United Dairy Jnd. Association Easy chars* through clgsrette lighter Tht* coupon mint accompany ordor. Explr.i 11S-aa Ringwood News Doris Low 653-9262 V Katy Christopher 385-8037 Celebrates Eightieth Former resident, Mrs. Zella Carlson, celebrated her eightieth birthday New Year's day with guests at tending from "West Allis, Minn., and Woodstock. Virginia and Clayton Bruce attended from our com munity. Mrs. Carlson's son, and daughter-in-law, Danriy and Maria Carlson of Rich mond had a surprise dinner for her. Other family members attending were her daughter, Norma and family from West Allis, and her son Sean who lives at home. We wish you many more happy birthdays, Mrs? Carlson. HOLIDAY GATHERING Members of the Bruce and Ackerman families gathered at the home of Judy and Jay Kollener in Sunnyside on Christmas eve. Fortunately, the Kolleners have a large home to accommodate the large number attending. Everyone was present ex cept for the Charles Ackerman family in Texas. Bev was visiting in Florida at the time and she called home to visit with the folks, tfachael Ackerman who is a high school freshman in Texas, flew here to spend the holidays with relatives and friends and to see some snow. It was a very merry Christmas for all. SON BORN Charles and Debbie (Petska) Steffan of Wonder Lake welcomed their first child, Charles Wallace, born Dec. 7. The little boy weighed 7 pounds 3 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petska of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and paternal grandfather is Walter Steffan of Wonder Lake. DAUGHTER feORN Larry and Mary (Hopp) Harvey welcomed their third daughter just a few minutes before midnight New Year's eve at Woodstock hospital. The tittle girl named Mariah Irene, weighed 8 pounds and measured 21 inches. Waiting at home to welcome her are brothers and sisters, Holly, Emily, Larry and Brandon. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopp of McHenry. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Aissen of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harvey of Genoa, 111. CHURCH ACTIVITIES Administrative board will meet at the Ringwood church Wednesday evening, Jan. 13, at 7 f».m. 1 United Methodist Women will meet at the borne of Marge Evans Thursday, Jan. 14 at 12:30. If there is a change due to the weather, you will be notified. A joint task force el the Illinois Attorney General's office and the State's At torneys association will review the report and recommendations of a mm state study neglect of the _ Illinois Attorney General Fahner has announced. Fahner said til#Mr m citizens who have been defrauded in a variety of schemes from home repair medical» cures ̂ ? rwncr said. "About one fn every # » -ti - „ i»•»••••¥• nw . w victim! of consumer fraud is a senior dtise*. THs has a tremendous impact, because the majority of , limited in- •sv-. THOUGHT FOR FOOD V- to > : jr • • ' -V '• NEW RESIDENT 1 Chris and Linda Ferrara are pleased to announce the arrival of their new little red headed bundle of joy, a baby girl, Emily Cathrine. She was born Nov. 24, at Condell hospital in Libertyville, and /Weighed in at 8 lbs. 11 >4 oz. , To greet little Emily on her arrival home was her older brother, David,10 years, and two older sisters, Jennifer 8 and Elizabeth 6. I'm sure each one will take their turn of spoiling her. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mickols and Dorothy Ferrara of Chicago. Maternal grandparents are Mr. Gene Hubbard of Lawrence, Kan. and Mrs. Virginia Hubbard of Prospect Heights, 111. Congratulations Chris and Linda, on your little bundle of joy and we are sorry to be late in letting folks know about her arrival. God Bless you all. , BIRTHDAYS • Birthday greetings go to Barbara Farber on Jan. 11 and to Steve Bowman, Jan. 12. Jan. 13 will be a busy day with Dennis Rich, Sr., Kim Rich, Marcy Erwin and Don Holcomb all celebrating their natal day. Jan. 14 will be special for Anna Betts, who will become 85 years young on that day. Jan. 15 finds Mary Grace Walker, Fred Gilmore and Leon J/anEvery adding another year; with Jan. 16 being that special day for Ken Brennan and Laura Wiedrich. Yvonne (Bruce) Petska and Ricky Mack will add another candle to their cakes Jan. 18. "Happy Birthday" to all of you wonderful people. DATES TO REMEMBER Jan. 10 - Church services - - Ringwood church - 9:15 a.m. Junior church -- Ringwood church - 9:30 a:m."Sf Jan. 13.- Administrative Board meeting - Ringwood church - 7 p.m. Jan. 14 - United Methodist Women meeting - 12:30 p.m. Jan. 14 - Choir practice - Ringwood church - 7 p.m. Jan. 17 - Church services - - Ringwood church - 9:15 a.m. Junior church -- Ringwood church - 9:30 a.m. Jan. 22 - Teachers In stitute day - no school. GOD BLESS Fahner said the task force will discuss several topics, among them: requirements for reporting instances of abuse and neglect of seniors, emergency intervention to remove abused or neglected seniors from their situations, penalties under civil and criminal law, evidentiary problems in prosecution of such cases, possible creation of a family court to hear cases of abuse or and pending state and fedendl ^ hB seniors are on #01 use the comes." target ad- The panel will review the nraeecutkm report of the Illinois and legislative changes th* Department of Aging, which would better protect senior cites nearly 12,000 cases of federal legislation citizens in Illinois. abuse