like Rd. & Lillian Street McHenry 385-1040 r r - I r

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