Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1982, p. 31

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MONDAY, JANUARY 11 Three Modern Classics' The Paul Taylor Danes Company's psrformancs at tha 1981 American Danca Faatlval, hald in Durham, North Carolina. (60 r. _l Movie -(Drama) •••* "Breaker Morant" 1 MO Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson. AMscting story of a aokfier- gsntlaman wrongfully triad and axacutad for acts ha and hia troopa commlttad during tha Boar WarJRated PQ) (107 mins.) •• Movie HSclonco Fiction) "BaglnnlngOf ThaEnd" 1957 Patar Qravas, Paggis Csstla. A amaH town ia myateriouely wipad out by giant graaahoppera ovar I tall. (2 hra.) ajohtfaat tall. (2 fflflLBowRng • MlMoyt« s& Movla -rrma Unan- (2 hra.) Mtaed Bag: A Piece Of Tha J Aprandlando A Arear I 1962 PA. Soccar'Tha Road iWembley' Qama 1 19 Chicago UvMrtra I Ozawa In Poking Seiji Ozawa and lour membera of tha Boaton Symphony Orchaatra laad tha Peking Cantral Philharmonic in a dramatic parformanca of tha formerly forbidden Weetern Beethovon'a Svmahony. • Quart ar I 7:06 • Movl rHoreeShow 7:06 m Movla -(Comedy) ** * "ThatTowchofMInk" 1962 Cary Qrant, Doria Day. A waalthy, handaoma and aingle buainaaa tycoon offara a baautiful girl a trip to Barmuda and Europa on a non-Platonic buainaaa. (2 hra.) 7:30 IttVO Buga Bunny'a Mad World Of Talavlalon Whan the diegruntied Board of Directora at tha QTTV Network dacidaa to hlra a naw praaidant. Buga' background aa a dancar. comadian and all-around performer makee him the perfect candMate for the Job. Program Unannounced • No via -(No Information avaMabla)* "UpRtver" No Other i Available, (go mina.) »'a Information • Perforrr ya» Moniywofki • •S^M-A. 8:00 • ••3S M.A.S.H.Hot Lips struggles to remove all obstacles to her eagerly await ad iaunttpTpkyo. •Si Monday Night At The Movloo 'Ice Caatlea' 1079 8tara: Robby Benaon, Lynn-Holly Johneon. A romantic drama about two teenagera whoae common love for ice aporta ia challenged whoa one auffera a potentially catastrophic aocident.(Ropeet;2 •km ABC Monday Night Movla 'Vtcttma' 1982 Stara: Kate THE VICTIMS An attractive 28-year-old woman, victim of a rape attack, becomes obsessed with the idea of revenge when the rapist is set free because of a police error. This chilling tale will be telecast as the "ABC Monday Night Movie," MONDAY, JANUARY 11. The contemporary drama con­ cerns the rape of six women at gurtpoint, their official and positive identification of the one man responsible and their ensuing frustration at their infuriating in­ ability to prevent his readmission to society. Ken Howard, Kate Nelligan (pic­ tured), Madge Sinclair and Howard Hesseman star. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV conautoo unvicis. MC Nelligan, Ken Howard, Howard Hesaeman. Four women, atripped of their humsnity by ths same rapiat. Join in a deaperate queet to trap the man the courta aetfree. (2 hra.) (Parental diecretion ia adyieed •Com ICoNege6aakatbaNCreighton vaDePaul • ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (116 mina.) Qffi • • World 'Frank Terpih Confeaaiona of a Dangeroua Man' Brooklyn born, he became one of Idi Amin'a cloaeat adviaora. A aupplier of exploaivea to Libya'a Colonel Qaddafi, he haa been aentenced inabaentiato63yeara in priaon for gun running. Hia name ia Frank Terpil. Ueing interviews with family, frienda, buainaaa aaaociateaandTerpHhimaelf.thia program preaenta a haunting oorlrait of a wanted men. (9)tt ChBdren'e VMage: AThne For Love MM LucftaUbri • NHL Hockey (Joined In Progreaa) Minnesota North Stara va New York Rangera •CoMogoBaoketbaiPoPaulva |X _ A.R.T.S. Of Playa and Playwrighta Hoated by Eatelle Paraona. 