*AO« SUPERMAN In 1978, "Superman" was released by Warner Bros, and became an im pressive memory in the minds of millions of movie-goers. "Superman" headlined a stellar cast of popular talent: Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, Margot Kidder, Jackie Cooper, Susannah York and introduced Christopher Reeve (pictured) as the Man of Steel. Christopher's description as an 'unknown' at the time of the filming of this spectacular motion pictdre was not quite true to the fact, as at the age of 24, he had worked more than ten years as a professional actor including a stint on Broadway and on tour op posite Katherine Hepburn. "Superman" will air in two parts on ABC-TV, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 and Monday, February 8. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 wishes in return (or hi* soul. (2 hra) 0 Nutrition Dialogue 12:30 • Open Question • We're Movta' 0 Face To Face (39081 Wall Street Week With Louts Rukeyser 0 Forum 13 • Lgurel And Hardy ' 09 Conversation* 0 <S9 Dr. Norman Vincent 08pread Your Wings 0 Championship Fishing 12:38 0 Movie -(Western) "OnceUponATlmelntheWeet" 1939 Henry Fonda, Charle* Bronson. Qunslingers fight to acquire poeaeasion of a tract of land containing a water aource, along the rout e of a transcontinen tal railroad. (3 hra., 30 mine.) 0 Law And You kend Heroes . ' Sportsbeat Your Tax Return 'The Bottom Line on Improving Your Form' This live call-in program covers the most current tax laws and iasuea. Forms 1040-A and 1040 will be completed on camera; IRS diatrict office telephone* will be open to reepond to viewer*' queationa. (3 hra.) 0 €ve Of The Beholder 0 <S® Car Card Central 'Do it Youraelf' oar care eeriea. 03$ Changed Uvea 0 ® Town Halt Teiecaat 0 0 Blackwood Brothere 0 The Adventurea Of Black tal railroad 1:00 0 La •i* f l ® 0 Yo Beauty 0 ReelEstate A< 1:30 000Ol LActlon Una I NCAA Basket ball St. John's University vs University of Louisville, with Qary Bender and Billy Packer providing the commentary from Freedom Hall in LouiaviHe, Kentucky. (2 •k Collage Baaketball Notre Dame vs UCLA. 000 Superatars 0 Movie -(Adventure) ••• Vfc "Prisoner Of Zenda" 1937 Ronald Colman, Madeline Carroll. A king is kidnapped before his coronation and hie distant cousin, s double, is perauaded to take his place until the king is reecued end returned. (2 hra.) 0Movta-(HMorical)**tt"Zuiu Dawn" 1980 Butt Lancaeter. Peter O'ToOl*; British army. daapite their ignorance of the terrain, fight gallantly against the Zulu nation's inappropriate fighting tactica. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.jlmin.) 0 0 Movla -(Drama) •• H "Undercurrent" 1948Katharine Hepburn, Robart Mitchum. A email-town girl marries a rich young man and later suspects him I a mania?. (2 hra.) Dragnet Emeat Angley Hour BobQaaa Studio See Ozarks Country Jubilee 2:00 O ® Movla -(Comedy) "CaptainNewman, M.D." 1983 Gregory Peck, Angle" Dickinson. Air Force peychiatriat believes hie duty belonge to his patients first, the military brass second. (2 hra., 30 mina.) 0 Movla -(Adventure) *** "Voyage To The Edge Of The World" Sail with Jacques Cousteau and his crew to the Antarctic In this faacinating film voyage. (Rated Q) (90 mine.) 0Movla -(Musical) •• "The Apple" 1980 Catherine Mary Stewart, George Gllmour. Story about a young swinging couple whoseemtobethelaatballadeers in the world of 1994. