THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 (9)0 VMooweat A UTliatl I - D*nnrl 0 The Yeer That Was: 1081 Patrick O'Naal hoata vldao B>ook of the yaar'a avanta. Entertelnment Tonight Saturday Night Botanic Man: Land Of Opportunity 0Qf InformacIon 26 0 SporteCenter 0®7OOCIub 10:08 0 AH In Tha FamHy 10:30 0 CBS Lata Movta Quincy, M.E.: 'ThaHaro Syndroms' Quincy rafuaaa to ballava a young longahoraman who haa oon- faaaad to a murdar. (Rapaat) Tha Saint: 'Tha World Baatar' A raca car drivar, on a taat run, craahaa and tha Saint auapacta aabotaga. lis, I Tha Tonight Show Quest: Bart Convy. (60 mlna.) • Entartalnmant Tonight 0 . ABC Nswa MghtNna I by Tad Koppel. AN In Tha Family ; Saturday H IB BonnyHHIShow | )• Milwaukee Profilee | Nightly Bualnoaa Raport CoataUo •Movta ky And Hutch World Of Abbott And lMovte-(Dreme)*** "MyBon" Thla Japanaaa film, baaad on a novalbyHidaoSato.daalawtththe modarn day atruggla of tha famlHaa of crima victime to obtain aocial Juatica. Tha wanton killing of a middle-aged workar'a aon apura familiaa which hava auffarad similar loaaaa to unita in an affort to bring about restitution. Ufe.< • I Coiorlna 10:38 9 Movie -(Drama) •• H "Bridge Of San Luis Roy" 1044 Lynn Bari, Francis Ladarar. A prieat look eintothsreason behind a bridge collapaing, hurtling five people to their death. (116 mlne^ 11:00 t: Bart Convy. (60 mins.) Quest: Bert Con Islleeenea w JtiTfftoni (@ CBS Late Movie «« AN In Tha Family (M) 0 American Playhouae "The Shady Hill Kidnapping' ia an original John Chaever talaplay atarring George Qrizzard, Polly Holliday, Paul Dooley and Caleate Holm. It iaacontamporary comedy of errora about a auburban family who euffera oomic uproar whan tha youngaat family member ia believed to hava bean kidnapped. «i mlna.) QreatPerformancea: Tinker, TaNor, Soldier, Spy B Odd Coupl# 0 Movla -(Adventure) *** "California Dreaming" 1070 Olynnia O'Connor, Dartnia Christopher. Ayoungmanfromthe mid-west goes to California with dreama of becoming part of the in crowd, he triea ao hard to be hip that ha ia rejected by everyone. (Hated R) (92 mina.) ® •Movie-(Drama) ••• "Boom Town" 1040 Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy. Tela of a pair of roughnecks who strike it rich in the oilfields, but hit s sour note In their friendship snd partnerahip over the girl they both »e. (2 hra., 20 mina.) ESPN'a SporteForum- Thureday Edition • Lea Vegae Sportsvlew 11:30 0 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Gueets: Rupert Holmaa, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, Bryant Gumbel. (Repeat; m ».) "Operation Petticoat" 1080 Cary Grant, Tony Curtia. Determined to get hia sub back in action, a commander bypaaaaa ragulationaanduaeatha ' enterprising,' thieving methode of the new supply officer to procure the neceaeary parte. (2 hra .30mins.) Comedy Claaalca 88 ABC News Nlghtllne Anchored by Tod Koppel. 0 Movla -(Comedy) •• % "Simon" 1080 Alan Arkin, Madeline Kahn. A paychology profeasor Is brainwaahad by a group of think-tank weirdos to believe he haa coma from another riot. