Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1982, p. 27

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SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 look Helmee In Dreeeed To KW" 1046 Basil Rathbone. Nig*I Bruoo. A trio ol music boxee provides tho olue to s gang of murdorora ss Shsriock Hoimas andDr.Wateoneoondiacover.(90 Movie -(Tltte Unan- (2 hra.) • WssMngton Week In ST4 81 Mart _ Martial To Morfcat • Mo via -(Drama) •• "Loo- phola" 1981 Albert Finney. Martin Shaan. Capar about an unemployed architect hirad to engineer a braak into ttia burglar proof vaiiK ot ona of tha world's moat aacura banks. (Uratad) (104 tail Yugoelav-Amertcan I MichelobUghtChaHanga Of Championa Tannic 3® • Movla -(Comady) •• H "Ma And Pa Kattla" 1040 Marforle Main, Parcy Kilbride. Pa wlna an alactronic house of tha future inalobaccoaiogancootaat r"« urar tt°NASL Indoor Soccer Tamps Bay Rowdlee va Toronto Blizzard m You Can't Do Thai On IllMotiaWaflM) ••• "Caatla Kaap" 1060 Burt Lanoaatar, Patar Falk. A group of U.8. infantryman and a Belgian caatla fillad with art objacta ara both daatroyad whan tha man maka a atand at tha Caatla agalnat tha I. (2 hra.) Germans • NutrH 124)0 0 Movla-(Biographical)** "Beloved InBdal" 1050Gregory Pack, Deborah Kerr. Tha atory of tha etormy romance between F. Scott Fitzgerald and 8hiala Grahame. (2 hra., 30 mins.) 12:30# NFLChampionehlp Game Due to tha tantatlva placement of tha contending taama, tha time, aita, and oppononta for thia game ware unannouaoad at praaa time. H People Of The Booh 9 Face To Face ® •• WaNStraet Waak With t-oula Rakeyeer 'WW the Market Coma Roaring Back?' Guest: Monte J. Gordon. fj| Forum 13 W Movie -(Horror) ** "8alem'a Lot" 1070 David 3oul, Jamee Maaon. A chilling horror atory of vamplriam running rampant In modern-day Naw England. (2 & a Dr. Norman Vincent P||U (Spread Your Wlnga 0 Ctismplonshlp Tlshlnp 1:00 • WMd, WNd World Of Animate fll Movla -(Drama)' Gray Una" 1000 Tyrone Power. Mauraen O'Hara. tha atory of a Waat Point athletic trainer and hie many yeara at the academy. (3 'Long i John Curry Okataa Peter And Tha Wolf Tha choreography Olympic gold medalist John Curry ia featured In thia ioa extra vagan- za which also atara JoJo •rbwck. (60 mine.) lOfPaaaaga kingdom ' ChangadUvee ' Town HaM Telecast BMCKWOOO BrOincri iBaauty RmI Batata Action Una 1:30 • Ray Clark In The ItfSovIe -(Musical) •••• "Broadway Malady" 1929 Anita Page, Beaaie Love. VaudtvUUsns smaah Broadway with a naw show, their entanglements in love and fame. (2 hra.) Hi I Movlo -(Adventure) •• H 'Drum Baat" 1664 Alan Ladd, Audrey Dalton In 1666, an Indian fighter who'a appointed peace commlaaioner triea to negotiate peace treaty with renegade Indian leader without ueeof gone. (2hra., SOmjna.) m m Movla <ntla Unan­ nounced) (90 mine.) flBSB E meat Anglay Hour 09 BobGaaa \ V Studio 6aa m Oxarks Country JubNae 2.-00 • <32 Movla -(Title Ut (2 hrs., 30 mine.) Unannounced 0 Paradox On 72nd Btraat AuthoraPhlllpSiaterandDr.Lewta Thomas provide the commentary for thia documentary on in- di vidualiam and American eociety which featurea the anonymoue • passerby In the vicinity of 72nd Street and BroadwAy In Naw York City. (60 mine.) • Movla-(Drama)*** "Inalde Movee" 1660 John8avage, Diana Scarwid. A young man struggles to recover from an sttampted suicide, and in tha proceas, helps himself and his Wanda. (Rated PG) (113 mins.) (9) • Movie -(Horror) •• "Meh and Strange" Alfred Hit choook adventure involving a young couple that suddenly finds themaetvee heireto a fortune. Tha naw found wealth vary nearly raina rr Uvea. (2 hra.) SportaCantar Pkie Updated Scores and Featurea £99 Signs Far Living • What WW They Think Of Next? m MISL Soccer New Jaraay Rockets va Naw York Arrowa 9 Movla 'Taming of Dorothy' Margaret Rutherford. 2:30 ID NFL'81 9 Movla -(Comedy) •* "Im­ proper Channele" 1661 Alan Arkin, Marlatte Hartlay. Tha trouble and fun begina whan a aeparatadcoupla'a Daughter goea to the hoapital for a bump on her head, and a noaay aoolal worker Ineieta that tha girl is a victim of child abuee. (Rated PG) jSttX. f l j n Rav. W.V.Grant | • • -«- **-s- ̂' il9wlPI VWM 9 UVS Wn-S 2:36 • Movla -(Comedy) ••• "Hollywood Or Buet" 1666 Martin and Lewis. Anita Ekberg. Two zaniea try to craeh Holly­ wood. (2 hra.) 3.