Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1982, p. 2

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ONE TO SHARE . A SECOND PRINTS WITH McHenry Legion spurgeons ¥ and 82 inches.. .15 pounds the very first week!" • No diet pills or injections • No starvation or hunger • Lose under a doctor's supervision • Choose delicious, satisfying meals • No food decisions • Computerized "Weightminder™" guarantee CALL TODAY FOR A FREE, NO-OBLIGATION WEIGHT ANALYSIS SAVE $50 MID WINTER SPECIAL run SFfCIAl MID WINTER (AVINO ON YOUR NUTRI/SYSTEM WEIGHT IOSS PROGRAM I PrMMrt Milt coupon at CiyiMl Ilk* Nvtri/System Walght Loss Magical Cantor Ustad and wa'M Mwl SM.tR Iran yoor program. Ona coupon par program; valM for naw cllanfs aniy. ixpiros 2/1 t/U CRYSTAL LAKE*4911 Rto. 31, SUITE B COLLEGE HILL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING •1S45M0M S15-459-4400 BEFORE » AM OR AFTER 7 m nutri system l l « U R l . <SocLa.[ About Your Wedding Write-Up. In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer mails wedding forms to all whose engagements have been announced in the paper and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days before the wedding. The story containing all the information given on the form will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Forms received the second week after the wedding will be prin­ ted with the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information if they accompany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. Space problems experienced by a non-daily newspaper, and a desire to print up-to-date news, make this policy necessary. Charlotte Dougherty says: "II0ST74LBS. Plan Champagne Brunch Fashion Show March 21 Members of the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital are busy planning this year's "La Fashion Affaire", a champagne brunch and fashion show, to be held Sunday afternoon, March 21, at Chapel Hill Country club. The brunch will include a choice of entrees, seafood newburg or beef pepper steak, fruit, assorted rolls and beverage. The fashion show features over 45 outfits from 11 McHenry stores and will include both men's and women's wear, children's clothing, sportswear and western apparel. Prizes, including a family membership in an area country club, golf clubs, a hand-made afghan and several gift certificates will also be awarded. Funds earned from "La Fashion Affaire" will benefit McHenry hospital. Tickets can be pruchased by sending a check to La Fashion Af­ faire, Box 69, McHenry, 111. 60050, or by contacting Mrs. Charles Cuda. Reservations close March 12. Tickets will be held at the door. PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2S, IMS MARRIAGE LICENSES Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: David M. Krueger and Sharlene M Helsing, both McHenry; Larry D. Gitchel and Connie L. Guthrie, both McHenry; John P. Doherty and Mara A. Gutekunst, both Wonder Lake Joseph J. Brefeld and Jane Krec, both McHenry; Michael J. Holme, McHenry, and Loretta R. Wilsman, Crystal Lake. Randy W. Blood and Alice M. Krueger, both Spring Grove. Steve A. Dillie and Jeanette M. Kelly, both McHenry; Gary G. Fultz and Cynthia J.* Johnson, both McHenry; Richard A. Polinski Sr. and Carol L. Ballard, both McHenry. • Glass absorbs heat and bakes faster. If you use glass dishes for baking, re­ duce the temperature by 25 degrees. It isn't neces­ sary to lower the oven temperature for casseroles, meats or pies baked in glass dishes. The next General meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry is scheduled for Thursday, March 18, and will begin with a Communion Brunch at 10 a.m., with the U.M.W Mission team as hostesses. The program will be "A Visit To The Holy Land", by Vivian Bassett. The February General meeting of the group began with an "Agape" .luncheon served by Marcia Mary Ball Circle. The program, "Open Our Ears, Our Eyes, and Our Hearts" the theme of the Call To Prayer and Self Denial was given by Vera Lowery and Wanda Benson and included a film, "One In The Lord". It was in­ teresting, informative, in- FROMM&M... COUPON-CARD" IMAM HEALTH AND FITNESS CENTER 2908 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY I 815-385-5690 | NAME | NO SIGNATURE 15 VISITS FOR ONLY $30 J x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x j HELD OVER II 6-WEEK MEMBERSHIP BODY WRAP SPECIAL SET OF EACH ROLL OF. FILM WE DEVELOP k PRINT. 