FRIDAY. JANUARY 15 0 Llf• On Earth The Infinite Variety'lath* premiere epiaodeof • new aeries detailing, with extraordinary wildlife photo graphy, the atory of evolution on thle planet. Hoated by actor- adventurer David Attenborough. (60 mine.) 0 Movie-(Comedy)** "Little MlerMarker" 1980 Walter Matthau.fiara Stimaon. Sorrowful Jonea la a etingy grouchy, horae racing bookia until he becomea Involved With little Miaa Marker The Kid'. (Rated PQ) (103 minaJ 0 ® Independent Network 3831. 9:30 0 I OM Jimmy Swaggart I Movie-(Comedy) ** "Incredi ble Shrinking Woman" 1981 Lily Tomlin, Charles Qrodin. Aerosol epraya and preaervatives are making a houaewife ahrink, and worse, her hue band doesn't seem iqare. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) IS From The Editor's Desk I Signature I Volvo Maatera Tennis From MSQ Two Round-Robin Men's Preliminary Matches • SoorteCenter *:U>SSiB»8S««» ' jftwt ' M.A.8.H. }0 Video west HCNell Lehrer Report I entertainment Tonight I Saturday Night I Mixed Bag: Chrlato'e Valley 09$ Informeclon 26 S College Baeketball San FranciacovaPepperdine (SportaCenter during haiftime) 059 700 Club 10:08 jB AN In The Femlly 10:30 0 CBS Late Movie Poda, The Clonus Horror' 1977 A young couple la caught in the horror of a aociety that uaea clones to ave 'extended life.' (2 hra.) achieve 'ext SStXT ITheTonightShowGueats: Meliaea Mancheater, David ferman. (60 mina.) Entertainment Tonight ABC News Nlghtllne I by Ted Koppel. > AN In The FamNy fBaturday Night I® BennyHIHShow !>0 Wleconeln Magazine 1 Nightly Bueineae Report 1 MA.S.H. I Slaraky And Hutch I® sturday Night ) New World Symphony LaColorlna ) NBA BaaketbeHGoiden Slate Warrior a va New York Knicka 10:35 0 Movie -(Dreme) •••• "Advlee Arid Coneent" 1062 , Henry Fonda, Charles Laughton Drama of Washington politics, concerning the appointment of s controveraialfiguretothepoaition of Secretary of State. (3 hra.) 10:48 0 Movie -(Drama) **** "BreakerMorent" 1080 Edward WoodwardrJack Thompson Affecting atory of a soldier- gentleman wrongfully tried and executed for acta he and hie troops committed during the Boer »r. (Rated PG)( 107 mina.) 3$ Movie -(Title Unan nounced) (go mina.) 11:00 V The Tonight Show Gueata:Melieaa Mancheater. David Letterman. (60 mina.) V Jefferson* •0 Behind The Screen Sally is vlcouely attacked in the studio, and Lynettelaforced torevea I that ' i being blackmailed. AH In The Family I Nova'Salmon on the Run' A flreatwildfiah.theaalmon. iabaing driven out of ite netural habitat by •naLyn 11' ® 0 I XL FAGI2I DALLAS J.R. (Larry Hagman) is totally devastated by Jock's death. Having done everything to please his daddy, J R. is like a ship without a sail, staying out all night, drinking and unable to deal even with the simplest ot business demands. Bobby is completely over whelmed with work, trying to hold up not only his end of Ewing Oil, but J R.'s as well In the meantime, the rest of the fami ly has begun to notice Elite is taking Jock's death with unusual calm and, when Harv Smithfield talks to her about reading Jock's will, Ellie refuses to discuss it, leaving Han/ in a state of shock. This episode of "Dallas" wiii air on CBS TV FRIDAY, JANUARY 15. