Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1981, p. 10

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PAGE 10 - PLAINI>K vl.hli -VKHNESDAY, DECEMBER 2,1981 No casH refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks in Memoriam Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent Wan ted To Buy and Garage Soles MUST be paid in advan ce The Plamdealer is not responsible for errors in classif ied ads after the f irst insert ion Check /our ad ofter the f irst insert ion and cal l our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON. FRI.8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 912 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. PHONE 815-385-0170 19 CUBIC FT AMANA Side by Side Refrigerator: 36" tias stovj^Both Harvest. Hold F< >R SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100; 1980 -\aha MY OA* Rnth BUSINESS SERUICES D O G O B E D I E N C E COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde, excellent condition $125.00:: Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Fr< keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 aci section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. Hoy 2 W I 1 DITIOfl Carrier BTU F\ Kreen $15 00 after 6r CLASSIFIED ADS! SUN SCREEN SHADES for Store Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31 c FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00 7-24-7-31C AUTOS electric $15.oo; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00 Call after HORSE POWER Clutch FORD 1977.ton Super Cab 5pm after 5pm. driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks 'Camper Special, power Cash only, all prices firm. 7- with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old. First FOR SAli liotl V r i )iei REAL CSTAT6 ACRE High and Dr Comer lot in Boat I BUSINESS SEKUICfS HISHCSS SERUICES PERSONALS SURPRISE YOUR Special Child' Lizzie the Clown or Santa available for Birthday Parties and Holiday Season Reasonable rates 815-344- 2277. 11-25-12-4C F A S T T A I L O R ALTERATIONS Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 4901 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry 815- 344-3227 11-27 l-6c INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting Call us for a free estimate. 815-385-7736. 12- 2tfc WE RE NEW To The Area' We guarantee fast service, no matter how long it takes! T&M Towing, Wonder Lake. Illinois. 815-728-1171. 234 hour service 11-11- 12-4c CtUjelitww < • Heating & Air <1 Conditioning Service < > i > 'Whirlpool Furnaces 4 > < 1 •Installation of Majestic < ^ < > Fireplaces ^ ^ < > 'Furnace Cleaning & ^ ^ 4 > Inspection ^ ^ • Air Conditioning i i 'Electronic Air Cleaners •Humidifiers i ̂ ° 815-385-7507io 30 TREE SERVICE 'Tree Removal •Tr imming •Oak Fi rewood •SNOW PLOWING Free Estimates Fully Insured [ Wonder Lake Telephone No. 815-653-9075 •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks & Porches •Home Repairs No Job Too Small Coll Harry L. Vienzens Construction 815 385-2847 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE SNOW PLOWING (815)385-6733 MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Aluminum, Vinyl, Steel All manufactured by U.S.S. Soff i t & Fascia Trim windows & doors Seamless Gutters Serving the Area Over 10 years • Insured All Work Guaranteed 815385-4628 LIONEL TRAINS OUR SPECIALTY BUY-SELL PRE-XMAS SALE 815-385-8672 11 25 12 23 ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED 815-344-1020 RIID&SON CONST. WILL DO WOOD Splitting on Weekends. $15.00 per hour. 815-338-5146, 11-27-12-18C NEED CAKES For the Holidays? Cakes by Karen. Every one unique. 815-385- 6491. 11-27-12-4C TOM HUBBARD, Award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006. 12-2tfc FREE PICKUP Junk cars and trucks day or night. 