PAGE S - PLAIVDFALER F Notic* KJtMV • \i'ARini.r Claims against th may be filed in the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ~ ESTATE OF JOSEPH D. HENNESSY Deceased. File No 81-P-469 CLAIM NOTICE < Notice is given of the death of JOSEPH D HENNESSY, of McHenry, Illinois Letters of office were issued, on December 23, 1981, to CAROL K SOLARE. 8615 Alden Rd. Wonder Lake. II 60097xwhose attorney is DONALD W TRUCKEN BROD, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd.. McHenry v II 60050. may De tiled in me office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N: Seminary Avenue, Woodstock. Illinois, 60098, or with the representative, or both . within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the represen tative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W Kays. Jr Clerk of the Court (Pub. Dec 31.1981 & Jan 8 & 15.1982) > No 810631 Legal Notice citizen oni encouraged NOTICE OF *> PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Proposed Use Hearing on Thirteenth Entitlement of Revenue Sharing Funds of the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois for the period Oc tober 1, 1981 through Sep tember 30. 1982. will oe held at 7 30 p m. on Thursday evening. January 14th. 1982 to receive written and oral comment from the public on the proposed use of the Thirteenth Entitlement Revenue Sharing Funds All Interested citizens. citizen groups, and senior citizen organizations are encouraged to attend the hearing. All persons at tending the hearing shall have the right to submit written and oral comments and suggestions concerning the possible uses of Revenue Sharing Funds. Amottnt of Revenue Sharing Funds on hand from the Thirteenth Entitlement in the Nunda Township trust fund as of D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1»1 „ % -0- JUDITHD JAMES M. and CAROL RICHARD D. KLUCK; NORTHERN ILL - MECHANICAL INC., fand UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants. No. 81CH435 Less amount committed by a signed con tract $ -0- Dr. C. J. LUDFORD Dr. C. J. LUDFORD \ and The McHenry Dental Center Proudly Announces The . Association Of KEVIN WE6RZYN, D.D.S. A Central Family / Hj Dentistry \ 1324 N. Riverside Dr. Evening ft Saturday , McHenry, II. Hours Available " 60050 £15-385-1360 P JAMVAR Y SAVHMS IatI $ CADILLAC PONTIAC Q |GM QUALITY | S8MCC PASTS 1982 T1000 COUPE 4 SPEED, STOCK NO. 82-19 *5482°° $124K 1082°° 41 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONLY CASH OR TRADE IN VALUE PLUS TAX. LICENSE ft DELIVERY CHARGE f 190212000 COUPE 4 SPEED, FRONT WHEEL DRIVE STOCK NO.82-22 w 1002" • 41 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONLY CASH OR TRADE IN VALUE PLUS TAX. LICENSE DELIVERY ONLY 1 LEFT! 1981 PHOENIX COUPE FULLY EQUIPED, STOCK NO. 81-86 00 4S MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONLY 1 CASH OR TRADE IN VALUE SALES DEFT MON. THRU THURS. 9-9 FRI. 9-4 SAT. 9-5 CLOSED SUNDAY (•15)3S5-*000 SERVICE DEPT 7:30-5:00 MON.-FRI (•15)385-3700 M.US TAX. LICENSE ft DELIVERY CHARGE A Very Good Selection Of Used Cors To Choose From. 20 Cars In Number ALL IN ONE STM! NEW CARS - USB) CARS FINANCING - RUSTFROOfING - INSURANCE 4 TO * OK LAKf «T 1?0 TO *OOOSTOC« JOMIY 25,1M2 In McHenry; II. CADILLAC PONTIAC Amount of Revenue Sharing Funds expected to be received during the fiscal year $60,824.72 The proposed tentative budget for the Thirteenth Entitlement will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the Township Office. 3510 Bay Road. Crystal Lake. Illinois, between "the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. and weekday prior to the public hearing on the Proposed Use from and after 8:30 A M on the 23rd dav of December. 1981 Nunda Township Board of Trustees Anita Sherwood. Supervisor Kathleen C Harper. Town Clerk bated: December 23, 1981 i Pub Dec 24 & 31.1981 & Jan 8.1982) No 810627 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS MARENGOFEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation of the United States of America. Plaintiff. -vs- RENAISSANCE BUILDING CORPORATION. an Illinois corporation; KEITH S OLSEN and PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite Affidavit having been duly filed herein, NOTICE IS HEREIN GIVEN YOU, UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, in the above-entitled action, that an action is now pending in the court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage made by RENAISSANCE BUILDING CORPORATION, AN Illinois corporation with respect to the following described real pcfofp• Lot 21 in Robert Bar- tlett's Ringwood Acres Unit No. 1. a Subdivision of part of the East Half of the East Half of Section 5 and part of the East Half of the East Half of Section 8 all in Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded ' November 15, 1961, as Document No. 394331, in Book 14 of Plats, page 83, as corrected Dy In strument, recorded December 11. 