Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1982, p. 10

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PAGE It - PLA1NPEALER - FRIDAYLFEBRUARY 2». H82 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriom, Situation Wanted. Wanted to Rent Wan­ ted To Buy. and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advan­ ce. The Ploindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.I:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY PAP^R - WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. PHONE 815-3854170 19 CUBIC FT. AMANA Side FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 by Side Refrigerator; 36" Yamaha MX 100; 1980 gasd 2 WI DITIO C arrie BTU F green $15.00 after 6c BUSINESS SCRUICES COUCH & LOVESEAT, black naugahyde, excellent DOG OBEDIENCE condition <125.00:; Ex- 'HOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Frc keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to 814,500. 5 at section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. He CLASSIFIED ADS! SUN SCREEN SHADES for Store Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31c FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-31C 5 HORSE POWER' Clutch driven. Shoe brakes, Shocks AUTOS FORD 1977, •' i ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric $15.00; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- l.uwkh,y ukuain tneore with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old. First fQft SALE r airways A itUI ft£Al ESTATE ACRE High and Dr BUSINESS SERUKES BUSINESS SERUKES COLOR-BRITE Custom Painting & Decorating. Free Estimates, low rates. Senior Citizen Discounts. Quality work. 10 years experience. Call 312-587-1664 . 2-24-2-26C J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. Antique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 2-3tfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-728-0176. 2-3tfc CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563. 2-3tfc D.R. BUILDING SUPPLIES Senco Guns, nails and parts Marshall Town Cement Tools Wire Mesh Rebar Drain Tile Sterling Wheelbarrows Culverts IS03 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, II. EXPERIENCED TAX RETURN PREPARATION EtlabHihad 27 Years With • An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. • Prepared and verified on our in-house computer • Prompt service • Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE: 385-4410 for an appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Elm Street, McHenry, II 9-9 Daily 9-5 Saturday Siding S. Wood Decks 3Cake Construction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs ^ Free Estimates Call John Blake Roofing 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios 2/5TI DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS! Country's 3rd Biggest Hobby C.J.'S DOLL BARN Seely Distributor Slip, Greenware, Composition Bodies, tools, Wigs, Eyes. Completed dolls, made to or­ der or make your own. Quanity discounts. 815-385-5789 2/10 2/26 2 10-2/24 •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks & Porches •Home Repairs No Job Too Small Call Harry L. Vienzens Construction 815-385-2847 2 3TF ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES-HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED 815-344-1020 REID&SON CONST DAIA FINANCIAL SERVICES Income Tax Preparation •Accounting * Bookkeeping 'Payroll Preparation 815-385-5538 1/27-3/10 1/27-5/21 "THE DECORATING DOCTOR" Quality Exterior and Interior Decorating and Repair All phases of home improvement, carefully and professionally done gt reasonable rates. Free Estimates 8 Consultation 815-675-2536 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODMNO Installation of lew septics 815-385-6445 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE SNOW PLOWING (815)385-6733 2/3TF McHENRY^ WELDING SERVICE -ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN 'Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2»»2 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR, Domestic & In­ dustrial, In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all sewing machines. Keener & Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672. 