Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1981, p. 29

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SUNDAY. DEC. 27 1 • and hi* agents go undercover to i inveetigate one of their moat , bizarra caaaa- eraating a ating oparation in order to gathar '• avidanca againat a major distributor of child pornography. (Repeat; 60 mine.) m jnSearchOf World At War i m Neva 'Anatomy of a Volcano' : NOVA accompanies an Intema- ! tlonal team of geologiata aa they i atudyMt. St. Helena in an effort to diacover cluee that might enable them to more accurately predict future volcanic aruptiona. , (Cloeed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 * a.) VMon Of Aaia-U8A Movie -(Comedy) •• "Little Mlae Marker" 1080 Walter Matthau, Sara Stlmaon. Sorrowful Jonee is a atingy, grouchy, horae ' racing bookie until he becomea involved with little Miaa Marker The Kid'. (Rated PG) (103 »700 Club It'a Your Bueinees NeNenic Theatre Movie -(Thriller) •• "The Formula" I960 GeorgeC. Scott. Merlon Brando. Documented _ facta concerning an interactional E aynthetlc fuel conapiracy form the vbaaia for this dramatic look at a poeeible future. (Rated R) (Paid jSybecriptiofl Televiaion) (2 hra.) ,0 Qymnaatlca USGF Single .ifllminationChampionahipa 12: > (Mark) McCutcheon va JimHartung ILIaa Zaia va Kathy Johnson 39 In Touch Stratflht Taft SScvis -(ISrafRS) ••• "drey# ,World" 1064 John Wayne, Claudia Cardinale. Americen i.circus owner In Europe searchea <for an aarlaliat he loved 16 yeare before and whoaa daughter he ;|wa reared. (3 hra) 7s30 One Day At A ijflme Young Alex la atarting to diaplay an intereat in the opposite •eex, and when he ventures out on ^#ia firat data, hia adoleecent ' growing painaappeartobeaching Ann and Barbara more then Alex 'Mm self. m NBA Baaketball Bulla va Milwaukee Bucka ® 0 Jimmy Bwaggart • What WM They TMnk Of MCHbsiBlO AHceThered carpet getarolledupatMel'aDiner avhen Bones and Mutner, a pair of tough-acting bikera, show up and .Bonea takeeo fancy to AHce. VPS Sunday Night At The < Moviea 'From Here To Eternity' Part 11970 Stara: Natalie Wood, . William Davana, Pater Boyle. Baaed on the Jamea Jones' beat-aelllng novel, thla drama eentere on thetivea of a company * ef career eoidlera,baaed in Hswsii t, at the time of the Japaneee attack on Peart Harbor. (Repeat; 2 hra.) (Ctqeed-Ceptioned; U.S.A.) tt •• Sunday Night Movie 'Shampoo' 1076 8tara: Warren Beatty.JulieChriatie.A hairdresser runa Into difficulty when every girl he llkea com* pHcatea hia life by falling in love with him. (Repeat; 2hra., I6mlna.) (Closed-Caption ad; U.8.A.) flB® Afrtca'aWeepingButWho Is Listening da) 9 Nova 'Anatomy of a Volcano' NOVA accompaniea an international team of geologiata aa they study Mt. St. Helens In en effort to diacover cluea that might enable them to more accurately predict future volcanic aruptiona. (Cloaed-Ceptioned; U.8.A.) (60 «a.) Dancing Prlnceeeee Starring Tony Award-Winner Jim Dale, thia program tella the atory of a handsome soldier who discovers the secret place where aix beautiful princeaaea dance their rta away. (60 mina.) TeleFrance-U.S.A. Theater Qala: 'La jeu de I"Amour et du Haaard' 2) In Performence: The Orcheatre Nationel: leaac Stern 0Movla -(Terror) % "Cardiac Arreet" 1080 Qarry Qoodrow, Mike Chan. An offbeet homicide cop diacovera a black market operation that tradea in dieembodled hearts that ere aold for tranaplanta. (Rated PQ) (00 minsj 88 Grecian Spotlight • PIS World Cup BkNng Men'a Downhill from Val Gardens, Italy • ® Old Time Goepel Hour • A.R.T.8. There WUI AlwayaBe An England hoated by George Kennedy. 1) George Kennedy Introduction. 2) The Palm Quartet Orchestra. 3)Cinderella Actaland k Kle Written 6.-06 Atlantic City Attvel 8:80 •198l<2f TheJefferaona Having to tolerate a weekend ea a dog-sitter for a pampered pooch could be the key to a profitable buaineaa deal for George, but he mutt entertained could become a R of life and death. Sunday At 8L Edwarda Dr. Jack Van Impe • World' 04X) iftpeesport To Extinction ••39 Trapper John, M.D. A cardiac patient may be doomed beceuee the only eurgeon who csn aave hia life ia rapidly becoming incapacitated by hia own paychlc re. (60 mina.) itCrlels Maaterplece Theatre 'Edward and Mra. Slmpaon' Both WinrfTon Churchill and Mra. Slmpaon advlae the King not to abdicate. King Edward kaepa poatponing the meeting with hia brother, th* Duke of York. (Cloeed-Captioned: U.8.A.) (60 Richmond Rood at Pearl Street Mon.. Tues.. Thurt. 9:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m F r i . 