TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 ShirteyLennymeetaagirlattheLa Brea Tar Pita and Squfggy ia conaumadwithjaalouay. EJ-Captioned; U.S.A.) Program Unannounced MIHar'a Court to-(Comedy)** "Incredl- bla Shrinking Woman" 1961 Lily Tomlin, Charlaa Qrodin. Aaroaol apraya and preservatives ara making a houaawifa shrink, and woraa, har huaband doaan't snem toeara. (Ratad PG) (89 mina.) 0 Movie-{Comedy)** "UpTha Aeadamy" 1900 Ron Liebmsn, Tom Poaton. An Arab shiek's aon, a black praachar'a son, a Mafia boaa'a aon and a yokal from Ohio gat into troubla at a Military Aeadamy. (Ratad R) (90 mina.) <• 0 Danca And Daneara: Taodancln' 0 ESPN's SportaForum- Tuesday Edition 0 Vldeofaehion Mont ! ••flfSfcBS »Monthly 8:00 000SI CBS Tuaaday Night Movie Greased Lightning' 1977 Stara: Richard Pryor, Pam Qriar. Baaad on tha trua story of thafirat black auto raca champion, Wandall Scott, who had to ovarcome racial prejudice > to riaa to tha top of hia aport. gep^t; ̂ ra.) Brat Maverick Mavarlok uaaa Maryloo'a nawapapar to print aanaational publicity about a larga Eaaiem company'a no-hold a barrad attempt to gain control over Sweetwaterandothertownainthe terrttoiv. (80 mina.) 000Three'aCompany Mr. Furiey falia for a wealthy lady who thlnka he owna the apartment building and ia playing up to Mm in an attempt to buy it. (Ooeed-Captioned) O ® Movie -{Tttte Unan- (116 mina.) Life On Earth 'The Infinite Variety' ia the premiere epiaode of a new aeriee detailing, with extraordinary wildlife photography,tha atory of evolution onthiaplanet.Hoatedby actor-adventurer David Attenbor- .(60 mina.) 1 Movie -(Weatarn) ••• "Duel In The Sun" 1047 Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones. Half-breed womancaught between theioveoi two brother a. (2 hra., 30 mina.) 039 300MIIMonea 0 College Basketball (Joined In Progreee) Maryland va Virginia 0 College Baaketbell Cincinnati va Memphia State 0® Inelde China: The Uneeen Church 0 A.R.T.8. Of Plays and Playwrighta Hoated by Eatelle Paraona. 1) 'Macbeth'. 0 Apple Polishers 0 TeleFrence-U.8.A. Passport To France: Inventory of theFrench Countryaide, Part II: 'Roofa and Dwellinga'2)RefreehYourFrench 3)FromThe World Of Fiction: 'Lea Beaux Maaaieura da Boia Dora' PartH. 8:30 000 Too Close For Comfort Deapite tha Ruah'a objectiona, April decide* to move in with her boyfriend who ia twice her age. 0 A Play For Love: The 0 NBA Baaketbell New York Knicka vaUtah Jazz 8:48 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan nounced) (106 mina.) 9:00 000 Flamingo Road Sheriff Semplelaupforre-election andElmodecideethislathetimeto expose the lawman'scorruptpast and defeet him; and while Field ie pursuing an affair with a pretty reporter, Conatanoe aeta her aightaonyoung Julio Sanchez. (60 Ski*. i Hart ToHartOn thenight of hia death, a philatellat amugglea a relatively worthleaa atamp to the Harta, worthleaa except to a woman who wUI kill to get it. (60 mine.) (Closed- itioned; U.S.A.) Captioned; IffS American Ptayhooee 'The Shady Hill Kidnapping' la an original John Cheever teleplay atarring George Grizzard, Polly Holliday, Paul Dooley and Celeate Holm. It laacontemporary comedy of err ore about a suburban family who auffara oomic uproar when the youngeat family member ia believed to have been kidnapped. «mina.) Movie -(Thriller) ** "Night Of The Juggler" IBBOJameaBrolin. Anex-cop'edaughteriamiataken- ly kidnapped by a paycopathic aminal. (Rated R) (101 mina.) I Movie -(Drama) **** "Elephant Man" 1B79 JohnHurt, Anthony Hopkina. A man, born deformed, fa kept againat hia wilt aa a carnival freak. (Rated R) (2 SW {<H trie Chacon Sports Probe ®American i 9:30 0 0 I Catholic Entertainment Tonight 0 Signature S Jfme-dui Theeier 0 01Living Stonea 9:36 0 TBS Evening Newa 10 College Baaketbell LDame va San Franciaco M.A.S.H. MacNell-Lehrer Report QyizKide ® Informeclon 26 > SporteCentor _ l<9'700 Club 10:30 0 CBS Late Movie Alice: A Night To Remember' Vera, depreeeed on her birthday, finda thet the cureto her ailment mey be worse than the ailment Itac.f when Alice and Flo fix her up on a blind data. (Repeat) McCloud: 