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) Gymnastlca USGF Single EiiminationChampionahips, Match 14: Women'e Final (R) 0®Jlm Bakker 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Gueat a: Rupert Holmea, Dan Rowan and Dick Mirtin, Bryant Gumbel. (Repeat: £ Movla -(Science-Fiction) "Laet Child" 1071 Van Heflin, Michael Cole. In igg4, e couple are purauad when they defy the law forbidding tham to hava mora than one child. (85 •8 »_ rate Owl Dick Cavott Show Green Acrea VegaSDanandHarlonTwoleaf aaarch for tha killer of a close friend, the chief of a local Indian f». (Repeat; 70 mine.) „ Outer Limits Attantlc City Tonight 12:06 0 m Movla -(Title Unnn- nouncsd) (90 mins.) 12:10 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** "Maid's Night Out" 1038 Joan Fontaine, Allan Lane. A rich heireea is mistsksn for a houeemaid. (81 mins.) 12£P 0 ABC Captioned News I IBob Newhart Show Movie -(Comedy) **% I Stansture )® Roes Bagley Show Movie -(Weetern) 'Stage to Thunder Rock" 1064 Barry Sullivan, Marilyn Maxwell. Lawman is f orcsd to capture or kill the outlaw father and his two sons with whom he waa raiaed. (100 Sa.) Ail Night At Tha Movlaa ' Smoke Getsin YourEyss' Vincsnt Price 2) 'Drums of Destiny' Tom Keene. 3) 'Footstsps in the Sand' RaymondMaaaey. 4) 'Drum Taps' Kan Maynard. (6 hra., 30 mina.) 12:38 0 Movla -(Drama) ••• "From The Life Of The Marlon- ettee" 1080 Robert Attorn, Chriatine Buchegger. Ingmar Bergman'a In-depth examination of contemporary morale concern a a mild mannered boelneeaman who euddenly murdera a prosti- tute he haa regularly viaited. (RatedR) (103 mine.) 12:80 0 Nowa 1:£0 0 Entertainment Tonight At Laroe Botanic Man: Land Of Ooooft unity ©Super IBowl VIII Hlghllghte «74-Miaml va Minnaeota (R) I Joe FrankHn Show 1:05 0 WBBM Editorial 1:10 0 Movie-(Drama) •••* "LoveStory" 1070All Mai Ryan O'Naal. Flaahbacka of the meeting, courtehlp and atruggling marriage of two Ivy Leeguere. (2 hre.,5mjna.) 1:20 Q$0 News 1:28 0 Nowa 1:30 0 Health Field 0 CharSe Roee Show O Movie-(Comedy)** "Caddy- ahack" 1080 Rodney Danger- field, Ted Knight. Wild antlca of go If ere and employeea of an ultra exclusive golf course. (Rstsd PQk (2hrs.) «, »•> 0Movla-(Drama)*** "MyBon" BifV 1^0 Thie Japaneee film, baaed on e novelbyHideoSeto.deaiawiththe modern dey etruggle of the femiliee of crime victime to obtein social Justice. The wanton killing of a middle-aged worker'e eon epure femiliee which hava euffered similar lossea to unite in an affort tobring about reatitution. (2hre.) 0 Sports Probe 0 BoortaCentor ((friday)) JAN. 18,1082 EVENING fifrne! 1032 HappyDayeAgain 90 World Of Tha Sea 1 MacNeN Lehrer Report f ide The NFL Entertainment Tonight AN In The Family Movie (Continues From > Roea Da Le^os (Continues From Daytime) 0 Super Bowl IX Hlghllghte 197&Pittsburgh vs Minnssots 00 Panaroma 0 Tha Tomorrow People 0 You Aaked For It Host: Rich Little. The human axe; modal ahlpmeking; e household chimp 0 Picture Of Health 6:05 FamHy Fetid keked For It i M.A.S.H. Lavarne And Shirley And »y MacNeil-Lehrer Report i WUd Wild World Of Animele I PM Magazine 1(3)0 MuppetBhow Signature 0 InformacIon 26 SportaCenter ® Zola Levitt Black Beeuty Entertainment Tonight HoetarTom Hallick,Dixie Whetley, Ron Hendren. ET' profilee B.J. Thomea, who ia now a pop-gospsl singsr 0 Eoueetrtan 6:35 0 NBA BasfcetbaH Atlantic Hawks vs Philadelphia 76ere 6:66 0 WBBM Editorial 0 WLS Editorial 7:00 000O The Dukes Of Hazzard Luke and Bo are framed byBoeeHoggtoforcellncleJeeee Into divulging hie recipe for joc^l^s. (60 mins.) NBC