Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1982, p. 32

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MOT 14 MONDAY, JANUARY 11 tBenny HN Show i Ss American Skyline 0MOhttyBuelneee Report 0 Starafcy And Hutch SwMovli -(Mystery) *• "Docks Of New Orlesna" 1048 Roland Wintera, Virginia Dala. Charlia Chan, confronted by myatarloua daatha of thraa man altering a aacret chemical formula, finally axpoaaa tha killer. ice: Henrlk Ibaan'a Wu***. 0 Morecambe And Wise IftMB Movie -(Comedy) ••• "BaNOf Fire" 1042 Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck. Delightful Clay on 'Snow White' aa a urlasque queen who movaa In with seven priaay profaaaora atudying American alang. (2 hrs., 26mins.) 10:40 0 ® Movie -{Title Unan­ nounced) (106 mine.) 11:00 0 The Tonight Show 'The Beat Of Caraon' Quests: Candica Bergen, Mac Davla. (Repeat; 60 na.) mina.) 0 Jeffereons 00 ABC Mot ABC Movie Of Tho Week 'Craah* 1976 Stara: William Shatnar, Eddie Albert, Adrienne Barbeau. A jetliner craahea In tha Florida Evergladea and an imposaiblereacua mission begins. (Repeat; 2 hrs., 16 CSS Late Movie Quincy, M.E.: 'No Deadly 8ocret' Quincy performa an autopay on a friend, and raturna in the morning to find the body and all medical evidence atolen. (Repeat) Banacek: 'The 63 Million Piracy' Banacek muat find a handmade, iewel- encruated, two-ton wooden coach when H disappeara from ita aaaled, steel container on ita way to tha Middle Eaet via freighter. 1 AH In The Family Maaterplece Theatre »TreeeofThika:HyenaaWlll Eat Anything' The Qranta meet their new neighbora, the Palmare (Closed-Captionad; U.S.A.) (60 SSrsat PERFORMANCES 0 Movie -(Drama) *\"Altered States" 1SS0 William Hurt, Blair Brown. Agroup of people eet of on e Journey to find the origin of the first human thought. (2 hra.) ® 0 CSS Late Movie Quincy. M.E.: Death Casts A Vote' Alabor leader's death la ruled a auicide but Quincy decidea to take another look and finda himaelf in the middle of violent labor confrontationa.(Repeat) Banacek: 'The Two Million Clama «l Cap'n Jack' United Foode ompany diacovera tha theft of valuable atock certificate platea just aa tha company ia to take over Ueataurant chain. (Repeat? 0 Women'a College Baeket- ball Louiaiana Tech va Tenneaaee ® Big EaatBaaketball St. John' a University va VUlanova 00 TrnnnMnr'e 10 v I rifiwr • woria 11:08 0 Movie -(Comedy) ••• "9 To 6" 1SS0 Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton. Three women, working In the aama office, face different problems aa they work towarda being accepted in the bueineaa world (RatedPGH 110 mine.) 11:30 0 0 Tomorrow Coast- To-CoaatQueata: Joanne Woodward, Rex Reed, Rocky Qraziano, Art Buchwald. (Repeet; fmina.) Sob Newhart Show Q Comedy Cimlfi ABC Novae NighWne Anchored by Ted Koppel. 0 0 Jim Sakker WASHINGTON MISTRESS Lucie Arnaz and Richard Jordan (pictured) star in a gripping drama about an ambitious United States Senator's aide who falls in love with a charismatic, married lawyer with children, and the effects the secret affair has on her private and professional Worlds, in "Washington Mistress." The new motion picture-for-television, which was filmed partly on loca­ tion in Washington, D.C., will be Rresented on 'The CBS Tuesday light Movies," TUESDAY, JANUARY 12. In the story, Maggie Porter (Miss Arnaz), an intelligent yet vul­ nerable woman, ventures to Washington from Kentucky to carve a career in politics, working as chief aide to a U.S. Senator (Pat Hingle). CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. IV COMPUIOC SiRVICIS. INC 0 Florida Outdoore 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coast- To-CoaetGueate: Joanna Woodward, Rax Reed, Rocky Qraziano, Art Buchwald. (Repeat; (90 mine.) 0Movlo-(Myatery)*tt "Satan'e School for Qlrte" 1873 Roy Thinnea, Kate Jackaon. Young woman'e inveatigation into tha unmotivated auicide of her aiater leada her to an exclueive girla' academy where ehe eoon finde heraeif trapped by the aama aatanic grip that drove her eieter and othera to their deatha. (86 mine.) 0 Movie -(Drama) ***H "Beat Of Everything" 1969 Hope