'Give My RegardaTo Broadway' An exploeion kills an officer who had taken McCloud's place on duty. lepeat) (Repeat) s&b I The Tonlght 8how Gueata: Lionel Hampton, Cathy Moriarty. (go mine.) 0 Entertainment Tonight 0 ABC Newt red by Ted Koppel All In The Femlly- Benny HHI Show U.8. Chronicle N > Nightly Bueineee Report I M.A.S.H. ) Staraky And Hutch )0 Saturday Night ) & Movie -(TMo Unan nounced) (80 mina.) 0 Dence And Daneara: Tap Qfhfiln' ®3$LaCotorina 10:36 0 AN In The Family ' 10:48 0 Movie -(Comedy-Romance)** "Back Roads" 1981 Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jonea. A couple teem up for a crosa country Jauntlanding them In one comical acrapa after another and finally into each other'a arma. (Rated R) (96 mina.) 11:00 0 The Tonight Show Gueata: Lionel Hampton, Cathy Moriarty. (60 mina.) 0 Jeffereona 0 Fentaay laland A recreation of a apectacular amaah-up; and a beautiful ledy of the.evening wiahee to apend a weekend aa juat another woman. (Repeat; 70 mine.) 0 ® AN In The Femlty ® 0 World At War 0 Great Perform ancea 0 Odd Couple 0Movle-(Comedy)** "Incredi ble Shrinking Women" 1981 Lily Tomlin, Charlaa Grodin. Aaroaol apraya and preaervativea are making a houaewlfe ahrlnk, and woraa, her huaband doesn't seem (ft cars. (Rated PG) (90 mina.) 0 Beet Of The NFL 1977 NFL Htahlights 0 Red Racing From Yonkers Raceway 0MMweet Video Showceee 11:06 0 Movie -(Buapenae) •* "Agent For N.A.R.M." 1986 Mark Richman, Wendell Corey. A aecrat agent inveatigatas a acientist Who la trying to combat apores that transform people Into fungus. (106 mina.) 11:30 0 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Gueata: Peggy Lee, Larry King, Eleanor Smeal, John Lofton. (Repeet; 90 mina.) 0 Bob Newhart Show 0 ® Comedy Cleeaice 00 ABC Newa Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. ® 0 Movie -(Drama) *•• "Bataan" 1943 Robert Taylor, Lloyd Nolan. The atory of the American evacuation troopa on Bataan and their heroiam againat a ruthleaa enemy. (2 hrs., 16 mine.) 0 A Play For Love: The .Regazza 0 PKAFuNContactKarate Title to Be Determined (R) 038 JimBekker 0 Movie -(Myatery)** "Night mare In Chicago" 1964 Ted Knight, Charlaa McGraw. A paychotic killer known as 'Georgle Peorgie' terrorizes Chicago for 72 hours in a mad murder spree. (90 mins.) 0 Reel Estete Action Line PAOC is 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coast- To-Coest Gueata: Peggy Lee, Larry King, Eleanor 8meel, John Lofton. (Repeat; go mina.) 0 Movie-(Comedy)*** "Pardon My Sdrong" 1942 Bud Abbott, Lou CoateHo. Two wacky bus drivera end up on a tropical laland, getting Involved with notorious Jewel thieves. (100 »a.) Movie -(Comedy) ••• "Viva Maria!" 1986 Brigitte Bardot, Jeanne Moreau. An orphaned daughter of anktsh rebel teams up • with a muaic hall singer and together they take up the ceuse of the down-trodden peaaanta of South America. (2 hrs., 20 mins.) 0® Nit a Owl Q Dick Cavett Show 0 Fantaay laland An escape artiat seeks the ultimete challenge end two plain girts want to aampla the jet-set life. (Repeet; Bmins.) Fantaay laiend A recreation of a apectacular amaah-up; and a beautiful lady of tha evening wiaheatoapendaweekendeejuat another woman. (Repeet; 70 «a.) & Movie -{Title Unan nounced) (go mina.) 0 College BeeketbaN (Replay) Maryland va Virginia 0 Atlantic City Tonight 12:10 0 Movie-{Drama)** "Man Who Found Htmeeif" 1B37 John Beal, Joan Fontaine. Young doctor, after an Innocent act of kindneaa, iaplunged intonotoriety and muat change Ma nametoaave his profession. (61 mins.) 12:20 0 Movie-(Biographical) *** "Coal Miner's Daughter" 1980 Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jonea.The ups,downs and rasolution of the remarkable marriage between auperatar ainger Loretta Lynn and her Do it yourself and save at... %WN jenfen'f HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER & BADE BUTIK • Hardware • Electrical & Plumbing Needs • Bath Towels, Curtains & Accessories • Kitchens & Accessories • i • Wallpaper & Draperies &*» ^"Humbinfl • Heating - Air Conditioning SpecleM***".„ ' ' 338-6929 or 338-1936 670 Calhoun St. Woodstock, III.