PAGE M Heard 'round the universe Two or more can play. Without reading the story, one player asks the others) to write the requested words, in order, on a separate sheet of paper. For a good laugh, plug in the answers and read the story back. The U.N. is a(n). designed to adjective verb pi. noun General Assembly, delegates debate the . or the price of. peace-keeping organization between countries. In the issues, like adjective in a topic noun a country % MOON SCAN X. United Nations 2. General 3. Assembly 4 Delegates 5. Security 6. Council 7 Veto 8. Charter 9 Secretariat 10. World Bank 11. UNICEF 12. Peace Under the UN Charter, no na tion can claim sovereign rights in space or on any celestial body, such as the National sovereignty can extend upward only to the top of the atmosphere.