Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1982, p. 2

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PAGF - PLAINHEALFR • V/ffV*ESDAY, MARCH It, 1982 <zMo±tLu <Socia.L C0 » BRIAN PERSHA AND NANCY MANZARDO MAY WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Evo Manzardo of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter Nancy, to Brian Persha, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Persha of Lindenhurst, 111. A May wedding is planned. KENT PUTNAM AND MEUNDA ANDERSEN Robert and Nancy Andersen of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Melinda Jane, to Kent Robert Putnam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Putnam of McHenry. The bride elect is a 1980 graduate of Johnsburg high school. The prospective bridegroom graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1976. A May 15 wedding is planned in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER Lamaze Film Showing The popular Lamaze film, "Nan's Class" will be shown in the cafeteria of Woodstock Memorial hospital Monday, March 15, at 8 p.m. The showing, sponsored by McHenry County Area Childbirth Educators (MCACE), is open to the public and free of charge. The film introduces the Lamaze method of preparation for childbirth and takes the viewer with live couples as they prepare to have a positive birth experience. For further information about the film, early pregnancy * workshops, Lamaze classes or cesarean birth preparation, one may contact Mrs. Tad M. (Marie) Walters of Crystal I,ake or Mrs. John J. (Janet) Smith, Ponca street, McHenry. Salt-free diet? Season un- salted butter with minced chives, garlic, leeks, pars­ ley, whatever your taste. Community Calendar MARCH 10 Telephone Pioneers of America-Kishwaukee Life Member club--monthly meeting, 11:30 a.m.--T.C. Spirits, route 14, Crystal Lake-bring non-perishable for FISH. LaLeche league-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-call 385-5237. - # MARCH 11 McHenry Woman's club- meeting, 12 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church- Floral Arranging. McHenry Senior Citizen's club-Driver Refresher course, 10 a.m.-City Council chambers. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Genealogical society-- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ Grace Evangelical Lutheran church-Washington street, Woodstock-"How to Use the LDS Branch Library". Priscilla Circle-meeting, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor-babysitter provided. Lakeland Park Womens' club-meeting, 7:30 p.m- h o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s demonstration. MARCH 12 Craft group, 12:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church parlor. MARCH 13 Friendship club Potluck Dinner-Meeting-5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Mabel Thomas and Mary Butler. Bake Sale-^keland Park Teens-Hornsby's, 9 a.m. MARCH 14 Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner-family style-1 to 4 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall, McHenry-Ladies Guild, sponsor. MARCH 15 THE OS-meet at Busy Bee restaurant, 4621 W. Elm- 5:30 p.m.--thaa4o church for fun-fellowship. ^ # MARCH 16 Women of the Moose- Business meeting, 8 p.m. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting, 8 p.m. MARCH 17 McHenry Woman's club- Luncheon-Card Party, 12 p.m.-St. Patrick's social hall-benefit McHenry Public Library and McHenry Area Rescue squad. McHenry Senior Citizens club-St. Patrick's day luncheon-McHenry Country club-cocktails, 1 p.m.- lunch, 2 p.m. St. Patrick's Luncheon and Card Party-n 30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove-sponsor, Christian Mothers society- public invited. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Gentlemen's night- dinner, 6:30 p.m. MARCH 18 United Methodist Women- g e n e r a l m e e t i n g - Communion brunch 10 a.m.- Going Out of Business Everything Must Go!!! Ev hSN • All v •All Women's Shoes, Handbags & Pantyhose Must Go! (Includes some Spring merchandise) EVERYTHING SOLD ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS! •All Men's Shoes & Totes Must Go I MERCHANDISE CLUB MEMBERS...This is your last chance to use up club money on any purchase. ALL SALES ARE FINAL ICO* \ SUSAN? HOEO 3902 W. Main McHenry 344-5330 ( >R Ml \ <\ \M )\11 \ k I Trade Fair Coupons Do Not i Apply To This Location Only DAILY 9-5 FRI. 9-8:30 WEDNESDAY 9*8 Pj Located behind Christopher's (SKI wm Mission team hostesses- program, Vivian Bassett. Catholic Daughters of America-meeting, 7:30 p.m -K. of C. hall. MARCH 20 McHenry Junior Womens Civic group-progressive dinner. MARCH 21 La Fashion Affaire- champagne brunch-fashion show-Chapel Hill Country club, 11:30 a.m.-- reservations, Mrs. Charles Cuda or La Fashion Affaire, Box 69, McHenry. MARCH 22 McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. MARCH 23 McHenry jBghpoter 5 O.E.S.