SF« nnv •» • PAQE 4 - PLAINDF.ALER • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER II, 1W1 first grandchild. Lakemoor-Lilymoor Area Margaret Karas 385-4934 Annexation Meeting Set The annexation petition of the Columbus drive and Amanda street area to Lakemoor, was again postponed at the Dec. 10 meeting. It is scheduled to be heard at the next Village of Lakemoor meeting, Jan. 14. It would be most helpful if issues such as this could be determined more quickly, so home owners could make future plans. RECOGNIZING CHRIST'S BIRTH Honoring His birth, members of the United Pentecostal church in Lakemoor, will be presen ting a Christmas program, "The Greatest Gift of AH". Everyone is invited to this joyous program Sunday Dec. 20, at 6:30 p.m., at the church. On Christmas eve, young members of the church and others wishing to join, will meet at 5 p.m. at the Pen tecostal church for a time of Christmas caroling. The youngsters will walk Lakemoor streets, singing songs of Christmas. Hot chocolate and refreshments will be part of the reward enjoyed later by the carolers. SCOUT BADGE Michael Douglass of Lilymoor is working on a merit badge, which requires that he work in a school or library setting. He has chosen the latter and is becoming familiar with library routine by helping at the McHenry Nunda Library after school. His main project is making the area aware of services offered by the library. Mike has been distributing bookmarks throughout the area, and is now making posters, with an assist from his artistic sister, to place in local businesses. Mike is really earning his merit badge, and his work is appreciated by the Library Board. HOSPITAL NOTES Baby Dean Roberts added to his days spent in hospitals by undergoing surgery. For some one not yet five months old, he has quite a record. He is home now enjoying the care received from his sisters, brother, and mom and dad, Don and Patti. Bruno Karas is improving in his bout with severe chest pains. It's been a hectic week here, as anyone who has a hospitalized family member knows. He ap preciates your concern and prayers. So do I. MAILBOX FUN A test of strength con tinues with the mailboxes the losers. The temptation of changing the position of these receptacles of the U.S. mail, is a challenge to those traveling on foot. Lily Lake road has been a favorite target. Carl Stromley's box is usually more down than up. Ours has to be reenforced every week. The Odom's neat street number attached with a steel band has been bent. It's too bad these stationary targets can't fight back. CHRISTMAS MUSIC The Christian music group, Isaiah 53, will present their Christmas program Thursday Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m., at their home base, the Faith Presbyterian church on Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. Unusual Christmas music will be performed, and a message of hope for all of us will be given. November Highway • Deaths Down N o v e m b e r t r a f f i c fatalities on Illinois high ways totaled 134 as a result of 121 accidents, according to provisional statistics released by the Illinois Department of Tran sportation and the Illinois State police. This represents a decrease of 4.3 percent from the 140 provisional fatality total for November, 1980, and a decrease of 20.2 percent from the November, 1979, total of 168. There were 18 pedestrians killed in 18 accidents, two pedalcyclists killed in two accidents, one person killed in one railroad crossing accident, and five persons killed in five accidents in volving motorcycles. PARTY TIME Danny Douglass had his eighth birthday Dec. 11 and Alfred M. Dember will be celebrating on the 17th. Ralph and Kathy Nar- caroti's son, Leonard Ray, will have his first birthday on the 19th. This will be a very special time for Lola Narcaroti, as Leonard is her Our number one daughter Maggie Dunnagan has her day Dec. 21. As a combined birthday-Christmas