344-3388 V III PHOTO FMIW. INC. YOUR NEW PHOTO MARKETPLACE 810 N. FRONT ST. (S. RT. 31)IN Mc HENRY SHAPE UP FOR SPRING? HERE'S A LITTLE INCENTIVE Three Guests Welcomed At Friendship Club Meeting Thirty-two members and guests were in attendance at the February Friendship club potluck dinner; after which, the business meeting was called to order by the president, Helen Crouch, who thanked the ladies for a very fine meal and welcomed guests Gladys and Larry Temple and Margaret Morris. Mary Rose chose for her meditations, "Valentines" and "God's Love", which everyone enjoyed. A motion made to send a donation to the Johnsburg Rescue squad met with unanimous approval inasmuch as a donation has already been sent to the McHenry Area Rescue squad. An interesting letter was read from former members Helen and Reno Eckardt, now residing in West Palm Beach, Fla. Cards were signed by everyone for Helen and Reno, and also for Helen Creamer. Esther Sims had the program and read several poems, some jokes, and an interesting story from ft magazine; then she put the members to work playing several games and Elver Wendlandt and Helen Crouch were the "smart ones" receiving prizes. "Happy Birthday" was sung to members celebrating February bir­ thdays; then, resung to members having birthdays in January -- also an­ niversaries in January - as the January meeting was cancelled because of bad weather. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be Saturday, March 13, beginning with a potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship hall, when Bertha and Elmer Stange will have the program; and Vivian and Bill Richards, Helen Crouch, Ethel Bailey and Mae Stinespring will be hosts ahd hostesses. Ttoe meat committee will consist of Bertha and Elmer Stange, Esther S»ims, Eileen and John Godtfredsen, Mary and Herbert Rose, Reba Owen, Elizabeth Fairchild, and Gertrude Anderson. Friendship club is a casual, warm and friendly group, for members of the congregation 50 years old or older, meeting the second Saturday of the month at 5:30 p.m. for a potluck dinner and meeting, with the exception of June, July and ^ August. Those who do not belong to the group are invited and urged to come out and participate in the good times enjoyed by club members. Schedule Communion Brunch For U.M.W. General Meeting spiring, and very well presented. After the program, the business meeting was called to order by vice-president JoAnn Robison and began with a prayer by Patricia Esposito. Three recommendations from the U.M.W. Mission team were read, and met with unanimous approval. Kathy Boehmer, Bazaar chairman, announced the Craft group will be meeting the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 12:30 p.m, in the church parlor, and asked the women of the church to attend and bring their ideas and suggestions, along with samples. Church Women United "World Day of Prayer" service on Friday, March 5, will be held at the First United Methodist church at 1:30 p.m., and everyone is welcome and urged to at­ tend. The annual Spring Rummage sale of the U.M.W. is scheduled for April 1, 2 and 3, in the Fellowship hall. | DIVORCES I Judgments for dissolution of marriage were recently granted in 19th Judicial Circuit court, Woodstock, for: James A. Butenschoen and Lynn M. Butenschoen; David M. Kramer and Susie E. Kramer; Laura S. Ciszek and Michael T. Ciszek. Sandra L. Simoncelli and James M. Simoncelli; Frances M. Krabbenhoft and Leo J. Krabbenhoft; Michael J. Brogan Jr. and Georgia E. Brogan. Candice E. Provenzano and Michael J. Provenzano; Linda A. Hamma and Thomas M. Hamma; Kathleen M. Groskinsky and Dale A. Groskinsky. INTRODUCING THOMAS BLENNER AND PEGGY DEWANE t ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Bernard T. DeWane announce the engagement of their daughter, Peggy . Marie, to Thomas Patrick Blenner, son of the late Mr. and : Mrs. William R. Blenner of McHenry. A May wedding is ' being planned. American Auxiliary Community Calendar FEBRUARY 26-27-28 Trade Fair-Parkland school-Route 120 and Ringwood road-Friday, 6 to 10 p.m.--Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m -Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.-no admission. FEBRUARY 28 Polish Legion of American Veterans-Post 188-social meeting, 2:30 p.m.-K.C. hall-dinner, 3:30 p.m.- dancing follows. MARCH 1 McHenry Senior Citizens club--Executive Board meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry Public Library. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -meeting, 1 p.m.