815- 459-0081. 12-2tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices Call Ken 815-344-2449. 12-2tfc SALE! Professional Carpet (leaning. Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized,only $44.95. Additional areas only 10 cents per sq, ft. Over 300 satisfied customers! Baumans. 815-943-4793. 12- 2tfc INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates, call Jim 815-459-3677. 12-2tfc PLUMBING, New Work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners Licensed, insured. Call Tom 815-653-9725. 12- 2tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 12-2tfc MERLE FREUND & SONS INC., Carpenters. New h o m e s , a d d i t i o n s , remodeling & repair work. 815-385-2410. 12-2tfc S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR, Domestic & In­ dustrial.In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all sewing machines. Keener & Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672. 12-2tfc MARIAS ALTERATIONS, for fast service & low prices. Open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 am to 8.00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 815-385- 3269. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road. McHenry. 12-2ttfc SECRETARIAL SERVICES provided in my home. Ex­ perienced Legal Secretary. 815-344-4429 11-11-12-4C N O R T H E R N I L L . M E C H A N I C A L , I N C . Plumbing. Hot water heat, Sewer & Water, Septics, New work, Service work. Remodeling Residential & Commercial. Licensed and Bonded Fully insured. 312- 546-1474 12-2tfc GRAND OPENING Seasonal Crafts Starts Dec. 4 G 5th Space and tables now avai lable Downtown Twin Lakes, Wi. Next door to Mar­ ty s. Cal l 414-877-2836 MATHISON SEPTIC SERVICE N e w s e p t i c s y s t e m i n s t a l l a t i o n s , r e p a i r s Backhoe work 815-344-3980 McHenry, II. EXXfl NOW OPENING Friday, N«v. 27th JIM'S RESALE SNOPPE New & Used Item* Many nice new & used i tems for Christmas 5103 McCvlUm Lake ltd. 9 » o ! I l l a f t e r XHMS Htllday 815-385-7413 11 27 12/18 12/3-12/17 J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. Antique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 12-2tfc S E P T I C S Y S T E M PROBLEMS? Have those problems corrected before winter sets in. Call Mathison Septic Service today! 815- 344-3980. 12-2tfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-728-0176. 12-2tfc HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST. Painting, Wallpapering, Carpentry. E l e c t r i c a l . C o m p l e t e remodeling needs. All work guaranteed. 815-385-6877. 12- 2tfc R & S PAINTERS. Custom Interior. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 11-18 12-llc SCHUERR WAY Builders. All phases of Carpentry, E l e c t r i c . P l u m b i n g , Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808. 12- 2tfc MISCELLANEOUS WORK, REASONABLE! Repairs, painting, lawn work, wall washing, snow removable, etc. 815-653-9418 or 815-653- 9807. 12-2-12-4C PREVENT THEFT! Will engrave your name on your Snow Skis, $3.00. 815-385- 6559. 12-2-12-4C P A I N T I N G & WALLPAPERING. Reasonable rates. 22 years experience. Call Del. 815-344- 2016. 12-2-12- 11c SITUATION WANTED --p-- LICENSED DAY CARE. Excellent references. License Number 1526704. 815-344-3309. 12-2-12-1 lc WANTED: Experienced Herdsman will do evening or morning milkings and other chores. Contact 815-385-2148 after 6:00 pm. 12-2-12-4c WILL BABYSIT in my Licensed home. Full time days, reasonable. McHenry area. License number 552411.815-385-3391. 12-2-12- 4c NOTICE FREE HEARING TESTS, Set for Wednesday 10am to 5pm. 3937 W. Main St. McHenry Hearing Aid Center. 12-2tfc DIFFERENT & UNUSUAL GIFTS, at Rustic Charm Gifts, 2102 North Richmond Road, McHenry. 815-385- 0350. 