Complete Um Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Sales & Service Cleaning Repair Belts LEE ft RAY ELECTRIC 1U5H FRONT STKET UJMMM HICtlLHKY 385-0882 "FRIDAY, MARCH 19 8 Entertainment Tonight 9 Eguaetrlan 6:35 0 Sanford And Son 6:66 0 WBBM Editorial 0Wk6Edltorjel * *- 7:00 itto The Dukaa Of < Hazxard OB NBCMagaztnaFeatures, profile* and timely reports (60 minr) SI0OO Banaon iMovie-(Adventure) •• "Savage Five" 1S7S David Chiang, Ti Lon. Gang of bandits take over and terrorize a small town while waiting for a locksmith to make a key to open a safe they have stolen containing gold bars. Daath occurs before five brave Kung Fu experts arrive to try to Piem. (2 hrs.) PM Magazine Business Of Wisconsin Washington Weak In Review 0 Movie -(Horror) •• "The Final Conflict" Sam Neiil, Rossano Brazzi. Damien, son of Satan, ia now an adult and only one step away from the moat powerful , position on earth and the •4 completion of his diabolic mission. (Rated R) (109 mine.) High School BaakatbaH O W.I.A.A. Boy'a iketball Mixed Bag: Naw Wave Mia Huaapadas Chicago 8paclal Delivery 'Clever \ College Baakatball National Invitation Tournament Quarter FlyNs V R And B Expreas 7:06 0 Movla -(Adventure) ••• "Ring of Bright Water" 1069 BUI Travers. Virginia McKenna A DALLAS Bobby Ewing's (Patrick Duffy) worst fears are realized when Farraday is murdered on "Dallas" airing on CBS FRIDAY, MARCH 19. The prime-time soap also stars Larry Hagman, Linda Gray, Victoria Principal and Char- lene Tilton. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME C 1962 Compuiog London clerk takea a pet otter with him to the Scottiah highlanda, where he intends to becoma a writer. (2 hra J 7:30 O0O The Phoanlx Bennu, a god-like being with extraordinary powara ia diacovered by chanca in an ancient sarcophagua in the Andean plain. He must learn to cope with humanity aa ha tries to bring hopa to a world that haa lost its Innocence. (Repeat; 90 mina.) CD 52 You Aaked For It (U)0CD Wall Street Week With I fMlit Rjikey--f 0 Richard Strauss Burleake for Piano and Orcheatra in D Minor and Don Juan. Opus 20, Vienna Philharmonic 0 Movleweek 7:66 0® Newacane 6j0p mmm® oam • •d NBC Movla Of Tha Weak 'The Car' 1977 Stars: Jamas Brolin, Ronny Cox. A mysterious, drlverleaa au tomobile goas on a killing rampage and tarrorizea a email Utah town. (Rapaat; 2 hra.) • 32 Movla -(Titles Unan- f ncad) (116 mina.) B Market To Market Marx Brothara In A Nutehell America's all-time favorita movie comedy team ia the aubject of thle entertaining documentary on the performere and their work.,The program featuraa mamorabla clips from the group'e movla and TV appaarancaa along with interviewa with the brothers' family and friende. O Movie-(Horror)** "The Final Conflict" Sam Neill, Roaaano Brazzi. Damian, aon of Satan, ia now an adult and only one atap away from the most powerful poaition on earth and the completion of hia diabolic miaaion. (Rated R) (% HRS.( 0 ® Movla -(Intrlgua) ** "Bphlnx" 1661 Lesley-Anna Down. Frank Langalla. (Paid Subacription Television) A beautiful womanJournayatoEgypt in aaarch of a long-forgotten tomb only to get in a tangled wiib of danger, romanca and intrlgua. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) 0® Iris Chacon 0 MISL Soccer (Joined In Prosr*M) Buffalo Stalliona vs St. LouiaSteamers 0 39 Tha Leaaon 01 A.R.T.S. Titles Unannounced 0 TalafraocaUAA. 6:30 ® • WaahingtonWaek In flt Strumpet City, Part V. • National CoMaglata Baakat ball Champlonahip Regional 8amWnala-Gama 6 0® Shape Up 9 0000 Falcon Crest 100 8 > Strike Force I" 0 Nawa 0 0 Pavarottl: King Of Tha Mgh C'a America's fsvorttS tenor haa a charm ail Ma own whether in performance or aimply relaxing at home. This special is an intimate IV LQ, 1. What was the nam* of the sedes that cen tered around a character named Pepper Anderson?? 2. Shelley Fabirea, who presently plays Ann's partner on One Day at a Time, starred In a aeries with Danny Thomas In < the '70s. Name the aeries. 3. What prime-time aerlea did Kate Jackaon •' co-star in prevtoue to Charlie's Angels? 4. What waa the name of the crime aeriee about a private eye who hung out at a nightspot named Mother's? „ > 5. Who played the title role In The Psychia trist? 6. In The Bob Newhart Show, what waa the name of Bob and Emily'a neighbor who waa played by Bill Daily? 7. What waa the name of Robert Blake'6 pet * cockatoo In BaretUf? 8. What waa the name of the aeriee a tarring - Rue McClanahan as a woman who put together a family by placing claaaifled ada? 0. In what '60a aerlea did Ann JUIlan, who presently la playing Caaaie in Making a iiving, piay a secretary named Millie? -6 9U»iddy -0 peJd i uepjog pjumoh '9 aeuumiAou s uunoJ9t»j > S9lJ/OOgMU C Z ""VOM Wfw l SJ3*VSUV