or neglect of the "it is clear that there are "The report concludes that elderly each year in Illinois, constitutional questions abuse and neglect of our "The report details shocking involved in this problem, citizens has begun to cases of beatings, frauds, since most seniors wish to ttons tbsit food deprivation and remain independent," isolation of senior citizens," Fahner said. "Civil liberties Fahner said. "Yet, it also must be protected along with notes that many o# the most j prosecuting the abusers " severe cases go unreported, Fahner said more than 20 because family members states now have laws are often involved or the providing protective and-or elderly fear reporting the mandatory reporting of crimes." elderjy abuse. Cheddar Tens Sandwich 1 can (€Vi oz.) tuna, drained and flaked V* cup chopped pimiento- stuffed olives 2 tablespoons chopped onion '/> cup dairy sour cream Vi teaspoon prepared mustard 4 slices whole wheat bread, toasted and buttered 4 slices Cheddar cheese PAtiE 17 - riMMKlAI.F.R - FRID \ Y . J A N U A R Y 8 , 1 * 2 Law On Machine Gun Sales Is Clarified Combine'tuna, olives and on- ' ion. Combine sour cream and mustard; toss with tuna mix ture. Spread bread with tuna mixture. Top each sandwich with a slice of cheese. Broil until cheese melts, about 2-3 minutes. Serve immediately. Governor James R. Thompson outlined a series of actionssjie initiated to make certaih there were no over-the-counter sales of machine guns when a new state law took effect Friday, Jan. 1, permitting their possession by those who manufacture or design than for law enforcement or military use. The governor said the law, Public Act 82-502, has been interpreted by some to permit any citizen to buy a machine gun, or other previously banned weapons. "The steps I have taken will make sure that no one can walk into a gun shop in Illinois and buy a machine gun," Thompson said. • * "When I approved this legislation, I had no intention of legalizing the possession of machine guns, sa wed-off shotguns or any previously banned deadly weapons for anyone other than those who must possess them in their professional capacities as designers, or manufac- turers-certainly not for sale to the general public," the governor said. Attorneys agreed to join dressing this problem." Fahner said the task force win focus its efforts toward dealing with cases of severe neglect and abuse, and consumer crimes against the elderly. The attorney general noted that state's ^ attorneys have the primary r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r prosecuting crimes of abuse and neglect, while his office has broad jurisdiction in the area of civil consumer complaints. "The Attorney General's office currently receives over 7,000 consumer com plaints a year from senior OPENING SOON lIcHHMY SMC REPAIR 814 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY. ILL. 344-2330 •1 HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-5:30 SATURDAY • 9-3:30 ^Sunday cM.oxning <SfiE.aLaCizing On cSexved 8 a.m. *Uo aM. enu a.m. JSual/aif Afa±t 12 <zNoon eft vaiCaGCe St£dl Ome.i F R I D A Y N I G H T F I S H F R Y $ 0 9 5 « J A l l Y O U C A N F A T SERVED 5 TO 9P M INCLUDING SOUP H. SALAD BAP A L L Y O U C A N E A T S P E C I A L S T H U R S . & S A T . F E A T U R I N G C R A B L E G S ( " A l l F O R I N F O R M A T I O N 200 Eagle Point ltd. Fox Lako, III. EAGLE POINT PARK ' 'The Puppet Plate" (312)587-8311 Genealogical Society Charter Group At 159 A total of 159 is the final tally of charter members for the * McHenry County Genealogical society. The tremendous response from i n t e r e s t e d p e r s o n s throughout the country, as well as the McHenry county area, attests to the fact that genealogy is the third most popular hobby-avocation. The growth of the numbers of persons attending7 the meetings has also made it necessary to find a different location for the society's monthly meetings. That new location is the Fellowship hall of Grace Evangelical Lutheran church, at the corner of Washington and Tryon streets in Woodstock. There is ample room for the attendance of many more members, more room for the display of material and also very adequate parking facilities. It is also hoped that this central location for the monthly meetings will encourage more membership from the western section of the county. Guests are welcome to attend up to three meetings before joining the society. Thursday, Jan. 14^af7:30 p.m. is the next monthly meeting. Members will be showing and telling about an item they have, that belonged toan ancestor, how that item has them in their search family history and roots. Although the monthly meetings will now be in Woodstock, the society's collection of genealogical books will remain at the McHenry library's History- Genealogy room, which is open to the public. THAT'S BAP ) MEWS Spectacular The Badlands of South Da kota are deep alluvial and vol canic ash deposits that have been carved into spectacular forms by millions of years of water and wind, according to National Geographic. Early pi oneers feared and avoided the stark landscape that draws tour ists today. American Legion Post 491 --MNGWOOB MU. UCHENRY-- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 9:00 P.M.) •PEUMU TH CM UMTOI KM i PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUI HALL FOR RENT • PBtFCCT FOR WHXMNOS. SANQUCT5. 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