I'rtUt lt> - KUiAULALhK -1K1UA *, UhlhMilLK 4,18X1 Youth Orchestra In Concert f also perform "Hallelujah" from Messiah. » Talented young musicians from nine area communities make up the 50 members of the Youth orchestra. The group performs under the direction of Thomas Wilson. Communities represented include Algonquin, Antioch, Cary, Crystal Lake, Har v a r d , L i b e r t y v i l l e , McHenry, Union and Woodstock. In addition to the selections from Messiah the orchestra will perform music by Bach, Haydn, Prokofiev and Mussorgsky. Soloists and small en- sembels will perform Hora Staccato by Dinicu-Heifitz, the famous Canon in D by Pachelbel, and Three Flute Tunes by Pearson. The concert is open to the public. A small admission will be charged. * * * * We are much for peace as anyone but no nation ever won abiding peace by cowardice or surrender. Past 65 The featured ensemble from the McHenry County Youth orchestra which will perform Canon in D by Pachelbel includes, from left to right, Vicki Fabbri, Woodstock; Tom Vos, Bob Vos, Devin Wedel and Elizabeth Larson, all of Crystal Lake. The concert will be Friday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in Crystal Lake Central high school. The McHenry County Youth orchestra will give its annual fall semester concert Friday, Dec. 4, in the auditorium of Crystal Lake Central high school at 7:30 p.m. Guest performer on the concert will be tenor Kurt Kuehnert. He will perform "Comfort Ye" and "Ev'ry Valley" from Handel's Messiah. The adult choir of F i r s t C o n g r e g a t i o n a l church, Crystal Lake, will Say Cheese From the researchers who brought you cottonseed ham burgers, now comes a new pro tein ingredient -- a cheese-like food made from soybeans and skim milk. As nutritious as chcese and less expensive to produce, the substitute is being developed by Food Protein Re search and Development Center scientists. by Carl Riblet Jr. Q. -- "At 75, I am a heavy reader of books from the public library. In one book I took out with the title of "Forever More" I found a $100 bill between the pages. My husband says I don't have to tell anybody about it and that it is mine. My conscience tells me that I should tell the library. Will the library keep the money if they can't find the owner, or will it be returned to me?" -- Estelle K. A. -- Estelle's husband thinks that finders ought to be keepers. However, that is not the law in this case. I asked my lawyer. He said the $100 bill belongs to the person who slipped it into the book, that Estelle should notify the library. She should not reveal the denomination of the banknote, but ask the library to attempt to locate the owner who may identify the incident by replaying with the exact denomination of the bill. Obviously, the person who put the bill in the book did not intend to abandon it. Possibly he-she forgot it had been placed there and may even right now be attempting to recollect where the bill had safe been placed -- for keeping, perhaps. The money does not belong to the library. If the library goes through its records and contacts past borrowers of the book, it may find the rightful, but forgetful owner. The library may have to send notices out to as many as 30 or 40 or more people. If the first owner is not found within six months, then Estelle becomes the owner. Q. -- "I am 71 and collecting on my own Social Security account. My first husband, whom I divorced, never remarried before he died. I married again and my present husband is also on S.S. Can I collect on my first husband's Social Security? If so, would I receive a greater amount than I am now receiving on my S.S.?" -- Pearl F. A. -- If Pearl were a widow, she could receive benefits from her first husband. She would receive an amount that is the larger of the two entitlements -- her own benefit or her first husband's benefit. However, because she is divorced from her first husband, she is not P.W.TINDALL HEATING, INC. CAN HELP YOU CUT FUELCOSTS Our 10 point Service Special will put your gas or oil heating plant in "Tip top" condition for the coming winter ...and...a more efficient operating heating system will keep those high fuel costs down. 10 Point Strvics Special Includes: 1. Clean and Adjust Burner (Gas or Oil) 2. Clean Out Combustion Chamber 3. Clean Out Blower Compartment and Filters 4. Lubricate and Check All Motors 5. Lubricate Blower Bearings 6. Check and Clean Thermostat 7. Calibrate All Controls 8. Check for Proper Draft 9. Check Furnace or Boiler for Adjustments 10. Set and Test Operate >^H $26.95 OIL $59.95 Avoid Major and Costly Repairs Later... ...and Cut Fuel Costs DON'T DELAY! 