Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1981, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PI.AINDEAI.KR - FRIDAY. DKi KMlU ) <zA/(os.tCu J>, MR. AND MRS. DEAN GIERKE WED IN ARLINGTON HEIGHT8 - St. John United Church of Christ, Arlington Heights was the setting for the Nov. 14, exchange of promises of marriage between the former Barbara A. Kuna and Dean H. Gierke. The 3 p.m. ceremony was officiated by Pastor Robert McDonald. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Kuna, 3312 N. Chapel Hill road, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Gierke, 3116 Fairway, McHenry, are the parents of the bridegroom. Following the nuptials, a reception was held for 100 friends and relatives at the Waterfront Stage, Johnsburg. The new Mrs. Gierke graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1978 and is presently attending McHenry County college. She is employed at Fleming and company, C.P.A.s. Her husband, a 1974 graduate of Forest View high school in Arlington Heights, is a technician for Lakes Cablevision, Inc. Hints For Christmas 1) Substitute candied fruits instead of raisins in cookie recipes. 2) Write names on lollipops with cake decorator's frosting. Makes great place cards for children's parties. ?>) Use chopped chutney as a glaze for the Chris' as ham. 4) Lightly press e: ra stuffing into buttered mui! in cups; brush with butter, bake along with poultry during last 25 minutes of roasting iirne. 5) In a pinch, substitute one cup granulated sugar plus one fourth cup liquid for one cup corn syrup. 6) Use one cup plain yogurt instead of one cup buttermilk. 7) Instead of one teaspoon dry mustard, • use one t a b l e s p o o n p r e p a r e d mustard. 8) One-half teaspoon lemon extract substitutes for one teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel. 9) Substitute two tablespoons butter plus one cup milk minus two tablespoons for one cup light cream. 10) A carefully deboned leg and thigh of a large (20 pound) turkey can be stuffed andserved as dinner for two. 11) To garnish with fresh cranberries, drop them into 'hick, boiling sugar syrup, >oil one minute; drain. They'll s'ick to glazed ham r turkey surfaces. 1 2 ) C o o k i e s m a k e f u n Christmas tree ornaments if they are rolled thicker than usual and pricked with a toothpick for a hanging-hole. Bake them, enlarge hole as soon as they're done, then cool. About Your Wedding Write-Up.. In order to serve McHenry oreo brides, the Plaindealer moils wedding forms to all whose engagements have been announced in the paper and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days before the wedding. The story containing all the information given on the form will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed Forms received the second week after the wedding will be prin­ ted with the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information if they accompany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our office ond request that a marriage form be sent. Space problems experienced by a non-daily newspaper, and a desire to print up-to-date news, make this policy necessary. OCLCL £ DAILY 9-9 SAT 9-5 SUN 10-4 Instructional Course Slated Mrs. Fran Scholpp, R.N., labor and delivery depart­ ment supervisor at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodtock, announced the next "Pre- Natal" free instructional course -- a two*evening session -• will begin at 8 p.m., Monday, Jan. 4. The in­ formational program will be held in the hospital dining room on both Jan. 4 and Jan. 11, as a free community service program of the hospital. Both prospective parents have attended the sessions in the past and are invited and encouraged to do so. Mrs. Scholpp will take part in the program, which in­ cludes a tour of the hospital's maternity department, movies and talks. The next session is scheduled for March 1 and 8. Community Calendar DECEMBER 11 Cookie sale--10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Pink Door, Green street-benefit McHenry H o s p i t a l A u x i l i a r y Scholarship fund. DECEMBER 12 Town and Country Newcomers club--Les Gourmets-' 'Christmas Around the World'. Santa arrives at Pearl Street Park-free hot chocolate with each toy for tots-hot chocolate, donuts, coffee available. Friendship club-potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall- election of officers- program, Lyda Radisch. DECEMBER 13 Fox Ridge Women's club- Christmas brunch, 11 a.m.~ Bev Martin residence. DECEMBER 14 McHenry Senior Citizens- regular meetinng, 7 p.m - East campus.f T H E.O S -annual catered Christmas dinner- Si 30 p.m., Fellowship hall- First United Methodist church--$l grab bag ex- change-note change in date. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-BoafTd meeting, 9:30 a.m. McHenry Legion Post 491- meeting, 8 p.m.-members must be present for at­ tendance prize. DECEMBER 15 T o w n a n d C o u n t r y Newcomers club-Christmas cookie exchange-7:30 p.m., Claudia Dalton's. Women of the Moose- business meeting, 8 p.m.- Christmas party preceding m e e t i n ( p o 1 1 u c k ) - - McHenry Moose lodge. Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Members Christmas Luncheon, noon-lecture and slides-"Gospel In Glass". DECEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Christmas party, 1 p.m.-"Christmas for Three and Thee"-by Mrs. Elizabeth Fjortoft. McHenry Grandmothers club-Christmas party, 11:30 a m -Crescent Bay Landing- Item for FISH and $3 grab bag gift. Family Service & Com­ munity Mental Health center for McHenry County-Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 p . m . - D a y T r e a t m e n t facility--1614 N. Richmond road, McHenry-open to the public. Set Meeting For Widowed THEOS, which is a caring and sharing group for young and middle aged widowed people, will be changing its format for this month's meeting. Plans are to have a potluck Christmas get- together beginning at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, in the basement of the First Congregational church, 461 Pierson street, Crystal Lake. Those planning to attend are requested to bring one of their favorite dishes to share or perhaps, something to drink. After the supper, the Reverend Vicki Walden, who is the chaplain for THEOS, will lead a discussion on "Beating the Holiday Blues". It is hoped that the p o s i t i v e s u g g e s t i o n s received from each member will help to make this Christmas season as pleasant as possible. It is expected that the supper and meeting will be over about 7:30 p.m., at which time everyone is in­ vited to stay for the Christmas Music program to be given by members of the First Congregational church in the church proper. Anyone having questions or desiring more in­ formation on THEOS may contact Mrs. T. N. (Doris) Pohl of Crystal Lake. general meeting-potluck luncheon-Christmas program-noon, Fellowship hall-Ruth Circle hostesses. I s a i a h 5 3 - - C h r i s t m a s concert, 7:30 p.m.-Faith P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , McHenry. DECEMBER 18 Town and Country N e w c o m e r s c l u b - - Newcomers' Children's Christmas party~St. Paul's church. DECEMBER 19 Santa in his hut-Pearl S t r e e t P a r k - s k a t e - tobaggon-sled exchange-hot chocolate, coffee, donuts. DECEMBER 21 McHenry Woman's club- Board Meeting, 10 a.m.~ McHenry Public library. DECEMBERS McHenry Senior Citizens- Christmas tree walk-bus leaves Market place, 41 a.m JANUARY 14 * M c H e n r y C o u n t y Genealogical society-- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m - Grace Lutheran church Fellowship hall-Washington and Tryon streets- Woodstock-Show & Tell- questions & answers Eastern Star Installation Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Dec. 14 through 18 is as follows: Dec. 14: Veal Parmesan, buttered noodles, mixed vegetables, white bread, peach half, milk. Dec. 15: Meatball stew, v e g e t a b l e s , b i s c u i t s , tapioca, milk. Dec. 16: Bratwurst with b u n , p o t a t o s a l a d , l i m a beans, cookie, milk. Dec. 17: Chicken salad sandwich, potato chips, broccoli, chocolate cake, milk. Dec. 18: Beef stroganoff, noodles, green beans, rye bread, orange cake, milk. DECEMBER 17 United Methodist Women- McHenry Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star No. 547, held its installation of officers Saturday evening, Dec. 5, at the Masonic hall, 1309 N. Court street. Rainbow girls of Milburn III. formed a cross at the closing of the ceremonies and the event was followed by a social hour where refreshments were served. Decorations in the dining room were in a Christmas decor and everyone enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Pictured are, front row from left to right, Susan Moll, associate conductress; Cheryl Brock, worthy matron, with her daughter Sarah Brock; Walter Mueller, worthy patron, with his son Walter Mueller, Jr.; Grace Stewart, Esther; Alma Honing, Electa; and Harriet Dodd, conductress; second row, Mildred Thomas, Ruth; Martha Rochenbach, Sorossis chapter installing organist; Faun Vail, treasurer; Edith Dowell, secretary; Vivian Bassett, Martha; Robert Vail, sentinel; Emily Rahn, associate matron, who served as installing chaplain; and Henry Rahn, associate patron; third row, Donald Clark, escort; Sean Clark, color bearer; Saundra Clark, conductress; Gwendolyn Hill, Woodstock chapter, installing officer; Jack Percell, associate patron Easter chapter, escort; and Cherry Maxwell, P.M. Libertyville, chapter, soloist. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Present Christmas Cantata Shown above are some members of the Senior Choir at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 N. Green street, McHenry. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD The Christmas Cantata entitled, "Night of Miracles" by John Peterson, will be presented at both the 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. worship services Dec. 13, at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 N. Green street, McHenry. The cantata will present in song a n d r e a d i n g s t h e t r u e meaning of Christmas and help worshippers prepare personally for the celebration of Christmas. The 48 voice senior choir, under the direction of Eleanor Johannson and accompanied by Rosemary Schneider has been rehearsing regularly in preparation for the presentation. Included in the senior choir are the following members: John Albrecht, Mil Albrecht, Bill Anderson, Steve Arnold, Denise Boyd, Greg Boyd, Cathy Carlson, Richard Carlson, Aastri Cunat, John Cunat, Pam Cunat, Bill Damiani, Ann Davis, Hal Davis, Beverly Finkbeiner, Derek Gilbert, Paul Gilbert, Sandy Gilbert, Shirley Gilbert, Chuck Haack, Ruth Hamann, Helen Hankins and Stephanie Hankins. Also, Chap Hughes, Michael Hughes, Eleanor Johannsen, Louis Johann- sen, Wally Johnson, Rebecca Karczynski, Shirley Hutt, Helen Kot, Henry Kot, Cathy Krause, John MacAllister, Kim Molidor, Debra Mueller, Roye Roadman, Rosemary Schneider, Fred Snyder, Julie Ann Tibbs, Aleen Tiffany, Charlene Tiffany, Judi Czeck, Ken Torkelson, David Wahl, Betty Weincouff, Judy White and Bob Hutt. Grandma In Britain bangs in hair are known as fringes. Atari Video Computer S\ and intr•: He video Q;-. because it gives you mot Each game has true diff iculty options rr ? connection with no need to disconnect 7 v.pwin j Gt! tor one or two, up to four players with additional cc : oilers Includes AC power plug and TV transfer swi'.r' f'•>* Njt "oloi r black and white reproduction. Complete with Combat a 27 action-packed game cartridge £ I w dif i f c •m. Introducing the most sophisticated® jj ci, superior to any other system® 8 . • tne most challenging games to play. life sounds, on screen scoring and® n nopH SALE PRICE $ 13788 & i B CCUI'ONS DO NOT APPLY TO SALE ITEMS Me ol' rockin' chair's sure got this granny, these days, an' Christmas jist around th\ c o r n e r , s e e m s l i k e t h ' p r e p a r a t i o n s g o m i g h t y slow, an' 01' St. Nick hain't a helpin', one little bit. Wi' an e'er growin' family, t h e r e ' s m o r e , ' n m o r e f ' r u s t' include, an' seems t' me, it might be a good idee t' make it "A Christmas f'r th' younguns". It's always nice t ' r e c e i v e , b u t a l o t m o r e f u n t' give, an't' put that happy gleem in th' eyes o' little ones, warms th' heart like tsacsot nunc satesxb&c&xbkca 8 nothin' else. This year we have been d'prived o' th' joy o' havin' identical twin girls, t' enhance th' joys o' Christ­ mas, havin lost th' babes in premature birth, daughters o' me grandchildern in Wonder Lake. Down here, me farm family was blessed wi' a darlin' baby boy, a little ahead o' schedule, an' we're a hopin' t' have him wi' us for his first Christmas. Then, another grand­ daughter an' her family 're awaitin;' th' arrival o' their third little 'un, hopefully b'fore Christmas. So it goes, an' we hope th' little brother o' th' twins may have another little brother 'r sister one o' these days, God willin'. So, a glad note, along wi' th' sad one, in our minds, as we prepare f'r th' "Birthday o' The King" celebration. M a n y h o m e s ' l l h a v e t h ' same nostalgic thoughts, along wi' th' happy an­ ticipations, an' me heart goes QUt t' one an' all, wi' these problems. Now, on a happier theme, as th' blessed time nears, an' finally arrives, let love be th' gift, b'stowed on friends an' relatives. Let there be a prayer in every heart, that nations'U abide by th' ol' adage, "Do unto others, as MOST THINGS IN STORE 10-40% OFF TIL DECEMBER 24th I •Handbags* Boots Dress & Casual Shoes _ For Men & Women 6Ht Certificates Available! CE«XX9<SSXXSX£«SCa We Carry For Men & Women I 3902 W. MAIN STREET (Located Behind Christopher's) McHENRY 344-5330 CHRISTMAS HOURS: Daily 9-9 Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 KawtHEacsntM] 8 CCCSSfXtKStt BBSS BSCS* * To look terrific and. feel great, call Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing. Here's your chance to try the original Aerobic Dancing fitness program. It's fun. It works. Lose inches as you firm up and find new energy as you dance Join Jacki s local class today. CALL NOW 312-729-0106 CLASSES BEGIN JAN. 4,1982 AT CRYSTAL LAKE: Old Town Hell McHENRY: Chance To Dance Place WOODSTOCK: Northwood School C 1W1 Aerobic Dincing Inc you would have others do, unto you". May God b'stow wisdom in th' minds an' hearts o' those at th' head o' gover'ments, that they may lead this world to a state o' peace among men, an' come t' know that LOVE is a powerful force, an' can lead th' world t' better things 'n e'er mankind has known. A "Blessed Christmas t' all, an' a New Year, wi' each day marked wi' God's b l e s s i n ' s , w i ' h e a l t h a n ' happiness f'r everyone. Merry Christmas. Grandma Radtke MARRIAGE LICENSES Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: Bradley D. Boyle, Woodstock, and Debra M. Valentine, Wonder Lake. j DIVORCES Judgments for dissolution of marriage were recently granted in 19th Judicial Circuit court, Woodstock, to: Virginia M. Huebner- Guillen and Sergio H. Guillen; Kathrya A. Doodeman and Ronald A. Doodeman; Tammy Pintor and Pedro Pintor. Blanca S. Diaz and Enrique Diaz; Richard Keenan and Minnie G. Keenan. • To prevent meat from curling on the grill, slash fat before barbecuing. Meat won't stick to the grill, if you first brush grids with oil/ '

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