Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1981, p. 2

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('AGE 2 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 1H1 MR. AND MRS. RICHARD MADURA SMOKY MOUNTAINS HONEYMOON - After a honeymoon in (he Smoky Mountains, Tenn. newly married Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madura are making their home at 1717 Rogers avenue, McHenry. The former Sandra Kretsch of McHenry exchanged promises of marriage with Richard Madura of McHenry on Aug. 29. The Reverend Nolan Hilderbrand performed the 11 a.m. ceremony in the First United Methodist church, McHenry. The bride is the daughter of Edward and Vina Kretsch of Mundelein, III. Mrs. Betty Madura of Crystal Lake is the mother of the bridegroom. Following the nuptials, a reception was held for 125 friends and relatives. The new Mrs. Madura is a 1*74 graduate of Mundelein high school and a 1977 graduate of the Apostolic Bible Institute. Her husband graduated from Crystal Lake high school in 1977. DeWane Studio Photography Celebrates Eightieth Nov. 22, in the church basement hall of Ringwood Methodist church on Bar­ nard Mill road. The festivities will be hosted by the celebrant's two. daughters, Mrs. Harold (Helen) Stanek . of Whitewater, Wis. and Mrs. Alvin (Muriel) Benoy of McHenry, and they request no gifts. Mrs. Butler is a lifetime resident of the Ringwood McHenry area. She taught in the McHenry, Woodstock schools for 17 years; and is a member of the Ringwood church, Retired Teachers, Womens club and Friend­ ship club. In addition to her two daughters, Mrs. butler is the grandmother of eight children and the great- grandmother of eight. MARY BUTLER In celebration of the eightieth birthday of Mary Butler, an open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, P.W.P. Meets November 20 Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, will meet Friday. Nov. 20, at the Lake In The Hills Community building, 1212 Crystal Lake road, at 8:30 p.m. A short general meeting will be followed by a discussion on the coming holiday season, including some old customs. Afterwards, coffee and refreshments will be served followed by dancing to music provided by a favorite disk jockey. Newcomers are welcome to come at 8 p.m. for orientation. A family Thanksgiving dinner will be held Sunday, Nov. 22, at 1 p.m., in the community building and reservations must be made in advance. All those at­ tending must bring a dish to pass; the chapter will provide turkey and dressing. For further information, call 815-568-7543. Community Calendar NOVEMBER" 18 Morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.- St. Paul's church-Skin Care & How to Apply Makeup. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m.- Reciprocity meeting. Pistakee Highland Womens club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Community center - project night-all women invited. Family Service & Com­ munity Mental Health center for McHenry county-Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 p.m -Day Treatment facility--1614 N. Richmond road, McHenry-open to public. . - NOVEMBER 19 United Methodist General meeting, 7:30 p.m.-rFirst United Methodist church- hostesses, 'Priscilla Circle- program, Women' of the Bible. Girl Scouts-Hopi Neigh­ borhood meeting, 9:30 a.m - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Catholic Daughters of America-regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m -K. of C. hall-chairman, Alvera Nye. NOVEMBER 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Mary's school- Oak room. NOVEMBER 21 McHenry Senior Citizens- Business And Professional Women Slate Guest Speaker The Legislation committee of the McHenry Business and Professional Women's club will present as its guest speaker Nov. 23, Judge Susan Fayette Hutchinson. The meeting will be held at T. C. Spirits restaurant in Crystal Lake, beginning at 7 p.m. Judge Hutchinson is the wife of Alan S. Hutchinson and they reside at 356 Wiltshire lane, Gate 14, Crystal Lake, 111. From 1971 to 1979, she was active in sales and management, real estate and real estate law, with an Illinois Real Estate Broker's license; she served as an Assistant States At­ torney for McHenry county from June, 1977 to January, 1981; and was appointed Associate Judge 19th Judicial Circuit in January of 1981. Also in attendance will be 33rd District State Representative Jill Zwick, who will answer questions from the audience The McHenry B.P.W has won numerous state and national legislation awards for its programs which help members stay informed on Bazaar And Buffet Nov. 21 . 