w I Anne Sowers wonder Lake 653-9549 I "MPOA Meets to have the name of your To Discuss Dam special person put on his list. Two issues were settled at the Dec. 13 meeting of the Master Property Owners association. First, there is a problem with deterioration of the sluice gates which is causing a severe leaking problem. Secondly, the proposal to form a Park District was defeated. The state has demanded that the MPOA have a signed contract with an engineering firm by Dec. 31 stating what needs to be accomplished in order to make the dam safe again. If this measure is not complied with, the lake will be breached by the state. That means the water would be drained so that no property damage or loss of life would result if the dam should fail. This order is being com plied with and the work could possibly begin ir March. In order to finance this project, our subdivisions have already received a bill of $10 per lot payable to the MPOA to cover the cost. It is imperative that the sub divisions pay this charge or they lose their voting power in the MPOA. This $10 per lot additional MPOA dues will appear on your next sub division bill. CHRIST THE KING CCD CCD classes will not be meeting over the Christmas vacation from Dec. 27-Jan. 3. Classes will resume again on Jan. 10. This will give students and teachers both a chance to take a break from all their hard work in order to enjoy the Christmas season. FROST BITE OPEN If you still need a last minute gift for someone on your list, you could give them a ticket to the Second Annual Frost Bite Golf outing to be held Sunday, Feb. 7. Many golfers and non- golfers alike enjoyed this event last year and the number is sure to increase this year after hearing all the favorable comments. Give Bill Fitzterald a call AMERICAN LEGION Five members of the American Legion Auxiliary spent a rewarding day wrapping presents at Elgin hospital for our disabled veterans who served our ( country.. The ladies felt i« was a very worthwhile day well spent for them. -J Santa paid a visit to the Post 1169 home on Dec. 13 and visited with about 65 children from infants to 12 years old. The children were all given presents along with cookies, ice crekffi, and candy. They also were able to erijoy playing games. This event was sponsored jointly by the Legion and the auxiliary. There will be a party for the 4117 Social club at the post home Jan. 8, beginning at 7 p.m. Included in the evening's fun will be games, a bonus surprise show, a tournament, and cocktails. Amateur musicians are needed for the night so if you would like to lend your talents, contact the American Legion. The public is invited to attend. MERRY CHRISTMAS I hope you all have a very good Christmas holiday, filled with nothing but happiness. Don't forget that if something extra special happens to you on Christmas give me a call. Would love to hear about our college students who have returned home for the holidays. Merry Christmas! COMMUNITY EVENTS Dec. 27 and Jan. 3 -- No CCD classes at Christ the King Jan. 7 - Woman's Club of Wonder Lake board meeting; 8 p.m. Jan. 10 -- Pack meeting and Pinewood Derby for Pack 456; Greenwood school; 1:30 p.m. Jan. 14 -- Jaycees meeting; Dusty's; 8 p.m. Jan. 20 - Wonder Woods Aux. meeting; 7 p.m. Jan. 21 - Woman's Club of Wonder Lake meeting; 8 p.m. Nativity Lutheran church hall lakeland Park & Lakeland Shores Carol Cominsky Vandals Take Decorations It has been so nice to see all the pretty lights and decorations going up all around the neighborhood in recent weeks. So many people are going way out to make their property take on the look of Christmas. My own family has enjoyed driving around at night so they can see the displays. It takes a lot of time and money to make this possible and how sad I feel when someone calls to tell me that people are stealing their lights and decorations. If any guilty parties are reading this I beg you to please stop. I'm sure/ you aren't taking these things to use at your house because the stolen items have been found lying on the streets. Christmas is the time for peace on earth, good will towards men; let us not forget it. TIME OFF With the holiday upon us we are going to take the next two weeks off. Joel is going to be home until the first . week of January so we are going to spend the time being / with family and friends. I am very grateful to all of you who have helped me in 1981 to report the news. I will see you again in 1982, relaxed, refreshed and 385-7246 ready for another year of reporting the local news. If you want to call me with some news during this time, feel free to do so. HAPPY BIRTHDAY I take this time to send good wishes to all those people with a birthday the remainder of the year. Nedra Eckhart, Laurie Perry and Renee Mercure have their special day Dec. 23. Marjorie Vann will be 10 years old on Christmas eve and she shares her day with Tom Bockman and Katherine Kupstis. Sue Prazak adds another year Christmas day. Dec. 26 is the day Gina Rose Visconti, Marie Cross and Nathan Anthony Druml celebrate. Best wishes are sent to Victor Karl Popp on the 27th. Sharon Gacek, John Pautz, Fred Anthony Jr., and Jim Wickenkamp will be another year older Dec. 28. Dennis Kozicki, Wally Kuhns and Michael Krasucki hear the birthday song Dec. 29. Scott Aldrich will be seven years old on New Years eve and he shares his day with Kathy Maxson, James John Oeffling and Matthew Joseph Rogers. