Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1982, p. 30

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MMN SUNDAY, FCBMJARY 14 dedicatsd effort* to help the young Helen Keller emerge from • dghlleii and sound less world. (2 *a.) • Nutrition Dialogue 12:300 Fece To Face W09 WaN Street Week With Louie Rukeyser Defense Stocks: On the Fence?' Quest: Wolfgang Demisch, Vice President of Morgan Stanley and BMny Ind.. oram 13 I Conversations fe Dr. Norman Vincent • •preed Your Wings A Championship Fishing 1t:SS 0 Movie -(Drama) ••• "Leva With Tha Proper S|ranger"^SS4 Natalie Wood. Steve McQueen. Young girl finda heraelf pregnant after apending the night wtthaboyshe)ustmet.(2 hrs.) 1:OOjlBB Sportsboat ®0 Uvo From Lincoln Center 'An Evening with Itzhsk Perimsn' Violinist Itzhsk Perlman and conductor David Zinman perform Brahms' 'Concorto for Violin in D Msjor' and Mendelssohn's 'ConcertoforVioUnandOrchestrs » in E Minor'with the New York Philharmonic. (2 hrs.) • Masters Water Ski iluMoTlV'-tDrama) ••• H "Elephant Man" 1S7g John Hurt, Anthony Hopkina. A man, born deformed, la kept agalnat hia will as a carnival freak. (Rated R) (2 Car Care Central 'Do It »ietf car care aerlea. I Changed Uvea I Town HaM Telecast I Blackwood Brothers The Adventures Of Black bwty • Rfal iatate Action Une 1:30 0 0 0 Supsritars Today's show features coverage of the final man'a preliminary »nd.(S0mina.) Movie -(Comedy) •• H "Big Store" 1S41 Mar* Brother*, T ony Martin. Virginia Qrey. Marx Brothera aa private eyea, hired to protect a department'a aoon apparent the atore needa protection from them. (2 hra.) 0 Movie -(Drama) *** "Apocalypse Now" 1S7S Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall. Filmed in the South Pacific, this grotesque wartime movie deplete the hell of Vietnsm st its pssk. (Rated R) (2 hrs.. 30 mins.) • 0 Movie -(Drama) ••• H "They Drive By Night" 1S40 George Reft, Ann Sheridan Story of the truckers who haul the freight over the highways and the murderthetwo of them get I wMh. (2 hrs.) 1 Dragnet i Erneet Angtey How ' BoteQssa > Studio See Otarka Country Jubilee *M> 9M SportsWorM NBC Sports pro video coverege of the World Pro Figure Skating Championship from Landovsr, Maryland; and the Diamond Jubilee edition of the Millross Qames from New York City. (90 Sft. ) Movie -(Biographical) ** "Harlow" 19SS Carol Lynley. Efrem Zimbaliet, Jr. The tragic etoryotthe I930'eacreenetar.(2 hrs .30 mine.) ® 0 Movie -(Adventure) ** % "Fighting Kentucklan" 1949 John Wayne, Vera Raleton. A Kentuckien finda time to combat land-grabbing criminate and court the daughter of a French Generei (2 hra.) S® It Takes A Thief 3S Signs For Living What WIN They Think Of Next? 0 MISL Indoor Soccer Memphis American* vs New York Arrows (Delayed Brosdcast) 0 Movie'Love in Monaco'Frank Sinatra. 2:30 ••• U.S.A. vs The aodd In Olympic Sports I Dupont-Cokimbia Awards In Broadcast Journallem For ths fifth consscutivs yssr, public television will provids livs covsrage of the presentation of awards for the best in radio and televieion broadesst Journalism. This yssr's prsssnters include Dsn Rsthsr, Barbara Wsltsrs snd Tom Broksw. (2 hrs.) m>& Rev. W.V. Grant 039 Jewish Voles 0 Uvswire 2:35 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** % "Who'a Minding The Store?" 1963 Jerry Lewia, Jill St. John. A woman department atore owner ia determined to break up the romance of her daughter and a poodle eitter. She hirea him aa a clerk to ahow him up but finally auccumbs to the inevitable. (2 hra.) 2:48 fftO NBA On CBS ® 0 Cam 3:00 Carmen McRae In Movie -(Comedy) *** 'Snowball Express" 1S72Desn Jonss, Nsncy Olson. A New York sccountsnt inherits s bsttsrsd hotsl in the Rockies snd converts it into a fancy aki lodge. (Ratsd G) (Psid Subscription Television) (2 hrs.jlO mins.) «S9 Annotated Word F.A. Soccer 'Ths Rosd to Wembley' Match 4 (R) 9 39 Gerald Derstine 3:30 ••• Hawaiian Open NBC Sports provides covsrsge of the finsl round of this pro tournsment from the Waialse Country Club in Honolulu; Don Crlqul and Bruce Devlin provide the commentsry. (2 hrs.) 0 0 0 Wide World Of toorts SMovl I Movie -(Science-Fiction) 'Wsr Of The Worlds" 1SS3Gene Bsrry, Lss Trsmayns. Msrs invsdss ths earth with an armada of death dealing epace shipa. (2 hrs.) 