10AM-4PM McHer Country Club 620 N. John St., McHenry, II. A unique bdjaar of finely Crafted item* byanmCraftsmtft Lunch And Shop In Festive Surroundings! FREE ADMISSION legislative matters at the state, national and local levels. The development of many successful projects makes B.P.W an effective voice in the interests of working women. Some of the projects include an Action course in Practical Politics, a local Status of Women survey, petition drives for legislative reform, candidates nights and lob­ bying B.P.W. also works with other organizations, such as the League of Women Voters, on local government studies and other mutual interests. Women interested in joing the group are urged to attend a meeting and learn more about the organization. Reservations may be made by calling 385-0258. Area Home Attends '81 Nancy Moore, Extension Home Economist for the University of Illinois Ex­ tension Service, in McHenry county, recently attended the National Association of E x t e n s i o n H o m e Economists. The annual conference of this association is held in various cities around the U.S.A. This year, the conference was held in Las Vegas. The theme in 1961 was "Public Policy - Tools and Techniques". Every family is affected by laws passed by local, state or national Economist Conference government bodies. They must learn to cope with and influence the passage of such legislation. Through programs in family life, extension addresses what families can do to evaluate, support or lobby against public passage of bills that directly or indirectly affect the quality of life. Over 1,500 Extension Home Economists were present from the 50 states, Guam and Puerto Rico. Illinois was represented by 60 home economists. P.T.O. Presents "Dracula 99 bus tour to Folk Fair, Milwaukee-leave Market Place 10:30 a.m. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Installation of Officers, 8 p.m. Pancake Breakfast, 8 to 11 a.m.-First Hited Methodist church, McHenry-sponsor, McHenry Cub Scouts Pack 131-tickets at the door. NOVEMBER 22 sPolish Legion of American Veterans-Liberty Post and Chapter l88--regular meeting, 3 p.m.--Polish National Union Spojnia park -Ringwood and Flanders roads-dues are due. Pancake Breakfast-- Johnsburg Community club- -8 a.m. to 1 p.m.-sponsor, Mt. Hope United Methodist church-Pistakee Highlands. NOVEMBER 23 Newcomers' Craft club- beaded wreaths and stuffed ornaments-Claudia Dalton's, 7:30 p.m. American Legion Rifle Squad Post 491--annual turkey shoot-further in­ formation, contact A1 Bianchi or Frank Ficek. McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.rff.*- McHenry Public Library. McHenry Senior Citizens- regular meeting, 7 p.m- East campus. NOVEMBER 24 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S>-stated meeting, 8 P m - \ NOVEMBER 28 Special showing-Magic Christmas-Walt Disney feature film-theaters 1$ 2- 10 and 10:30 a.m.-tic^ets from participating McHenry. merchants-with Nov.; 27 purchase. NOVEMBER 28-29 ' Holiday Bazaar-B.V.M. Sodality-St. John the B a p t i s t , J o h n s b u r g - - Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Sundayt 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.-St. John's school. NOVEMBER 30 U.M.W Mission Team (Executive committee)-- meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. DECEMBER 4 Mother-Daughter Fashion show-Santa's Boutique-7 to 9 p.m.--Zion Lutheran church, McHenry-tickets at the door. DECEMBER 5 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S.-installation of of­ ficers, 8 p.m. Tree-trimming-Pearl street park-free hot chocolate with ornament- hamburger coupon with each toy for tots-Mrs. Santa arrives-mayor lights tree. DECEMBER 7 , Newcomers' Craft club- Christmas items. Aurora Blood Bank-Zion Lutheran church, McHenry- 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. DECEMBER 8 !?' McHenry Senior Citizens- bus trip to Chicago loop- leave Market place 8:30 a.m. i i m . H : FlatterYourself With A Stylish New "Do" ...Just Right For You! MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY APPOINTMENT NOW I FRAN'S HIDDEN CVRL 'TMt FMENOiV LITTLE BEAUTY iALON THAT'S MAAD TO MNO~ 1212 N. Green St. (Otc. •) McHenry 344-1019 OPEN MONDAYS DECEMBER 9 Ruth Circle Christmas p a r t y -- F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church-noon- home of Bea Nuziard-bring dish to pass and $2 gift. DECEMBER 10 McHenry Senior Citizens- Christmas dinner, 2 p.m - McHenry Country club. Lakeland Park Woman's club-Christmas party, 7 p.m -Village Squire-bring grab bag gift. DECEMBER 11 Cookie sale~10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Pink Door, Green street-benefit McHenry H o s p i t a l A u x i l i a r y Scholarship fund. DECEMBER 12 Town and Country Newcomers club--Les Gourmets-"Christmas Around the World'. S a n t a a r r i v e s - - f r e e hamburger coupon with each toy for tots-hot chocolate, donuts, coffee available. DECEMBER 14 McHenry Senior Citizens- regular meeting, 7 p.m.