Hf!,? laaargg LADIES: 3 Days, 3 hours a day, $20.00 per day. Call 815- 653-9007. 3-24-3-26C GENERAL BABYSITTING, High School Girl. After School or Weekends. McHenry. 815-385-3189. 3-24- 3-36C WANTED EXPERIENCED Paint Chemist. Must Have At Least 3 Years Bench Work Experience, For mulating and Developing Bulk Paints. Stable Work Record a Must. Call Mr Cotter at 312-639-9130 or Apply at Fox Valley Marking Systems, in Cary. 3-24-3-26c RESPONIBLE PERSON To Babysit in My Home or Yours, For 2 Boys ages 1 & 2, Four Days a Week. Call 815- 385-7655 after 5pm. 3-24-3-26C WANTED: FULL TIME Accounting Clerk. 8am- 4:30pm. Some overtime during summer season. Must be good with numbers and be able to work a 10 key. Must be able to handle customer phone contact, make sound credit judgements, issue credits and work within our com puter system. Must be flexible, organized and be able to handle a variety of jobs. Call Mr. Crabtree 312- 639-9130 or apply at Fox Valley Marking Systems in Cary. 3-26-3-31 YARD WORK, ONE day a week, $5.00 per hour, May 1st thru September. Call 815-459- 0754 after 6pm weekdays. 3- 26 OAftAOC SALE GARAGE SALE, Saturday & Sunday, March 27th & 28th, 9:00 am to 4:00pm. 1706 Beach, Lakeland Park. 2 Living room chairs; carpet; girls clothing size 6-10-14', womens sizes 14 & 16; mens shirts; some pieces plywood V; miscellaneous and much more. Also 1965 Mustang. 3-26 GARAGE SALE, Acetylene Gauges; Router; Impact Tools; Hand Tools; Camping Heater; 20 lb. L.P. Tanks; Much miscellaneous for the Handy Man. Knick, Knacks; -- ••• | Hi iCMT _ RENT WITH OPTION to buy. Almost new, seven room ranch with three bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, appliances, attached garage. Rental $450.00 per month plus option money. Realty World-Durbin- Stovall, 815-3854)060. 3-19-3- 26c LIKE NEW 3 Bedroom, Full basement home in Spring Grove Countryside. Nice quiet location. $425.00 per month plus security. Call 815-385-3371. 3-24-3-26C READY NOW, Large 2 bedroom, 14 bath Apart ment. Very clean, Carpked, Appliances, Big Closets. In Town, McHenry. Security Deposit. 815-3444729. 3-24-3- 26c 3 BEDROOM, Fireplace, Dishwasher, Stove, Refrigerator. Lake Rights. Available April 1st, $375.00 month. 815-455-4843 after 5:30 pm. 3-24-3-26c FOR RENT OR LEASE, Approximately 1300 Sq. Ft. Shop. 14 Ft. Electric Overhead Door. Suitable For Auto Repairs, Body Shop Or Storage. 815-653-7296. 3-24-3- 26c 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATHS, Large Living Room, Dinette, Kitchen, Fireplace, 1 car garage. Lake Front, Wonder Lake. 815-653-9826. 3-24-3-26 WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom ranch, 2'2 years old, $495.00 month, security deposit and 1 year lease. Available May 1st. 312-537-7438. 3-24-3-26C 2 BEAUTIFUL HOUSES On Wonder Lake. Fireplaces, Central air conditioning and newly decorated. Call after 6pm, 312-692-2381 or 312-637- 0454. 3-24-3-26c CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385-8905 or 815-385- 0266. 3-3tfc Household & Boys Size 12. Saturday & Sunday. 9-5, ilfci. - W. River Terrace Drive, McHenry. CLEAN, FURNISHED Apartment, One bedroom. 815-385-8905 or 815-385-0266. 3-19tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in McHenry at 3308 W. 2nd Ave. Call 815-385-5529 after AvailabeApril 1st. 3-1 5pm 9-3-ta 3-26 PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY: Lab & Husky puppies to good home 815- 344-2672. 3-26-4-2e GIVE AWAY: Large Male, black Lab, 2 years old. Great with kids! House dog, very well behaved. 815-385-5321. 3-26 GIVE AWAY, MALE, 3»* year old Collie, tri-colored. 815-344-3557. 3-26 GIVE AWAY, to Good Home, 3 year old mixed male, great with kids. 3-26 KTS FOR SALt TOY POODLE PUP, 6 weeks, female, black $100.00. Cute as a Button! 815-385- 0847 after 5pm. 3-26 CANARIES, CANARIES, Good Singers. Males & Females. 312-639-2622. 3-24- 3-26c SIAMESE KITTENS, 2 females, 8 weeks old. 815-344- 0951 or 815-385-8553 evenings. 