gift, which so many Christmas time people unfortunately receive, we are recognizing that she is getting closer to her younger sister's age every year. Choosing A Tree May God's which asking. everyone accept richest blessings, are ours for the GOD BLESS During the month of December, Chicago Botanic Garden visitors can see many popular species of fir, spruce and pine trees commonly used as Christ mas trees on display in the Exhibit hall. Color, form and texture can vary widely among the popular tree species donated by local nurseries for the exhibit. The Chicago Botanic Garden has prepared a fact sheet on the selection and care of Christmas trees, rating the characteristics such as color, needle retention, fragrance and firmness of branches for each species. Suggestions for determining and prolonging the freshness of a cut tree are also included. Survival of a living tree that can be planted outside after the holidays is borderline in this area. A gigantic balsam fir tree that reaches into the 60 foot dome of the Exhibit pall, is the focal point of the garden holiday display. It took over 7,000 tiny lights to decorate this featured tree that was donated by Champion In ternational corporation, Timberlands division. The smaller trees of different varieties have been decorated with handmade ornaments to depict "A Christmas Carol" by members of local garden clubs. The holiday tree display is free and open daily (except Christmas) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Education center at the Botanic Garden on Lake-Cook road in Glencoe. Botanic Garden fact sheets about "Christmas Trees- Selection and Care" may be purchased for a minimal cost at the information desk. Women Women now outnumber men in Texas as well as the nation. The phenomenon presents a new factor to be considered in gov ernment policy planning at fed eral, state and local levels. Update your favorite blouses, sweaters and jeans with inexpensive metallic trim. Gold rick-rack trim, metallic ribbon, chain belts and lots of imagination can transform those plain blouses, sweaters and jeans into the latest fashion trend. Most people are a little smarter than they seem. REGISTRATION BLANK X)cd6u G uHtouuctu Your Purchase FREE J NEW WINNER EACH DAY NAME. ADDRS TO\ PHONE ONLY.7 DAYS LEFT 'TIL DRAWING! BE SURE TO REGISTER TODAY! v* Winter Driving Tips Winter driving is almost upon us. Will your car start this year in sub-zero weather? Will you be stranded in a snowdrift or an abandoned section of roadway? Will you lose control or spinout in the middle of a busy ex pressway? The Illinois State police hope not and are guggling some safe driving tips for winter travel. With the popularity of self- service gas stations, cars are being neglected more now than ever before. Take your car to a full service station before the ice cold season sets in and have the attendant check all the vehicle's fluid levels. This includes battery, brake fluid, anti-freeze, power steering fluid, differential fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Make sure your tires have enough tread for good traction in snow and ice conditions. Install snow tires if possible. Remember, snow tires must be installed on the front of front wheel drive cars to be of any value. Check the headlights, taillights, turn signals, and four-way flashers. If you're used to driving in daylight to and from work, the shorter winter hours may cause you to drive in darkness. Studded tires are still outlawed in Illinois and snow chains may only be used on snow-covered roadways. Losing control and spin ning out in congested traffic is a main cause of accidents in winter travel. Some causes of accidents in winter driving include: poor driver visibility resulting from snow, ice, and fog buildup on the windshield and rear window; snow or ice glare in the driver's eyes; ice covered over- SECTION 2-PAGES passes on an otherwise dry roadway; additional