- East campus. DECEMBER 15 Town and Country Newcomers club-Christmas cookie exchange-7:30 p.m., Claudia Dalton's. DECEMBER 18 Town and Country N e w c o m e r s c l u b - - Newcomers' Children's Christmas party-St. Paul's church.' „ * •> DECEMBER 19 Santa in his hut-skate- togabbon-sled exchange-hot ' chocolate, coffee, donuts. DECEMBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens- Christmas tree walk-bus leaves Market place, 11 a.m. FIRST MEETING The first general meeting of the CARE (Christian Action Reaching Everyone) group of singles will be Monday, Nov. 23, at 8 p.m., in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. All single persons are invited to get together and take part in planning an interesting and exciting year ahead. FAMILY PLANNING The Catholic Diocesan Family Life office will hold sessions on the new natural family planning methods beginning Friday, Dec. 11, in Cary. For more in­ formation on pre- registration, other locations, and the reliability and safety of all methods of family planning, send for the free pamphlet entitled What Is New and Available in Family Planning? Write to Carman Fallace, Family Life office, 1245 No. Court street, Rockford, 111. 61101, or call (815 ) 962-7791. m w% m '• M v Make, your own herb vin­ egar by adding outdated or weak-flavprsd herbs to ordinary cider vinegar. \ Tina Propp and Ruthie Strohfekk are shewn la a sceae from the thriller, "Dracula", to be performed Saturday, Nov. 21, at7:M p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 22, at2 p.m., la the Johashurg high school andltortam. The play Is being presented by the Johashurg Parents Teachers Organisation. Tickets will be available at the dasr. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OUVER McHenry Senior Citizens Plan Milwuakee Fair Outing The bus for the McHenry Senior Citizens club's outing to the Milwaukee Folk Fair on Saturday, Nov. 21, will leave the Market Place at 10:30 a.m. and depart from Milwaukee for the return trip at 8 p.m. There are still tickets available for the second bus and those in­ terested in attending are requested to contact Ruth Fradell. The annual Art Fair was a highlight of the group's Nov. 9 meeting at East campus. In the absence of President Liehr, Tom Gatlin, vice president, conducted the meeting. Alf Heggeland, Art chairperson, introduced members of the Senior Citizens Art class, Marge Rickey, Dorothy Adams, Norma Piepolow, Anne Conway, Anna Lura, Julia Smock, ' Frank Zima, Elizabeth Sindermann, Alice Houston, Lil Revell, Vola Johnson, Pat Houston and Pat Gatlin. After the meeting, everyone had time to look at and appreciate the beautiful display of pain­ tings. Clem Umbdenstock, Tour c h a i r p e r s o n , a s k e d a l l seniors to wear their badges on all tours. He announced the bus tour to the Chicago loop will be on Dec. 8, leaving the Market Place at 8:30 a.m. and starting the return trip to McHenry at 3 p.m. A few reservations are available on the second bus and can be obtained from Ruth Fradell. The Christmas Tree Walk will take place on Dec. 22, leaving the Market Place at U a.m. The Nominating com­ mittee is preparing a slate of officers to be presented at the Dec. 14 meeting. Roland and Sylvia Grayson, chairpersons, would ap­ preciate being advised if a member would like an office or knows someone else who would. Nominations and election of officers will take place at that meeting. In­ stallation of officers will be held Jan. 11 and Ralph Lockerbie will be the in­ stalling officer. Leona Husch, [Mem­ bership, reported she is taking membership dues for 1982. There are now 500 members. New and rein­ stated members are Frieda H e r d r i c h , D o r o t h y Wlodarczyk, Carol and George Voelke and Geraldine Olson. Jim Jansen, Driver Refresher chairperson, asked that he be contacted if anyone would like to be an \ assistant instructor for the Driver Training course. There will be several training sessions for those who wish to help. Pat Gatlin, Greetfer, an- nouneed there were 162 members and seven guests present. She awarded prizes to Alice Wilka, Edwin Kroeger and Katherine Aisson. Anna Lura, Social chairperson, said the Christmas dinner will be at the McHenry Country club at 2 p.m., Dec. 10 and Ruth Fradell is selling tickets. Bowling representative Anne Baily, invited all seniors to join the bowlers at the McHenry Recreation on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.; and Fridays at 12:30 p.m. 