WOOL REMNANTS 2.88 vd. FIR PIECES COTTON VELOUR 4.99 yd. CHRISTMAS RIB CALICOS 2.88, FIBERFUL 1.66 « : '1 x". : STEP AHEAD SHOES FOR WOMEN Crystal Point Mall Crystal Lake 10WRET ORGANS and PIANOS Hush Puppies •*" BRAND SHOES SPECIALLY PRICED 0099 from « il Why Not B6 A Suiter Suits MAKE IT A MUSICAL MERRY CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR! LOWREY ORGANS start at *988 The whole family will enjoy the fun and togetherness that comes with a new Lowrey organ from the Note Shop? They're easy to play and easy to own with onr FREE private and class teaching programs and no money down financing. Quality Keyboard Merchandising NOTE SHOP Crystal Point Mai (815)455-0300