Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1981, p. 35

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INCIDENT AT CRESTRIDGE Eileen Brennan stars in "Incident at Crestridge," a new motion picture-for- television about a woman who cam­ paigns for and wins election as sheriff in a crusade against the entrenched political corruption of a small town in the West, to be broadcast on "The CBS Tuesday Night Movies," TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29. In the story, Sara Davis (Ms. Bren­ nan) and her husband, Robert (Sandy McPeak), move to the small Wyoming town of Crestridge, where he is due to become the hospital administrator. After witnessing separate acts of ar­ son, assault and attempted murder, and appalled by the ineptitude and outright corruption of the local law en­ forcement, Sara files her candidacy for sheriff. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. TUESDAY, DIC. 29 life by arranging an evening on the town with Al only to completely loae his cool when he learna she haa been dating a mysterious stranger. (Repeat) (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) V ® They Run For Their Ufa And Times Of Grizzly i PM Magazine > Milwaukee ProfHea J National Geographic I Medicine Man 189 Omni: Tho Now Frontier AIRoJoVlvo J ® Movlo •(Comedy) *** "Zero To Sixty" 1080 Darren McQavIn, Sylvia Milea. (Paid Subacription Televiaion) A chic Loa Angeles man, with incredible alimony paymenta, haa hia car repoaaeaaed by a 16 year old atreot-amart girl. (Rated PG (100 mlna.) • NFL Game Of The Week 099 Chicago 0 Uvewlre \rfl WWI OwJ • Star Trek 7:06 0 ABInTheFamily 7:30 000 Laverne And Shirley Laverne and Shirley find themalevea appearing on televiaion aa part of a Latvian acrobatic act in an effort to help Lenny and Squiggy launch their tacky talent agency. (Repeat) (CloMd-Captloned; U.S.A.) CD ® Program Unannounced IV COMPUIOG SCRVICfS INC 80 Miller's Court Program Unannounced Danny Kaye, Mickey Rooney and other aucceaaful individuala over the age of 60 diacuaa their many accompliahmenta thua far and their future aapiratione. 0 Movlo -(Comedy) * tt "Last Marrlad Coupla In America' * 1980 George Segal, Natalie Wood. A happily married couple are so upset by the breakup of their married frienda that they begin to queation their own relationship. (Rated R) (105 tfti. iMovIe-(Mystery)*** "The Big Clock" 1048 Ray Mllland, Charlea Laughton. A newapaper publiaher killa hia girlfriend, then aearchea for man he aaw leaving her apartment, to do away with him J2 hra.) 0® AprendlendoAAmar 0 ESPN's SportaForum- Tueaday Edition flb Aople Polishers 7:35 0 Up Close 7:50 0® Newecene 8:00 0109 CBS 1 CBSTuHdiy Night Movie'Incident At Creatridge' 1981 Stara: Eileen Brennan, Pernell Roberta, Bruce Daviaon. A woman campaigna for and wins an election for aheriff in a cruaade againat the entrenched political corruption of a email town inthoWeat. (2 hrs.) 000 NBC Movie Of The Weak 'From Here To Eternity' (Concluaion) 1979 Stars: Natalie tAMAfM SHVlCt •RAWAT0R REPAIR .AUTO HEATER I •AUTO & TRUCK All DEFROSTER REPAIR conmoMw SERVICE •THERMOSTATS t HOSES JOSMMM -WATER p«rs -^lAll REPAIRS mmm MAKES AND 085-0783 00 V. it m mm Wood, William Devane, Peter Boyle. Prewitt is driven to a violent revenge thatiacertaintoaffecthis hoped-for career in the Army when he aeea the inhuman treatment his friend Maggio has suffered aa a stocksds prisoner. (Repeat; 2 hrs.iiCjosed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 000 Three's Company As Terri moves into Jack and Janet 's aprtment, Larry telle her a little white lie about Jack'a dismal love lifethatcauaehertogoto outrageous lengths to boost his self-confidence. (Repeat) Sloaed-Captioned) i Eaet coaat Athletic Confer­ ence Final 0® NA8L Soccer Chicago I vs Montreal Manic Programming Unannounced 0 Odyaae Odysaey 'Maya Lorda