road defects and potholes due to winter weather; and drivers just not adjusting to the more hazardous winter driving conditions Captain Hugh S. McGinley, commander of Illinois State Police District 15, suggested, "If people would follow these driving tips and allow a little extra time while driving in winter traffic, we might survive another Chicagoland win ter." lakeland Park & Lakeland Shores Carol Cominsky 385-7246 Club Open To All Teens The young teen club that began Dec. 4, for members of the LLPPOA, is now open to any boy or girl from 12-14 years old. If you would like to have a fun evening, be at PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER If, IM1 Trish Eiserman and her daughter Jenny, Tricia Haraish and Laura Vis tine were the models representing Troop 320 Everyone had a lovely time viewing all the beautiful clothes. Each model was dressed from head to toe, compliments of our local shops. the community house this Friday, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m. You are asked to arrive promptly because the doors will be locked at 7:15. FASHION SHOW All of the area Girl Scout and Brownie troops enjoyed a mother-daughter fashion show at Zio'n Lutheran church on Friday, Dec. 4. >(0V)R ̂ • avittivf pi" - IS 40 vvV£V^ rf' prlcM 1 eerrsW* Save 30% Men's Genuine Leather Jackets 77.39 Top quality genuine,] leather (eckets for men -'P At our eupar low prico tor genuine leettier ot 77.39. Hendeome, rugged ety»-i Ing that ha'll level Zip-out I pita lining, black or' burgundy. Slzoa 21-46 (Not evallabto at Hornaby In Havana.) Vj Save 5.10 Men's Wrangler Fashion Jeans 11.84 Straight Leg Styling Pre-Washed 25% OFF Entire Stock of Men's Robes Huge array ot handaoma colors and plalda In our man's robaa. A must for him this Christmas. Save 4.20 Men's "Hands Off" Brand Sweaters 8.76 Reg. 12.96 Our specie! select group OT men's sweaters now on sale for only 8.76! Handsome and styliah colors snd prints available are specially priced during this sale only! Men's sizes S to XL. WEICEft Dimacol 12 Ct. Cold Capsules 62* Greet relief for stuffy noees and cheat con gee t ion! From the ma kef a of RoMtueainl 12 count • Indigo denim jeens for him this IChrlstmas from Wrangler! Pre- Iwashed, straight leg styling -- (Match 'em up with our greet llooklng, greet fitting "Hends Off" (sweeter* sold below! Men's I Wrangler Jeens available In 28-38 izea, 12 oz. denim. All Our Men's And Women's Billfolds Large eeteetlon of man's trMoMe, bili- fotds, key caaaa, and mora. Ladlee' chock clutch, French puree, bNHokta, and moral Aaaortad colors In top grain leathers and vinyls. 1 5 % OFF Regular Amity Nylon Trsvel Kit Reg. 7.87 4.37 It's lightweight, durable, waehebie and water proof. KM expends to SVfe'*x 5"X10" and conforms to eny svslleMe -mile quantities YOUR PURCHASE FREE A NEW WINNER EVERYDAY... It's easy to play Here's all you do Register at Hornsby on your next and every shopp«nQ trip Hold your dated Hornsby register receipts Hornsby will draw a winner each day Winners wi* be notified to bring in I their dated Hornsby receipt WINNER WILL BE FAIO CASH for the amount ol purchase NEW DRAWING DAILY. So enter daily The more you register the better your chances ol winning wi* be No obligation * nothing to buy -- winners without their Hornsby receipts wm S5 00 cash Only one Hornsby receipt valid per winner BONUS $1000.00 CASH... WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ON December 23 1981 ALL registrations during the entire lengtn ol the GIVEAWAY will be eligible lor the tug $ 1000 00 chamwide CASH BONUS GIVEAWAY Hornsby employees and their immediate tanebes not eligible lo wm You must be 16 years old or older lo register _«5<iPOO j&c:i Gor, est Save 27% 14 Oz. Prestone De-icer 1.32 Removes froet, Ice, and snow and feeturea Ita own acraper! For clear winter vlaion. 