3-24-3-26c 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS. James & Third Street, McHenry. Call 312- 381-2059 or 312-381-6107. 3- 19tfc CARY, NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room, 2 car garage. Near schools, transportation $525. 312-381- 7046. 3-19-3-26C 2 bedroom. 2 bath totally remodeled flat on ap proximately 1 acre of shoded ond rolling landscape. Located in Spring Grove countryside. 1 car garage, children welcome. $290.00 per month. 815-678-2861 LIVE M BEAUTIFUL LAKE EBKVA Deluxe 1 8 2 bedroom apar tments. fully carpeted, 1 % ceramic baths, color applian ces. dishwasher, air con ditioning. laundry, large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. 1321 W. Main St. Lake Geneva, Mfl. 4UMM572 New in your neighborhood? And still searching for the grocery store ond more closet space? It's my job to help you feel at home fast. As your WELCOME WAGON Hostess I can supply answers to your new neighborhood questions and bring a basket of gifts to delight your family. Hundreds of people like you in McHenry hove colled me. I hope you will too. jj 11 Si ii •ffiTIf HBOTvM 344-5*3? 344-3944 DELUXE APARTMENTS in City of McHenry. Make reservations now. Limited openings. Featuring Security, Privacy, Luxury. 1 k 2 Bedroom units. Call for appointment, 815-385-3192 or 815-385-7632. 3~3tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritxsche In dustrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft to 15,000 sq. ft 815-385- 1079. ; 3-3tfc OFFICE SPACE, For Lease, Whispering Point Center, McHenry. 1,200 sq. ft., $590.00 a month. Highly Suitable for Professional Office Space. Call 815-344- 3315 after 5pm. 3-24-3-26c 6 ROOM APARTMENT, No Pets. 815-385-7852 after 5pm. 3-24-3-28C 2 BEDROOM, Full Basement, 1 Car Garage. Johnsburg School, $375.00 per month plus Security Deposit. ERA Connerty Realty, 815-385-2028. 3-24tfc McHENRY OFFICES, With Professional Atmosphere. $59.00 to $149.00 month in cludes light, heat, air con ditioning. 815-344-1183. 3-24- 3-26C RINGWOOD AREA, 2 Bedroom House, $350.00 Month, Plus Utilities, Security Deposit and References. No Pets. 815-338- 0745. 3-24-3-26C LIKE NEW 3 Bedroom, IM Bath. Refrigerator, Stove, Carpeting, 2M* Car Garage, $450.00.815-728-0125. 3-24-3- 26c OPTION-RENT, $235.00 Month, 1 Bedroom, Large Enclosed Porch. $900.00 Puts you in. Owner. 815-344-1183. 3-24-3-26C OWNER OF HOUSE, Willing to Rent Bedroom to Single Person $175.00 month and v* utilities. Everything Furnished except bedroom Call after 5pm, 815-385-6638. 3-24 tfc ROOMS FOR LIVING. Carpeted, Clean, Cable TV, Kitchen Privileges. Working People only. $40.00 week. 815-385-6633. 3-17-3-26C 2 - BEDROOM - APART- MEM^tfn^c. Floor. Main Street, $236.00 a month phn security deposit. Pay own utilities. No pets. Adults preferred. Call after 4pm, 815-3444145. 3-17-3-26C FOR RENT IN Woodstock, 2 bedroom house, Living Room, Kitchen and Bath, Heat Furnished. No pets, Must have good references. One month security required, immediate oc cupancy. $350.00 per month. Phone 312-546-5211. 3-17-3- 26c LOVELY QUIET 1 bedroom apartment, second floor, Senior Citizens preferred. No pets or children. 815-344- 4231. 3-12tfc 2 BEDROOM RANCH, fireplace, attached one car garage, available im mediately, $345.00 per month. 815-728-0404 or 815- 653-9653. 3-12tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT Marengo 14 2 bedroom apartments, wired for cable T.V., carpet, dishwashers, refrigerator, oven and range and air cond. Pheasant Roost Apt 815/5684850 or 312/381-2082 3 24 3 26 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE Home, located in prestigious area. Available on a 1 or 2 year lease. Call for details. ERA-RDG Realty. 815-385- 9394. 3-3tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL of 1200 to 15,000 sq "w w u,wv sq. it. nil- mediate occupancy. 815-478- <MC1 n VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9060 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 3-3tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required. 