385-2240 CALL TODAY! P.W. TINDALL HEATING, INC. Member ef McHenry Chamber ef Cemmerce Dr. C. I. LUDFORD and The McHenry Dental Center Proudly Announces The Association Of KEVIN WEGRZYN, D.D.S. General Family Dentistry 1324 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, II. 60050 Evening & Saturday Hours Available 815-385-1360 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A TAX LEVY IN AN AMOUNT WHICH IS MORE THAN 105% OF THE EXTEN SION, EXCLUSIVE OF ELECTION COSTS, FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR. Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of McHenry Community High School District No. 156, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to adopt a tax levy for the year 1981 which is more than 105% of the extension, ex clusive of election costs, for the year 1980. 1. The aggregate amount of property taxes extended by said district for 1980 is $3,867,775.02. 2. The aggregate amount of the proposed tax levy for 1981, exclusive of election costs, is $4,458,000. 3. The percentage increase is 15.260%. 4. Public Hearing on the proposed budget and proposed tax levy increase of said district shall be held on Decem ber 15, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. at the Board of Education Of fice, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, Illinois. James S. Tonyan Secretary, Board of Education (Published Dec. 4, 1981) No. 810601 Treat yourself to the luxury of Evans-Black carpet fashions FOR THE HOLIDAYS. SAVE $6°° to $ 10°° per square yard It s hard to top the beauty ot an Evans-Black carpet--especially at these prices So cash in on one ot the best home fashion buys of the season Choose one of our affordable great-looking carpets Available in today s fashionable colors and styles to flatter every room in your home AVAILABLE FOR INSTALLATION BEFORE CHRISTMAS. CARPETS & FURNISHINGS 325 Virginia St., Rte. 14 Crystal Lake. 815/459 3211 ^ CHRISTMAS HOURS entitled to collect on his account. Q. -- "I do not read your column in the Wenatchee World, but see it when my neighbor gives it to me for papering down my kennels. So I don't always see it. "I am a veterinarian and use large supplies of old newspapers in the dog runs. What do you think of sup plementing diets with nutrition aids?" ~ Dr. June K. A. -- 1 c&anoi i'evjommend diet supplements. However, I can recommend that Dr. June subscribe to the World. It is just as good a newspaper, if not better, than the one she does sub scribe to I shudder to think that Dr. June only reads my column when she is preparing to cover the floor of the kennels. Q. -- "Why does a wife get less than half her husband's Social Security when he retires at age 62? My husband gets $483.80 and I get $225.30. If he had waited to retire at 65, his monthly check would be $600.50 and mine would be $300.30. I thought a wife got half of what the husband gets, even if he retires at 62." -- D.A.B. A. -- The amount a wife receives is proportionate. It depends on her age. D.A.B. obviously is not 65 or more. If she were, she would receive half, even if her husband retired at 62. Q. -- "I am in a nursing home with a broken right leg. It is in a cast for the second time because the first time it didn't heal. After my husband's death this year, I had considerable savings in banks. My nephew suggested that I let this lawyer have power of at torney over my finances. I gave it to him, but to whom is the attorney responsible, my nephew or me? I have never been told how much I have. The attorney wanted to change the setup of my savings so, he said, I would have more income. But he doesn't answer my letters to tell me the facts about my money. What should I do? Where should I go for help?" -- Rose C. K. A. -- Rose has cause for worry. It is strange she has no response to her letters to the attorney. She can get quick action, however. Rose should write letters to her attorney, to her nephew, and to the bar association of her state. She can get the address of the bar association from the phone book. She should state the facts in