Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1982, p. 25

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SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Goofy. (60 mine.) OSS BarbaraMendreN And Tha Handrail Slatere Gueata: Donny Oamond, Ray Stavana. (60 Open AN Night 1 Mutual Special Hardy Boye-Nency Draw a w Itt IK. AH Craaturaa Qraat And iMovle-(Adventure) ** "Kldnappad" 1971 Michaal Caine,Trevor Howard. Story ofthe gallant outlaw who knaw but ona lova-hla country-until a flary girl and a valiant boy antar hia Ufa. (2 tea.) 0 Movta -(Comady) ** "Im- propar Channala" 1881 Alan Arkin, Marlatta Hartlay. Tha troubla and fun bagina whan a aaparatadcoupla'aOaughtar goaa to tha hoapital for a bump on har haad, and a noaay social worker inalate that tha girl la a victim of child abuaa. (Ratad PG) (02 mint) O® Movie-(Mueicat-Comedy) *•% "Varlaty Girl" 1847 Mary Hatchar, Olga San Juan. Two girla haad for Hollywood with hop* for atardpm. (2 hra.) ® 0 Lawrartca Walk Show 0ErmannoOlmre:TheTreeOf WoddanCtoaa • CoMege BaakotbeN Maryland |V*Q • Uvewke 7:06 (Nnl 7:30 00 kl Rock Glory Of God NaehvMIe ANvei 0 Making A Living Rock Of Ad 6:00 i Spaclal Mo via If eeiey White Praaantatlon 'Foul Play' 1878 Stara: Chavy Chaaa, Goldia Hawn. A baautlful woman ia atalkad by a bizarre group of villaina and managaa to find romanca with tha datactiva assigned to protact har. (Rapaat; 2i>rai.30mlna.) 0 0 0 NBC Movla Of Tha Waak 'Tha Lata Show' 1877 Stara: Art Camay. Lily Tomlin. A retired private aya and a kooky actraaa, whoalaodealgna draaaaa and daala marijuana, comb Loa Angelea looking for har miaaing cat andthealayerof an old alauthlng chum of hia. (Rapaat; 2 M iff: Tha Lova Boat Ufa And Tlmaa Of Grtxxly Six Million Dollar Man Day With Conrad Graan laraal Horowitz wrota thia humoroua drama about a pratantioua Naw York thaatrical agant who loaaa hia longtime aaalatant and muat cope on hia own. Tha drama ia baaed on a Ring Lardnar ahort story, and atara »d Gwynne. (60 mina.) Movta -(Comady) •• "Caddy- ahack" 1880 Rodney Danger- field. Tad Knight. Wild antica of golf era and empioyeee of an oltra axcluaiva goM courae. (Rated PG) I Movie-(Thriller) "Carnation KlUar" 1873 Norman Eahiay, Katharine Schofield. No other information available. (80 minsj 0® Mo vie-(Drama)* "Altered Stataa" 1880 William Hurt, Blair Brown. (Paid 3ubacription Television) A group of people aet of on a Journey to find the origin of tha firat human thought. (105 mlnaj fSS Lowell Lundetrom A.R.T.8. The Myateriua Eaatarn Zooe Hoated by Jack Palance. 1) From Hungary With Lova. 2) Bartok 'String Quartet No. 1' 3) Liszt: 'Chriatua' Oratorio. 0 TeleFrance-U.S.A. Natural Traaauraa: 'La Monde dea Plantea'Partl.;LeFrenchCinema: ' 1768', and Other People, Other Plaoaa: 'Thia Marveloua Country WhereMen Are Red' Part II. 8:06 0 Football Saturday On TBS 8:30 0 Movla -(Drama) ••• % "Doctor Zhlvaso" 1868 Omar Sharif, Julie Chriatie. The story of tha life and lovea of a doctor in aRuaeia. (3 hra., 17 mlna.) Way Of Deliverance HerMd Of Truth 00 Fantasy laland Tha simple existence of a window draaaar becomaa complicated after he brlnga hiafavorita mannequin to Ufa; and an attractive librarian falla in lova with a man who exieta only In the pagaa of a book. (60 mina.) (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 0 52 Programr Concert 0 AN ra Heath Brothers In AN Craaturaa Great And Independent Network Trinity Hour College Basketball Brlgham Young University vs Wyoming IsCenter during helftime) 1 Blackwood Brothera NBA Basketball Naw York Netara Philadelphia 76ere 1 Weekend Newe l Weekend Heroea Independent Network R Young Nets vs Phila 8:06 0 TBS 8:30 ® 0 Imk B 9:460 Rev. W.V.Grant Time Of DaNversnce 8:48 034 Movie -(Adventure) * "Little Dragons" (Paid Subacription Televiaion) KulSg Fu kida reacue one of their peia their own wey when the police fell in their attempt. (Rated PG) (86 mina^i •lid Gold AN In The Fsmlly ' FUm Feature imege Union I Movla -(Comedy) •• "First Family" 1B81 BobNswhsrt, Madeline Kahn. Chaoa and wacky comedy hit the White Houae when Bob Newhart aaaumea the office of Preaident with Madeline Kahn aa the Firet Lady. (Rated PG) (2 Rat Patrol 0 Benny HM Show ErmannoOlmi'e:TheTreeOf Wooden Clofls S0 Day Of Discovery 0 (S What A Fellowahlp 10:06 0 World At War: Dietent War 10j30 0000 Newe 000Saturday Night Llvs Host: Bemadstts Patera. Muaical gueata: The Go-Go'e. (Repeat; 80 mina.) I* An Evening At The David 8ueeklnd Show Kup'a Show Movie -(Title Unannounced) hre., 10 mina.) ) That Good Ota Naahvtlle O 0 Movie -(Drama) ••• "Bo P r o u d l y W a H a i r ' 1 8 4 3 Claudatte Colbert, Veronica Lake. Set during World War II about the Uvea and lovea of Army nurtti (2 hra) 1) it Solid Gold Hoat: Oionna Werwick. Gold record winnera perform their hit aonga. 