m RENT SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME, 2 baths, fireplace, central heat, air conditioned, 2 car garage, horse allowed, $550.00.312-394-8700. 3-17-3- 19c 5 ROOM HOUSE, East Side Wonder Lake. Gas heat, one block to store and RTA, $300.00 plus utilities, security deposit and references. 815- 653-3146. 3-17-3-19C 6 ROOM APARTMENT, no pets. 815-385-7852 after 5pm. 3-17-3-19C READY NOW, Large 2 bedroom, bath apart ment. Very Clean, Carpeted, Appliances, Big Closets. In Town McHenry. Security deposit. 815-344-4729. 3-17-3- 19c McHEl l fcY , Newly redecorated 2 or 3 bedroom ranch. Fireplace, Dining area, 1 car garage and fenced yard. Available May 1st, $375.00 plus security. 815- 385-7545. 3-17-3-19c FOR RENT: Want to Open A Business or a Store? We Have Space in a good location. Maybe we can share the risk. Call 815-385- 8020. 3-17-3-19C APARTMENT FOR RENT, large 2 bedroom, garage, yard in McHenry. $300.00 per month, plus security deposit. 815-385-2570. 3-17-3-19C 3 . BEDROOM, 2 Bath, Family Room, 2 Car Garage. Dishwasher, Central Air, Stove and Refrigerator. Sharp! $500.00 per month plus security deposit. 815- 344-3894. 3-17tfc OWNER OF HOUSE Willing To Rent Bedroom and Share Furnished Home with single person. $175.00 month and half utilities. No Children or pets. 815-385-6638. 3-17-3-19c FOR RENT: 803 Front Street, 600 or 1200 sq. ft. of Office or Commercial Space. Call us to discuss your needs or situation. Lee Cooney, 815- 385-4345. 3-17-3-19C LIKE NEW 3 Bedroom, IV2 Bath. Refrigerator, Stove, Carpeting, 2Vfe car garage, $450.00.815-728-0125. 3-17-3- 19c ROOMS FOR LIVING. Carpeted, Clean, Cable TV, Kitchen Pritileges. Working People only. $40.00 week. 815-385-6633. 3-17-3-26C I 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Apartment, in Town, No pets, Secnrity deposit. 815- 385-7444, if no answer leave name and number. 3-17-3- 19c READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dishwasher, carpeted throughout, 2^ baths. 815-385-2181. 3-3tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully carpeted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385-7830. 3-3tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385-8905 or 815-385- 0286. 3-3tfc LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apartment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $250.00. Call 815-385-3490. 3-3tfc 3 MONTHS FREE RENT, New modern building, with plenty of parking. Next to Post office and block from bank. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50.00 per month to $150.00, depending on office selected. Call 815-728-0404. 3-3tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, in a Country Setting, overlooking a 110 Acre Corn Field and the Nippersink Creek. This large Apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815- 678-2861. 3-3tfc RENT WITH OPTION to buy. Almost new, seven room ranch with three bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, app l i ances , a t t ached garage. Rental $450.00 per month plus option money. Rea l ty Wor ld -Durb in - Stovall, 815-385-8060. 3-19-3- 26c ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT Marengo 1 A 2 bedroom apartments, wind for cable T.V., carpet dishwashers, refrigerator, oven and ran|« and air cond. Pheasant Roost Apt < 815/56M850 or 312/3812082 ... . 3/173/19 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in McHenry at 3308 W. 2nd Ave. Call 815-385-5529 after 5pm. Availabe April 1st. 3-19-3-24 ONE BEDROOM apartment in town, immediate oc cupancy, ideal location on main floor, no steps, $265 per month, no pets. 815-385-4400. 3-19c 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS. James & Third Street, McHenry Hall 312- 381-2059 or 312 3. m,c W CARY, NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room, 2 car garage. Near schools, transportation $525. 312-381^ 7046. 3-19-3-260^* RINGWOOD AREA, 2 bedroom house, $350 month plus utilities, security deposit and references. No pets. 815-338-0745. 3-19c 2 BEDROOM RANCH, IVz car garage, in McHenry, $350.00.815-385-4389. 3-19tfc CLEAN, FURNISHED Apartment, One bedroom. 815-385-8905 or 815-385-0266. 3-19tfc 3 BEDROOM, Fireplace, d i shwasher , s tove , refrigerator. Lake Rights. Available April 1st, $375.00 month . 815-455-4843 a f t e r 5:30pm. 3-17-3-19c LOVELY QUIET 1 bedroom apar tmen t , second f loor , Senior Citizens preferred. No pets or children. 815-344- 4231. 3-12tfc 2 BEDROOM RANCH, fireplace, attached one car ga rage , ava i l ab le im mediately, $345.00 per month. 815-728-0404 or 815- 653-9653 . 3-12tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, clean fresh paint, new carpeting, new kitchen & appliances, $350.00.815-385-4389. 3-12-3- 19c W A T E R F R O N T , 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, 2 car garage, 16x24 deck, 26x30 covered boat dock. Rent this home and get a 64 ,000 ac re wa te r won derland free! $490 per month. Century 21 Care, 815- 344-1033 or815-385-0292. 