'TV- Rose Lingle, Ptpttam, announced the Choral club will present a program at the Nov: 23 meeting. "/ ' There will be a board meeting on Dec. 7, at 10 a.m., in the McHenry Public Library. At the close of the meeting, delicious refreshments were served by the Social com- • mittee. Monthly Meeting Features Cookie-Ornament Exchange In place of the regular monthly meeting of the Town and Country Newcomers club in December, the annual Christmas cookie and or­ nament exchange has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Dec. 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dalton of McHenry. Members are looking forward to attending this club function and sharing holiday recipes with one another. Seven dozen cookies will be required for the exchange and after sampling, each guest will be able to take home a six and a half-dozen assortment to share with the family and friends. A gift: wrapped ornament ex­ change is optional. The program for the November meeting of the group was a silent auction, held Tuesday, Nov. 10, at St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry. This was a time for all club members to show their talents and help people of the community. All proceeds will go to help a family in need in the area. Secretary-treasurer Judy A l e c k s o n r e m i n d e d everyone that the new and very attractive club directories for the 1982 club year will be available soon to any paid member. Those interested in going to Chicago for a day of shopping and out to lunch, in December, are requested to please contact Paula Ekstrom for more details. Anyone desiring further details on any club activity or information about joining is invited to attend a meeting, or contact Mrs. Michael (Barb) Hajek or Mrs. Guy (Jill) Leonard, both of McHenry. Thanksgiving is fast ap­ proaching and all signals are go for FISH baskets for the needy on our Thanksgiving holiday list. We are depending on everyone's assistance to care for at least 50 local families, and will be grateful for any help given. We hope to make this a happy holiday for these families, especially where there are children, or senior citizens with no one to care for them. The packing and sorting will be done in St. Patrick's church hall, 3500 W. Washington street (west side entrance) on Sunday, Nov. 22, and delivered between noon and 2 p.m. that day. Besides providing families with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, we'd like to provide them with several days' supplv of groceries. Gifts of canned food, fruits, vegetables, pancake mixes, syrup, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, cereals and all other items we use so often in our day to day living would be appreciated. Cleaning aids, soaps and paper products are things that these folks can't pur­ chase with food stamps, and they are always needed. Any of these items may be left on Saturday, Nov. 21, at the above location on the landing inside the west door of the church, or Sunday morning before noon. We try to purchase large and small turkeys or a turkey roast, depending upon the size of the family, so will welcome certificates from local markets, money orders or checks. If wo get enough donations we will be able to provide each family with bread, rolla, etc. for their holiday dinner. Our address is FISH, P.O. Box 282, McHenry, 111. 00050. Our telephone number is 385- 0258. Rev. Victoria Lee Wolden cordially invites you to share in an experience of love, prosperity £ teaming. We are currently studying "The Millionaire From Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets For You." Please |oin us. Wednesday evenings at t:00 thru 12/16/81. iUitl Center Of The LMm Christ 3 Chalet Drive, Crystal Lake, III u, f»r *Urel»f»r«atl»a Cilb4SS-lWL CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE cmsmttNtyoR * nuMTKcmims CFttroiTKMK cams cm Fri. And Sou November 20th And 21st 1 0 A M - 3 P M v : . 390$ W. High McHenry Edgebrook Heights CAM-MIT .

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