9 : 0 0 a . m . t o 3 p m S 4 3 0 t o 7 3 0 p m Sat. 9:00 o.m. to 12 Noon DRIVE IN Mon.. Tues.. Wed., Thurt 8:00 a.m. to S p.m. Fri. 8:00a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sot. 6:00 o.m. to 12 Noon * 0 Movie-Drama) *" "The Outelder" 1876 CreigWaaaon, Sterling Hayden. Story about an Americen Vietnem veteran who hee grown up lietening to larger then life etoriea of the romantic activltiea of the IR A, ee told to him by hia grandfather. (Reted R) (2 Hmlne.) Otd Time Goepel Hour My View Korean Goepel Hour Movie-(Comedy) "Can't Stop The Muelcr> 1080 The Village People, Valerie Perrine. (PaidSubacription Televiaion) A rollicking diaco group boogiea on in to the glittery muaical event of the '60a. (2 Ice Skating 1061 Skate Cenads • Dance Competition and Mena and Ladlea Free Skating - Pl_ Chicago Goapel Hour tmySwaggart TVS Weekend Newe Movle-(Dreme)*** "The Club" Jack Thompson, Juliet Milla.AnAuatrelianfootballcoach battles the club'a owners to keep his star plsyer snd his job. (2 JSfctwrafo AM In The Femity i Edward The King l To Norwey:Home Of Glente I 99 Independent Network Public Policy Forum Wonderful Hour | SporteCenter TheBlbk H • 0 The BIMe Hour • After Benny V Movie -(Weetem) ** "Return of the Seven" 1866 YuiBrynner, Robert Fuller. A former member of the 'Megnificent Seven', now e farmer in a email Mexican village, iekidnapped by a bandof outlawa. Certbbeen Nlghta 0tt Newi 10KW 10j16 mmm Newe 88CSSNews 10:30 91 An Amerlcen.Clty At Christmas Time S Movte-(Adventure)*** "Dey Of The Dolphin" 1073 GeorgeC. Scot t , T r iah Van Davere . Raaearch ac iant ia t , a f te r aucceaafully working out a means of teeching dolphins to talk, finda h ia an imate k idnapped by conspiratora who plantouae them in e plot to bomb the President of United Stetes' bost. (2 hrs.) the United Steti 8 ffiUFkn An Evening At The togprov m Dave Alien At Large 0 Movie-(Drama) ** "Laet Hurrah" 1077 Carroll O'Connor, Mar le t te Har t ley . An eg ing , powerful, chariamatic, old atyle politicianrunaforhiafourthtarmaa r of a large city. (2 hra.) ) Movie -(Drama) Act PAOFLT Of Murder" 1848 Fredric March, Edmond O'Brien. A etern judge muet judge himaeff for seving hie wifetheanguiahoflllneeabykililng her J2 hra!) Bountiful Bleeainga 10:36 m OoenUo 10:46 S NBC Late Night Movie 'Chflatmaa Lillee Of The Field' 1070 Stara: Billy Dee Willlama, Maria Schell, Fey Hauser. Homer Smith retumeto vieitthe chapel he built for the nuna, and finda they need hia help egein, thle time to buildenorphenegeandkindergar- ten for the homeleaa children in their cere. (Repeet; 2 hra.) • ABC Newe • M.A.S.H. fll Mo vie -(Adventure) *•* "Dey Of ^The Dolphin" 1873 GeorgeC. Scot t , T r lah Van Davere . Reaaerch ac ient ie t , a f te r aucceaafully working out a meana of teaching dolphina to talk, finda h ia an imals k idnapped by conspirators who plantouae them in s plot to bomb the President of theUnitedStstes'bost.(2hrs., 16 mins.j_ 11:00 m CBS News (B Jim Rockford: Inyeatlgator • > Chicago: A Look At The j?Movle-(Dreme)***% "They Drive By Night" 1840 George Reft, Ann Sheriden. Story ofthetruckerawhohaul the freight over the highway a and the murder the two of them get involved with. Private $i> HOIK# CAN Soundatege 'Joan Armatrading' apina a muaical web during her eclectic performence of auch f a voriies as 'Barefoot and Pregnant,' 'Cool Blue,' and 'Back • the Night'. (60 mina.) Dr. Who f and'eEye Newe Sieter E.R.Allen Hammer Houee 4 GymnaetlceUSGF Single Elimination Championahipa 12: Mario McCutcheon va JimHartung and Liaa Zaia va Kathy Johnson 3$ Public Policy Forum 11:168 Jim Rockford: Private Inyeetlgetor Ogd Coupls 11:20 UTon Location: 6th Annuel Young Comedlene Show Tom and Dick Smothera are joined by aoma of the nation'a top rialng young comediena, taped et the Roxy in Los Angelea. 11:30(189 Face The Netion Q ® It's Your Bueineea 81 Movie -(Drama) *• "Urban Cowboy" 1878 John Travolta. Dabora Winger . S tory o f a modern-dey Texea youth who worka by day in a refinery and apenda hia nights dreaaed like e cowboy at a weetem ber. (Rated R)(2 hra., 30 mins.) O & Proepertty-A Way Of Robert L. Weber Building Crystal Lake Rood at Lillian Street Mon. Tue». Thurs. 8:30o.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fri. 8:30a.m. to 7 30 p m Sat. 8 30a m to 12 Noon Main Building 3510 W. Elm St. i«chdsyeeUer inaur«dto SI00.000 WolkUp Mon., Tues.. Thurs. 3:00p.nj. to5:00p.m. Fri. 3:00p.m. to4 30p.m. Lobby Sot. 9 00 a.f5; to 12 Noon MON TUES THURS 9 00a m to3 OOp m Fri. 9 00 a m to 3 p.m. & 4 30 to 7 30 p m Z) A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRYSTATE BANK I

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