0 <2$ Rev. David Paul 10:46 V Mo vie-(Science Fiction- Drama) "THX-1138" 1871 Robert Duvall, Donald Pieaaance. In dehumanized world of future, men are reduced by druga to automatona. One computer- matched couple find love. (110 mina.) 11:00 0 Movie-(Comedy) "Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?" 1870 Tony Curtie, Brian Keith. When a email Ipwn Southern aheriff arreata a Sergeant for romanc ing a waltreaa, all hell breaka looae. (2 ».,30mlna.) Movie-(Drama) "Tor­ pedo Run" 1868 Glenn Ford, Emeet Borgnine. The story of the commenderof a aubmarine whose femily waa aboard a Japanese priaonahiphehadtoblowup.010 a l t t i > Movla-(Comedy) "Take Tha Money And Run" 1888 Woody Allen, Janet Margolin. A young man who unaucceeefully attempta to rob banka marriee a beautiful laundreee. Hepureueehlathieving careerbut can't atayout of jaillong enough to make any money. (2 ».) Movla -(Adventure) •• "They Came to Cordura" 1868 Gary Cooper, Rite Hayworth. An Army officer accuaed of cowar­ dice, iaeenttofindfivemen worthy of the medel of honor. (2 hra., 46 mine.) 0 Porter Wagoner Show 0 0 Batter Living With iCoiemon Johnnie p. 0 Stud SportsCantar ® ClubPT Club PTL (Spanlah) Studio I 11:06 0 Movie-(Drama) **• "Fail Safe" 1884 Henry Fonda, Walter Matthau. A technical miatake aende a B-62 to Moacow, where it heaorderetodropanuclearbomb. (2 hrr. 26 mina.) 11:20 0® Hammer Houee 8 11:30 0 ® Kenny Everett David Sueeklnd Show i Goes The Country 700 Club Stratford Revival Hour I CoNasa Baeketbali Louisville va Virginia Tech (R) 0 Greeteat Sporta Legende Hoat George Plimpton telka with beeeball'a greeteet beee stealer, Lou Brock, about hia baaaball career. 11:60 0Movie-{Thriller) •• "The Formula" 1880 GeorgeC. Scott, Merlon Brendo. Documented fecta concerning en Intemetionel synthetic fuel conepiracy form the beeie for thia dramatic look at e poesible future. (Rated R) (116 mina.) 12:00 0 8CTV Comedy Network Setirical akite and aketchea from Toronto'a femed Second City Repertory Company. (80 mine.) 0 Entertainment This Weak 0® NiteOwl 0 NaehvtHe On The Roed 0 Movie - (Drama) *** Mi "ElephantMan" 1878JohnHurt, Anthony Hopkine. A man, born deformed, ia kept egeinet hia will MM 1 aa a cernlvel freek. (Reted R) (2 EConcert Id Time Goepei Hour >ee Bagley Show -(Myatery-Orame)** H "Swamp Water" 1841 Dana Andrewa, Walter Breanan. Eacaped murderer holda young mancaptiveintheawampatokeep him from revealing hia hiding placajghra.) 12:20 0® Movie-(Comady) ••• "g To 6" 1880 Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton. (Paid Subacription Televieion) Three women, working in the eame office, face different probleme ea they work towerda being accepted in the bueineee world. (RatedPG) (76 mina.) 12:36 0Movla-(Science fiction) • "Trog" 1870 Joan Crawford, Michael Gough. An anth­ ropologic! diacovera a half- human creeture in a cave. (113 mine.) 12:46 0 Movie -(Title Unan- nounced) (2 hre.) 12:60 0 Movie -(Comedy-Adventure) ** "You Can't Win 'Em All" 1870 Tony Curtia, Charlee Broneon. Two American adventurere, in Turkey during politicel upheavala. Join forcea in an uneaay alliance aa they search for gold. (106 mina.) 1:00 0 Unexpected 0 Newe 0Ermenno< Telee Of The lErmennoOimTe:TheTreeOf Wooden Cloga 0 Studio I (Contlnuee) 1:30 0 Common Ground 0 Rock Concert 0 Movie -(Adventure-Romance) ** H "Under tha Red Robe" 1837 Raymond Maaaey, Conrad Veidt. The atory of a fearleas awordaman who faced Cerdinal Richelieu and challenged hia right to order the death penalty fortheHugenota. (100 mina.) 0 SportaCenter 0 Movie-(Drama) **H "Walk Like a Dragon" 1860 JeckLord, Nobu McCarthy. A man aevea a Chlneae girl from proatitution and takea her to hia homo where he muat face the prejudice of the townspeople. (2 hra.) ((Sunday)) JAN. 10, 1862 MORNING 5:OS 0 Between The Linea 6:26 0 Thought For The Day 6:30 0 For Our Tlmea 0 The Year That Wae: 1881 Patrick O'Neal hoata video acrenbook of the year'a aventa 6:00 0 Mighty Mouae-Heckle And Jackie McHENRY OPTICIRN5 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS Metol or Plastic *20 SENIOR CITIZENS FRRMES WITH LENSE PURCHASE Metal or Plastic KIDS FRftMES •12 F M E R G E N Y R E P A I R S & F R A M E R E P L A C E M E N T

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