2-3tfc MARIAS ALTERATIONS, for fast service & low prices. Open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 815-385- 3269. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 2-3tfc N O R T H E R N I L L . M E C H A N I C A L , I N C . Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer & Water, Septics, New work, Service work, Remodeling. Residential & Commercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured. 312- 546-1474. 2-3tfc SCHUERR WAY Builders. All phases of Carpentry, E l e c t r i c , P l u m b i n g , Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808 . 2- 3tfc QUINN CONSTRUCTION. Building since 1967. F i r e p l a c e s , A d d i t i o n s , P l u m b i n g , H e a t i n g a n d Electrical. Bath and Kitchen Remodeling. Call for Free estimate. 312-639-0700 . 2-3-2- 26c INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very af­ fordable! 815-344-1722 or 815- 385-7736 anytime. 2-5tfc FOR STUD, Male Siberian Husky with papers, black with white markings, 65 lbs, 4 years old. 815-385-9457 after 6pm. 2-26-3-5C STEAMEX STEAM CAR­ PET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living room & hall $45.00, additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning815-943-4793. 2-17tfc TYPING FOR BUSINESS- College. Fast, accurate, IBM equipment. Call for rates. 815-385-8208. 2-19tfc PAINTER LOOKING for ) interior Painting, Staining and Drywall Repair. We will paint 2 average size rooms, 1 coat Pratt and Lambert Paint for $150.00. Many area references. Phone 815-385- 3843 or 815-385-5564. 2-24-2- 26c PJ's SPRAYED TEX­ TURED CEILINGS Free in- home estimates. Quality work at reasonable prices. Pat 815-455-1924 or Jim 815- 459-1596. 1-27-2-26C C H A R L I E J A C O B S O N MUSIC, 815-653-6554. The Piano Specialist's. 3 Ex­ perienced Piano Tuners to Tune, Regulate, Voice & Repair your piano. Call for a p p o i n t m e n t , C h a r l i e Jacobson 815-653-6554, Jim Jacobson 815-728-1314, Steve King 815-344-2845 . 2-3tfc R & S D E C O R A T I N G . Custom Interior, Painting & Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264 . 2- lOtfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. Free estimates, references & insured. Best Price around! Call Bill 815- 385-2843. 2-12-3-5C TOM HUBBARD, Award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006. 2-3tfc LEAKY V FAUCETS Any faucet repaired $30.00 plus parts. Also faucets replaced, toilet repairs and general plumbing service work. Licensed Plumber Reasonable Prices Viia-Master Charge Accepted FINO S PLUMBING Call after 3:00 pm Mon. thru Frl. 815-385-6069 2/5-.4/30«f2 2/10-5/3 FREE PICKUP Junk cars and trucks day or night. 815- 459-0081. 2-3tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 2-3tfc INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates, call Jim 815-459-3677 . 2-3tfc PLUMBING, New Work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815-653-9725 . 2-3tfc LOCAL MOVING and H A U L I N G , r e a s o n a b l e rates. 815-385-9386. 2-3tfc HTUATMN WANTED CHILD DAY CARE in my licensed home, in McHenry. License number 540880. 815- 344-3895 . 2-24-2-26C HOUSEKEEPER, reliable, references, own tran­ sportation, reasonable rates. 815-385-3496 . 2-26-3-5C 8USHCSS OPrtfiTUNITV LAUNDROMATS, CARY & ALGONQUIN. 2 Speed Queen Stores in Shopping Centers. Each grossing $30,000 plus. $15,000 down buys either. Owner anxious. Make offers. Ideal side line business. Jack Dougherty & Company. 312-432-5960. 2-24- ,2-26c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Business now expanding in this area. 20 openings to be filled by quality people. Let us show you how to have the ex­ tra income by working out of your own home. For more information & appointment call 815-344-5868 BOATS & MOTORS . CANOE, 16 ft. Aluminum Square back, Smoker Craft, Oars. Good condition, $200.00 firm. 497-3241 after 5:00 pm. 2-24-2-26C NOTICE Q U I L T I N G C L A S S E S , beginning soon. Morning or evening. Granny's Quilts. 