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "Jazz Singer" 1B80 Neil Diamond. Laurence Olivier. A young man in the fifth generation of Jewieh cantora decidea hia real love ia to aing hi* own aonga. He haa a chance to go to Lo* Angelea with hi* group and his f sthsr rsf uses to eccept this desertion. (117 minsj 0 <39 Solid Qold Host: Dionne Wsrwick. Gold rscord winners perform thsir hit songs. • 39 Larry Jones • Ths Tomorrow People 4:00 ® 0 Non-Fiction Televi­ sion 'NoMapsonMyTsps' Gsorgs Nisrenberg offers s look at three black Jazz tap dancers, Ssndmsn Sims, Chuck Green snd Bunny Briggs, who rsminiscs about the paat and ahow how they are continuing a very apecial tradition. (90 mine.) • Firing Une Hoat: William F. Buckley. Jr.. (60 mine.) • Movie -(Comedy) ••• H "Airplane" 1981 Robert Haya, Julie Haggerty. Hilarloua apoof of airplane dieaaterflicke; anex-war pilot is forced to fly a heavily booked commercial plane when the crew become* ill. (Rated PG) (90 mine.) B Kung Fu Movie (Comedy) •••• "Swept Away" 1078 Giancarlo Qiannini. Marianoela Meleto. A alovenly sailor ia caet adrift on an ialand with hia employer, a rich, aelfiah woman. Cut off from aociety, he reveraea their rolee, •tripping her of pride and vanity, and controlling her completely. (2 hra.) 139 Better Uving College Baaketball Virginia Commonwealth va Southern Florida (Tape Delay) 0 0 John Ankerberg Show 0 Reggie Jackaon's World Of in Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Mysteries • Studio I 4:30 CD ® Partridge Family 0 89 Movie -(Crime) •••* "Public Enemy" 1S31 Jsmss Csgnsy, Jesn Harlow. The story of the rise snd fsll of s prohibition aanoater. (90 mine.) • <29 Program Unannounced • 39 At Home With The Bible 4:38 O Best Of Georgia Wrestling 8$0 0039 CBS News In Search Of • ABC News 32 Star Trek • Business Of Wisconsin Chicago Sunday Evening Club 0 News (3) 0 Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Mysteries 039 Bob Lewandowski 0 3§ Amazing Grace Bible SStudio See Ptrtuadirt 8:10 & & Movie -(Drama)** "Honeysuckle Roee" Willis Nslson, Dysn Cannon. (Psid Subscription Tslevision) Story sbout s singer's life on the rosd. withsftsr-midnightbusridestoths next tsnk town the only certainty. (2 hrr. 6mins.) 6:30^000 News 0 NBC News | Omni: The New Frontier |0 Bob Newhart Show 1 Little House On Thr Prairie )0 CheCklftgltOut An all-star sslss show at Nsw York's Villsgs Gsts drsws top performers, the clty'stopsslsaDJRogerDawson, s pscksd house, and reporter Nelly Alvarez and her crew. S ABC News Championship Fishing Movie -(Docu-Drama) ** "Man Who Saw Tomorrow" 1979 Philip L. Clarke, Roy Lasks. A docu-drsms on the lifs of Nostradamus. Suggestsdby 'Ths Prophecies of Noetrsdsmus.' (86 mins.) 0Movle-(Drema)a* "One Trick Pony" 1S80 Psul Simon, Blair Brown. Ths ups snd downs in ths lifs of sn aging rock muaician. (Ratsd R) (2 IKS.) 039 D. James Kennedy 0 Spread Your Wings 8:38 0 Nice People TVIjQ. 1. Name thB aerlea that starred Jamss Frsn- clscus as s blind insurance Investigator. 2. Attar "Good Times," In what short-lived •arias <fld Jimmy Walker star as a good- natured car thief? 3. What was ths nama of tha sari as with Lorns Patterson snd Georgia Engel aa roommatae In a boardlnghouee In Wash­ ington, D.C.? 4. In what aeries did Pat MorltS play a char­ acter named Ah Chew? 5. In igeo, Karl Maiden played a Pittsburgh ateet worker In a drama aerlea. Name the 6. 7. 10. What waa tha nama of tha ssrlss starring Chad Everett aa an expert animal trackar? Who played Ernests snd GwendoRn Snoop In "Ihe Snoop Sbten't In what '70a aarlaa did Fred WHIard play an aaalatant dlatrtct attorney? In "The Rockford fifes," Gretchen Cor- bett played Rockford's sttorney. Whst wss her charactar's nama? Who played Dick'a wlfa in "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"? © 1982 Compulog efiueiedOH 01 WodueAaameg -g Ktoifs,, g MM HfMMlBII MJD • I• r • || r ~ ilPlliHltUia -fl ,uos purpjojurs,, > "WO **WpooQ„ e •a y . i % •t SJ3MSUV

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