12-2-12-1 lc Child Car* UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN'T BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for another person * child in your home unlet* that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It ii also illegal to odvertise for such services in an unlicensed home. The*e licenses are istued free to home* meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN t FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, III. 60046 312-356-1011 MOTORCYCLES 490 CC MAICO; 400 CC Suzuki 4 cycle; also 440 LTD Kawasaki. All bikes adult ridden. 815-385-6855 after 5pm. 12-2-12-4C 1981 KAWASAKI CSR 1,000 motorcycle. 1800 miles, $3,200 815-344-2668 after 5pm. 12-2-12-4C LOVE YOU Love, HAWV 8IRTH0AV From, Your Irish Relatives CONGRATULATIONS You've Come A Long Way V P. The Two Bears ( / LOVE YOU! MOM & DAD HAPfV ANNjMERSARV HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY HARRIET (j ED Love, From Your Family IN MEMORIAL IN LOVING MEMORY of m y h u s b a n d M i t c h e l l Bykowski who passed away December 1, 1978. 3 lonely years, many silent tears. I m i s s y o u . Your Dear Wife Lottie ' 12-2 CARD Of THANKS TO MY FELLOW STUDENTS, Friends, R e l a t i v e s , T e a c h e r s , Coaches, Clergy and Doctors & Nurses at McHenry Hospital, for all your unending support through my recent Football Injury. God Bless! Paul Klein & Family 12-2 AUTOS AUTOS 1980 AMC CONCORD EAGLE, 4 wheel drive, power steering, power brakes, am-fm stereo, air- conditioning. 815-385-2080. 12-2-12-4C 1978 CJ 7 JEEP, excellent condition. Bucket seats, tinted windows, hard and soft top, extra set of snow tires. 815-385-2874. 12-2-12-4C 1974 DODGE CHARGER, runs well, interior nice. Body needs minor work. Best reasonable offer. Call Monday thru Friday bet­ ween 12:00 & 4:00 pm. 815- 385-1732. 12-2-12-4C 1971 RENAULT, runs good, $500.00 or best offer. 815-653- 4586. 12-2 1979 MUSTANG, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering, 17,000 miles, one owner $3,895.00.815-338-8070. 12-2- 12-4C 1978 MERCURY GRAN MARQUIS, V-8, Sedan, loaded with accessories. Exceptional condition $3500.00, will deal. 815-338- 0485 evenings or weekends. 12-2-12-4C 1977 CADILLAC FLEET­ WOOD Brougham, fully equipped, excellent con­ dition, 51,000 miles, asking $6250.00.815-455-2344. 12-2- 12-4c 1973 VEGA, 4 cylinder, good condition, asking $340. Call evenings after 6 PM. 815-653- 6591. 12-2-12-4C DON'T SLIDE Thru Winter, without Auto Insurance. Before you renew, check our rates. Special programs for those over 55. Phone quotes welcomed. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency. 815-338- 3328. 12-2-12-4C 1970 OPEL, 30 mpg, 2 door, good tires, new clutch-water pump-overhaul, runs OK, some rust. 815-728-0184. 12-2- 12-4C WANTED: All makes and models, running or not. 24 hour pickup service. 815-728- 1171. 11-11-12-4C 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE Station Wagon Premier, mint condition, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air, am-fm radio, rear speakers, deluxe in and out, one owner, garaged, $3,250.00.815-459-2468. 12-2- 12-4c 1982 FORD F250, % ton, 400 V-8, factory package, extra heavy duty for goose neck trailer, regular gas. Call 815- 943-3235 after 4pm. 12-2-12-4C 1970 GTO BODY $100.00; Other GTO parts also. 815- 344-4864. 12-2-12-4C 1976 CHEVY CAPRICE Estate wagon, 9 passenger, all power, many extras, very good condition, low mileage. Asking $1,550.00. 815-385- 7440. 12-2-12-4C 1972 OLDS CUTLASS 442, 350 automatic, air conditioned, power brakes, power steering, garage kept, good condition. Must sell this week! $2,000.00. 815-385-4645. 12-2-12-4C 1976 MONTE CARLO, am- fm, air conditioning, runs well $1500.00.815^344-4097. 12-2-12-4C 1977 BUICK RIVIERA, 2 door, fully equipped, great running condition, good tires, $3,000.00. 