-slides, Shuji Kimura-McHenry County Historical society- church hall. U.M.W. Mission Team- executive committee-- meeting 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. MARCH 2 Women of the Moose- Chapter Night meeting, 8 p.m. Marcia Mary Ball Circle- meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor- Cleda McCracken, hostess. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-meeting, noon-home of Marion Barrows-Sylvia Nelson hostess. MARCH 3 McHenry Grandmothers club-meeting, 11:30 a.m.- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. MARCH 4 McHenry Senior Citizen's club--Driver Refresher course, 10 a.m.-City Council chambers. Evening Circle-meeting 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. Womens Aglow luncheon, 10.30 a.m.-John Evans Inn- speaker, Bonnie Stuckless. MARCH 5 Church Women United- World Day of Prayer-First United Methodist church, 1:30 p.m. MARCH 6 Fun Fair-Hilltop school-1 to 4 p.m.-public invited. MARCH 7 Women of the Moose- Chapter Rally day, 1:30 p.m. Lions Pancake Day- Legion Home, Ringwood Road-serving 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. MARCH 8 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 MARCH 11 McHenry Woman's club- meeting, 12 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church- Floral Arranging. McHenry Senior Citizen's club- Driver Refresher course, 10 a.m.-City Council chambers. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Genealogical society-- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m - Grace Evangelical Lutheran church-Washington street, Woodstock--"How to Use the LDS Branch Library". Priscilla Circle-meeting, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor-babysitter provided. Lakeland Park Womens' club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.« h o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s demonstration. MARCH 12 Craft group, 12:30 p.m - MARCH 13 Friendship club Potluck Dinner-Meeting-5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Mabel Thomas and Mary Butler. MARCH 14 Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner-family style-1 to 4 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall, McHenry-Ladies Guild, sponsor. MARCH 15 THE OS-meet at Busy Bee restaurant, 4621 W. Elm- 5:30 p.m.-then to church for fun-fellowship. MARCH 16 Women of the Moose- Business meeting, 8 p.m. MARCH 17 McHenry Woman's club- Luncheon-Card Party, 12 p.m.-St. Patrick's social hall-benefit McHenry Public Library and McHenry Area Rescue squad. McHenry Senior Citizens club-St. Patrick's day luncheon-McHenry Country club-cocktails, 1 p.m.-- lunch, 2 p.m. St. Patrick's Luncheon and Card Party-ll:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove-sponsor, Christian Mothers society- public invited. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Gentlemen's night- dinner, 6:30 p.m. MARCH 18 United Methodist Women- g e n e r a l m e e t i n g - - Communion brunch 10 a.m.- Mission team hostesses- program, Vivian Bassett. MARCH 26 U.M.W. Craft gj-oup-12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist "^church parlor. MARCH 27 Fun Fair-Valley View school--ll a.m. to 3:30 p.m. MARCH 31 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Prayer Breakfast, 9:30 a . m . -- p r o g r a m , M r s . Elizabeth Fjortoft. APRIL 3-4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m.- West Campus auditorium. Ladies' Guild Offers Slide Presentation St. Patrick's Ladies' guild will meet at 1 p.m. Monday, March 1, in the church hall, 3500 W. Washington street. Following the meeting, Program chairman Susanna Gierloff will introduce Shuji Kimura, past president and charter member of the McHenry County Historical society, who will give a slide presentation of McHenry county. Guests are most welcome. Hold Annual Luncheon Card Party Christian Mothers' society of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, is making plans for its annual St. Patrick's Luncheon and Card Party to be held Wednesday, March 17, in the church hall. Serving will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and many prizes may be purchased. Tickets will be available at the door. Men are welcome. • For cakes and cookies, use aluminum cake pans and cookie sheets. The alumi­ num will spread the heat evenly whereas dark pans absorb heat and make browning uneven. After the advancement of the flags, singing "Star Spangled Banner", led at the piano by Music