3-12- 3-19c 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE Home, located in prestigious area. Available on a 1 or 2 year lease. Call for details. ERA-RDG Realty. 815-385- 9394 . 3-3tfc LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apar tments, fully carpeted, 1 'A ceramic baths, color applian ces, dishwasher, air con ditioning, laundry, large storage areo, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. Geneva Lake Apartments 1321 W. Main St. Lake Geneva, Wl. 41M4M5J2 5TF2 FARM HOU5E FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 2 bath totally remodeled flat on ap proximately 1 acre of shaded and rolling landscape. Located in Spring Grove countryside. 1 car garage, children welcome. $290.00 per month. 815-678-2861 REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED I Mil l WANTED PAGE t -PLAlNDEALER -FRIDAY, MARCH I», 1982 HELP WANTED SENIOR DRAFTER A» a result of growth, we need an experienced drafter to fj perform drafting activities and supervise a small drafting department. If you have a minimum of 5 years total experience, with at least 2 of those years in areo-space related drafting ,and assuming you have good familiarity with military specifications and standards, we want to discuss this oppor tunity with you. Please send us your resume, salary history and requiremen ts. Claud S. Gordon Company P.O. Box 500 On Rt. 173, Just Wast of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois Gordon I mmm Twnp«ratur« Measurement An equal opportunity employer M/F/H BABYSITTER WANTED in My Home, Monday through Friday. Call 815-344-3525 after 5pm.v' 3-17-3-19c REPRESENTATIVES For Stanley Home Product*, Good Commissions. 815-728- 0226. 3-I74-19C Avon KEEPSMLM Sell Avon. Good $5$, benefits, set your own hours. $15.00 in vestment, over 18 call Kancy ttcChrt 815-385-6105 HCAL ESTATE 5 OFFICES FOR RENT I ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED I Plenty of parking space! CHARMING COUNTRY BUILDING IN McHENRY I For information call: 1-815-459-7713 or 1-815-344-1122 LAKE REGION (815)344-1122 OAK PARK HOTEL 8 LOUNGE' Lounge equipped w/money making games! Lounge has full kitchen! 400 ft. of pier space A slips for boats! Boat launching ramp! Total of 11 unitsl 1 plus acres!Call office for detailed list of pertinent facts! $295,000. "GIANT CASTLE" Giant lot! Mini-price! Seller will look at all of fers over $52,000! MUST SELL! Listed price at $64,000. CONTRA Approx. $25,000 dn., 11% int, 5 yr. balloon on this 3 bdrm, 2 bath brick ranch in Johnsburg school district! Woodburning stove in basement! Plus 2 cor finished garage! $95,000. "WATERFRONT-CONTRACT SALE" IMMACULATE WATERFRONT RANCH! Cathedral ceilings w/paddle fan, highlights the "GREAT ROOM" eHect, of living 8 kit., boat hoist 8 double pier! $79,500. "CEDAR RAISED RANCH" 4 bdrm, 2'/i baths, formal dining rm, family room & 2 car garage! Deck 8 attached porch. New chain link fenced yard! $72,500. OHIuk CARE REAL ESTATE, INC. 3717 W. Elm, McHenry, III. 60050 (Across from Jewel on Rt. 120) •15-344-1033 GET Al HOME WITH A WOffY! •Way Of Financing For You. We're Neighborhood Specialists Aluminum sided 3 bedroom liome, large garage on two lots, Johnsburg schools and special financing. $58,900. Special financing. 3 bedroom raised ranch with lower level family room, separate dining room and garage. $69,900. McHenry-lohnsbiirg-Spring Grove-Richmond Fox Ridge. Like new tri-level with all the extras including central air and fireplace. Excellent financing, too! $71,900. •••H _____ Cozy redwood and stone ranch home. Warm your toes by one of the two fireplaces while you watch deer play in adjoining state park. $89,500. Homes-farmsWaterfront-Lots Estates / Paradise in your own 410 ft. on Nippersin* backyard, fireplace in living room and family room plus much more. $135,000. Exclusive country estate. 8 wooded acre* plus immaculate 5 bedroom home, 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, 4 car garage, horse barn and so much more. ERA'RDG REALTY 920 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY 815-385-9394 RENT WITH OPTION Enjoy fishing and boating this summer, right from your own pier. Custom built 3 bdrm brick ranch located in area of nice homes. Possible contract sale with option. Coll for more details. $87,500.00 SUMMER FEVEI Looking for quality in a home? This 3240 sq. ft., fully landscaped hillside ranch with central air and your own personal sauna is waiting for you. It also has a central intercom and a 20 x30 wolmanized deck for summer entertaining. You can swim and play tennis just one block away at the new Knox Park. Controct terms possible. Call today. LET'S MAKE A DEAL I Transfecred owner will help new buyer with financing on this beautiful brick 8 cedar waterfront home. Many extras. Call and make an appointment for a private showing. Asking $89,500.00. LI,VE IN FEMALE to assist hand icapped woman , private living quarters. Near Bur tons Br idge . Ch i ld ren O.K. May work days . Refe rences r equ i red . In terested individuals please call 815-385-5306. 