815-385-5107. 2-26 VOTE FOR Rose Lillegard, for McHenry County T r e a s u r e r . R e p u b l i c a n Primary March 16,1982 . 2- 10-3-5C Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in on unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for . the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN t FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269j 215 North MilwaOkeb Ave. Lake Villa, 111,60046 SNOWMOBILE, YAMAHA 1974, GPX 338, with cover, good condition. $600 firm. After 6pm 312-639-4782. 2-19- 2-26C JOHNSON SNOWMOBILES, JX 650, electric start, cover, extra engine; Golden Ghost, reverse, electric start, cover, matching sleigh, $650.00 each. 312-526-8629. 2- 26-3-5C 1 9 8 0 K A W A S A K I SNOWMOBILE 440 Invader $2,000.00.815-385-2236. 2-24-2- 26c M0T0RCVCL£r~ ANYTHING Will Get You $400.00 in Trade for the Purchase of Any 1982 Harley Davidson. See Bob or Jim at Bob's Harley Davidson, 5410 U.S. 14 South, Harvard. 815- 943-5118. 2-5-2-26C 1970 NORTON COM­ MANDO, good runner $450.00. Call after 5pm. 815- 338-4804 . 2-24-2-26C PET COLUMN FREE, 9 puppies, Ger­ man Shepherd, Vfe ?, 6 weeks old, to good home. 815-385- 6874. 2-24-2-26C FOUND: YOUNG Cat, vicinity Kama and Sterling, McHenry, 2-22-82, gray with white markings, 815-385-8237 or 815-728-1054. 2-26 G I V E A W A Y : M A L E , l V f c year old Dalmation, full blooded, to good home, good family dog, loves children. 815-459-6392 . 2-26 P£TS FOR SALE 2 YEAR OLD Yorkshire T e r r i e r P e d i g r e e d , w i t h papers, female. Price negotiable. 815-344-5036. 2- 24-2-26C G E R M A N S H E P H E R D Puppies, 6 weeks old, $65.00, no papers. 815-344-4035 . 2-24- 2-26C GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, pure bred. Phone 815-385-5145 . 2-26-3-5C 4 REGISTERED POODLE puppies, 2 female black; 2 males, 1 black, 1 silver, wormed and shots, $125.00. 815-675-2803 . 2-26-3-5C SN0WM0IILC WANTED TO BUV NOTICE HEARING PROBLEM? See y o u r p h y s i c i a n f i r s t , preferably an ear specialist. Then see Robert Stensland for the finest service available! 27 years ex­ perience. McHenry Hearing Aid Center, 3937 W. Main St., McHenry. Wednesday Only, 10am-5pm. 815-385-7661. 2- 3tfc KNOXVILLE WORLD'S FAIR!! 5 days, 4 nights... leave McHenry May 17th on new, deluxe bus, return May 21st. $229.00 per person, double occupancy, includes motels, transportation and admission tickets to Fair For details call Ed Wittrock 815-385-4434 WILLIAM J. THOMAS AND ASSOCIATES Has moved to a new location in order to better meet your insurance needs. Our new address is: 804 North Front Street Where we look forward to serving you 2/24-2/26 1979 SNO-BIRD, 4 Place' Trailer with surge and spare, $950.00 or offer. 815- 385-0534. 2-24-2-26C AUTOS 1974 MAZDA WAGON, best offer; 2 1965 Oldsmobiles, best offer. 815-385-0394. 2-26- 3-5c JEEP CHEROKEE wagon, 1977. Never played with, 42,000 original miles, very good condition, $3,900. 815- 728-0404, Saturday or Sunday 815-653-9653 . 2-17-2-26C 1 9 8 0 S C I R O C C O V O L K S W A G O N , l o w mileage, air conditioned, platinum metallic, pin- stripped, sunroof. Excellent condition, excellent gas mileage. 815-344-2416. 2-24-2- 26c 1972 PLYMOUTH FURY III, runs, needs work $250.00. 312-227-4220. 2-24-2-26C 1975 VEGA COUPE, 3 speed, rust proofed, excellent condition. New brakes, clutch and starter, $875.00 or best offer. 815-455-2066 call after 6pm. 2-24-2-26c 1976 CAMERO, air, am-fm stereo, best offer. 815-385- 7772. 2-24-2-26C 1974 DATSUN 710, runs good, good body, 43,000 miles, $1800.00. Call after 3pm, 815- 653-9230. 2-24-2-26C 1977 GRANADA, 6 cylinder, 38,000 miles, new shocks, tires, exhaust, radio, starter, battery, am-fm. Excellent condition $3300.00. 815-728- 1585. 2-24-2-26C --4 -- 1974 VOLKSWAGON Beetle, low miles, absolutely im­ m a c u l a t e c o n d i t i o n , $1,800.00. 815-385-6929 after 6pm. 2-24-2-26C 1977 JEEP CJ-7, hard top, 6 cylinder, very good con­ dition. $3,500. Call after 4pm & weekends. 