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) 91) 0 Movie -(Advanture) "Angel And The Bad man" 1947 John Wayne. Gail Rues*M. A Quaker girl aavea a man who is being hunted by several people, Pling a gunsllnger. (2 hra.) I It Takes A Thief I Signs For Living What WW They Think Of Next? 0 Movie -(Drama) •*% "Fir eball Forward" 1972 Ben Gazzara, Eddie Albert. A man assumescommandofa'hardluck' division in WW II France. (2,hre.) 0 Movla HM.S. Pinafore' San FranciacoODera. (2 hra.) 2:30 0 0 0 U.S.A. va The World In Olympic Sporta • 8 Rev. W.V. Grant 00$ Jewish Voice 0 Llyowtro 3:00 O ® Movie -(Comedy) ** "Lt.RoblnCrusoe, U.S.N." 1988 DickVsnDyke,NancyKwan.(Paid Subscription Television) A Navy Lieutenent, stranded on a desert iale. encountera a mieaing space chimp, anative girt,and her sisters who are running eway from her domineering tether. (2 hra.) MSI Annotated Word 0 International Track And Field The New Zealand Games 0 <5$ Gerald Deretlne ssrs. 0 O Blng Croeby National Pro-Am Golf Final round play in this pro-celebrity tournament with Vin Scully, Pat Summereil, Ken Venturi, Frank Glieber, Ben Wright, and Tom Brookahierproviding the commentary from Pebble Beach Golf Linka In Monterey, California. SportaWorld NBC Sporta providea coverage of a 16 round WBA Junior Middleweight ,Championahip bout between champion Davey Moore and challengerTadaahi Mihara, from Tokyo; alao, highlighta of the World Pro Figure Skating Championahlp with John Curry and Randy Gardner, from LandoverMaryland. (90 mina.) 0 0 0 Wide World Of Sporta 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "The Sun Comes Up" 1949 Jeanette MacPonald, Lloyd Nolan. An embittered widowiahumanizedby avoang man and hia dog. (2 hra.) 0 Zookeepers 0 Movie-(Horror) *** "The Evlctore" 1979 Vic Morrow. A young couple is terrorizad by the horror thet their new home ie haunted by aupernatural forcea. (Rated PG) (89 mine.) 0 0 Solid Gold Hoat: Dionne Warwick. Gold record winnera perform their hit aonga. 00 Larry Jonee 0 The Tomorrow People 4:00 ffl) 0 I Remember Harlem 0 Firing Line Hoat: William F. Buckley, Jr.. (60 mina.) 0Movle-(Muelcal Comedy) *** "Popeye" 1980 Robin Williems, Shelley Duvall. While searching for hia long-toat Pappy, Popeye viea for the hend of Olive Oyi with villainous Bluto. (Rated PG) (2 Kung Fu On The Roed With Pat 8e| Better Living 0 0 John Ankerberg Show 0 Reggie Jackeon'a World Of rs. Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Myeteriee 0 Studio I 4:05 •» Last Of The Wild Partridge Femily Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Sales & Service Cleaning Repair Belts LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 10051 FRONT STREET MCHENRY 385-0882 0 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "The Biscuit Eater" 1972 Johnny Whltaker, Godfrey Cambridge. Youngater acquires caat-oft hunting dog and tries to turn him into a champion bird dog. (90 minsj 0(29 Program Unannounced 0® At Home With The Bible 4:38 0 Beat Of Georgia Wrestling 5.-00 0 Program mounced Newa ABC News SterTrek Business Of Wleconein Chicago Sunday Evening merica's Top 10 * Hardy Boys-Nsncy Drew (Movie-(Fantasy)** "Tuck EverlaaUng" Fred Keller, James McGuirs. (Paid Subscription Televiaion) A young girl meete a family who, from drinking from her atraam, never growa old. (2 hra.) 0 Gertrude Stein, Gertrude iteln. Gertrude 8teln BSff Bob Lewandowakl I SportaCenter I 0 Amazing Grace Bible Ciaaa 0 Sti Studio See 0 Persuaders 5:300 CBS News 00NSCNewe 0 To CMmb A Mountain Steve is a champion wrestler, grappling with himelef and locked in a duel withhis doubta and convlctiona. News Bob Newhart Show I Little Houee On Thr Prairie I ID Checking It Out Reporter Mike McKinnon talka to recruiting officera. 0 ABC Newa 0 VlrgH Ward FlaMng Show 0 Movie -(Orama) "Tenth