3-19-3-26C The owner is trying to make it easy for you to own this 4 bedroom home with a large lot. Financing is flexible and if you want to Ojwn your own home this may be the opportunity you have been looking for. Call today for more details. $S6.000.00 SJUiS REPRESENTATIVE POSITION AVAILABLE Career opportunity in Sales 8 excellent trainee program. Outstanding group and retirement benefit. Guaran teed income. Call Mr. Kay between 98 4 pm ntODEKTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO 815-338-4910 •qual opportunity employer 3 MATURE WOMAN to be live in companion for 80 year old lady. Salary plus private room and bath with board in lovely Northshore neigh' borhood on Lake Michigan. Call 815-728-0934. 3-12-3-lSc SEMI RETIRED GENTLEMAN Full Time For .general light delivery McHsnry Floral 815-385-0404 CAN YOU MAKE OUR TEAM? We need people that would like an add on income, have some free time and like dealing with people. For more information. 815-385- 3369. 2-26-3-26C COOKS PART TIME NIGHTS BUS PERSON NIGHTS HOSTESS PART TIME DAYS Apply in person The Village Squire McHenry 815-385-8980 3 17 3 I") REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE WITH NO INTEREST LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under neath. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hot woter heat, full basement. Landscaped lot close to lake with rights ^ $55,000. 30% down, five year mortgage 815-385-3685 BY OWNER, 2 bedroom house, McHenry area, needs some work, good in vestment, $31,500 terms, $28,500 cash. Call 815-385- 3490. 3-3tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER $10,000 down moves you into this immaculate Fox Ridge home. Contract sale. Owner will finance. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished family room with fireplace. 1875 sq. ft. Huge lot 815-344-1631 £ LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND SALESPERSONS We have openings for persons interested In becoming associated with our very oc- tive national franchise organization. As America's largest electronic realty system, we con offer all kinds of proven sales tools and benefits to make listing ond selling easier. With ERA you're n#ver alone. All interviews confidential. Call Alan Moll OF ILL., INC 920 N. Front St. McHenry, III. 60050 2 26tf 3 3TFG GET Al HOME WITH Al WOFFY! BUY OF THE WEEK ASSUMABLE loan with 8.75% interest rate on this neat, 3 bdrm ranch with attached garage. Freshly painted interior, exterior in very good shape. Asking $49,300. There really IS a Way Qf financing For You! Call your REALTOR* for rr>or® information WATERFRONT Two homes for the price of one on the Fox River. Live in the main house and use second one for rental or guest house. Convenient "in town" location. $59,900. WHISPERING OAKS CONDO With attached garage and southern ex posure. Attractively decorated, two bdrm, 1'/j bath with central air, patio, appliances. The price is right $53,000. and owner will consider any reasonable offer. , ASSUME LOAN Expandable Cape Cod with two bdrms, separate dining room, in an area of nice homes. PITI $268.52. Asking $41.500. RED CARPET' NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY 3815 W. ELM ST. (Rt»». 120 and 31) McHENRY 815-385-2340 ffl --y. sstf'sWOFFY! •Way Of Financing "For You. l* v \k Terrific for retirement, or starter home. 2 bedroom, aluminum sided ranch with garage, carpeting, appliances, and nice yard. Private lake rights. Attractive financing available. Call office for details. $39,500. Special financing, bank rewrite mortgage, 12'/»% int., 30% down, amortized 25 years, 5 year maturity, 1 Vi points. Just move right into this alum, sided 2 bedroom ranch in excellent condition on corner lot in good neighborhood. Low maintenance, taxes and utility bills, spacious kitchen and bathroom tastefully remodeled. New roof. Call for appt. $43,000. A quality built 3 bedroom tri-level, with 1'/> baths offers elegance at a low price. Cheerful kitchen is a homemakers delight. Enjoy exten ded entertaining from deck off dinette area or neatly decorated family room. Must see to ap preciate. $68,500. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Ideal business for a woman who wants to be independent. Net depends on your time involved. Established location. Call for details. VACANT LOTS McHenry Shores McHenry Shores Spring Grove Wonder Lake Long Grove & $8,000. $20,000. $22,000. $25,000. $69,000. Four Offices: Crystal Lok* (•15)459-3145 Cory (912)439-5527 frOQaiivCK (t15)33t-3711 CALL OFFICE FOR FINANCING DETAILS leylegT Riltcaflagt $ellle|t We'll Cover - It All...For You Durbiit-Sfovoll Assoc., Inc. 4213 W. Elm St. (lite. 120) McHenry, Illinois (015)3iS-t060 REALTY WORLD loch oHxt independently owned end I