815-385-1079. 3-3tfc LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartments, $275.00 plus utilities. Security deposit required. No pets. 815-385- 0292 or 815-344-1035. 3-3tfc IN McHENRY, 2 bedroom house. Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer included. Nice yard, near golf course. Available May 15. $385.00 month. 815-728-0150. 3-26-4-2c McHENRY, CLEAN 2 bedroom brick house, c a r p e t e d , s t o v e , refrigerator, garage, $325.00 plus security deposit 4 references. No pets. 312-965- 6315. 3-26 720 SQUARE FT. in Office complex. Available May lSt.815-385-8700. 3-26tfc OFFIC SPACE, 236 sq. ft. utilities included, plenty of parking. 815-385-8700. 3-26tfc HOME FOR RENT, like new large brick 2 bedroom home in Richmond area, available April 1st. Beautifully land scaped lot with many mature trees, blue spruces, rose garden, vegetable garden, hedge and more. Full basement and economical gas forced air heating system. Stove, refreigerator, washer, dryer included! Year lease, $425.00.815-678-2861. 3-26tfc HOUSE FOR RENT. Available April 1st. t3 bedrooms, l>* baths, garage, no pets, security deposit and references. SS86 per month plus utilities. 815- 385-6273after7pm. "If ON THE WATER, Pistakee Highlands, McHenry. 2 bedroom, family room, living room, completely carpeted, garage, April 1st occupancy. $380 a month. 312-541-0010 Ext. 2325 or 312- 526-6926. 3-264-2C LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apartment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $250.00. Ca41 815-385-3490. 3-3tfc 3 MONTHS FREE RENT, New modern building, with plenty of parking. Next to Post office and 4 block from bank. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50.00 per month to $150.00, depending on office selected. Call 815-728-0404. 3-3tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, in a Country Setting, overlooking a 110 Acre Corn Field and the Nippersink Creek. This large Apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815- 678-2861. 3-3tfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dishwasher, carpeted throughout, 2<4 baths. 815-385-2181. 3-3tfc ! ELDERLYS&'sHLrr-INS! i Like A No Time | Telephone Coll Morning S Night i For Mom ft Dad? CALL MARK 1 1 ( Need To Go Shopping Or To Your i Doctor? < i i i Smoll Jobs Around The House? i RENT-A-SON 344-1290 (References) - McHENRY AREA ONLY 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully carpeted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385-7830. 3-3tfc Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of fife, for which the first was made. •Robert Browning. ALBERT HUFF Albert Huff, 2204 W. Church street, Johnsburg, died Thursday morning, March 2S, at the Crystal Pines Nursing Home, Crystal Lake. Among the survivors are his wife Kathryn; a son John J. of McHenry and a daughter Eileen Huff. Arrangements are pen ding at the Peter M. J us ten & Son funeral home. HELEN DOUGLAS Helen Douglas, 43, of McHenry, died We&iesday, March 24, in McHenry hospital. She was born May 2, 1938, in Brooklyn, N.Y., and had lived in McHenry the past seven years. Mrs. Douglas is survived by her husband Charles Douglas; three daughters, Diana, Carol and Sue Ann Seibold; her mother, Madeline Vour of New York; one sister, Julie of New York; and a brother Joseph of California. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at McMurrough chapel, 101 Park Place, Libertyville, 111. with the Reverend Father James Merold officiating, and interment in St. P a t r i c k ' s c e m e t e r y , McHenry. Visitation was scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. If desired, memorials may be made to the Johnsburg Rescue Squad ELIZABETH SCHOEWER Elizabeth C. Schoewer, 86, 3106 W. Charlotte, McHenry, died Wednesday, March 24, at McHenry hospital. She was born June 20, 1895, in . ^ Nicholas and Elizabeth (-Thomas) Klein. A long time resident of McHenry, Mrs. Schoewer was a 55-year member of the American Legion Auxiliary Post No. 491; a 50-year member of Royal Neighbors of America; and belonged to the Catholic Daughters of America. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Young and Mrs. Mildred May. Surviving are her husband Fred C., whom she married 61 years ago, Jan. 20,1921, in Chicago; a niece, Mrs. Joseph (Eleanor) Wagner of McHenry and a nephew, J. C. May of California. Visitation was scheduled from 2:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the George R. J us ten 4 Son funeral home. A Mass will be offered by Father Edmund P. Petit at 11 a.m. Friday, in St. Patrick's c h u r c h , M c H e n r y , w i t h burial in St. Mary's cemetery. Memorials would be ap preciated to the McHenry Area Rescue Squad or Mass offerings. BONNIE SEGERSTROM Bonnie Segerstrom, 1309 Behan road, Crystal Lake, died Tuesday, March 23, at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, 111. She was bom July 19, 1906, the daughter of John and Anna Behan Forbes. Mrs. Segerstrom had been a real estate salesman in McHenry for many years. She was preceded in death by her husband Carl Segerstrom in 1966. Surviving are three brothers, Thomas, John and Donald Forbes, all of Crystal Lake ; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, at St. Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake. Visitation was scheduled after 4 p.m. Thursday at the Schneider Leucht-Merwin 4 Cooney funeral home, Woodstock. Interment will be in the Crystal Lake Memorial Parte cemetery. GEORGE HAACK George H. Haack, 2807 Myang avenue, McHenry, died Tuesday, March 23, at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Wood stock. He was born Aug. 16, 1906, in Arlington Heights, m., the son of Harvey and Elizabeth Haack. Mr. Haack was a Pilgrim and secretary of McHenry Moose Lodge 691. On Sept. 18, 1971, in Rich mond, 111., he married the former Violet Gratton who survives. Other survivors are two sons, Robert of San Diego and Edward of Verona, N.J.; two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Prochazka of Mundelein and Mrs. Robert (Barbara) Zimmermann of Woodstock; three stepchildren, Quentin and Kevin Moeller of California, and Ferol Moeller of McHenry; 17 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Also surviving are two brothers, Clarence and A r t h u r H a a c k ; a n d t w o sisters, Florence Lambert and Elsie McFadden. He was preceded in death by his parents; a grand daughter; and his First wife, Marian, who died in 1970. Funeral services will be conducted by the Reverend Raymond Shawl at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, with interment in PAGE IS - PLAINDE ALER • FRIDAY, MARCH 26,186 Oakland cemetery. Wood- court justice; ho- mother. stock. Visitation was held after 3 p.m. Friday, at the Schneider-Leucht-Merwin 4 Cooney funeral home, Woodstock. DELORES DWYER Mrs. Delores (Dolly) Dwyer, 79, of 6209 Mineral Point road, Madison, Wis. died Monday, March 15, in Madison. She was born Sept. 24, 1902, in Superior, Wis. Mrs. Dwyer had worked for the U.S. Armed Forces Institute 39 years; and received commendations from the President of the United States; and the organization she worked for. She was a past president of the American Legion Auxiliary and was very active on local and state levels, and was a member of the Association of American Business Women. While a resident of McHenry for approximately five years, Mrs. Dwyer had been employed by Locker's Flowers in McHenry. In 1925, in Superior, the former Delores Dietrich was married to Edwin J. Dwyer, who passed away Nov. 11, 1960 Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Sally) Grosse of McHenry; several grandsons, great-grandsons, great-grandnephews and great-grandnieces. She was preceded in death by her father, who was an attorney at law; a former Mayor of Superior and had been appointed supreme Louise Wagner