14 oz. • ave 42% Bic ' ne Pak Lighter ' 12^ Reg. 73* I eat Blocking atufferl Enter the 4 >0,000 "Flick My Bic Limerick" c mtyet. Details at Hornsby. % It Piaymouth, Inc. Barbie Stationery Join the Barbie Fan Club. Membarehlp form ancloaad. No. *013 7 6 5 AH Our Wall Clocks In Stock 20% OFF Rag. 13.43 to S9.87 Huga array of kitchen and decorator styles In quartz move ments for accuracy. Our entire tonealel en & Pencil ift Set Reg. 2.53 1.57 Choice of Qold or Sllvar Pan and Matching Pencil. necutiveN esk Set ig. 3.76 !!.46 wden Daak Top Pen Stand with plate engraving. Ham pictured not exactly « e deek eat. Flair 6 Pc. (... , Desk Set Reg. 10.76 6.76 Sot contalne deak pad, addraae book, pencil cup, nolo pad, pen (tend and let- tar opener Waring Food Processor II Reg. 84.97 55.99 Featurea pulae proceee control. Dlehwater eafe. Comae with etainleee a teal cutting Made, ellclng dlec end Hoc. FPS3M. I Bring in a roM of aotor film tor I developing and printing... I Get a freeh rod for only...99'! I atee'ewe*enf aaaisi ee Mai WI ter proofing I * 1 to, IIS, IMetaeMe I Expiree 11/ISNt. L-i ay!?To Holsom Big Book Photo Book Reg. 10.96 6.27 2a page Mg book. Keep your picturee nice and noet in your photo book. Not exactly ae pictured. Barbie Fashion Face 1 I Men's Flannel Shirts 4.96 you I 100% cotton flannel ehlrte for men priced thla low -- only 4.MI Hugo ar- rey of ptelds. Slzoe S to XL. 12 57 A complete center lor houre ol meke-up. iewelry end heir etyl- Ing fun. a* TJ 4 ft c.ve 20% Old Spice 2.9* » at A. Save Up To 5.03 Men's and Boys' Lined Boots 11.96,12.96, 14.96 Fancy stitchwork and moc toes with pile lining. Men's sizes, boys' 11-2, 3-6. B. Save 5.03 Snowmobile Boots C.Save 2.03 Men's Slippers h 9.96 5.96 Reg. 12.99 to 14.99 Waterproof boots with felt liner. Men's sizes, boys' sizes 3- 6, children's sizes 5- 10,11-2. Reg. 7.99 Extra soft tricot lining on flexible soles. Men's sizes. A. Present Co. Sweaters Rag. 25.94 ft 26.63 14.97 A. Save 2.03 Girls' Holiday Dress-Ups B. Save 25% Woman's "Bootees" 4.96 2.96 Reg. IH T-atrap styling with tear drop cutouts. Olrla' sixes 4H-12,12%-4. Reg. 3.99 Super plush 2 tone styling, cushiony in soles. Women's sizes. c. Save Up To 3.03 Children's Boots 6.96and 8QC Reg .9.99 e«7U to 11.99 Ruggedly constructed with pull tabs. Children's sizes 5-12, 12W-3. 60% acrylic, 20% nylon. Sizas S-M-L. Plain colored sweaters. B. Bobbie Brooks Holidsy Group 30% OFF Draas up for the holidays with a co ordinate group from Bobbie Brooks. Choose a blouse, skirt or swaster. •KSSSi . uao5% Old Spice ,.«»Musk Cologne Ounce W * oW splc^ «i?sSr ' without. No. 3 Reg- 3-97 c±2i * Chr'stmas c 1-64... es *•0. 3-4? B'l-lte ®»oe/ Pec*0'"* Ko ?a!Tr'" ao .^nabJr^d only era s,ory*ook 1-63 •"c lou °°* r "or, c. 2A% '•"Ofy 5*3 <§tou» B. C. 022ft- So VV// ng o.Ssvs22^*Jo\sturUer S\OtSUWlR 25 % OFF U tntunste 3.86 a et , to°*l "8MAJV- Sh£5!""8 J*mn9 Gailen, ?6.87 Glovej Our "•"CMO? 'ng 34.67 revion , - H OZ ioio "*"' 'r 10 el the etytea and elzee you'll Hnd. Stytoe and aizee «ary from etore to •AUY9H9 »AY lens 4400 W. Ml. 120-McNENRY III. 411 COUNTRY CLM IB WOODSTOCK Mattel Steering Rigs 2.87 All Plush Toy Assortment 30% OFF Choose from 6 die cast metal trucks you can really steer Sold separately. QMC hauler, a Kenworth tanker, QMC van, Kenworth van, Peterbllt hauler, and more! No. 1921 Mattel Hot Wheels Entire atock ol Plueh Toy*. Huge eeeortment ol edoreble Huffed enlmel* to chooee from Magical Musical Thing Deluxe Edition Scrabble Wolverine Spin a Roo Bagatelle 10.47 15.27 Pley It like a piano keyboerd Pley It like a guitar Operete* on one B volt bettery (Bettery not Included.) World lemous word geme tor ell egee. A fun wey of leerning while you ere pleylng An Intriguing geme ot skill end ec- tlon. For kldt of every ege. No 156 of A. Spearhead Snow Carpet Rainbow of Colors Nail Set or Deluxe Make-Up Set Slide down hills ol enow on the plleble "erto carpet" compect roll- up elze! No. 7380 YOUH CHOICE The ultlmete In little girl* nail are end make-up. All ere non toxic. Your Choice 5.37 6.87 9.96 Etch a Sketch i Your child will love creetlve ! drawings with an Etch a Sket ch. iabriel Trouble Pop-o-matic An exciting geme ot chence end ekill from Gabriel Miss Piggy Muppet Doll Mlaa Piggy glamourous star ot stege. screen and T.V. makes her debut aa a draae up mup pet. Lakeside Aggravation Game Move the colored marbles around the board and back to their "home' to win -- Without aggravation! No. 8220 A'i'M'i/ Nyiant Bass Chaser Includes trsllef. Crayola Art Kit Contelns «9 essorted Items. Including 16 crsyoles. 