815-728-08%. 2- 19-2-26C 1976 JEEP CHEROKEE, automatic, air conditioning, a m - f m r a d i o , a l u m i n u m wheels $2,400. 815-338-0366 after 5pm. 2-19-2-26c 1975 DATSUN 280 Z, air, automatic, am-fm, no rust. Getting divorced, must sell. $3,250, will consider trade. 815-385-2976. 2-19-2-26C 1976 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 Royale. Power steering, brakes, am-fm stereo with tape, cruise control, air, rear defogger, velour interior, good condition. $1,495.00. 815- 344-1544 . 2-24-2-26C TRUCKS in any condition 815338-0270 F r e e T o w i n g CASH PAID FOR Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 2-3tfc WANTED: AUTOS, All makes and models, running or not. 24 hour pickup ser­ vice. 815-728-1171. 1-20-2-26C M O V I N G ? C L E A N I N G HOUSE? Buying Antique F u r n i t u r e , C h i n a , Glassware, Lamps, Old Advertising Items, Etc. 815- 678-4141. 1-27-4-2C WANTED TO BUY, Electric s t a r t i n g k i t f o r 1 8 h p Evinrude, 1958 to 1976. 815- 385-4718. 2-24tfc WANTED TO BUY Old Kerosene Stove, Also small kerosene stove to heat garage. Call 815-385-1224. 2- 17-3-5C TRAINS, DOLLS, TOYS. After 6pm, 815-675-6379. 2-17- 3-12C IN MEM0NMM ALVIN E. OTTO Feb. 26.1982 In memory of our beloved son, brother and uncle on his 40th Birthday When evening shadows are falling And we sit alone. To our hearts comes a longing If only he could come home Love, Horn, Dad, Doretta, Duane and Mnift, AUTOS 1978 GREMLIN, 38,000 miles, 3 speed, good con­ dition, $2700.00 or best offer. 815-385-8025. 2-24-2-26C 1974 LeMANS, Power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, automatic transmission, $800.00 clean. 815-344-3616. 2-24-3-5C 1979 JEEP CJ 7, Hard top, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, lockouts, low mileage. Very good condition, $4,700.00. Genoa City, Wisconsin. 414-279-6583. 2-24-2-26C DON'T SLIDE Thru Winter, without Auto Insurance. Before you renew, check our rates. Special Programs for those over 55. Phone Quotes welcomed. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency. 815-338- 3328. 2-24-2-26C 1978 JEEP $3,900.00. Call 815-385-4809. 2-24-2-26C 1980 JEEP LAREDO J 10 pickup, black, roll bars, AM- FM, C.B., 13,000 miles, bucket seats, excellent condition, around $6,300. 815- 943-6069. 2-26-3-5C 1975 GRAN PRIX, buckets, console, 68,000 miles, fair condition, asking $1,400. After 5pm. 815-385-1917. 2-26 NOTICE FOR SALE CITY OF McHENRY $QUAD CARS 2 - 1980 Buick LeSabres 1 - 1978 Mercury Couga^ 1 -1979 Mercury Cougar As are and shown - No warranty Anyone interested in purchasing these squad) cars is invited to submit written sealed purchase! proposals to the City Clerk's office at 1111 North| Green Street, between 8 AM and 5 PM week­ days and 9 AM and 12 PM Saturday, by March 1, 1982. The sealed proposals will be opened at thel City Council meeting at 8 PM, March 1, T982. Thel City reserves the right to reject any and all pur-f chase proposals. The cars may be seen at the Public Works I garage, 105 N. Green Street, from 9 AM to 3 PM[ weekdays and 9 AM to 12 PM Saturday. By: Barbara E. Gilpin I . City Clerk WANTED, ANY OLD Oriental Rugs, wanted to buy. Any condition. Call Roberta at 1-414-728-6190. Also Selling. 10-21-3-5c SLOT MACHINES wanted. Paying over $600 cash. Any condition. Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes. 414- 248-3796. 1-13-7-2C Hkm IMTHPAV HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN Borb, Dob & Gina HAPPY 13TH Love, Mom, Dad, Phil & Jesica -i a/a6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAfUCE SALE OARAOE SALi Old trunks, glassware, ofd radio, antique railroad locks, cameras, beer signs, clothe*, heavy wood couch, chair, rocker, etc. Like new T.V. par­ ts, records, 8 tracks plus have new pictures plus frames plus fine gifts from shop that closed. Elec. digital cash register plus much more misc. Sef. A See. Nb. 27-M feei to Spa 120 to Meadow to Preirte to Central 4321 Cleenrlew irtoe im 3M i

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