NHOSMKR i Select Group In SIim 8 To 16. HELPING PAWS A ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION W P.O. Box 205-Cryilol lake Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 j From Washington fAUtS-ftAINU^ALtfl-FKllJA^ , JANUAKV 8,1982 J Paws will have its fias items on sale at the 'store located at 465 . Virginia street, Crystal Lake; open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 -p.m. Many items are , reduced from regular selling r price to half-price. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which'includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's : choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws please, for your future reference, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet? DOGS FOR ADOPTION Labrador mix, 5-week, black short hair male, 385- 2018. German Shepherd mix, 7- month female, black and tan, short coat, 338-4515 - 459- 5494. German Shepherd, 5-year rhale, shots, good with >. children and pets, 312-223- 7005. German Shepherd-Husky, l Mi-year ma|e, black and tan, small \sjze, shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, 815-678- 4389. Setter-Labrador, 8- month, black female, par tially housebroken, good with children and pets, 455- 2457. CATS FOR ADOPTION Calico, long hair, 1-year female, shots, spayed, good with pets and children, 312- 639-5142. Grey and wtiite young adult male, shots, neutered, good, with children prefer no other cats, 312-630-6608. Black-white short hair, 11- month male, shots, neutered, good with pets and children, 312-639-6603. Long hair, 18-month female, white with grey spots, 338-0132, 455-4999. Calico short hair, 1-year female, good with children and pets, 459-7682. Black, 6-month, short hair female, shots, good with children and pets, 312-658- 4457. " Grey with white feet, thick hair, 6-month male, shots, good with pets and children, 459-5597 after 4:30 p.m. t Black short hair, 9-month male; grey short hair, 9- month female, 338-0132, 455- 4999. Silver Tabby, 10-month, short hair male, .sgpts, neutered, good with pefsand children, 459-0635. White, with grey-brown markings, 2-yeaiu_male, shots, neutered, goodNmth pets and children, 312-Mk, 5698. Black, 8-month female, brown eyes, medium long hair. 385-2451. Long hair, silver grey young adult male, neutered, good with pets and children, 450-0468. Solid grey, short hair, 6- month female, good with children and pets, 338-4234. Long hair Mack young adult, large size cat, 344- 2076. ' Himalayan young adult, female, apricot-beige, long haip^ four black paws, blue eyes, good with children and pets, 450-3162. Medium long hair, black- brown stripes, adult male, good with pets and chidlren, 338-2322. Black-white, 6-month male, good with children and pets, 344-3674 after 6 p.m. LOST DOGS Bassett Hound, 9-yearf brown-white male, chain collar, Burtons Bridge, 455- 1049. Schnauzer, 13-year, silver grey male, west end of, Lakewood, 459-0415. FOUND DOGS Yellow Labrador mix, 9- month female. Wonder Lake, 815-653-9622. "Benji" type, gold- beige young, large size, shaggy hahr, light brown, leather collar, Briarwood near West school, 459-4731. Shepherd/ mix male, tan- black, black collar, Harvard area, Wonder Lake, 943-4189. Samoyed, 4-year male, black collar, silver nailheads, Volo, 344-1909. Dark grey-black, long tail, medium hair, medium size adult male, chain collar, Foxfire, Crystal Lake, 455- 5952. St. Bernard, Johnsburg area, 344-1454, 385-5064. LOST CAT Orange and white Tiger, 1- ,'ear male, medium hair, declawed, neutered, Waters Edge, McHenry, 344-0920. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They will not pick up pet unless you wish. They also have pets for adoption. Call 815-338-7040. For information on Helping Paws and lost and found and adoption, call 459-2641. Ami and Lyn Kessle as Helen, are shown in American Repertory dinner theatre pr Year Itch which opens Jan. 8 and will be running weekends through Jan. 24 at Andre's in Richmond. Show times are 8:30 Friday and Saturday; 3:30Sunday. For reservations call 815- 678-2671. a R< Drop aa le froi a scene from the traduction of the Seven Instruction Classes In CPR Are Organized (By U.S. Rep. Lynn Martin). The House and Senate have passed a bill providing the funds to build a pipeline that will bring natural gas from energy- rich Alaska through Canada into the United States. Many of us in Northern Illinois depend on natural gas to heat our homes, our churches, our schools, and our industries. So, you might think it sounds like a good idea. Well, the pipeline may be a good idea, but the way Congress voted to fund its construction is despicable, disasterous, and downright dirty. What the majority of Congress voted to approve was a waiver that will allow the oil and gas companies, that are building the pipeline, the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline company, to pre-bill future consumers of this gas. This will require you and me to help pay for building the pipeline even though there is no guarantee that it will ever be com pleted. According to estimates, this means our fuel bills will be increased anywhere from $20 to $120 per year. You won't have a choice to contribute or not ; if it is built and becomes profitable and won't even get a share of that money. You may, and remember it's just may, get gas and that would be at a cost triple the current natural gas prices. So, who benefits if the pipeline is built? Well, the state of Alaska will get about $20 billion. The pipeline companies areHhoping for a 50 percent profit, and stockholders can expect a 25 percent increase in dividends. In effect, the Congress has levied an excise tax. Usually, excise taxes are on luxuries: furs, jewels, liquor, cigarettes. So, I guess Congress is saying that for the aged, for the poor, for all of us - heat is a luxury. So, I'm truly sorry. With others in Illinois like Rep. Tom Corcoran of Ottawa, we fought the good fight and we lost. And Congress made a terrible, cruel mistake. 