Magazine This wsekly eeriee offers a blend of current newe stories, topical reports snd profilee. Contributing report ere include Gsrrick Utley, Jeck Perkins, Douglss Kiker end Bstsy Aaron. (60 mins.) 000 Ben eon Kreue fells for e government officlel end ie eet to epend s romentlc wsekend with him, until hie wife entere the picture. (Cloeed-Csptionad; U.S.A.) 0NBABaakatbaHChicagoBulle Washington Bullets I® PM Magazine ) 0 Bueineee Of Wisconsin Weehlngton Week In 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "My Bodyguard" 1080 Chria Makepeace, Ruth Gordon. A 15 year old Chicago high achool sophomore who attended private echool for g yeara decidea to try public school. (Weled Ptt)<<96 Hi I Movie -(Adventure) *• % "King Of The Khybor Rlf lee" 1954 Tyrone Power. Terry Moore. India 1857: A half-caale Brltieh officer, dlecriminated againat, provee hie loyelty by quelling e paoii* native revolt. (2 hra.) Bowing Game -(Title nounced) (95 mine.) 0 Mixed Mixed Bag: Chriato'a VaNey iI®" 0 Uvei 0 Now York Report A • «-»- •Mn ra VP ynamfMomnip r twwng 7:30 000 BoaomBud College BeeketbaN Report 0 Chicago Ruth and the boye have e diapute over who wiN etar in an upcoming commericial and Amy ia courted by both perliee to win her tie-breeking vote. (Cloeed- i; U.S.A.) iUnsnnouncod I WaN Street Week With Louie Rukeyeer 0 Movla -(Drama) • "Altered Btatoe" 1080 Willlem Hurt, Blair Brown. Agroup of people eet of on e journey to find the origin of the first humsn thought. (2 hrs.) 0 Now World Symphony 0 ESPN College Football 1882 Senior Bowl Pre* w Nino On New Jeraay 0 Quarter Horee Show 7:80 0® Newecene 8:00 000® DaNaeJock'a deeth has a devaetetlng effect on J.R. and Bobby haa to cover for himeelf ee well aa hia brother In ' running Ewlno OH. (80 mine.) 000 McClOlri'a Law The death of a philandering huabsnd leede McClein and Gatae to the San Pedro Docke, where they erreetthe father end the brothorof one of the victim's girlfriends. (60 IV Darkroom Movie -(Title Unan- I) (116 mine.) Market To Market SV» 0 Chicago Week in Review d® 0 Movla -(Comedy) •• "Lemon Drop Kid" 1061 Bob Hope. Lloyd Nolen. A reeetrack tout owee e gengeter s greet deel of money end must pey orelee. (2 Cine 'Loe Perenderoe' Fernando Caeenove, Irma Dorentee. (2 hrs.) 0 MISL Soccer (Joined In Progroea) Baltimore Bleat va Cleveland Force 0 F» World Cup Skiing Men s 90-Meter Jumping from 8t. Nizier, flB(^T The Leeson 0 A.R.T.S. Of Plays and Play wrighte Hoated by Eetelle Parsons 1) Greet Poets, Grset Writers: RobertFrost's'Deethofs Hired Men'. 2) 'Csrtsinties end rtrte'. NHL Hockey Qolden Ststs »rrlors vs New York Knicke TeleFrence-ll.8.A. Naturel Treaauree: 'La Monde dee Plentee' Part II. 2) La French Cineme: 'Money, Money, Money' 3) Other People, Other Plecee: 'Lee Caluna' 8:30 ®0 Weehlngton Week In SS^reatlvlty With BIN Mo yore Olymplce of the Mind' Searching for a freeh spprosch to teaching? Start a competition for originality, and eee how young people can be encoureged to think crestlvety. 0 Affaire Of The Heart 8:36 ®S|JfMorie -(Title Unan nounced) (2 hrs., 10 mins.) 8:80 0 TBBEvanliigNowa 0^0 ^0J^9 FeksonCreot Unannounced 000 Btrlko Force A hired gunman haa arrived to aaeaaein- ele the Judge in e court caee of netionelimportenceandCapt. Murphy'a teem hee little time to " Im. (60 mine.) i American SkyOna