12 color chelk. poster pelnt, water col ors snd much, much more. DOUBLE CELEBRATION A1 and Maureen Wdowicki decided to have a double party for their children this year to celebrate their birth days. Jeremy turned eight years old Nov. 21, and Chrissy was three Dec. 15. Saturday, Dec. 5, was the day Tina Salata, Heather M c D o u g a l , T o n y Mortellaro, Caren Oeffling, Joyce and Angela Davis, Heather Fiedler, Jenny Gross and Duane Crago came to their house for the big party. After the cake and homemade ice cream was finished, the guests and birthday kids were surprised when Lizzie the clown arrived. Everyone agreed this was one of the best parties they'd ever been to ANOTHER PARTY It took three days for Joel Cominsky to celebrate his birthday Dec 4. Elroy and Sherry Flicek came over that evening to wish him well. We thought for sure the smoke alarm would go off when we lit all 36 candles on his cake. Next year we have to buy two boxes. I had to do some fast talking to convince him to go to a local restaurant Saturday, where a surprise party took place. John and Joyce Cserep, John and Cathy Koscher, Bob and Karen Doessel, Ray and Fern Kuntz, Terry and Pat Barnes, Jeff and Diane Johnson, and Phil Meyer were all waiting to sing "Happy Birthday." Sunday was the day Cathy and John Koscher came over with Annette, Scott and Joey so Lisa, Jami and Mike could help their dad celebrate one more time. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS This newspaper is sent to many people all over the United States. They used to live in the area and still enjoy reading what goes on in the old home town. I would like to wish all those people a very happy holiday from all their friends and families here in McHenry. You are missed, especially this time of year a •• BIRTHDAYS Thomas Albert Hunter and Mark Dowell both turn 10- years old Dec. 16 and they share their day with Gary Bockman and Amy Lynn Bassett. Best wishes are sent to Pam Justen, Buddy Walsh, Brian Chapman and our neighbor Carolyn Lachel on the 17th. Dec. 18 is the day Jody Qsman, Tiffany Noel Bur- man, John Gacek and Joe Gerambio all add another year. Myrtle Sullivan, Carol Ketchum and Mark Ket- chum hear the birthday song Dec. 19. Dec. 20 is the special day for Joe Rizzo, Johnny Meuer and Donna Boelter Kirstyn Nicole Conway will be four years old Dec. 21 and she shares her day with Deborah Ann Lauer. The 22nd is the day Bradley Coarson turns 11 and Michael James Shannon will be four years old. ANNIVERSARIES Dorothea and John Zimny will celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary Dec. 17 Dec. 19 is the day Charlotte and Butch Gehrke will be married another year. Congratulations to both fine couples Political Corner Deuster Open House State Rep Donald E. Deuster (R. 32nd district) and his wife, Kay, are holding an open house for the Deuster for Senator Woodstock campaign office Saturday morning, Dec 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m The Deuster for Senator office is located at 222 Throop street. Refreshments will be ser ved, and the public is in vited. IVfc LjOl RfcLAIiv*^ sCMinaJ China-Gators The American alligator's only close relatives live 12,000 miles away in China. A smaller and less feisty vers ion of their American kin, Chi nese alligators are only 6 feet at their longest and weigh about 50 pounds.