PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 26,1982 o±t[y <ZSOCLCL[ Wonder Lake Seniors Hold McHenry County 8 et 40 First Meeting Of New Year iM' a . " ~~ -3 _ / & tofte * Rl LINDA KLEIN AND OTTO DSCHIDA Bargains At Annual Spring Rummage Sale It will soon be bargain time at the First United Methodist church, 3717 W. Main street, McHenry. The reason is the United Methodist Women of the church have scheduied their annual Spring Rummage sale for Thursday, April 1, Friday, April 2, and Saturday, April 3, in the Fellowship hall, lower level. F o r e v e r y o n e ' s convenience, the hours will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday; 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday; and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. While browsing and buying, one can take a coffee break and enioy a delicious cup of coffee with a doughnut, at a very nominal cost. Donations of rummage can be brought to the church anytime; and arrangements for pickup of large items can be made by calling the church office. Due to severe cold weather in January, the two meetings of the Wonder Lake Senior Citizen club were cancelled, so the first meeting of 1982 was held Monday, Feb. 1. In the absence of President Jo Roti and Ed Gallagher, vice- president, secretary Lucille Schrader opened the meeting by all pledging allegiance to the flag. Charles Smith made his final report on the Christmas party and was given a vote of thanks for his fine work to make the party a success. Blood pressures were taken prior to the Feb. 15 meeting. President Roti, back from a vacation in sunny California, opened that meeting. Ed Gallagher gave details on the trip to the Candlelight theatre April 28. Forty-six members have signed up to see the play. Bill Lamont urged members to send get well cards to show those who are sick that they care. Suggested changes in the by-laws were defeated. A nominating committee was appointed by the president, with Grace Smith as chairman. Nominations were to be reported at the March l meeting and election of new officers took place at the March 15 meeting. New officers are Charles Smith, president; Ann Wilcox, vice-president; Lucille Schrader, secretary; Grace Smith, treasurer; and Lucille Morrill, financial secretary. They will be installed at the next meeting, Monday, April 5. The meeting was ad journed and refreshments served from a table decorated with a St. Patrick's day theme. McHenry BPW Takes Honors At Spring District Meeting PLAN JUNE WEDDING - Robert and Maria Klein of Big Bend, Wis. announce the engagement of their daughter Linda, to Otto Dschida, son of Wendel and Anna Dschida of McHenry. The bride elect graduated from Mukwonago high school in 1978. The future bridegroom is a 1976 graduate of McHenry T n/1 IPS Aid Community high school. Both attend Marquette university and will receive Mechanical Engineering degrees. A June, 1983 wedding is planned. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Zion Lutheran Rummage Sale MIKE LOVERGINE AND LISA STILLING ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mrs. Esther Sprinkel of Wonder Lake announces the engagement of her daughter, Lisa Stilling, to Mike Lovergine, son of Mrs. Josephine Lovergine of Wonder Lake. No wedding date has been set. To look terrific and feel great, call Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing. Here s your chance to try the original Aerobic Dancing fitness program. It's fun It works. Lose inches as you firm up and find new energy as you dance. Join Jacki s local class today. CLASSES BEGIN APRIL 5 AT: •Old Towne Hall Crystal Lake •Chance to Dance Place McHenry •Northwood School Woodstock Call (312)729-0106 1981 Aerobic Dancing I ANNUAL SPRING PROGRAM PRESENTED BY THE McHENRY CHORAL CLUB SATURDAY APRIL 3-4, 1982 & SUNDAY 8:15 P.M. WEST CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL ^UfzznzE <J\/[Emoiy Jlanz £Pofi±- i8go- 1Q82 -%%Ole cN iw eiioon" Si3 mund omfjLXg cMitr ADMISSION: Victor cHixlixt ADULTS:$2.00 ($1 50 if purchased in advance. Available from Members at Main Paint & Smith's Children's Shop, 1328 N. Riverside Drive) CHILDREN: 12 & Under $1.00 The Annual Spring Rummage Sale, which is sponsored by the Zion Ladies Aid, will be held Thursday, April 1, and Friday, April 2, in the social hall of Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Elm street (route 120) in McHenry. Doors will be open for the sale on Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thirteen members of the McHenry Business and Professional Women's club attended the District VI Spring meeting and brunch at Kishwaukee Country club in DeKalb and the club claimed several high awards. In addition to the most coveted honor of being named "Club of the Year" from the entire district, McHenry B.P.W. club also took first place in the Scrapbook competition. After the scrapbook is taken to the state convention in April, it will be on display at the McHenry Public library, and will remain there as a permanent record. The McHenry club also received a monetary award for the greatest number in attendance at the district meeting. One of the featured speakers for the