SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 (Cloeed-Captioned; U,S.A.) (00 f a.) VMon Of Aala-U8A Movie -(Comedy) •• H "1941" 1070 Dan Aykroyd, Ned Boatty. Story of war panic in California following Paarl Harbor ta£k.(Rated PQ) (119 mine.) 700 Club it's YourBuainaea Hellenic Thoatra I ESPN CFL Special 1B81 Gray Cup Championehip from Montraal §9 In Touch Straight Talk Movie -(Mualcal) *** % "King Andl" 106S Y ul Brynnar, Daborah Karr. A widowad taachar runa haad-on into an Oriantal King, gradually falling In lova with him. (3 hra.) 7:30 0 People To People ® 9 Jimmy Swaggart 9 What WW Thay Think Of Next? _ 8:00 90 9 Sunday Night Movie'Moonraker' 1979 Stars: Rogar Moora, Lola Chile*. Jamas Bond la a id ad by a gorgaoua CIA agant, aaaaultad by a giant with jawa of ataal and captured by an army of amazona when he aeta out to protect the human race from a rain of death ahowering from outer apace. (2 hra., 36 mina.) (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 9 Lawrence Welk Show 9 & Movie -(DramaV** H "I • Walk Alone" 1048 Burt Lancaater, Lizabeth Scott. A man's priaon term changes his outlook on life and makaa him £.(2 hra.) Nova 'Notea of a Biology Watcher: A Film with Lewia Thomaa' Every living creature ia owned and operated by legiona of prehiatoric organisms in aach call of the body. Thla la but one of the atartling revelations made by Or. Lewi a Thomaa, a leading biologiat, aa NOVA explorea with him the mysterious wonder of life. (Cloeed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mina.) 9 Survival • TeleFrance-U.S.A.A Poatcard from Paria: A viait with a hat-maker In Paria. 2) Moviea for Our Timea: 'La Pull-Over Rouge' (The Red Sweater). 3) The Film Tribune. 9 a Grecian Spotlight Bit Old Time Goapel Hour 9 A.R.T.8. The Creative Drive with Melba Moore. 1) Cathedral at Amiena. 2) Monaiaur Rene Magritte. 3) La Sylphide (Acts I and II). 9 ItleWritten OHM • Atlantic CHyAHvel 0:10 9® Movie-(Drama) ***H "Ordinary People" 1080 Mary Tyler Moore, Timothy Hutton. A Chicago family triea to carry on after the death of their eldeat son in a aailing accident; winner of four Academy Awarda, including Beat Picture. (Paid Subacription Television) (2 hra., 6 mina.) 8:30 9 Movie -(Comedy) *** "Sunday Lovera" 1001 Roger Moore, UgoTognazzi. An international caat gracea thia comedy which explorea romantic attltudea of Haliana, the French, Engliah and Americana. (Rated R) (2 hra., 30 mina.) B 38 Sunday At 8L Edwarda If 9 Dr. Jack Van hnpe 0 World Tomorrow 0:00 9 9 9* Sinatra, The Man And Hla Music Frank Sinatra performa aeiectiona from the more than 100 albuma he haa recorded during hia 42 yeara in ahow buaineaa. The program featuraa a 60-plece orcbeatra, including 30 atringa, which accompaniea him in varioua numbera and combinationa. (60 mina.) MOONRAKER Roger Moore is James Bond once again, making the dangerous acquain tance of Lois Chiles, a mysterious woman who is many things, but rarely what she seems, in "Moonraker," a network television premiere airing on "The ABC Sunday Night Movie," SUN DAY, NOVEMBER 22 The hijacking of the space shuttle leaves James Bond to investigate the activities of industrialist Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale). Richard Kiel returns to reprise the steel-tc>pthed villain "Jaws," the part he made famous in the previous James Bond thriller, "The Spy Who Loved Me." For those of you who follow the ex ploits of NASA's Space Shuttle pro gram, "Moonraker" offers a futuristic application of the reusable space- plane. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV COMPULOG StRVSCfS IMC Maaterplece Theatre 'Edward andMra. Simpson: Venua at the Prow' The Prince ahowera Mra. Simpson with gifta and jawela, and little by little aha bagina to shed Mr. Simpson. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mina.) 9 Movie -(Drama) **H "Hard core" 1070 George C. Scott, Peter Boyle. Afatheraearchea for hia runaway daughter. It'a an Intenae. ahocking look at the grim underworld of the pornography taloeas. (Rated R) (108 mina.) Old Time Goepei Hour My View Koffffl Qoipfi Hour Chlcego Goepei Hour limy Swaggart 9:06 IP TBSWeekendNewa 0:30 ® 9 Milwaukee 9 Observer 1040 9 9 Honeymooners )B Edward The King Fawlty Towers IS Independent Network PubNc Policy Forum Wonderful Hour SportaCenter 9 The Bible Hour Paul Hogan Movie -(Adventure-Drama) • * W " T h u n d e r b o l t a n d Ughtfoot" 1074 Clint Eastwood, Jeff Bridgea. Bank robber poaing aa a preacher ia aaved by a young atrangarwhen hia former colleagues come gunning for him becauae they think he double- croaaed them over the loot. (2 hra.) 10:06 9 Caribbean Nlghta 10J6 9® CBS Newa 9 ® M o v i e - ( D r a m a ) * * "Exterminator" Christopher George, Samantha Eggar. (Paid Subacription T eleviaion) An inaide look at the aeamy underaide of the big citv. (2 hra.) 10:30 9 Two On Two 9 Movie -(Weatern) •• H "Cheyenne Social Club" 1070 Henry Fonda, Jamea Stewart. A cowboy learna that he haa inherited a Wyoming aocial club from hia late brother. To hia partnar*a delight, he flnda that the ia a bawdy houae. (2 hra.) club ia a bawdy I afire: An Evening At The Baxters SDave AKen At Large Movie-(Drama) •••* "Bridge OnTheMverKwal" 1067William Holden, Alec Guinneaa. During WW M, complications ariaa when a British Colonel and hia troopa are Impriaoned by the Japaneaa and forcedtolaborlnbulldingabridge. " College Football Notre vaPenn State Bleaatnge Dame vs Penn State 99jBountiful Bie< has999 Newa 10jS6 €0 Own Up 10:46 9NBC Late Night Movie 'Monkey Mlaaion' 1981 Stara: Robert Blake. Joe Dancer, a rugged private eye, executea an Ingenloua Jewel heiat at a well-protected muaeum to ret urn a priceleaa gam that waa atolan ffomagroupof wealthy Europeans durinoWWII. (Repeat; 2 hra.) 10:60 9 Remember When: The Blrda And The Beea Thia exclualve HBO aeriea continues with an examination of the hlatory of moraltly, from the rigora of Puritan ethica to the relaxed attKudfa of today. 11:00 9 CM Newa 9 Jim Rockford: Private Investigator 9 Movie -(Drama) ** "Teak Force" 1040 Gary Cooper, Jane Wyatt. A Naval officer fighta for appropriationa for carriera in the face of heavy Air Force oppoai- £2 hra.,30 mina.) HoueeCaH m 'The Manhattan Tranafer' Four part vocaleeae, acat and mualcal improvisationa are all part of the poliahed act thia group bringa to the Soundatage concert with auch numbera aa 'Four Brothera,' 'Tuxedo Junction,' 'Twilight Zone' and 'Birdland'. (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mine.) 9 Dr. Who 9 Ireland's Eye 9 Mo vie-(Animated)** "Water Bablea" 1070 Delightful tale of playful creaturea who live in the deep and a young boy'who reacuea them from underwater ia. (90 mina.) Newa 8later E.R. Allen ICoNegeFootbaHNebraakava Oklahoma OSlPul 11^9 Al Public Policy Forum ABC Newa M.A.S.H. Night Gallery 11:16 9 Jim Rockford: Private Inveattaator 11:20 9 Movie -(Adventure) f "Jeremiah Johnaon" 1072 Robert Redford, Will Geer. Thia atory ia of a mountain man aurviving a wintry wilderneaa with rival trappara and Indian attacka. (Rated PG) (2 nra., 16 mina.) 11:30 9 ® Face The Nation It'a Your Buaineaa Proaperity-A Way Of > M o v i e - ( C o m e d y ) * * * "Bringing Up Baby" 1030 Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn. An McHENRY OPTICIHN5 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY. ILLINOIS Metal or Plastic SENIOR CITIZENS WITH LENSE PURCHASE Metal or Plastic KID* *12 f M F R G E N Y R E P A I R S & F R A M E R E P L A C E M E N T ^ O M L r « K . • . ( [ > * < W ^