chairman Maria Guettler, and in­ vocation given by Midge Scharf, in the absence of Chaplain Doris Henken, the February meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Messer. There was no meeting in January. The charter was draped for departed members Lenora Cooley and Julia Varese, by Midge Scharf and Ruth Mrachek. Special appreciation was extended from President Messer to those who donated canned goods and money for the Christmas baskets for 20 needy families. Ways and Means chair­ man, Ceil Violett announced the semi-annual chicken dinner will be held May 23. Midge Scharf, Poppy chairman announced that Poppy day will be May 19. The 11th District Spring Convention will be held in Crystal Lake, March 7, with President Messer and the following district chairmen attending: Betty Lou Smith, Gold Star; Marge Datz, Memory Book; Pearl Cooper, Public Relations and Ruth Mrachek, Con­ stitution and Bylaws. A bulletin from Depart­ ment Chaplain Kinga Gulczynski to promote the Cathedral Window fund and the history of the Washington Cathedral in Washington, DC. was read. Wherever one lives in the U.S., whatever religion or race, the cathedral is part of everyone's heritage. Each year, a half million people from all over the world visit this "House of Prayer for all People". George Washington had made the basic plan for "a great church for national purposes in the capital city", Congress finally granted a special charter in 1893, and the first portion of the great cathedral was opened in 1907. Since then, there has been continuous con­ struction. This beautiful 14th century Gothic-styled cathedral has stained glass windows depicting new and old testament stories; a "Freedom Window" in honor of all armed forces who died for freedom in 1917- 18; a "Statemen's Window" depicting Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; "America the Beautiful Windows"; and a "Space Window", to name a few. The national president has accepted a very special offer and invitation for the auxiliary to sponsor the "Suffering and Purification Window". This window will depict the figure of Job and perhaps also the anonymous suffering servant figure of Isaiah's prophesy and Psalm 22. It will be a most apt memorial for those who have suffered and died for our country. A donation from the unit was made to this fund. Correspondence was read and donations were made to the Seeing Eye Dog and Coupon program. Birthday greetings were extended to Betty Lou Smith and Midge Scharf. Marge Hartung and Ruth Mrachek were winners of prizes and Margaret Birmingham was not present to receive the attendance prize. Maria Guettler led the members in singing "America the Beautiful". Katie Edstrom was refresh­ ment chairman for this meeting. Marge Hartung will be the refreshment chairman for the March meeting. WOULD YOU LIKE TO It's said that each Amer­ ican consumes an average of 109 pounds of beef a year. In fact, one survey among teenagers listed steak as the favorite of 36 percent of them. 19 REG. 1.59 SKEIN SAVE 25% I SKEIN 100% Wintuk Orion® Acrylic in 25 beautiful colors) 4 ply, 3'/a oz. sk. Hurry...Solo Ends Morch 1st I First United church parlor. Honored As Chapter Queens from the McHenry chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, Xi Kappa Iota and Pi Alpha were crowned at their annual Valentines dance. They are Margaret Smith, seated on the left, who was chosen by Pi Alpha chapter and Linda Jachino, standing, who received the honor from Xi Kappa Iota. Mrs. Smith has only been a member for two years, but in that short time has proven to be very active and is valued for her quick humor, helpfulness and creativity. She is currently the Ways and Means chairman and is on the Scrapbook committee. Mrs. Jachino is her chapter's recording secretary and also serves on the Scrapbook and Social committees. Her hobbies include cake decorating and singing. She and her husband John, with their two sons, reside in Pistakee Highlands. The dance was sponsored by the Executive Coordinating committee (ECC) of McHenry county and ECC president, Cheryl Brinks, introduced the master of ceremonies for the evening, Joel Boeka. The event was also the kickoff for a fund raiser to benefit ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), which will culminate at the Founder's day celebration the end of April. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER RED HEART YARN Methodist

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