1) Great Poeta, Great Writers: RobertFroat'a 'Deathof a Hired Man'. 2) 'Certainties and Bibta'. Movie-(Comedy)*** "Wa6t, Don't Run" 1966 Cary Grant. 8amanthaEggar.Aglr1 unwittingly agreea to ahara her apartment with a buainesaman and an athleta during the Tokyo Olympica. (2 30mina.) TateFrance-U.BA. paaaport To France. InventoryoftheFrench Countryaide, Part U: 'Roofa and DweMnga'2)RefreahYourFrench 3) From The Work! Of Fiction: 'Lea Beaux Meeaieura da Boia Dora' PartH, 6:30 •••• HouaeCaNaA new doctor ia brought into Kenaington Hoapital to head up a drug rehabilitation program, but hia future ia threatened when Dr. Peckler iearaa he la a homoaexual. 9£0 iMVtt (& Lou Grant • Movie-(Muelcal)**H "All That Jan" 1979 Roy Scheider. Jeaatca Lange. While ca at ing and rehearainganewahowandediting hia lateat film, a director- choreographer hea an affair with one of hia danoere.Heaiaotrieeto aOrt thinga out with hia mietreaa and hia ax-wife. (Rated R) (2 hra., IBS. ) I Movla-(Drama) View" 1974 Warren Beatty. HumeCronyn. Areporteruncovera a conapiracy behind the deatha of aeverai witnaaaea to a political yytnatlon. (2 hra.) V"fe| nounoad) •• TMah iMW TB6 Movla -rntla Unan- (100 mina.) MiSaeratarla TMa la The Life 64)6 • TBB Evening Newa 9 Board And Care i Journal ril lBI6 VI ^ndov«r, ita: 1 Entertainment Tonight Saturday Night Mixed Bag: A Place Of The fl|<S Informaclon 26 • Avon Tennia Of Waehlngton Woman'* Singles and Dosblea Finala from Capital Centra, ', Maryland iter 700 Club 10*» S AH In The Family 10:30 • CBS Late Movie Qulncy. M.E.: "Tlaauea Of Truth' Qulncy muat find a kidnapped teenager whowaaburiedalivewithleaathan 24 houra ol air left. (Repeat) Banacek: 'The Veniehing Chaiica' Banacak looka for an ancient Greek chalice that haa vaniahed from a heavily guarded Boaton leeum. (Repeat) muaeum. (R tars. The Tonight Show 'The Beat Of Caraon' Gueata: Candica Bergen, Mac Davis. (Rapeat; 60 itertakiment Tonight ABC Newe Nlghtline mina.) lit va Nig Anchored by Ted Koppel. • 6$ AfllnTheFamfty Gerald J. Carey Building Richmond Rood ot Pearl Street Mon.. Tues., Thur*. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 3p.m.£4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon DRIVE-IN Mon.. Tue*., Wed., Thurs 8:00 a.m. to S Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon •P Robert L. Weber Building Crystal Lake Road at Lillian Street Mon., Tues.. Thurs. 8:30a.m. to4:30p.m. Fri . 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sat.. 8:30 a m. to 12 Noon } Main Building 3510 W. Elm St. Each depositor insured to SI00.000 Woik-Up Mon., Tues.. Thors. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m Fri. ,3:00p.m. to 4 30 p.m Lobby Sat. 9:00 o.m to 12 Noon MON. TUES THURS. 9 00a m, to 3:00p.m. Fri. 9:00a m. to 3 p m & 4 30 to 7 30pm. A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRYSTATE BANK

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