Dietrich; a brother, Dr Hervey William Dietrich, Jr.; one sister, Dayis D. Way; several sons and grandchildren. Funeral services were officiated by the Reverend David Werley, at 11 a.m. Thursday, Mar. 18, in the Frautschi-Cress funeral home, 3610 Speedway road, Madison; and burial was in Roselawn Memorial Park, Madison. The family requested memorials to the Heart Fund LICENSE DEADLINE Secretary of State Jim Edgar has reminded automobile owners with March license plate registrations that midnight, Wednesday, March 31. is the deadline for displaying the new orange 1963 stickers. If you have questions regar ding license plate registrations, call the Secretary of State s toll-free telephone number, 900-252- 8980 FREE IMMUNIZATIONS Free immunizations for children in high school and under will be given Wed nesday morning. March 31, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. in Room 101 of the new McHenry county courthouse located on Route 47 north of Woodstock. The shots are offered by the McHenry County Board of Health with the endorsement of the McHenry County Medical society Reflections On Air Crash At first glance, Gait Airport doesn't appear to be the command post for one of the most extensive searches ever conducted in McHenry county. The dirt road, which leads back toward the control tower, passes farm machinery and corn cribs. The familiar smell of livestock and manure is in the air. It is the sight of dark blue Air Force trucks and sound of chopper blades beating in the wind that drives the painful reality home. "It doesn't hit you when you're out there," said Airman 1st Class Daniel Martinez, of Chicago. The realization came later, after it sank in. He admits he couldn't sleep. Added Sgt. Paul Nor- dhouse from Northbrook, "I didn't feel anything until I got on the bus and started heading home." There wasn't time during the first few days of the search. When soldiers from the Air National Guard arrived at the crash site Friday night, there were no shifts. "We worked until we were relieved," said one guard sman. By Saturday night, they were down to 12-hour shifts, which since have been cut to eight hours. Chief Master Sgt Everett Sisk, of the 126th Air Refueling Wing of the Air National Guard, a McHenry resident, said searchers have covered roughly four square miles. He added they will continue until all the pieces of the plane are found and tagged - however long that takes. Map6 cover the walls of Sisk's temporary office at Gait Airport, and the phones are alive. He is heading operations with four helicopters and about 50 men at his disposal They've searched all the way to the Wisconsin border by air, using trucks or helicopters to carry the pieces to O'Hare In ternational Airport in Chicago, where the entire plane will be reconstructed in an effort to determine the cause of the crash. "They're a tremendous bunch of guys and they're doing a tremendous job," said Gait Manager Hank Zeiger. "If we can cooperate, why not?" Sisk had nothing but praise for airport officials. "They just opened the place up and gave us free reign," he said. In addition, he is over whelmed by the cooperation the Guard has received from area organizations and residents. Thar*or* many lum dangivd before the family eoch Lord's Day. How many parantt wilt say. "But as for mo ond my hows*, we will serve tha lord"? Wo invito you to worship ond serve Him at The Church of Christ SERVICES: Sunday Voohip 11 o.m. 'Bible Study 10 o.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship 7.30 p.m. 401 N. Oak St., Crystal lake (% Mode north of ftovte 17*) Koymood T. E«mwi. Minister "The people of McHenry county have been super,y he said. "I just can't say enough about them. The people did themselves proud. I hesitate to name anybody because I'm afraid I'll leave somebody out." One place that stands out. however, is Community United Methodist Church in Greenwood, led by the Rev Gordon Smith. The church opened its basement to Air Force security police, who have been on call 24 hours a day since Friday night. According to Smith. 