of the Jungle' Buried deep in the jungles of Central America are hundreda of majeatic temples, intricately carved etonea, and painted pota which are ell that remain of the classic Mayan civilization thai thrived for thousands of yeara and then myaterioualy collapaed. (60 mips.) 0 TeleFrance-U.S.A. Refresh Your French: 'EnFrencais' Lessons 11 and 12.2) From The World Of Fiction:'LeaMiaerables' Part 2: 'L'Epopee de la rue St. Denie' 3) The Incurable Collector: Art in France During the Second EmDlre 039 300 Mllllonea 0 English Channel 0 Beet Of The NFL 1976 Minnesots Vikings and 1976 New England Patriota Highlights Q® Image Identity 0 A.R.T.8. Chrietmas Special. 1) A Christmas Carol by Charlea Sckens. 2) Title Unannounced. I ECAC Holiday Baeketball Feetlval 0 Laverne And Shirley And Company 8:05 0 NBA BaeketbaN Atlanta HawksvaHquaton Rockets 8:30 000 Too Close For Comfort The Rueh houaehold reacts in different way s when they --4earn Muriel le going to have a baby; Henry ia in a atate of euphoria, but Jackie and Sara are awept into a aea of embaraas- ment. (Repeat) 0 Movie-(Drama) ***H "Doctor Zhlvago" 1085 Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. The story of the life end loves of s doctor in Czariat Ruasis. (3 hrs., 30 mins.) PACC 17 0 0 Love Song To The Messiah O OddCpupto 8:40 0® Movie -(Romance) ••• "It'eMyTurn" 1080 Jill Clayburgh, Michael Douglaa. A funny love story of a woman whoee Ufa of independence eeeme ideal until ahe meete end falla In love with a former aporta hero during a whirlwind weekend in New York. (Rated R) (Paid Subacription Television) (95 mins.) 0:00 00MI Hart To Hart J«1 set intrigue, set egainet the gleeming elopee of Colorado, leada Jonathan end Jennifer Into the midat of aeveral bizarre murder plote, including a scheme againat them hatched by a beautiful woman. (Repeat; 60 mine.) (Closed-Ceptioned; U.S.A.) (39)0 Odyssey 'Maya Lorda of the Jungle' Buried deep in the junglea of Centrel America are hundreda of majeetic templee, Intricately cerved atonea, and painted pota which are all that remain of the cleeeic Mayan civilization that thrived for thouaanda of yeara end then mysteriously collapaed. (60 ana.) I Dancing Princesses Sterling Tony Awerd-Winner Jim Dale, thia program telle the etory of e handsome soldier who discovers the secret place where eix beeutiful princeaaea dance their Haway. (60 mine.) Bowling Game Iris Chacon >llege Basketball 1981 Sugar Bowl Tournament Chem- f iahip Final • Amerlcen Catholic MjA.S.H. 9:15 0 HBO 8neak Preview: January Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara aalute the beet of HBO'e eporta, apeciala and moviee of 1961 and pop the cork on the big events in atpre for 1982. 9:30 0 ® Independent Network News 0 ® Living Stones News M.A.S.H. Vldeowest MacNeH-Lehrer Report I Movie.-/Surpenae) •••% "China Syndrome" 1070 Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda. Televiaion reporter atumblea onto the atory of a nucleer accident. HPG) (2 hra., 2 mina.) Entertainment Tonight Saturday Night Inform ac Ion 28 neon And Hedgee Men'e Tennle Tournament (Replay) CBS& 700 Club 0 Maude 0 Movie -(Muelcal-Comedy) •••% "My Slater Eileen" 1055 Janet Leigh, Jack Lemmon. Two Ohio girle try to survive in a Greenwich Village apartment. (2 hrs.) 10:15 0(39 Movie-(Drama) ***% "Doctor Zhlvago" 1085 Omar Sharif. JulieChrietie. (Paid Subacription Televieion) The atory of the life and lovea of a doctor in Czariat Ruaeie. (2 hra., 20 mins.) 10:20 0 TBSEvenlng News 10:30 000 NCAA BaeketbaN Un.vereityofMerylandva U.C.L.A.; Gary Bender and Billy Packer provide the commentary from The Peuley Pa villion in Loa Angeles. California. SiMlTfceT I The Tonight ShowQueat a: Jsmes Stewart, PeteBarbwtti. (60 f a.) Entertainment Tonight ABC Newa NlghtMne Anchored by Ted Koppel.

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