--stated meeting, 547 8 p.m. °PSM WEDJmc march io T I L 8 P M f-o' this event only Rush!! i Seduce the Sandman with a simple snack. If you're hungry and can't get to sleep, bite into some L-tryptophan, an amino acid that triggers one's sleep chemistry. Foods that con­ tain this substance are: milk, eggs, tuna fish, cottage cheese, and poultry. Whispering Oaks Women Hold Gentlemen's Night Fiftieth Anniversary On March 17, members of the Whispering Oaks Woman's club will entertain husbands and guests at their annual Gentlemen's Night. They will enjoy a catered dinner, arranged by Mrs. Kathleen Dasing, and the menu is sure to please everyone. Entertainment will be provided by a Barber Shop Quartet from the Chain of Lakes chapter of Sweet Adelines. A delicious dinner, en­ joyable entertainment and good sociability add up to a delightful evening. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Alyce Johnson. Proceeds from this event will again be given to the McHenry Area Rescue Squad. Nutrition forToday. by Laurence M. Hursh, M.D. Consultant, National Dairy Council MARCH 26 U.M.W. Craft group-12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. Rummage Sale-Ringwood church-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MARCH 27 Fun Fair-Valley View school-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Rummage Sale-Ringwood church-9 a.m. to noon. MARCH 28 Third annual Pancake Breakfast-Wonder Lake Water Ski club~7 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Christ the King church. MARCH 29 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- Day of Recollection-9:30 a.m. Mass-bring bag lunch- guests welcome-no board meeting that day. MARCH 31 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Prayer Breakfast, 9:30 a . m . - - p r o g r a m , M r s . Elizabeth Fjortoft. APRIL 1-2 R u m m a g e s a l e -- Z i o n Lutheran church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. APRIL 3-4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m - West Campus auditorium. APRIL 5 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -meeting, 1 p.m.-church hall. APRIL 13 McHenry Junior Womens Civic group-election ofb officers--7:30 p.m.--St. Paul's Episcopal church. Corned Beef And Cabbage Dinner Served The annual St. Patrick's parish traditional corned beef and cabbage family style dinner will be served from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. March 14, in the church hall, 3500 W. Washington street, McHenry. Entertainment will be provided during the af­ ternoon. Anyone having special talent is urged to contact chairmen, Mary Ann Wegener or Helen Koblitz. The public is invited. Proper nutrition is an essential element in athletic performance. Training hard and practicing religiously without eating right makes about as much sense as tuning up your car engine while ignoring the four flat tires. Yet many athletes place a low priority on nutrition. Or worse, they get caught up in ' fobd fads that can actually harm them-and their performance. Here's a chance for you athletes to separate some nutrition facts from nutrition foolishness. See how many of the following you can answer correctly. True or False: 1 Since athletes need extra energy, they should have extra protein in their diet. 2 Athletes should avoid drinking milk because it causes "cotton mouth". 3 There's no need to take salt tablets after a workout- even though you've lost sodium through sweating. 4 An athlete should eat his pre-game or pre-match meal no less than three hourr, prior to competition and that meal should be high in carbohydrate. 5. During and immediately after competition, the most important nutrient is water- and lots of it. Answers: 1. False. Athletes need protein, but no more so than their inactive counterparts. The additional energy you require should come primarily from extra car­ bohydrate in your diet and also from extra fat. 2. False. Research has shown that "cotton mouth", the sensation of dryness in your mouth before com­ petition, is probably caused by nervousness-not by milk or any other food. 3. True. In fact, salt tablets are not well tolerated b y m o s t i n d i v d u a l s a n d , require large amounts of water to be absorbed. The sodium you lose through sweating can be easily replaced simply by eating normally salted, well- balanced meals. 4. True. A meal eaten too close to competition can leave you with gastro­ intestinal problems. A high- carbohydrate meal, which you can dige&t in three to four hours, is your safest bet. Furthermore, your body will utilize the energy from carbohydrate faster than from fat or protein. 5. True. Replacing water lost through sweating is a must for the athlete. Otherwise, your per­ formance will become sluggish. And if the dehydration is severe enough, you'll also run the risk of heat stroke. MR. AND MRS. EARL TURNER Earl and Helen (Schaefer) Turner, former residents of Johnsburg and Ringwood, will be married 50 years March 14. This happy oc­ casion will be celebrated by the family at an anniversary dinner party in Amboy, 111. The couple has four children, M^.'yn Blackburn of Arlington, Elaine Schmitt of Johnsburg, Joyce Black­ burn of Blackwell, Okla. and Arlyn of McCullom Lake. They also have been blessed with 22 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. The Turners are presently residing in Arlington, 111. Display Men's Fashions Members Plan C.D. of A. Activities Catholic Daughters of America are resuming monthly meetings and members will meet Thur­ sday, March 18, at the Knights of