815-385-1526 after 3:30 pm. 12-2-12-4 1971 VW VAN, newly rebuilt engine, new brakes, Radial tires, $875.00 or best offer. Larry, evenings 815-385-8252. 12-2-12-4 1969 FORD TORINO $350.00 or best offer. 815-344-5588. 12-2 1978 FORD COURIER PICKUP, 6 ft. bed, 5 speed $3400.00. Call after 5pm weekdays, 815-344-0719. 11- 27-12-4C 1980 CHEVROLET, 4 wheel drive Suburban. Dark blue. 20,000 original miles, new brakes, air conditioning, excellent running condition. Must sell!! $7,000 or best offer. 815-385-8500, call between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. 11-27-12-2 1970 CHALLENGER RT, fresh paint, red, new tran­ smission, needs minor repair $410.00 firm; 1974 Cougar XR 7, $700.00 needs transmission work. 815-385- 3313. 11-27-12-4C 1966 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder, very good condition, must sell. 815-344-0164. 12-2tfc 1974 FORD GALAXIE, 58,000 miles, new brakes, exhaust, battery, 2 tires. AM-FM Stereo, power steering, power brakes, rear defogger, air conditioning, 2 snow tires. First $1,200 takes. 815-344-3517 after 5pm. 12-2tfc 1979 DODGE CLUB CAB, 4x4, auto, steering, $5,500. Call after 5pm. 815-344-0918. 12-2-12-4C SNOWMOBILE" 1973 ARTIC CAT PUMA 440, electric start, cover, heater bar handles, extra clutch, $500.00. Call 815-344-0869. 12- 2-12-4C 1977 JOHN DEERE 440 Liqui j Fire, new engine and track, plus extra parts $1400.00 or best offer . 815-385-4831. 12-2- 12-4c TRAILER, SNOWMOBILE, 3 Place, 1980 Leland with Bearcat top, up graded in­ side with bearing buddies $895.00.815-344-2954. 12-2-12- 4c S N O W M O B I L E S : 1977 Everst SKidoo driven only 40 miles $1,200; also 1962 Ariens $300.815-385-7960. 12-2-12-4C 1972 ARIENS, good running condition, best offer. 815-385- 6578. 12-2-12-4C TWO 1975 COLUMBIA 440 SNOWMOBILES, good condition, low time. Also 2 place trailer, all for $950.00. 815-385-5251. 12-2tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 room house, 2 bedrooms, natural fireplace, aluminum siding, appliances including air conditioner, good con­ dition, including well decorated. 1 block to river $34,0000. Call 497-3867 or 815-344-0648 BOATS * MOTORS 16 FT. RUNABOUT BOAT, fiberglass with wood deck, Murray tilt trailer, 60 hp Mercury 75, 2 brass props. Many extras. Real low hours, excellent condition, $1500 or best offer. 815-728- 1563. 12-2-12-4C REAL ESTATE S U N N Y S I D E , B R I C K RANCH. 2 bedrooms, \xk baths, dining room, fireplace, basement, 2 car attached garage, completely remodeled 1980. Water rights, Johnsburg schools. Owner, terms, VA or FHA $67,900. Schulien Realtors, 815-385-8821. 12-2-12-4C BY OWNER, Worth looking at Two Houses! One in the low $30's. Is zoned for business. 2 bedrooms, closed porch, basement, bar, lot 100x133, sewer, contract, etc.: In low $80's, next to water. 5 big rooms, full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, couple lovely decks, landscaped, near school. Land contract, etc. 815-385-7879 or 815-344-3076. 12-2-12-4C S U N N Y S I D E , B R I C K RANCH, 3 bedrooms, Vfa baths, fireplace, basement, large kitchen, 2 car garage, like new. Owner terms, asking $67,900. VA or FHA. Schulien Realtors, 815-385- 8821. 12-2-12-4C CONTRACT SALE, lOVfe percent, 20 percent down, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 3200 sq. ft. hillside ranch on 1 acre in Val Mar, with part owner­ ship in 12 acre horse lot, barn and rec house with pool. $125,000,815-385-4472. 12-2tfc •U ACRE High and Dry, wooded Corner lot in Boat & Saddle. River Rights. Johnsburg Schools $25,000. No agents. Call weekdays after 4pm. 815-385-0583. *12- 2tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER, or rent with option. 