J i s i I ?! S EVERYBODY WANTS TO LOOK THEIR BEST ON CHRISTMAS HIDDEN CURL 815-344-1019 1212 N GREEN ST, OFC 8 MCHENRY, ILL Give a Gift Certificate From Fran's 5 1 9j T s || Give a Oitt LerTiticaTe rrom rran s j]| PAGE 2 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IS. 1MI Dear Santa, 1 1 I want a little puppet and a pe Dear Santa, I've been a very good boy & have been helping Mommy & Daddy. I would like a garbage truck, a mail truck, Hulk garbage can, & a football. Thank You Santa. Love, Eric Stalpa, age 3 P.S. My sister & I will leave milk & cookies on the table for you. Dear Santa, I've been a very good girl. I would like a rocking chiar, a choo choo train, & a horse- Love, Jenny Stalpa, age 2 Dear Santa, You R' a Nice Man. A~ Soccer Ball Matchbox, Two City Is What I Want. Joey Mazurek Dedr Santa I love to See the reindeer m By Steffan's Win " A Diamond Contest! 1^*300 Ualuej (No Purchase Necessary) (Stop In And Register) STEFFAN'S GIFTS FOR CHILDREN INCLUDE: Star Wars, Sesame Street & Strawberry Shortcake Clocks PLUS A Complete Line of Children's Jewelry Christmas Is The Perfect | Time To Give Someone Special | A Membership In The Earring Club At Steffan's STOP IN AND SEE US FOR DETAILS ive <=4 ZP\ii.ciCCa STEFFAN'S Features PULSAR WATCHES For Men & Women Stop In And See Our SPECIAL CATALOC Oift hems ON SALE FOR CHRISTMAS Our Gift ~~ To You L*tt*rs Engraving • | 1212 N. Green St. McHenry, II. 60050 815-385-6070 Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-8:00 PM Spt 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Closed Sundays at the mall. Dear Santa: Love Jodie & Doud, 6 And I want a big s and a teaser car and a TV, and a toy cookie monster telephone. I was a good boy. And I will give you cookies. And rif be glad to give you some milk. Where do you park your Riendeer? I Love You! Tony Sybirsk, 4 years old I have been a good boy all year. I don't want lots of stuff just some. Please bring me a G.I. Joe, a dukes of Hazzard car model cause I like them a lot. I'll leave you cookies an table and stuff for your deers. Mary Christmas. Love Bob Wilson Dear Santa I wood like a Strawberry Shot Cake kit and a Cuddle doll with The pHlow.. I Love You. no name To Santa I wood like a Tipi Toe. -- Hewitt To Santa I wood like a magic Sand. Hewitt To Santa I wood like a Western Ban Bie. no name To Santa I wood like a Dream Bar Bie. no name To Santa I wood like a BarBie Beauty Set. wa nnma Santa Claus North Pole Dec. 5,1981 Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a really big truck. My sister, Erica, has been good too. Please firing her a stuffed bear for Christmas. Love,1 Derek "Christmas" - Kim Name page letter cost Belle 417 Dallas 409 Golden Dream barbie 409 Starr Bar bie 410 Beauty Secret Bar. 411 Beauty, Dog - 411 Excercise Mat 450 461 541 Fashion Boots women, size 5 low heel Jewelery neclaces, bracelets Total a $5.00 3 8.88 4 7.66 11 8.48 3 7.99 4 8.49 5 7 3(31) 9.09 4.97 4.99 20.00 $62.76 KimC. TedC. Dear Santa, My name is Michael Here is my X-Mas\ list or thing's I'd like to hav^. 1. Rubic's Cube. 2. Baseball Kid. 3. Smokey & the Bandet Car. 4. Wrist racer, dukes of hazard. • 5. Electronic Baseball game. 6. P'J's - Batman - size 8 w- feet. 7. Play Doe. 8. Art set. 9. Thank you, Michael K. Dear Santa, . . How are you and Mrs. Santa? Will you bring me some nice dresses and Tippie toe doll and Don't tip the waiter game. And strawberry shortcake- things. Oh, by the way my name is Kelly Jo Jenkins. Let's get on with my things... and double bladed ice skates. And tennis shoe roller skates and miscellaneous games. And Lipstick case. I like you very very much. Love, Kelly Jenkins Dear Santa Claus, 2345678 I want make-up, peoples and a Bus (like my papa's) My sister Joedee Lynn wants rattles. My Mommy wants diamond ring. My daddy wants toys- so do I. I will try to be better next year. Love hugs and Kisses,, Jessica Meyers 2VFE years old Gyro Cubes 55 Dukes GENERAL LEE CARS 1 64 SCALE Chinese Checkers OR Checkers R E ? 1 6 6 Christmas Gift Wrap ERTL Skill Saw 733 BOXED Christmas Cards 77 99