Columbus hall, at 7:30 p.m. Plans for a bake sale on April 3 will be discussed and Frances Widhalm will be chairman of the meeting. Members are urged to check the calendar of events to verify others on the com­ mittee The coming months inlcude plans for future events. Long absent members are invited to join in this planning of memorable times. ANNIVERSARY DANCE The joys of square, round and line dancing will be featured at the eighth An­ niversary Special Dance to the calls of Wade Driver. Rounds will be cued by George and Joyce Kam- merer. The affair will be held Sunday, March 14, at the Wauconda Junior high school, Slocum Lake and Osage roads, from 7 to 10 p.m. For information, those interested in attending may call Chuck Fischer at 344- 3074. John Huemann, left, and Bill Chase, will be modeling some of the men's fashions to be shown at "La Fashion Affaire", a style show and champagne brunch sponsored by the Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. The brunch will be held Sunday, March 21, at Chapel Hill Country club, with cocktails starting at 11:30 a.m. Bonnie Sheehan and Anne Cuda will moderate the fashion show, which includes clothing from 11 local stores. Reservations can be made by contacting Mrs. Charles Cuda or by writing La Fashion Affaire, Box 69,^McHenry, IU. 60050. Schedule Program On Boy Scouts Of first Aid For Parents Troop No. 162 Chili Dinner Superstition has it that if your ears ring, tingle, burn or itch, someone is talking about you. The Boy Scouts of' McHenry Troop No. 162 are happy to announce their eighth annual Chili Day Sunday, March 14, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the American Legion hall. Everyone is invited to join them for a dinner of salad, chili, dessert and beverage. By conscientious shop­ ping. the boys have been able to hold the cost per person down to the low 1980 level. All proceeds from this event stay in McHenry to help the troop members and their scouting activities. HELLO wm NEW IPT BOTANICAL REVITALIZING HAIR CARE TREATMENT Treat your hair with a Nucleic A Conditioning treatment all for only $5.00 STARTING WITH A - 1. BOTANICAL SHAMPOO - To cleanse improper residue from hair and aid in imparting proper ph. protein. Nucleic acid and moisture levels in hair. 2. A PRESCRIBED PHLEXHA1R QR N R G . HEAn REATMENT * To replace lost moisture and protein in hair 3. A MAGNESIUM REV1TALIZER - Used to revitalize salt bands in perm and colored hair. 4. REVITALIZING RINSE OR SEAL AND PROTECT FINISHING RINSES. QUIT 30 MINUTES FROM START TO FINISH • RESALE SIZES AVAILABLE FOR HOME CARE TOO! AT FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1 2 1 2 N G r e e n S t . ( O f c . 8 ) M c H e n r y 344-1019 Time was when the Amer­ ican housewife bought a three- or four-pound sirloin, complete with tail and filet intact. She then cut it up herself. Now, sirloin is al­ most always sold minus the less tender tail. The filet is usually sold separate­ ly as well, as filet mignon. A program on First Aid for Parents will be held Tuesday, Mar. 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Am- butal, Route 31 in Crystal Lake. The program is of­ fered free of charge by the Childbirth and Parenting association of McHenry county, and the public is encouraged to attend. Topics will be geared to helping parents deal with basic first aid procedures in the home. Guest speaker for the program will be Gail Eckert, a Red Cross First Aid in­ structor, Illinois Heart association C.P.A. instructor and an E.M.T. For more information about the program those interested may call Mrs. Ray (Irene) Raven of McHenry. The Childbirth and Parenting association is an organization whose purpose is to promote educated childbirth and parenting, offering parents and children of the McHenry county area many services which help to strengthen the family unit. Included are c h i l d r e n ' s p a r t i e s , l i m y preschooler's play groups, discussion groups for new moms, moms of tots and working moms, and an in­ formative bi-monthly newsletter. New members are always welcome. Those desiring more in­ formation about the group may call Mrs. Rodger (Bobbie) Bechtold of Woodstock or Mrs. Kurt (Julie) Smith of McHenry. Auxiliary Sponsors Card Party Mar. 19 The Wonder Lake Com­ pany I Fire Department Auxiliary is sponsoring a St. Patrick's Card Party on March 19, from 7 to 10 p.m., at the Company I Firehouse on east Wonder Lake road. There will be prizes and plenty of refreshments; and a small donation per person will be requested. Tickets may be obtained by calling 653-3294, 728-0917, or at the door. WARNERS® % PRICE BRA SALE 3/10-3/13 ONLY COME EARLY FORGOOD SELECTION NOT ALL SYTLES IN ALl SIZES 385-2713 1216 N. GREEN ST., McHENRY SAT 9-5 HOMEMAKERS MEET T h e W a u c o n d a Homemakers unit, which includes McHenry area women, will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 17, in the Community Hall, Wauconda Township offices, on Bonner road, east of Route 12. The lesson will be on Consumer Fraud. For more information, call 312- 526-6347. PrsfMHrt, NEED NELPt Call omaorwutUA*. ANO FROM 7TO VMM. MOM. THRU PCI. 14 HOURS ANSWtRMO SiRVICI IS15-385-: )

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