1961 as " Document No 39952S in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as Robert Bartletts Ringwood Acres Unit No. l. Ringwood, Illinois 60072. NOW, THEREFORE, you are further notified to file your appearance in the office of the Gerk of the Court above stated on or before January 26, 1982, and if vou fail so to do, or do not otherwise make your ap pearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgement en tered as prayed for in said Complaint without further notice. I N T E S T I M O N Y WHEREOF, I have hereunto set may hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock. Illinois, this 18th dav of December, 1981. VERNON W KAYS, JR , Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. (COURT SEAL) CONERTYft Attorneys Kir Plaintiff 121 East Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL, 60096-0688 Telephone: (81S) 338-4511 . (Pub. Dec. 24,31,1981 ft Jan. 8,1982) No. 810626 Legal Notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastenr*Division, Mellon Mortgage Inc. -* East Plaintiff, -vs- Robert E. Wolff, et al.. Case No. 81 C 6188 Involving. a mortgage foreclosure concerning the following described t ICE MELTING SALT While Quantities Last! 98 SO Lb. Bag $1 McHENRY FS Marengo McHenry Elk horn Woodstock Zenda Huntley Chemung AT Babep SiSiCrk JANUARY vim A BETTER P&UH SALE ALL REMAINING ^ -| | I BRAND NEW Guide To Adoption 1 and the North 30 feet of Lot 3 in Block 14 in Wonderview*Unit No. I. a Subdivision of the North 66 feet of Govern ment Lot 2 of the South-, west Quarter of Section 19; also Government Lot 2 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, in Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, also the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, (except the South 885 feet thereof), in Townshnp 45 North. Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March II, 1952, as Document No 251543 in Book 11 of Plats, page 44, and as amended by Documents No. 254535 and No - 268736, in McHenry County. Illinois. ORDER THIS MATTER coming to be heard on the motion of the Plaintiff for an Order directing the Defendants, Robert Ernest Wolff. Dorothy M. Wolff ana Unknown Owners to appear and file their Answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed in this matter and it appearing that an Affidavit of Non- Residence and Petition for Order of Publication having been filed herein, and the Court being full advised in the premises; IT IS HEREBY OR DERED that Defendants herein, Robert Ernest Wolff and Dorothy M. Wolff and UNKNOWN OWNERS, file their answers or otherwise lead to the Complaint to oreclose Mortgage heretofore filed by Plaintiff on or before Januarv 21. 1982. IT IS FURTHER OR DERED that notice of this order be published in the McHenry Plaindealer, once a week for six (6) con secutive weeks. ENTER: Judge Flaum Dated: December 3, 1981 FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW. PC Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 312-372-4784 (Pub Dec. 11,18,25.1981 & Jan 1,8& 15, 1982) No. 810610 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SHOP IN COMFORT IN OUR HEATED INDOOR SHOWROOM II 8WICK RIVIERA EHISEL 79 BVICK CENTURY WACOM cert rf 11,890 80 RI6AL LIMITED CPE 78 FAIRMOM! FUTURA beouMul beou'y certified miles 80 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 78 6RANA8A EES 4 DOOR A reliable and realistic guidebook on adoption in the state of Illinois has been published by the Junior League of Chicago, Inc The newly released book en titled, Adoption: A Guide to Adoption in Illinois, is meant to serve as a comprehensive source of information and encouragement to the thousands of couples and single adults planning, or currently involved in; the often frustrating search for an adoptive child. The guidebook provides an in-depth study of all forms of adoption including agency placement, independent and international adoption as well as a current listing and profile of all licensed adoption agencies in the state. The intake procedures of each