each letter. She is certain to get an ac counting very soon if she sends the letters. She then might do best to ask the probate court, or another judicial division, to set up a new power of attorney, subject to the court's jurisdiction. While all may be all right with Rose's finances, it is wise for her (and others) to be cautious in giving a power of attorney to a lawyer who is not well known to her. Some lawyers have been known to not always act in perfectly good faith when handling funds of in capacitated and aging clients. (Write to Carl Riblet Jr. w i t h s e l f - a d d r e s s e d , stamped envelope at Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for answers on the problems of aging. No identities are revealed. MCC In Holiday Sale The public is urged to plan now to do some Christmas shopping at the McHenry County college student Christmas sale Dec 9 and 10 at the college. MCC students are working to prepare a wide selection of gifts for the sale which will feature original art including water color and oil paintings, drawings, photographs and pottery as well as flower arrangements and greenery. A variety of activities are planned at the sale, in cluding a Christmas buffet luncheon served from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Santa and his elf will be on hand at the sale from 11 a.m. tQ- Lj30 p.m.* both days and there will be music provided by the MCC chorus. Visitors are also invited to have their blood pressure screened, free of charge, at the MCC health service both days of the sale. Hours of the sale will be from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days. The sale will be lcc- cated in the cafeteria and in adjoining hallways in tbe college's Main hall building. The college is located on Route 14 and Lucas road b e t w e e n W o o d s t o c k a n d Crystal Lake. Most people get a ter rific shock when they see what the camera does to their "beauty." * • • * While the just are pre paring to inherit t|fe earth, the- unjust afe rapidly grabbing it. • * • • • * * You can recognize your friends by the fact that they sometimes have no favors to ask. A (Srrat dttt enslaved bemtkkafted gPa/dctmtty Sftynb 7318 West Route 120 Box 487 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Telephone 815/385-0825 'Your own sign ideas engraved in wood" Mon., Wed.. Fri. 9-8:30 Sunday 12:30 5:00 Save *60 To $80 During The Toro* Great Winter Rebate. Indications are, this could be a real \ tough winter. A good time to save on a ; Toro® snowthrow*. Like the Toro S-200. The S-200 will \ clear six inches of snow off a fifty-foot, two-car driveway in just fifteen minutes. In just thirty minutes, our self- propelled, two-stage 421 will clear nine inches off a 60-foot, two-car driveway. Whatever Toro you buy, now s the time to do it. Because just about the time the flakes really start coming down, so will our Great Winter Rebate signs. Havent you done witnout a Toro long enough?* Geo. P. Freund, Inc. 4102 W. CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD 385-0420 Nin all mudrlsavailable ai alltiralrrvlnniPmrrShuvrl not imkidrd in (his uArr. Offer ends Drrr(nbcrU.I9tM RUST PROTECTION. The proven effective rust protection that is warranted for as long as you own your car. ZEE-GLAZE.® The weather proof polyure- thane paint sealant that protects your car's ftnfeh. Without wax ing. SEATGUARO:" Protects fabnc and vinyl up holstery from spills and stains of all kinds. STONE- GUARDS." Made of dur able vinyl to deflect wheel wash and stones from chipping away at paint. Colors to match your car. CARPET- GUARD." The invisible way to help even deep pile carpeting shrug off the soils of time. This coupon is worth $|0000 on total protection by Ziebart. What savings! What protection' Ziebart is the best way to protect your - car's good looks and value. Inside and out. And now, for a limited time only, your Ziebart dealer will give your car the exclusive Ziebart total protection package... at $100 off the regular price. Just dip out and bring in this coupon to cash in on the savings. Oiler extended thru December 31, 1981. § Ziebart APPEARANCE 4 PROTECTION SERVICES 3939 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake (312)639-5333 GiMtd only aI participating Ziebart dealers. May not be used in conjunction with, or in addition to. any other Ziebart offer.