3309 N. CHAPEL HILL M>. McHENRY. ILLINOIS (915)3S5-M99 Specializing in... FRESH SEAFOOD from 7W • 9" (formerly Crescent Day Landing) McDELI Deli Goods & Sandwiches 6' Subs & Party Trays 2% Milk *1.59 GAL. 3406 W. ELM ST.. McHENRY i 344-0211 i - , i t i l l i i , i ! 1 ' i t l :< & :Ai SPECIALIZING IN HOMEMADE plZZS FULL CARRY- OUT SERVICE 395-983* 1232 N. GREEN ST.. McHENRY BJ'S VIENNR FEATURING FAST (j REASONABLE PRICES WEBKDflY BMEHKPMTS 1305 RIVERSIDE DR., McHENRY LAURIE'S PIZZA THE PIZZA WITH THE GOLDEN CRUST' •THIN CRUST PIZZA *DEEP PAN PIZZA •DOUftLE DECKER PIZZA CARRY OUT:3M4M'?~ 4811 W. ELM McHENRY TUESDAY. MARCH 23 And Til* M and rail Siatars Gueata: Branda Lee. Paul Williama, Meedowlark Lemon. (Repeat. 80 mina) 888Hart ToHartAahocking discovery by Jonathan's partner in wine production entwines the Harts In an intriguing investigation of murder and a aalaa fraud that could atain their good name. (60 mine.) Sit American Playhouse Pilgrim Farewell' The theme ol impending death ia present in this story of a very independent' woman who euddenly finda out that aha haa cancer. (Ooeed- J; U.S.A.) Independent Network SPS"! r« _ Outer eme Siempre Better Homea And Gardens Hotstooofc SSI AmericanCathoOc V Apple Polishers 0:30 8 Movie •(Science-Fiction) "Star Trek: Tha Motion Picture" 1979 William Shatner. Leonard Nimoy. The further adventuraa of tha U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew. ~ ited PG) (2 hrs.. 30 mine.) It's Your Business Baakatball Milwaukee Bucka va Portland Trail Blazera • Signature: Interview 8 Youl-FaaMon Magazine For i Wtnterworid Series GoForlt' 8 Living Stones 'mrnlmm 9:35 • (II Movie -(Romance) *• "Seduction OfMimi" Giancarlo Giannini. Mariangela Melato. Sicilian quarry worker falia hopeleeelyinlovewitha communist virgin. (Rated R) (Paid Subacription Television) (100 9:55 iBamoy l« M.A.S.H. 18 Entertainment Tonight I Quiz Kids I3S Informac ion 26 Engllah Channel This England: The Penninea, A Writer's Notebook."Public Enemy Number One,' 'Let'a Look at Coatlea' 8 SportaCenter #8 roociub • Benny HM She lOKW y Hill Show in The Family Rjeky SE The Tonight Show Guest: y Schroder. (00 mina.) Entertainment Tonight ABC Neara Nightline Anchored by Ted Koppef 98 AB In The Family Benny HMShow Rockford: Private I Movie -(Comedy) ••• "MgM At The Opera" 1935 The Marx Brothera. Kitty Cariiale. Four loontea create hevoc at the opera house (2 hrs.) / ® Dance And Oencera: p svMibufldloilsftit 8 8 El Hogar Owe Yo Robe 10:35 S Movie -(Orema) ** "Boota Maione" 1952 William Holden. Johnny Stewart A young boy leavea home and meeta a man who trama him to be a jockey (2 Kfl 5 IfMAA ) 10:40 O Movtt -{Animation) •• "American Pop" 1991 Am er ica 'a mus ica l h is tory 'Amer ican Pop ' takea a b i t te r heavy-tended look et the effect of tht >«l rtainment world on lour ratione of one family. (06 I 11:00 8 CBS Late Movie Alice: 'The Sixty Minutea Man' When Alice aeea a TV atoTy about a missing mobster, aha recognizee him aa one of her favorite regelar cuatomera from the dinar. (Repeat) McCloud: 'Shivaree on Deiancey Street' Danny Thomaa gaeat atara aa a tailor who finda himaeif in the midet of MoCioud's inveatigation into a numbera racket. (Repeat) 111 The Tonight Show Oueat: Ricky Schroder. (60 mina.) 9 Jeffersons V Fantaay Island A troubled married couple return to their high school days to recapture the happineea they once knew; and, a soldier of fortune tries to find the fabled fountain of youth. (Repeat; 70 mina.) CBS Late Movie AN In The Family Tony Brown's Journal fith Africa: Time Running Out' PBSLatenfght Odd Condi NCAA Division II Women's BaeketbaN Championship From fTt •! ii nil alfi OpftfiyllOia, • Rack Racing From Yonkera Raceway O Midweat Video Showcaae 11:15 8G» Movie (Paid crlptlon Television) 'Young ~ ty Hill' (00 mine.) Late Night WtthDavM Erotic Fanny HM' (go mina.) 11:30SSLI LstUrman • Bob Newhart Show 8 Movie -(Drama) "Foxea Of Harrow" 1947 Rex Harrison. Maureen O'Hara. A philanderer breaka up hia marriage to eeek effluence and fame in I620e New Orieana. (2 hrs., 30 mina.) MComedy Classics World At Wan ToUghOM sr. ABC Newa Nightline Anchored by Ted Koppel. • A Play For Love: Across A Crowded I 08 Jim Bakker 8 Movie (Comedy) ••• "Captain'eParadiae" 1953 Alec Guinneaa. Yvonne De Carlo. Ferry ateamer captain marriea two different women and haa a pleasant life until they find out about eech other. (90 mine.) 8 Ozarka Country Jubilee 12:00 8 Late Night With David Letterman 8 Movie -(Romance) •• H "Gaby" 1956 Leslie Caron. John Kerr. The romance between e ballerina and a soldier during W.W.M100M!NS.( S® NlteOwl Dick Cavett Show Fantaay lalandTwogiriatryto spend a half-million dollara in 46 houre; and a game hunter learne whatit'alikatobeatargetwhenhe ia hunted by kUlera. (Repeat; 70 mina.) 8 Fantaay laland A troubled married couple return to their high achool daya to recaptara the happineea they once knew; and, a soldier of fortune tries to find the fsbled fountain of youth. (Repeet; 70 mina.) © Movls - (Drama) * *H "Foxea" 107g Jodie Foater, Scott Baio. The traumaa of urban teenagers growing up; the peer pressures . the fes t -psced lifestyles snd the desire to be known ea a fox.' (Rated R) (2 hrs.) 3$ 8 Saturday Night. 8 Avon Tennla Of Dallae (Replay) (Women's Finals) 8 Atlantic City Tonight 12:10 8 Movie -(Comedy) *** "Having Wohderf ul Crime" 1045 Pat O 'Br ien , George Murphy . A t r ioof f i i enda investigate a magic eat which reaulted in murder. (86 mina.)