1Dairy Days Program For County Area The 1962 Illinois Dairy Days program for the McHenry county area will be Tuesday, Jan. 12 at the Cloven Hoof restaurant in Marengo. The day's ac tivities will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a disucssion of opportunities of genetic improvement. Other topics to be discussed include minerals in the dairy ration and computers. There will be no advance registration required for this program. Participants may register at the door by paying a small registration fee per farm unit. A buffet luncheon will be available. For further information, contact the McHfnry County Cooperative Extension service at 789 McHenry avenue, P.O. Box 431, Woodstock. HUMANE SOCIETY MEETS The Humane society of North Central Illinois will hold its annual meeting Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m. at its animal shelter in South Elgin. The meeting is open to all society members. The American Heart association is Wganizing instructor classes in Car diopulmonary Recuscitation (CPR) during the month of January. Persons taking the class must have successfully completed a basic CPR class and attend a 16-hour training session. For certification the successful completion of a one-person and a two-person strip on a recording manikin is required. . Researched and im plemented by the American Heart association, CPR has saved an untold number of EMT Classes Start Soon STREETtiC&NES : Father Gregory Klein add Sister Margaret Geraghty, principals of Carmel high schools for boys and girls, have announced the ap pointment of Gordon and Catherine Chicoine of Libertyville as chaircouple for the schools' annual fund raiser entitled "Street Scenes Variations 1982", to be held the evenings of Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13, at Carmel high school in Mundelein. Carmel high school students live in forty-six communities within Lake and McHenry county. For pre-show ticket pur chases, call 367-9233. Memorial hospital at Woodstock will host an EMT class starting Jan. 17, Elvera Boswell, R.N., supervisor of emergency aces, has announced. ' The classes will be held every Tuesday and Thur sday for four months. Arrangements to hold the classes were made with the McHenry EMS office and the Woodstock Rural Fire department has made its facilities available for the classes. Persons interested in signing up or leaning more about the EMT classes are invited to contact the E m e r g e n c y S e r v i c e department at the hospital, 338-2500. spurgeons Enjoy Great Fitting Jeans And Pocket The Savings f Oscar rfe la Reate Designer Jeans Reg. 44.00 Save 55% Great Fitting 5-Pocket Designer Jeans of 100% Cotton Denim. lives. Certification stan dards and controls have been set up by the Heart association and the Red Cross. One in every four persons certified in CPR is the goal of the Health Systems agency. There is no cost for in structor classes as gifts to the Heart fund help to support this program which is taught Jt>y Heart volun teers. Instructors trained by the Heart association are ex pected to teach a minimum of three classes in basic CPR during the year to maintain their certification. Those interested in this program and wish further information or who would like to register, should contact the CPR secretary at the American Heart office, 119 S. Grove avenue, Elgin, or phone 888-4154 between 1 and 5 p.m. The McHenry Plaindealer 3*12 Wm) Elm StrMt (USPS 3M-200) EctaMlthad IS7S McHenry. Illinois M090 Hioa* 115-115-0170 Published Every Wednetdey S Frldoy at McHenry. Illinois Second Clex Po.ta«o PAID AT McHenry. Illinois Sy McHINRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Sond address changes to McHenry Plaindealer. SSI J W. Elm St.. McHenry. Illinois MOM Subscriber* are requested to provide Immediate notice ok change of address to The McHenry Plaindealer. 1012 W. Elm St.. McHenry. III. MOM. A deduction ot one month Irom the expiration of a subscription will be made whore a change of address Is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Edltor ATIONAL NEWSPAPER SSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year - $15.50 lYMr $24.00 In McHenry Outside McHenry County County Loses 202 Pounds Inspired By Conway Diet Institute!!! 8 chubby childhood and went up from there. "My weight just kept climb- vyith marriage and mother hood." "I couldn't find a diet that really worked for me until I started on The Conway Pro gram in July, 1980.1 weighed 343 pounds the night I started; now I weigh only 141 pounds." orie Diet, which allows three meals a day plus snacks and the weekly insight seminars provided the know ledge and motivation I needed." "The Conway Program worked for me. It's wonder ful!!", says the delighted Carol. I SAVE $5.00 WITH THIS COUPON Bring this coupon with you to any meeting listed and you will save $5.00 off the Initial Registration Fee of $7.50 and Weekly Seminar Fee of $4.50. Pay only $7.00 instead of $12.00. A FRIEND SAVES $5.00 If you bring a friend with you when you join, then the coupon will be worth $10.00, S5.00 for you and J5.00 for your friend. Offer expires Friday, January 29, 1982 Weekly Insight-Motivation Seminars McHENRY - Wednesdays, 7:30 PM Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. CRYSTAL LAKE - Mondays 7:30 PM Crystal Point Mall or Call t15-344-17S9 6000 Northwest Hwy., (Rt. 14) HARVARD - Tuesdays 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 301 North Division or Call 943-7340 WAUKEGAN - Tuesdays, 7:00 PM Lakehurst Shopping Center (Community Room Upper Level) Rts. 120 & 43 or Call *23-7442 OR CALL 597-1395 Registration $7.50 plus Weekly Seminars $4.50 New Members Always Welcome ?5,h spurgeons HURRY.. .SALE ENDS JANUARY 10TH! JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE PC * i - . . v j f j " ' . 1 ' Danskins Leotards 8" Tights 499 Select Croup Priced As Marked REG. 10.75 REG. 5.75 Irregular Towels Cloth REG. 1.25 Hand REG. 1.50 Both REG. 3.00 87* 97c 1" Select Group Priced As Marked Costume Jewelry Vz • Vi OFF Select Group Priced As Marked Ladies' Winter Coats 31 -45%0FF Select Group Priced At Marked ter Toys Select Group V30FF Select Group Priced As Marked Coats & Snowmobile Suits 25% OFF Select Group Priced As Marked Girl's Sleepwear 20 - 28%0FF Select Group Priced As Marked