20 to 30 soldiers were sleeping overnight there until yesterday, when the Guard transferred many to nearby motels. Twelve to 15 men remain there, playing cards, sleeping and thinking about their dead comrades. "The hardest thing is that we knew them," Martinez said. But he added the community has provided a lot of support in helping them over the hump "If it weren't for these people. I couldn't make it out here." Staff Sgt. George Pearce III, of Des Plaines. said it is the first time he and many of his colleagues have dealt with death They agree that searching in the woods all night for the dead and bagging burned bodies is a traumatic experience they'll never forget 6 "It helps when the community turns around and says, 'Yes, we know what you're going through,' " he said. Pearce tells of the Frank Schanz family in Wonder Lake, who live near where the fuselage fell The pace was so hectic that soldiers probably would have worked all night without food had it not been for the Schanzes "They refused our money," Pearce says, "and told us the fact that we worked in the Air National Guard was enough." v» Over at the Greenwood township garage. Master Sgt Allen Elemen echoed the sentiment Food has poured in from concerned people and the coffee pot is always full "The people have been absolutely fantastic." Elemen says. "It's heart warming to see that people can be so nice " Slate Bird-a-thon For Wildlife Sanctuary The Illinois Audubon society has recently been named the sole recipient of a 10-acre wildlife sanctuary in Springfield and has become a co-owner of the adjacent 17 acres. In order for the society to achieve ownership of the entire 27-acre wooded sanctuary, $20,000 is needed for the purchase of the vested interests of the other co-owners As a challenge to meet the $20,000 goal, the society is accepting direct con tributions (tax deductible in any amount - payable to the Illinois Audubon society Sanctuary fund) and is sponsoring a statewide Bird- a-thon. The Bird-a-thon is similar to a walk-a-thon, hike-a-thon and tele-thon; in this case, birding en thusiasts will be seeking pledges from sponsors who will contribute a certain rearranged fee for every species of bird the birding enthusiasts identify in the field on Bird-a-thon day. Birding enthusiasts may sign up as many sponsors as desired and at whatever rate each is willing to contribute. If a sponsor pledges to contribute 25 cents for every species the birding en thusiast identifies, and the final list of species is 100, the sponsor would contribute $25 <checks made payable to the Illinois Audubon society Sanctuary fund). The Bird-a-thon will provide an excellent outdoor experience as well as raise funds for a beneficial pro ject The greater the number of species each person iden tifies. the greater the debt is reduced All contributions are totally tax deductible The weekend of April 24- 25. has been established as I l l i n o i s ' B i r d - a - t h o n weekend; this coincides with the beginning of Illinois' Bird Appreciation week as declared by Governor Thompson. Any person or group in terested in organizing a Bird-a-thon in a particular area or wishing to support the statewide Bird-a-thon should contact the Illinois Audubon society, p.o. Box 606 (34 W 269 White Thorn road), Wayne, 111., 60184 for details DIU CHARGE Police charged Mark N. Wegner, 113 Kohl Ave., Spring Grove, with driving under the influence of in toxicating liquor after he was apprehended on Route 120 in Woodstock on friday. JOHN L. FREUND FREUND FUNERAL HOMES •WONDER LAKE 7411 HANCOCK DR. •15-729-0233 COOPER-FREUND •MARENGO 206 N. STATE SI 5-560-7345 A clergyman dialed long distance to call a fellow par son in a distant city. "Do you wish to make a statkm- to-station call?** inquired the telephone operator. "No, came the answer, parson-to-parson.**