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Dec. 30 will be the day Wayne and Brenda Kreutzer celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary. See You Next Year! Have you ever wondered what it is like to be in jail? McHenry County college's Jail Rehabilitation program wants to tell what life is like for prisoners and ex- offenders who return home after serving their time. Dr.- Robert Meyer, coordinator of the Jail Rehabilitation program, and Randall Marchese, the program's job developer, are available to make presentations about the program and to talk about the way local residents can help with the program. Their presentation in cludes a small art show of prisoners' paintings as well as Marchese sharing his experiences as an ex-, offender seeking to rejoin his community. Local groups interested in scheduling the program for presentation to their members may telephone Meyer at the Jail Rehabilitation program office in Woodstock, (815) 338-9040. There is no charge for the presentation. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ). IN THE CIRCUIT CO0RTTHEREOF FISHER AND FISHER, ATTORNEYS 30 North LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois 60602 , 312-372-4784 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss - In the Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, County vs: James A. Bushert, et al., Case No. 81 CH 390. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed notice is hereby given you James Busnert and Unknown Owners Defen dants in the above entitled suit that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit , , ,-- praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: Lot 12 in Oak Manor Unit No. 2, being a Sub division of part of Lot 93 of the Assessor's Plat of Section 35, Township 44- North Range 5, E. of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded August 3, 1976 as Doc. No. 670495, in McHenry County iL., commonly known as 836 Oak Manor Drive, Marengo, Illinois, which said mortgage was made by James A. Bushert as Mortgagors, to United Mortgage Corporation as Mortgagee, ana recorded in the office of McHenry County, Illinois as Doc. No. 778967. And for relief; that summons was duly issued out of the same Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. Now therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois on or before the 18th day of Jan., 1982, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in ac cordance with the prayer of said Complaint. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, Dec. 7, 1981. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court Woodstock, Illinois FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF (Pub. Dec. 16,234 30,1981) No. 810619 Legal Notice 81CH426 CROWLEY BARRETT & KARABA Attorneys 111 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY ss. The nicest people are those who say the nicest things-about us. • • • » People who gamble should be prepared and able to lose money. Picture Of Jail Life Given In Presentation Subscribe McHenry Plaindealer Courting on the Court Lovers say that romance can blossom anywhere, so it should come as no surprise that college students have come up with a novel new way to spend time with the opposite sex. The new social trend may be sports dat ing. Th« McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 • 3 Years$40.00 • 2 Years-$28.50 • 1 Year-$15.50 • 6 Month*-$8.50 • Payment Enclosed Name Address City Prices good in McHenry County. P. -- In the ^i i ium r»ai > »> McHenry County, Chancery Division. Wheeling Trust & Savings Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Wheeling Trust & Savings Bank, a banking corporation of Illinois, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated the 17th day of November, 1977 and known as Trust No. 77- 396; Eugene A. Huff, d-b-a Eugene A. Huff Painting & Decorating; Herman A. Stamer; and Unknown Owners, Defendants. The requisite affidavit for ublication having been iled, notice is hereby given you, "Unknown Owners." Defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court t of McHenry County, Chancery Division, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of certain Mortgage conveying the firemises described as ollows. to-wit: Lot 13, in Stamer's Re- subdivision of Lots 12. 