agency and their requirements on age health standards for prospective parent clearly defined. Fees home study standards ___ also discussed, as are legal requirements. More important is the fact that the book focuses upon "the child who waits'^r^the boy or girl who has been Considered difficult to place because of age. racial background or special physical and emotional and the are and are needs. Members of the Chicago Junior League have dedicated this book to these children with the hope that all prospective parents will become aware of the great pleasure and satisfaction this form of adoption brings. The book also discusses the financial incentives and support systems available to parents when they choose to make these special children a part of their family. Nearly three years of reserach has gone into the preparation of this basic account of adoption - its pitfalls and its joys. The handsome paperback book was researched, designed, written and published by members of the Junior Leage of Chicago. The guidebook is available at no charge in hopes that those who read it will find the ultimate joy that can come with the adoption of a child. Adoption: A Guide to Adoption in Illinois may be obtained by writing or calling the Junior League of Chicago, Inc., 1447 Astor street, Chicago, 60610, 312- 664-4462, or The Adoption Information Center of Illinois, 201 N. Wells, Suite 1342. Chicago. 60601, 312-346- 1516. A Growing Moving Is learning Everything babies do teaches them something about themsleves and the world Moving is no ex ception. Growing Child, the monthly c h i l d d e v e l o p m e n t newsletter, reports that as soon as a baby is born he experiences the pull of Uravity His bodv, head, arms, and legs now have weight and he must learn to live in a world where everything he does is affected by his weight and the weight of the objects he handles To learn to live with gravity, a baby begins moving his arms and legs. His head weighs about one- fourth as much as his whole body, and that's why he doesn't move it too much at first. The early fist clenching, arm waving and leg kicking a baby does are mostly reflex responses to hunger or discomfort. When he has been fed he usually goes back to sleep. But there are a few periods each day that the very young baby spends in just moving. As a baby develops from week to week, these moving periods become longer and the movements become stronger and more frequent. The kicks and waves may seem aimless, but the baby is busy learning how his legs feel when he kicks, when he stiffens them, when he stretches. He learns how his arms feel as they change position. He learns that when he moves against gravity he must work harder than when he moves with it. He bgins to learn that there is a dif ference between himself and everything else in the world that is not himself. As a baby kicks and waves, a constant stream of sensations is fed back into his brain from his muscles, joints,tendons, and skin. These are sorted out, matched with similar sen sations, and filed. This is the basis for the building of coordinated skills like reaching, grasping, crawling, creeping, walking and running Exercise periods are good for a baby Dress him in loose clothing or just a diaper and give him freedom to move. Gentle roughhousing will encourage activity. Roll him gently from side to side. Gently hold one foot, and then the other, then both feet so he must pull or push to free himself. Resist him gently, but don't frustrate him. Talk to him all the while and make a happy game of it. Moving is learning for a baby Not only does he learn from the movement itself, but he learns that when he moves purposefully, he can make something happen. This is a giant step toward gaining confidence in his ability to change. "THE WEDNESDAY BANK" Announcing Our New Extended Wednesday Hours For Your Convenience! ----Now Open EveryM_ WEDNESDAY Lobby 9 to 3 pm Drive In 8 to 5:30 pm Just about every Financial In stitution in the area takes a mid-week day off on Wed nesday, but not the First! If you've been frustrated with your bank or savings & loan offering limited Wednesday service or no service at all, consider the First National Bank of McHenry. iPMVMOUtt DUIVI UPHOUM * Moo w W.d Thu« 900AM,o 3 00 PM Man.. (m. TKvi too AM to 3 X PM **** .OI2MPM Wdor iOOAMtollJOPM in m NaT <o "The Wednesday Bank' Memtow FDIC, , iMaTiOM.ii eaiMK of iwHeismv 3814 WEST ELM STREET P O BOX 338 McHENRY ILLINOIS 600! 815-385 54C <r