-00 Si AFC Champlonahlp Game Due to the tentatlva placement of the contending teama, tha time, alta, and oppononta for thia game were ^nno^ed at preea time. Program Unannouncad Qlullnl Concarta 'Loa Philharmonic Bicenten- pi' In thia concluding conoart, isatro Glulini explorea tha pth of feeling of hiacountryman, Italian compoaar Gluaeppa Verdi, whoaa apirlt tranaoanda atrlct fra formulae. (80 mine.) Golden Aga Of TalavlMon snz, Btitlftfii Joumtl IS ® Movla -rnua Unan­ nounced) (2 hra.) f| ® Annointad Word m » Collage BaekathaN Jackaon ville va South Florida IB ® GaraW Daratlna Praeante 3:30 • Clinic ftil i -(Muelcal) ** "I'm No Angel" 1633 MaeWeat.Cary Grant. The femata'dtar of a sideshow chsses after apleyboy. * . > . • -? ••$*> CI • I.) •(Science Fiction)' To Tha Cantor Of' 'Journay To Tho Center Of The earth" 1666 Jamaa Maaon, Pat Boone. 8oiantiat and atudent start a hazardoua Journey to find the gmrtar ot the earth. (2 hra.) • tt Solid Oold Hoat: Dlonne Warwick. Gold record winnera aj> m la kit ar>nna UwfTOTiTi iiioir nn Bunys. WW Larry Jonaa 0 Tha Tomorrow People I m BM Cosby Show H Programming Unannounced VFtrtncUna-Whoand What Are tha Enemy In Central America?' Gueate: Lawrence Bkna, Director of tho Counoil on Hamiapherlc Affalra; Max Slngar, Deputy Director of Hud eon InatttutaHoat: William F. Duck ley. Jr.. (80 ii Blonlc Woman • Tha Year That Waa: 1661 Patrick O'Neal hoeta video scrapbook of tho year'a eventa. IB Movie-(Fantaay) Poto'a Dragon" 1677 SheHay Winters, Helen Raddy. 8tory of a boy who haa an animated dragon friend. (Rated B)C2 hra.) ® t l r " " " ~ 0 Mavla-(Drama) ***H "Tree Of Wooden Cloga" 1676 Winner of the lOTOCannaaFHmFeatival, Ermanno Oimi'a fMm focuaaa in on tha detaita of the dally Nvaa of a group oI poor Italian peaaanta at the Ismofthooentiiry. The far mere ara portrayed entirely by tha local reaidanta of a email town in the Lombard region. (3 hra.) •• BaMar living S8 Dr. Jack Van Impa • Reggie Jackaon'a World Of ITm Hardy Soya Nancy Draw JpHMlol m Kldaworld • OmnfcTheNew •0 Partridge F • Camp WMdarm •If Me vie-(C Omni: The Now Frontlor 9B Partridge FamNy CampWMdemeea S Movla -(Comedy) •* Strong" 1033 Katharine Hepburn, Colin Clive. DaredevMavtatrtxfaNaforaBrttieh alataaman who le already married Si a family. (00 mlna.) Itakan Variety Shaw At Home With The BIMa I BgTtt 0 Unannounced •• ABC Naw IS&x: m Chicago Si m Movla -(Drama) 961 Alb< "Loo­ phole" 1SS1 Albert Finney, UOIf Martin Sheen. Caper ebout an unemployed architect hired to engkiaer a break into the burglar proof vault of one of the world'e moat aecure banks. (Uratad) (104 mlna.) S America'a Top 10 0 Hardy Boya-Nancy Draw 9B M Movla -(TMIe Unan­ nouncad) (90 mins.) • 99 Bob Lowandowakl • Gymnaatlca USGF Single EllminationChamplonahlpa. Match 14: Women'a Final W B Amazing Grace BIMa flay IP Ptnutdffi » sjojplBii News 03$Bob Newhart Show Q Ujga Houee On Tha Prairie ® 9 Chacklng It Out Correepondenta Naty Alvarez and Mike McKinnon file reporta on a migrant farmworkera' atrlka in tha Texaa panhandle; a California ekydivdre club; and actreaa Prlcllla Lopez, who atara aaHarpo Marx In the Broadway hit 'A Day in Hollywood-A Night In the r; I ABC Nowa • Backetage At Tha Grand Ola JK D. Jamaa Kannady Wtad Your Wlnge Nic# riopii EVENING 6.-00 •••OOOMInuteeCBS Nowa correepondenta Miko Wallace, Morley Safer, Harry Reaaoner, and Ed Bradley are tha on-alr editora of thia weekly nowa maoazina. (80 mine.) S W Animaiympice Animal athletoa gather at tha ultra­ modern Paw Print Stadium whdre the ZOO Teieviaion Network will cover conteata featuring anlmala from many nationa. Featuring the volcee of BHIy Cry atai and Gilda RadoarfBO mlna.) ••• Code Rod The livea of the firafightera are endangered when a young girl refuaaa to leave her expectant mare after a toxic material ia epilled into the canyon whereaheiivee. (60 mlna.) 8D ® Movie -(TNIe (3 hra.) 1^1 9 Lawmak • 99 Und Undoraoa World Of JiffHUi ( 31 CP TwWght Zone Angelo Uberatl Show 9 Entertainment Thia Week Hosts: TomHallick, DixiaWhatley. Ron Hondren. A wrap-up of the ha0pan inga in tha wor ld o f entertainment from the preceding iK l(Conttnuoa) HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES 11 LOW PRICES--GUARANTEED WORK *MALL0RY*RAY-0-VAC*EVEREADY BATTERIES 40% MSCOUff HEARING AID SALE! DISCOUNT PRICES • NATIONAL BRANDS MCHENRY HEARING AID McHENRY CENTER 395-7MI WED S MIO 6 - EVENINGS BY AWT. {

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