13 and 14 in College Hill a Subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter and part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded on March 14, 1969 as Document No. 505979 and the Resubdivision Plat thereof recorded on February 3, 1978, as Document Number 722360, in McHenry Countv, Illinois. And for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Chancery Division, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 16th day of January, 1982, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated: Dec. 10, 1981, Woodstock, Illinois Vernon W Kays, Jr. Clerk the Circuit Court Crowley Barrett & Karaba 111 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois. 60603 726-2468 (Pub. Dec. 16,23& 30, 1981) No. 810620 Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 7th, A.D. 1981, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting fortn the names and post-office addresses of all of the per sons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as SILLY SPORTS SLOGAN, located at 1405 W Pine Street, McHenry, 111., 60050. Dated this 7th day of December, A.D. 1981. Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Dec. 16,23 & 30,1981) No. 810621 Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING EQUALIZATION BY BOARD OF REVIEW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the "Revenue Act of 1939", that the Board of Review of McHenry;County proposes to equalize the assessments of farm land in all Townships of McHenry County. Affected properties are listed in the assessment records with Permanent Parcel Numbers ending with <K)10. ooil, or 0020. The proposed negative multiplier or reduction, to be applied to 'he farm land portion of a farm property assessment, is set forth below:. Farm Property - Farm Land: 0.9751 or $30 per acre The use of the negative factor or dollar reduction will be determined by whichever cause the least amount of decrease. The application of said negative multiplier or reduction will result in lower farm land assessed values for 1981 assessments. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the owners of property affected, anyone duly representing them, other citizens, or parties of the affected territory may appear before the Board of Review at a hearing to be held in Room 203, McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098 at 9:30 a.m., December 30. 1981, to show cause why sue. action should not be taken. ( Pub. Dec. 9,16 & 23, 1981) No. 810607 Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -vs- THOMASD. LOTITO; et al., Defendants. INCHANCERY General No. 81 CH 265 > NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, Michael Sullivan, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the Nineteenth day of January A.D. 1982, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A.M. (Central Standard) Time, in Room 310 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree men tioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisy said decree, to-wit: Lot 9 in Overton Estates, being a Subdivision of THIS YEAR SAVE ON YOUR nunicTuac nurrn A T Cdcbnithn DISCOUNT DRUG CENTERS PABST BEER 12 PACK-12 OZ. CANS REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $055 SMIRNOFF VODKA Royal Vodka Liter • 80 Proof REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BRANDY California's Finest Liter • 80 Proof *619 REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $J67 BACARDI RUM Light or Dark 750 ML • 80 Proof REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $199 • ea. JIM BEAM Kentucky's Best Liter • 80 Proof REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE Hi49 FLEISCHMANN'S GIN Distilled From 100% Grain Liter • 80 Proof REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $5" CHATEAU LaSALLE Sweet and Light 750 ML • 12% Alcohol REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $289 McHenry • 4400 W. Elm • 385-1125 Formerly May't Drug Pricps in p i l ed Wed thru TUPS December 23 29 I t ems ava i l ab le wh i l e quan t i t i es l as t COPYRIGHT 1981 BY RFVCO D S INC part of the Northwest Quarter and also a part of the North 31 acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 46 North, Ranee 8 East of the Third Principal according to thereof recor- JanUary 29, 1973 as (it No. 585717, in M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 3801 Mill Road, Richmond, Illinois together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap p u r t e n a n c e s t h e r e u n t o belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 7th day of December A.D. 1981. VERNON W. KAYS, JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Frederick C. Cappetta 7 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312 ) 726-9600 Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in McHenry Plaindealer on December 16, 23 and 30th, 1981 Exhibit A No. 810616 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS MARENGO FEDERAL ) SAVINGS AND ) LOAN ) ASSOCIATION, ) a corporation ) of the United ) States of America, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) -vs- ) ) WILLIAM A. GIOVANN* ) and SUSAN G. v \ ) GIOVANNI, his wife; XA ) PISTAKEE ^ ) HIGHLANDS ) COMMUNITY ) ASSOCIATION, ) a corporation ) and ) UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) ) Defendants. ) No. 82CH423 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite Affidavit having been duly filed herein, NOTICE IS HEREIN GIVEN YOU, UnKnown Owners, Defendants, in the above-entitled action, that an action is now pending in the court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage made PAGE 15 • PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY. DECEMBER 22. lttl by William A. Giovanni and Susan G. Giovanni, his wife, with respect to the following described real estate: Lot 14 in Block 13, in Pistakee Highlands, Unit No. 4, a Subdivision of part <of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 , also part of the Fractional Southeast Quarter of Section 5, all in Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded August 31, 1956 as Document No. 312063 in Book 12 of Plats, page 85, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as 5322 " Circle Drive, McHenry, IL., 60050. NOW. THEREFORE, you are further notified to file your appearance in the of fice of the Clerk of the Court above stated on or before Jan. 18, 1982, and if you fail so to do, or do not otherwise make your appearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint without further notice. * I N T E S T I M O N Y WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 9th day of Dec., 1981. (COURT SEAL) VERNON W.KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. KELL, CONERTY & POEHLMANN Attorneys for Plaintiff 121 East Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock. IL, 60098-0588 Telephone: (815) 338-4511 (Pub. Dec. 16,23& 30,1981) No. 810615 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION NOTICE OF 4-YEAR LEASE OPPORTUNITY FOR OPERATION OF A REFRESHMENT AND BOAT CONCESSION AT CHAIN O'LAKES STATE PARK LAKE & McHENRY COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Sealed bids are requested by the State of Illinois, Department of Conservation for the operation of a con cession under a four-year lease providing for the sale of food, soft drinks, fishing camping, picnic supplies and (he rental of State-owned boats and mooring space. Complete information, in cluding a Prospectus and Bid Forms, for the Con cession may be obtained from the Office of the Site Superintendent, Chairi o'Lakes State Park, 729 East Slate Park Road. Spring Grove. Illinois 60081. Bids will be received at the office of the Associate Director for Land & Historic Sites. 405 E Washington St., Springfield. 111., 62706. until 1 p.m. on Feb 8,1982 at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read. Tne State of Illinois. Department of servation, reserves the w to reject any and all bicls. The award of the Concession Incase will be based on analysis of properly sub mitted competitive bids and will be awarded to the best (jualified bidder who will, in the sole judgment of the Department of Con s e r v a t i o n , o p e r a t e t h e concession in the best in terest of the public and the State of Illinois. (Pub. Dec. 22. 24 & 29. 1981) No. 810625 nois. A right^Jr BIBLE VERSE "His name shall be c a l l e d W o n d e r f u l , Counsellor, the Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. 1. Who wrote the above words? 2. Of whom was he speaking? 3. How long before the birth of Christ were these words spoken? 4. Where may this verse be found? Anwtr to Bible Vhm 1. Isaiah the prophet. 2. Jesus Christ, the long promised Messiah. 3. More than four hun dred years B.C. 4. Isaiah 9:6. K1£ED OWE eicospip. New Teeth Most sharks are equipped with a lifetime supply of teeth, each one quickly replaced when it falls out or works loose from the jaw. Studies of young lem on sharks show that they can grow a set of ffill-size teeth in little more than a week. Nation al Geographic reports. A Christmas Memory Lisl 7 • Mother • Father l Husband • Wife ( Sweetheart L Fine Folks [ House to House [ i Neighbor Parents iSister, Sister & Husband 3rother, 3rother & Wite Daughter, Daughter & Husband iSon, Son & Wife Grandmother • Grandfather • Niece • Nephew • Cousin • Aunt • Uncle • Godparents • Godchild SPECIAL CATEGORIES From Our House Across the Miles Special Friend Baby s First Bondholder Moneyholder Christmas Cheer ; Christmas Birthday • Teacher [.Boss L) Doctor Postman Gift Enclosure Priest Sister RELIGIOUS TITLES I Pastor In God's Service 'Minister & Family J Pastor & Wife Plan ahead now so you don't forget those you love and care for 7 / f f 1 WE DISCOUNT GREETING CARDS EVERYDAY AT HORNSBY Why pay more for Christmas greeting cards or any occasional greeting cards than the low, low discounted price at Hornsby. m p U i ® " 1 s,0¥„«. DAILY 9 •• 9 SUNDAY 10 U 4 RTI. 47 ft COUNTRY CLUB RD. WOODSTOCK 4400 W. RTI. 120-McNENRY