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV COMPUIOC SfRVICtS INC i.ov 8 SCTV Comedy the fiahing induetry of the great Northweat. NOVA capturea the breathtaking power and beauty of theae creatures, and brlnga clearly into focua what man ia doing to them. (Ctoaed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mina.) CD Movie -(Myatery) •* "Sandera of the River" 1836 Paul Robeaon, Lealie Banka. An officer of the river patrol tracka down thoae aeeking to break the lawandatimnguprebellionamong the netive tribes (2 hra., 20 Lna.) Id Couple Behind The Screen Joyce dies from poieon at the Holmby party and Lynetteia a prime auspect. Karl tella an increduloua Dory that thepoiaonwaameant for her, and Bobby accuaea Karl of murder. O Jerry Eden Show 11:30® itwork Bob Newhart Show Movie -(Horror-Dreme) ** 'Two On e Guillotine" 1885 Dean Jonea, Connie Stevejia. Daughter of deceaaed magician must apend seven nights in his old msnsion in order to inherit estete >290,000 (2 hrs., 30 mine. Comedy Cleselce ABC Newe Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. CD Movie - (Drama) ••• * "ElephentMan" 187P JohnHurt, Anthony Hopkins. A men, born deformed, is kept againat hi* will as a carnival freak. (Rated R) (2 as.) I Movie -(Adventure) ** % "Oeronlmo" 1982 Chuck Connora, Roaa Martin. Geronimo endband rebel agalqst greed and tyranny of Indian agent and U.S. Calvary captain. (2 hra.) of 0 Cba lata Movie 'Night Criae' 1978 Stars: Suaan St. James, WiHiamConrad.Following the death of her. newborn baby, a young woman ia tormented by terrifying drsama that the child ie ive and in danger. ' affairs Of The Heart Y Ahora Que Jim Bakker 11:38 0 <2$ CBS Lete Movie 'A Christmas To Remember' 1978 Stars: Jason Robarda, Eva Marie Saint An elderly farm couple welcorrea their adoleacent grandson, born and bred in the city, when their deughter aanda him to vialt during the Great Depreaaion. (Repeat; 2 hra., 10 mina.) . 12:00 0 Wreetllng 0 Movie -(Horror) * tt "House That Screamed 1871 Ljlli Palmer, John Brown. A turn of the century French achool ia ao at'rict thet all the girla try toeacape. (100 NtteOwl Friday a TuHo Loza > Pro Celebrity Golf Serlea Lee Trevino end Bruce Forsyth va Fuzzy Zooller and Michael Medwin (R) 0 Atlantic City Tonight . 12:15 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan nounced) (3 hra.) 12:30 0Movle-(Suspenee)***to "8uepicion" 1841 Cary Grant. Joan Fontaine. A girl auapecta her hueband of murderoue intent. (2 hra., 8 mina.) • inatuw - Ow Roaa Begley Show ' O All Night At The Movlea 'Igor Playa Hooky' Vincent Price. 2) 'Raw Timber' Tom Keens. 3) 'See Reacue' Cliff Molliaon. 4) Ridera of Black Mountain' Tim McCoy. (5 hra., 30 mina.) 12:38 fll Rock Concert 9 Movie -Drama) •• "The Outolder" 1878 Craig Waaaon, Sterling Hayden. Story about an American Vietnam veteran who hea grown up liatening to larger than life atoriea of the romantic activitiea of the IRA, aa told to him by hia grandfather. (Rated R) (2 hra., 6mina.) 1:00 fll NFL Review And Preview • Entertainment Tonight 0 Mixed Bag: Chrleto'a Valley Curteln 0 Sup Super Bowl IX Hlghllghte 1976-Pittaburgh va Minneaota • Joe FrenkHn Show 1:20 Q ABC Captioned Newa 1:30 0 Charlie Roae Show Q An Evening At The Improv 0 Movie-(Dreme) * "Altered Steles" 1980 William Hurt, Blair Brown. A group of people aet of on a journey to find the origin of the firat human thought. (2 hra.) 0 New World Symphony 0 SoorteCenter 1:36 0 Movie -(Drama) ** "Lola" 1871 Charlea Bronaon. Suaan George. Ayoungachooigirl ia aeduced by a 36 year old porno-writer. (116 mine.) 1:40 0 Newa 1:48 Of 0 Newa 2:QO 0 Health Field Everyman I Iff. Nlte Owl (Contlnuea) College Baaketbell Report > Movie -(Adventure) * to "Love Of Three Oueena" 1853 Hedy Lemarr, Cathy O'Donnel. R o m a n c e a b o u t a w e a l t h y nobleman who followe actreaa from city to city. (119 mine.) Attention! t >to better serve the needs of our community, , r, Mc Henrŷ ̂ Lumber is open SUNDAYS 9:00 am to 1:00 pm