3 bedroom home. 2 down, 1 up, with room for a large 4th. 2 car garage with opener, 7x10 metal shed, full basement paneled with styrofoam. T h e r m o p a n e w i n d o w s t h r o u g h o u t . W a l k i n g distance to Church, Schools, Theatre, Shopping. Owner built, possible financing. 815- 385-1140. 12-2tfc JUST REDUCED From $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acres Giant Oaks Estates. Howe Road. Creek across Nor- thend. One tree front and back. No agents. Call week­ days after 4pm. 815-385-0583. 12-2tfc McHENRY, Very private lovely ranch home. Country setting, rolling hills, lVfe miles to town. Just remodeled, 2 to 3 bedrooms, large full basement, 2 cedar decks, Extras. $80's. 815-344- 3076,815-385-7879. 11-27-12-4C 4 BEDROOM, 4 BATH, On the Water in Dutch Creek. 815-385-7150. 11-25-1-lc DEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE WITH NO INTERES1 LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under­ neath. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hot water heat, full basement. Landscaped lot close to lake with rights. $55,000. 30% down, fiv« year mortgage. 815-385-1322 BY OWNER TO* NAME THE IERMS AND INTEREST RATE Owner will agr»« to most anything (Try 11 %) Lived in one year-3 bedroom, 1 bath, heated garage, hillside ranch. '/> block from private lake.. TRADE CONSIDERED. Of­ fered RtjgMNC Reduced to $49,900. Call owner 414-248-9095 «r 815-385-3685 IPAWTEO TO BUV WANTED, Junk Cars, any condition. Scrap Metals. Will pick up. If not in, please leave name and number. 815- 678-4659. 10-14-12-3C WANTED, ANY OLD Oriental Rugs, wanted to buy. Any condition. Call Roberta at 1-414-728-6190. Also Selling. 10-21-3-5C SLOT MACHINES Wanted. Paying over $600 cash. Any Condition. Also 78RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes. Call collect 1-414-248-3796. 10-28- 12-4c WANTED TO BUY, Lionel trains. After 5:30pm. 815-675- 6379. 12-2-12-4C WANTED-USED LOVESEAT sleeper sofa in good condition. Call after 4:00 pm. 815-385-2661. 12-2- 12-4 CASH PAID FOR Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 12- 2tfc WANTED, GLASS PANE DOORS and Beer Steins. 815- 943-7638. Woodstock. 12-2-12- 4c WANTED PERSONS INTERESTED in joining Black Powder Club in Woodstock area. Newly formed club tending toward the Primative. Call Tom 815- 344-4155. 12-2-12-4C PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY, 6 month old Golden Retriever, Springe*- Spaniel, trained. 815-344- 0739. 12-2 GIVE AWAY lVz year old male longhaired black and white cat, declawed and neutered. 815-344-3018 after 7pm. 12-2 GIVE AWAY Free Kittens, male & female. 815-653-9602. 12-2-12-4C PETS FOR SALE SCHNAUZERS, mini, AKC, 8 weeks old, male & female, salt & pepper. $150. 815-344- 3447. 12-242-4C SPAYED BLUE MERLE Collie, 3 years, well trained, excellent house dog. Asking $50.00 6r offer. 815-653-9626. 12-2-12-4C WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, female pups $300.00 each. 312-587-0691. 11- 27-12-4C READY FOR CHRISTMAS! Baby gray Cockatiels, 1 female cinnamon Cockatiel. 815-385-5586. 11-27-12-4C B A B Y H A N D R A I S E D Cockatiels, Peach face Lovebirds & Stanley Rosellas. 815-338-8146. 11-25- 12-4c HORSES 10x18 BOX STALLS PASTIME TUN OUT, V DESIRED DAILY 61AM •LARGE OUTDOOR MM ARENA •NEW mW RGOOR ARENA •LAR6E FOALMG STALL AVARJklli •NSOOR ARENA A VARiHE BY THE HOUR VISITORS WELCOME RAJA ACRES 8417 REGNO RD. HEBRON, H 12/2TFI HELP IPANTEO AMBITIOUS COUPLES to run Consumer Service Center from home. Part time, up to $2500 per month. 312-256-3281. ll-27-12-30c WANTED BABYSITTER For Friday Nights, Saturday mornings & Sunday mor­ nings. Will negotiate price. In McHeny area. 815-385- 6467. 12-2-12-4 SALES, Need 5 People full or part time. Earn $10.00 plus, per hour. Call 815-653-9007. 12-2-12-4

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