PAGEl-W^SteEtf^WttlNKSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. IW2 th FREE ADMISSION! •Cablevlslon Coverage * WXRD Live Broadcast 9th Annual Trade Fair Presented By The McHenry Area Chamber Of Commerce Trade Fair "Schedule of Events": STYLE SNOWS t VARIETY SHOWS (On Center Stag* In Learning Cantor) Friday, February 26, 1982 8:00 P.M. .Chance to Dane*: Aerobics John's Sport Stop (Booth* No. 48 ft 49) 9:00 P.M. Country Western Band - Oosporodo Cary Music (Booth No. 10) Saturday, February 27, 1982 1:00 P.M. Stylo Show coordinated by Bonnia Shoohan Bluo Carnal (Booth No. 53) Candy man's Closat (Booths No. 54 ft 55) Christopher's Mans Waor (Booths No. 54 ft 55) Fashion Shoppo (Booths No. 54 ft 55) John's Sport Stop (Booths No. 48 ft 49) MarRay Costumas (Booth Latter C) * * . McHanry's Favorita Sport Cantor (Booth No. 4) Smith's Childrans Shop (Booth No. 39) Susan's Shoos (Booths No. 54 ft 55) 2:00 P.M. Chanco to Danco: Aerobics John's Sport Stop (Booths No. 48 ft 49) 7:30 P.M. Marantha Singers Marantha Assembly of God Church (Booth Letter Q) 9:00 P.M. Current Tymes Cary Musk (Booth No. 10) Sunday, February 28, 1982 * 1:00 P.M. Style Show coordinated by Bonnie Sheehan Blue Camal (Booth No. 53) .. Candyman's Closat (Booths No. 54 ft 55) Christophor's Mans Waar (Booths No. 54 ft 55) Fashion Shoppo (Booths No. 54 ft 55) . John's Sport Stop (Booths No. 48 ft 49) MarRay Costumes (Booth lattor C) McHenry Favorita Sport Cantor (Booth No. 4) Smith's Children* Shop (Booth No. 39) Susan's Shoes (Booths No. 54 ft 55) 2:00 P.M. Chance to Dance: Aerobics John's Sport Stop (Booths No. 48 ft 49) ,4:00 P.M. Marantha Singers Marantha Assembly of God Church (Booth Lattor Q) Language Room (turn right at foyer) Located PARKLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Rte. 120 A Rlngwood Rd.f McHenry, III. SEMINARS: (In Band Room-Turn Left At Foyer) Friday, February 26, 1982 {• . . 7:00-7:45 "How to Hang a Waltcovoring" Clinic f McHenry Paint, Glas% and Wallpaper (Booths No. 44ft45) 8:00-8:45 "Se^urfty'ftIntercoms" ' *"•' Nelson Electronics (Booths No. 1 ft 2) 9:00 • 10:00 "What is Hypnosis" Ron Boar, Cantor for Clinical Hypnosis (Booth NO. 40) Saturday, February 27, 1982 11:00-11:17 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER I Here's How Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 12:00 -1:00 "How to Hang a Wallcovering" Clinic McHenry Point, Glass, and Wallpaper (Booths No. 44ft45) 1:15 -1:32 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER I Hera's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 1:45 • 2:15 "Financial Aid" McHenry County College (Booths No. 41 ft 42) 2:30 - 3:30 "Individual Retirement Accounts Made Simple" First Federal Savings ft Loan of Chicago (Booth NO. 62) 4:00 - 4:17 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER I Here's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 4:30 - 5:00 "Fireplace Maintenance ft Wood Burning Safety" ̂ Dusty Tails (Booth Loner G) 5:15 • 5:32 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER I Hera's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 7:00 - 8:00 "Learn Self-Hypnosis" Ron Boer, Center for Clinical Hypnosis (Booth No. 40) 8:15- 9:00 "Sacurity ft Intercoms" Nelson Electronics (Booths No. 1 ft 2) 9:15 9:32 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER I Hera's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) Sunday,February 28,1982 11:00 -11:45 "Sacurity ft Intercoms" Nelson Electronics (Booths No. 1 ft 2) 12:00 -12:17 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER! Hera's How" Latizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 1:00 - 2:00 "Individual Ratiramant Accounts Made Simple" Ficst Federal Savings ft Loan of Chicago (Booth No. 62) 2:15 - 2:32 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER! Here's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56) 2:45 - 3:15 "Parformanca Running Shoes" Tom Hartga, McHanry's Favorita Sport Conter(BoothNo.4) 3:30 - 4:00 "Fireplaca Maintenance ft Wood Burning Safety" Dusty Tails (Booth Letter G) 4:15 - 4:32 "YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE could BE BETTER! Here's How" Letizia Financial Corporation (Booth No. 56)