afternoon was winner of the Young Careerist competition, Mangala Sadasivan, speech pathologist for the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County, sponsored by the Woodstock B.P.W. The theme for her very touching oration was "A Time to be Born, and a Time to Die". Pat Arndt, Belvidere B.P.W. member, was the winner of the Individual Development program contest. Her winning I.D.P. "speak-off" was based on the club Collect. The Harvard B.P.W. club took home the traveling Nike award, being the club with the greatest increase in membership since the Fall meeting. Each club president and committee chairman gave a detailed report of the past year's activities and ac complishments. Woman's Club Schedules Annual Prayer Breakfast Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at .385-8260. The menu for the week <o£, March 29 through April 2is as follows: Mar. 29: Ham slice, yams, French green beans, rye bread, fruit cocktail, milk. Mar. 30: Baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, roll, peach crisp, milk. Mar. 31: Beef stroganoff, tossed salad, zucchini and tomatoes, rice, bread, ap- plespice cake, milk. Apr. 1: Meat loaf, whipped potatoes, broccoli, jello salad with fruit, wheat bread, date nut cake, milk. Apr. 2: Fish, parsleyed potatoes, mixed vegetables, rye bread, gingerbread and topping, milk. Magdalene, is given added dramatic impetus in vocal renditions by Mrs. Sylvia Hagelow. Mrs. Fjortoft has appeared before women's clubs, philanthropic and church organizations in the midwest area in plays, programs and book reviews. Among her many accomplishments has been the writing and narrating of a Christmas program for the WMBI radio station. Mrs. Hagelow has a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from the Univesity of Illinois; has studied piano and organ for ten years; sung in numerous musical productions; and taught music both as a private instructor and in elementary schools. Both of these women have appeared before the Whispering Oaks Woman's club in several other excellent programs. Xi Kappa Iota Elects Coming Year's Officers ELIZABETH FJORTOFT On March 31, the Whispering Oaks Woman's club will hold its Sixth Annual Prayer Breakfast at the Whispering Oaks Community center. A continental breakfast will be served by hostess, Mrs. Virginia Curtis, after which the group will enjoy a program entitled, "Women at the Cross", arranged by Mrs. Edith Knudsen, chairman. This is a presentation of the thoughts of the three Marys during the Crucifixion time and will be given by Mrs. Elizabeth Fjortoft of Barrington. The portrayal of Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary of Bethany; and Mary Xi Kappa Iota held its election meeting recently at the home of Joan Cornwell. Officers elected for the coming year are Dee Boeka, president; Linda Jachino, vice-president; Marlene K n u t i l l a , r e c o r d i n g secretary; Virge Stasiak, corresponding secretary; Carol Ridlen, treasurer; Karen Colomer, extension officer; and alternate, Joan Cornwell. Plans were discussed for the sorority's Founders Day celebration April 29, with the other Beta Sigma Phi chapters in the county. Election of the chapter's "Girl of the Year" was held and will be revealed at Founders Day. Joan Cornwell presented the program, "Women who have made a difference", and Dorothy McKenna, "Never underestimate the power of a woman". The chapter recently had an Ethnic Dinner at Whispering Hills. Each couple dressed in costume and shared a dish from that country. Folk dances and games were played and travel posters and flags decorated the hall. CALL Valley View PTO Plans Family Fun Day At Fair \ YEGG! ACCOUNTING ! INCOME TAX SERVICE [ •EXPERIENCED •PROFESSIONAL F •PERSONALIZED *YEAR ROUND \ \ PHONE § 385-7957 = Y/R FOR APPOINTMFNT V.., I iiiii' / 'illMliiiiiiliiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiii i mi mini hi miliums \ *v'iiiiimii«? < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > O ATTENTION WORKING KinderCare PARENTS KINDER CARE LEARNING CENTER IS NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR ITS FALL KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM AN OPEN HOUSE WILL DE HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 1, FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. TO EXPLAIN OUR KINDERGARTEN SERVICES KINDER CARE 5213 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, IL l. ̂ J050 344-4970 A family fun day is planned at the Valley View PTO sponsored Fun Fair, Saturday, March 27, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The day's events will take place at Valley View school, which is located west on Route 120, just past the gravel pit. There will be a variety of games and activities offered for all ages and affordable lunch items will be available for sale. Also, everyone who plays any of the numerous games will always win a prize. The country store bazaar will feature beautiful hand crafts and homemade treats; there will be bargains galore at the resale room; and free children's movies will be shown. As a special highlight of the fair, the Easter Bunny A A T T O R N E V A T L A W ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH: W i l l s & E s t o t e s P e r s o n a l I n j u r y R e a l E s t a t e B u s i n e s s Z o n i n g W o r k e r s C o m p A n d O t h e r P r o b l e m s Y o u M a y H a v e I n i t i a l ' H o u r C o n s u l t a t i o n $ 2 5 S u i t e R 4 3 0 6 C r y s t a l t a l ' e R d M c H e n r y W h i s p e r i n g P o i n t C o n t e r Florence Kennedy, on the left, McHenry County Salon No. 483 Chapeau, is shown introducing special guest, Mrs. Betty Lou Thompson, Departmental Chapeau of Moline, 111. at the McHenry County 8 et 40 meeting held recently at the Huntley American Legion Home. Boeldt-Schwalenberg Wed In Zion Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran church, McHenry, was the setting for the ceremony uniting in marriage the former Julie Christine Boeldt and Ryan Schwalenberg. The 3 p.m. nuptials were officiated by the Reverend Herman Graef on March 20, before an altar decorated with two Spring bouquets. Appropriate music in cluded "Because", "Abide With Us", "When You Created Love", and "The Lord's Prayer". Soloist was Ed Wittlief of Bartlett, 111., who had performed at the wedding of the bride's parents 25 years ago. The bride, her sister and father, also joined together in song during the wedding ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Elmer and Jane Boeldt, 1903 N. North avenue, McHenry. Ronald and Nancy Schwalenberg, 1907 E. Rusk avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. are the parents of the bridegroom. The bride wore a princess style, floor length, white gown of taffeta and organza, accented with lace and flowing into a chapel length train. Her fingertip length, lace veil and blusher, at tached to a cap of lace, had been fashioned by her g r a n d m o t h e r , M a r t h a Boeldt. To complete the picture, she carried a bouquet of Spring flowers. Attending the bride as maid of honor was her sister, Valerie Boldt, of McHenry. Tammi Strange of McHenry, a friend of the bride, was the bridesmaid. Attendants were attired in lavender, floor length gowns, enhanced with lace. They carried colonial bouquets of Spring flowers. A brother of the groom, Mark Schwalenberg of West Virginia, handled the duties of best man. The groom sman was a friend of the groom, Bill Payne of Milwaukee. Ushers were sons of the bride's god mother, Jim and Mike Steele of Elgin, 111. They were all in silver tuxedos. The mother of the bride chose a turquoise, floor length gown, highlighted with lace. A light blue satin, floor length gown was the choice of the groom's mother. Before leaving for a honeymoon in Tampa, Fla. the newlyweds were toasted by 150 friends and relatives at a reception held in the American Legion hall, McHenry. Upon their return, they will make their home at 1549 S." 55th, Milwaukee. The new Mrs. Sch walenberg graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1978 and received an Associate Degree in Legal Secretarial Science from McHenry County college in December, 1981. She will be seeking em ployment in the secretarial field. Her husband is a 1975 graduate of Bayview high s c h o o l , M i l w a u k e e , a n d earned an Associate of Arts degree from Concordia college, Milwaukee, in 1978. H e i s a m a n a g e r f o r Lubotsky Tire company, Milwaukee. Set Day Of Recollection At St. Patrick's Church will be on hand to greet everyone. P.T O. members urge the public to support the local school by having a family fun day with them at the Valley View School Fun Fair. MARRIAGE LICENSES Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: Paul F. Hubbert and Brenda L. Abbott, both McHenry; Jerry E. Kosierowski and Carolyn S. McWhinnie, both McHenry; Scott E. Ceithaml, McHenry, The Reverend Walter Johnson will start a Day of Recollection by offering a Mass at 9:30 a.m. Monday, March 29, in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. The event is sponsored by St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild. Coffee and dessert will be served by members of the guild and those attending are requested to bring a box lunch for the noon meal. There will be no board meeting this month. A noon luncheon-play is being planned by guild members, on May 6, featuring "Social Security and Sensible Shoes"* at B o r r e ' s r e s t a u r a n t , J o h n s b u r g , ( f o r m e r l y Crescent Bay Landing). Guests are invited and. further details may be obtained by contacting the officers. Those attending will leave in cars at 11:30 a.m. that day, from the church parking lot. Reservations w i l l b e t a k e n a t t h e A p r i l 5 , 1 p.m. meeting. and Elizabeth E. Daum, Cary. William R. Babe Jr. and Deborah L. Brzoska, both Spring Grove; Russell K. Hoebbel and Deanna L. Gogny, both Wauconda. Daniel B. Brunow and Michelle L. Yates, both McHenry; Michael J. Szamlewski and Maria L. Stohr, both McHenry., When washing natural-bris tle brushes, a little alum in the final rinse water can revive sluggish bristles. r- I I I l I I l 8 1 5 ) 3 4 4 - 1 6 3 0 J ONE WEEK ONLY $2oo QFF EVERY GALLON OF PRATT t LAMBERT PAINT Vapex FlAT WALL FINISH OFFER EXPIRES 4/2/82 4720W. RTE. 120 McHENRY. IL. , (015)305-1110 OPEN SUN. 9-12 /