Langa, Loula Jordan. Inaida darkeet Madiaon Avenue, with exploration of the lovee of office workera and the high-upa at tha coet of love and home. (2 hra., 26 mktaJ ©M NNeOwl 0 DickCavott Show 0 ABC Movie Of The Week 'Craah' 1976 Stara: William Shatnar, Eddie Albert, Adrienne Berbeau A jetliner craahea in the Florida Evergladea and an impoaaiblereacuemieeion begins. (Repeat; 2 hra., 16 «a.) Cabaret: Singin' II Attantjc City Tonight 12:26 0 ® Movie -fntle Unan­ nounced) (2 hra., 16 mine.) 12:30 0 ABC Captioned Newa Ives*.../ 0 All Night At The Movies'Igor's Hare'eHair' Vincent Pric«/2) BiHy the Kid in Santa Fa' Bob Steele. 3) 'The Big Steal' Jamea Buchanan. 4) Cowboy Muaketeer'TomTyler (6 hra,. 30 mine.) 9 0 Movie -(No information available)* "UpRiver" NoOther Information Available. (90 mine.) 0 Mixed Beg: A Piece Of The 1:Q0 0 Entertainment Tonight 01 Action 0 Sui Super Bowl V Hlghlighta 1971 -Baltimore ve Danes (R) 0 Movie-(Drama) ••• "The Corn la Green" 1979 Katherine Hepburn, BiH Fraaer. Set in Wales at the turn of the century, an English womangallantly struggles to educate youthful Welsh coal miners. (2 hra., 26 mine.) 0 Joa Franklin 8how 1:18 0' Newa 0 NR. Review And Preview 1:26 0 Newa 1:30 0 WBSM Edttorlal ! Health Field CharMe Roee Show Performance: Henrlk Ibaon'a Ghosts 0 8oo SfiortaCenter JAN. 12,1982 EVENING I Barney Miller 10® HappyDayaAgain )0 World Of The Sea MidMHjhrtr Rtpoft »-(Comedy)** "Incredi­ ble Shrinking Women" 1981 Lily Tomlin, Charlea Grodin. Aeroaol apraya and preaarvati vee are making a housewife shrink, and woree, her husband doeen't seem H. (Rai»d PG) (90 mina.) Entertainment Tonight AN In The Family Movie (Contlnuee From Daytime) 0 Cabaret: 00RoeaO Roaa Da Le)oe (Continues From Daytime) 0 Super Bowl VI Hlghlighta 1972-pallas va Miami 0 H Patterns For Living 0 The Tomorrow People 0 You Aeked For It Host: Rich Little. England'aanti-terroriat a chauffara; the minature people of Germany; the bird doctors of the Evergladea 0 PJcl 6:06 0 ture Of Health Carol Burnett And 00 Family Feud l You Aeked For It 0 0 Strance True Storiea 0 Laveme And Shirley And MacNell Lehrer Report WNd WNd World Of Animate PM Magazine Meedowlerk Lemon'e Muppet Show I ture form ac ion 26 I SporteCenter I (S Accent On Living ' Black Beauty Entertainment Tonight Hoata:TomHallick.DixieWhatlay. Ron Hendran. Robert Culp comparea the teamwork he did with Bill Coaby on 'I Spy' to what he doea with William Katt it) the 'The Qreataat American Hero.' 0 Twice A Woman 8:38 0 SanfordAndSon 6:86 0 WBSM Editorial 0 WLS Editorial 7KX) 00 Simon And Simon A . J and Rick innocently become entangled in a counterfeit ticket ecam when rock auparatar Rick Breweter arrives in San Diego for conceridatea. (60 mine.) 000 Father Murphy Young Will Adama' diacovery of a gold nugget bringa him to aarioua trouble when hiafather.adnmkard who abandoned him yaara ago, locka him in a rat-infeated root cellar in an effort to make him reveal the location of hie treaeure. (60 mina.) (Cloeed-Captioned; Happy DayaFonzlpand Al vialt a small Southern lunch counter when the news prompts Al to participate In a civil riohta demonatartion. (Ciosed- ned; U.S.A.) I PreecrlptlonForLlfaJoe Campanella hosts this fund- raiaing program for medieine. auppliea and equipment for hoapitala in Third World countries. 0 Movie -(Suapenae)*** "Walt Until Dark" 1887 Arijtfray Hepburn, Alan Arkin. A blind woman ie trapped in her Ne* York apartment by three men who will murder her to retrieve a heroin filleddoll. (2 hra.) " ,6 0® PM Magazine ' m 0 Milwaukee ProfHea 0 America 0 0 Movie -(Drama) ***H "Watch on the Rhine" 1843 Bette Davla. Paul LukaS. An anti-Nazi underground leader cornea to the U.S. with hie American wife and children,end ie & mailed. (2 hre.) >•' Bowling Game Movie -(TMa Unan- I) (106 mine.) I Quiz Klda I <29 Aprendlendo A Amar I Thla Week In The NBA 10 Chicago ' Uvewire To Ruaala...Wlth Elton _ Medicine Man 7:06 0 Movie -(Adventure) ** "Hellflghtera" 1888. John Wayne, KatharbieRoaa.Theatory of the men who combat oil ffraa. (2 And

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